Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 3 Chapter 31: The situation in Lucania

The people who watched all of this were cheering, and the Lucanian slaves who participated in the excavation of the canals and the waterwheels were stunned and suspected to be ghosts.

"Davers, Zeus is blessed, this is amazing! It's great! With this...water...waterwheel, we have added more than 300 acres of good fields to Amendoola!" Nerus is very excited.

"It's not just the addition of fields, but the people are more convenient to use water in the future!" Scombrus also looked very happy.

"You, this is not the blessing of Zeus, thanks to Daphus! The waterwheel is a drawing designed and provided by Daves himself. If you really care about it, it must be Hades!" If you are welcome, let Cornelus be a little embarrassed.

Daves did not stop Mariji’s impoliteness or humility on the side. He needed to let these old citizens understand that under his control, Amendola would surely bid farewell to the past and bloom with dazzling light!

The cheers of the people and the uncomfortableness of several old citizens are in stark contrast.

Just then, Asistics came to tell him: Izam is back!

Davers immediately handed over the task of hosting the celebration ceremony to Cornelus, who took over this glorious task.


Davers rushed back to his house with Assisi.

Izzam was in the dust, the dark face, the unkempt long hair, the rotten Lucanhas robe, barefoot, standing in front of Davers, so that Davers could hardly recognize it. himself.

It turned out that Izam returned to the city and did not go home first, so he came directly to Daves. As a superior, Daves praised Izam's work enthusiasm, but also can not help but express concern, so he let the female slave take Izam to take a bath, haircut, repair (the Greeks are different from the Romans) They are beards, and there is a sumptuous lunch, and Izzam is invited to eat and talk.

Under the relaxed atmosphere Dewes created deliberately, and drinking a few glasses of wine, Izzam gradually relaxed: "Daves adults... oh..." Izam took a wine cellar and said: "I Follow your orders, disguise yourself, cross the mountain road in the mountains of the western plains of the Sumali Plain, and go to Laos. It is located in the mouth of the river that the locals call "La River". The city is not big, but a stone city, And there are ports, so the defense is not too strict. I mix in, work at the dock, carry goods every day, and know the slaves of several docks. Guess who they are?” Izam asked mysteriously.

"They should be Greek." Davers was not surprised. The Lucanias repeatedly invaded the Turai area, and the Greeks who were leaving were not in the minority.

But then Izzam’s answer really surprised him: “Accurately speaking, they are descendants of the Dibalis, and Ruos was built by the Syrians. Listening to these people, the Dibalis built the Russian. Is to make it a transit port for Saboris to trade in cities such as Napoli, Etruscan, and Masinia, so at that time, Laos was very prosperous... but Sabari After the city was destroyed, Ratos did not have a backup and was quickly occupied by Niutumm in the south."

"Oh, that's it..." Daves did feel some accidents. He asked: "So, the original Sobaris have become slaves? How many Greek slaves are there in Raos?"

"I don't know how many Greek slaves there were, but when the Lucanias attacked Laos, some Greeks took the initiative to surrender and joined Lukania... A leader of Laos, Avinogis The descendants of these people, the tribes he led were also the descendants of the Sobrians, who believed that they were not pure-blooded Lukarias and did not trust them, often insulting them and suppressing them. These Greek slaves also spurned these people, thinking that it was their betrayal that led to the fall of Laos, but they did not hate Avinogis. Most of them thought he was a good person because he often helped them... ”

Izam drank a few more drinks, and some excitedly said: "Now the city of Laos is not stable, because some of the Lukania tribes led by the leader of the Laos, Tula, in order to prevent Avinogis Sharing the spoils, so only let his tribe stay behind, did not participate in the invasion of Turui. I did not expect the adults to lead us to almost wipe out all the Lukanians who invaded Turui! Haha... The leader of Laos, Tula With only a few dozen soldiers fleeing back to the city, Avinogis became the most powerful leader in the city of Raos. As a result, what do you guess?

Izzam seems to be a little drunk, and he doesn't pay attention to it, but Daphus doesn't care. He feels in his heart and says: "The big leader of blackmail wants to annex the tribe of Avinogis?"

Izam took a wooden chair and said, "Adult, you are so powerful, guess it!" He grabbed a piece of bread, tore a large piece, stuffed it into the mouth, and chewed it.

Assisi's eyebrows were picked up, and they were about to open their mouths and be stopped by Devers.

"I listened to the slaves at the dock. One time, Tula asked Avinogis to go to the banquet. I didn't know what happened. When I came back, I saw that several of his guards were injured. From that day, Avino. Gis stayed at home and never went to the city to discuss things. I turned around his house. The soldiers armed with weapons were patrolling. They said that the reason why Avinogis did not fight, is Observe the situation in Niutum."

"Niutum?" Daves listened very seriously.

"Yes, adults." Izam said with embarrassed scratching head: "I was originally prepared to go north and go deep into the hinterland of Lucalia to probe, but Niutumm controlled the north passage in the upper reaches of the La River. Now there is a lot of security and strangers can't pass. Laos was originally obeyed by Niutum, but this time the soldiers of Niutum were killed and heard that Uttum's great leader, Udler, died. In our hands, the strength is greatly lost." Here, Izam has some self-sufficiency: "Several leaders in the city of Niutum are busy vying for the position of the big leader, I heard that I almost hit it."

Izzam said, subconsciously picking up the glass, but found that the wine in the cup was empty, and Daves got up before him and filled him.

Izam sat still, only thanked him, Daves did not care, sat down and continued to listen to him: "Adults, I remember that we smashed the main force of the Lukania coalition and rushed to their camp. Didn't you see that the camp had been burned to ashes, and there were still many bodies? At that time, everyone guessed that it was caused by the ruins of the Lucanias. I now know who did it."

"Who is it?" Daphus leaned forward and expressed concern.

"Weig people!"


"Adult, the city of Vig is in the south of Luos, not too far from Laos. It is a city of Brutus. But because of the strength of the Lucanias, it was forced to join Lukaria. Tribal alliances, because they are foreigners, may be often oppressed, so..."

"Well, Bruti..." Daversmo licked his chin. He knew less about this aboriginal race that was also a neighbor of Turi. He only knew that because of geography, it threatened Turily very much. Less, but it is a big trouble for several Greek city-states in the south.

"I heard that the Vig people fled back and announced that they would leave the Lukaria tribal alliance and build a city wall. They sent many soldiers to patrol the border and blocked the passage of Laos south." Here, Izam again Drink a few mouthfuls of wine on his head.

"You just know how to drink, say so much, is there any news from Grummantum?" said Asistus impatiently.

"Izzam went to the unfamiliar Lucania to investigate, ate a lot of suffering, brought back valuable information, and drank some wine, but he couldn't just drink alcohol and eat more fruit, which is good for the body." Davers said with concern.

"Yes." Izzam gratefully responded, immediately put down the glass, coughed a few times, and said seriously: "Although I did not go to Grummantum City for reconnaissance, I still got his more accurate news. ""

At this juncture, both Daves and Aristotle mentioned 200% of the After all, Grummantum was the culprit of the last war, and Luca The Allies of the Lia League, its every move is related to Daves' offensive plan.

"Picosis is another port city in the Lucania region, and is a strong state in the Lukaria League, second only to Grummantum. I heard that it is also a stone city." Izam did not Instead of mentioning Grummantum, the topic was brought to Picosis.

Stone City! Davers heard the words and moved. According to his understanding of more than half a year, the Greeks love to build cities with stones, and the mountain tribes use wood to build cities. With the precedent of Raos and the port city, he can’t help but suspect that this is also Lukari. The Asians took the past from the Greeks.

"Picosis and Raos have maritime trade, so some news has been transmitted to Piros from the merchants and sailors of Picosis. It is said that most of the soldiers of Grummentum are killed in our hands. Although its big leader, Akpi, escaped, but he has been unconscious. After the news came out, many tribes that were forcibly annexed by Grummantum began to leave the control of Grummantum, but Grumman But the power is not able to stop, because the leaders in the city are busy competing for the position of the great leader. The tribal strength of Akpi is still the most powerful among the tribes in the city, but his son Lusau met a A strong opponent, Gennanet, the son of Cincinnati’s head, Cincinnage, said – “When it comes to this, Izam picks up a dried fig and stuffs it into the mouth.

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