Mediterranean hegemon

Italy, here I come Chapter 11: Counterattack is ineffective

In less than five days, the "silence period" designated by Contini was over. The Roman police no longer raided the printing house, nor set up roadblocks to interrogate newspapers shipped back from other places.

The small actions during this period put Grandini under a lot of pressure, but since he had done it and Mussolini approved it, he could only grit his teeth and stick to one path until the end. The pressure was something that Mr. Poti couldn't feel at all - without the old man supporting him from behind, he would have been eaten up by others just by his little actions. Fortunately, Contini only asked for 5 days, and Grandini took various measures to force it.

It was enough that "Youth" had created the situation. The subsequent struggle was already a matter for the big shots, and Contini would not interfere. Left-wing newspapers and other parliamentary groups did not regard students like the Youth League as opponents. They always believed that these students It was all carried out under the instigation of Mussolini and Fascisti, and the parties involved naturally did not bother to argue with this view.

Mussolini unambiguously informed the provincial governors of the formation of the new government, and also sent a very tough message: "With the trust of the King, I have assumed the post of Prime Minister of the government to guide all-round work. I hope that all officials will start from the highest level and even the highest level." The subordinates can all understand the importance of their respective responsibilities and thoroughly pursue the highest interests of the country. I am willing to set an example! A meeting of the House of Commons will be held on November 16 to publicly announce the policy agenda of the new government.”

The newspapers were gearing up, preparing to launch a strong counterattack against Mussolini's policy agenda and then question the logic of "we should be rich but not free". However, when they saw Mussolini's performance at the meeting, everyone was stunned. .

Mussolini gave the congressmen a warning at the beginning: "This venue could have been turned into a slaughterhouse strewn with corpses; this Congress could have been a one-party exclusive area, creating a one-party government. But all I don’t do any of this, at least not now, not because I’m afraid or because I don’t have the ability, but because I want to show you my ability, my construction, and my success!”

The MPs sitting under the rostrum were all shocked when they heard this harsh sound. Mussolini looked around and said arrogantly: "I don't announce the cabinet platform at the beginning like the previous cabinets, because That's just talk on paper and it won't help. I assert that my will must be done so as not to delay action with useless talk. In foreign policy, I will always pursue a policy of 'dignity and national interests'..."

The congressmen then remembered that Fascist had assembled more than 300,000 black-shirted troops in Rome. Although the order to disband had been issued, these groups did not retreat and were still stationed in the suburbs. As long as Mussolini gave an order, let alone a bloodbath in Parliament, they would It's enough to bloodbath Rome.

Thinking of this, the congressmen were frightened. As soon as Mussolini finished speaking, 52 congressmen asked to speak, wanting to express their "loyalty to the leader", their agreement with the values ​​of "wealth and strength, not freedom", and their willingness to work hard for the country under the leadership of the Black Shirt Party. The concept of national service. Before they could speak, Mussolini waved his hand and refused: "There are too many people who want to speak. Don't talk in vain. The most important thing is to look at actions. I don't want to leave you with such an impression: My The government is against Congress, but I must say it again, and I will never allow my enemies, whether they are past, present or future, to cultivate illusions in this venue, and that stupid and childish noise must be eliminated. !”

This hand shocked the MPs who were good at speaking and playing with rhetoric. As soon as the meeting ended, the politicians who were good at speculation also imitated the black shirt party and shouted: "Long live Italy! Long live Fascisti! Long live the leader!"

This ferocious episode immediately brought the focus of the conflict to the past. Those left-wing newspapers that had been fully prepared to oppose the view of "we should be rich but not free" and Mussolini's policy program immediately focused their fire on this parliamentary speech, and even prepared to organize Demonstrations were held against the new government.

But all these protests were crushed by Mussolini’s iron fist: he announced an order banning rallies and marches. The anti-government marches were strangled by the police and black shirts while they were still being organized. As for newspapers that published articles of opposition and protest, , that night they were attacked by tens of thousands of black-shirted troops and police. Contini and Poti only dared to seize newspapers and imprison workers, which was considered very peaceful, but Mussolini's order was very straightforward - "As long as people are not beaten to death, anything will do!"

That night, hundreds of leftist reporters, editors and newspaper staff were beaten. The more famous they were, the harder they were beaten. More than a dozen leftist writers and editors had their limbs broken and were thrown on the side of the street like dogs. The obedient newspaper office was smashed to pieces, and the Forward newspaper office, which had the most resolute opposition and the strongest appeal, was set on fire and burned to the ground overnight.

This scene even frightened Mr. Poti, who had always been bold and bold. At the alliance gathering the next day, he couldn't help but quietly asked Contini: "What will happen if those people continue to disobey?"

Contini said in a low voice: "If you continue to be disobedient, corpses will often appear on the streets of Rome in the future, and people will continue to disappear... You don't know the leader's temper, but I do. He was able to endure it in order to form a cabinet two days ago, and now he has After the formation of the cabinet is completed, the government will be put into normal operation, how can he still tolerate these objections? "

"Damn, it's scary to be involved in politics...but it seems to be quite refreshing." At this time, Poti, a dandy, finally understood why his father still refused to retreat even though he had made a lot of money. It was not because he didn't want to, but because he still refused to retreat. It's the taste of power that's so unforgettable.

"There is no need to sympathize with them." Contini smiled coldly. "The Socialist Party and the Liberal Party did this before when they were in power. It's just that the leaders are more fierce and straightforward than them... This is a life-and-death political struggle, isn't it? Arty campus debate.”

"Can the leader deal with them by doing this?"

"If you look at the price of government bonds on the exchange and the exchange rate of the lira, you will know whether it can be settled..."

Poti was still thinking about the logic here, but Oliver, who was in charge of the speculation business, came over excitedly: "Good news! Good news! Today, the price of government bonds has risen across the board, and the exchange rate is also accelerating its recovery..."

"How much has it risen?"

"Public debt has recovered 17% from the lowest point, and the exchange rate has recovered about 11-12%."

Potty quickly asked: "Oliver, can you tell me why the public debt and the exchange rate will rise after the leader does this?"

Oliver explained: "The truth is actually very simple. The leader not only successfully formed a cabinet, but also showed that he can effectively control the government and has strong power. This can boost market confidence. Investors believe that the government will operate effectively and will not let The same goes for public debt being depleted and the exchange rate rising.”

Contini added: "Businessmen, capitalists, and speculators will support the leader even more because of this wave of rises and stand firmly on the side of the new government. Therefore, the voices supporting the leader will become stronger and stronger until other changes or episodes occur..."

"I understand."

"Bo Ji, if you have money, you can buy a little more today. It will definitely rise again next Monday, but don't be greedy. If it rises by 10-15%, you'll be good to go."

"Okay, I'll ask my family for money right away!"

The market situation was exactly as Contini expected. Due to the "powerful" measures of the new government and the early oversold, it quickly rebounded. By November 23, the price of government bonds had risen by 32% from the lowest point, and the exchange rate It has also risen by nearly 21%, and now it is almost 20.6 lire for 1 US dollar. He asked Oliver to complete all the settlements, and finally counted. This round of speculation used 200,000 lire as the principal, used 15 times leverage, and finally recovered 714,000 lire. The profit level is nearly 257%.

Oliver was a little embarrassed: at the beginning, he was not optimistic about Contini's strategy of entering the whole position, and only dared to invest in batches, so the total profit was compressed. If Contini's strategy is implemented, this investment can make a profit of at least 300 %above. But Contini didn't care, and instead believed that Oliver was right to be cautious - who can guarantee that there will be no accidents?

"There will be a celebration party in the evening. All the expenses will be paid from here. All members of the newspaper office will be called to participate. Everyone has worked hard during this period and needs to relax... By the way, my father is entrusted by the leader to come to visit you! The special correspondent will also come with you See you all."

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

Everyone knows the cabinet list. Old Ciano has been appointed as the cabinet minister of transportation. From now on, "Youth Daily" will work under the leadership of the minister...

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