Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 23, Prologue

On August 2, 1888, the first admissions examination for Bulgarian universities was grandly opened, and the history of the Bulgarian college entrance examination has been opened since then.

The college entrance examination lasted for three days, and the content of the test was also varied, and the knowledge covered all walks of life.

However, the professional grades in admissions are the main ones, accounting for 80% of the total grades. If the professional scores are in the top three, other subjects will be admitted even if they are zero.

Of course, the candidates don't know it yet. After three days of exams, they all look like eggplants hit by frost, and they have no confidence.

Sofia seems to have become noisy. There are people everywhere complaining that the exam questions are too difficult. Many people are secretly regretting that they usually accumulate too little knowledge.

On August 15th, the gate of the Bulgarian University was already crowded with people, and everyone was anxiously waiting for the final result.

On the other hand, they are all happy, and they don’t have to worry about applying for majors, and they don’t have to worry about choosing the wrong major, which will affect their future development. The school will choose the most suitable major for them, and it can be assigned.

As for hobbies, can you eat? Sorry this is the 19th century, never heard of that creature.

Ferdinand was very satisfied with the results of this recruitment. Although there were many deficiencies, it was the first time, and it went well on the whole. At least no one committed fraud.

To commemorate my own reading career. The school start date was chosen by Ferdinand on September 1, the familiar day.

The opening is Ferdinand's speech, reviewing the history of Bulgaria... (100,000 words are omitted, you can participate in your own opening ceremony)

Amidst cheers, four hundred and thirty-six students entered the hall of the university.

Seeing the students in their prime, Ferdinand was filled with emotion. This is his future team.

Thinking of the intensive class schedule, Ferdinand thought gloatingly: "Be proud! Now let go as much as you like! Tomorrow you will find out how terrifying it is to go to college!"

You must know that the closed militarized management currently adopted by Bulgarian universities has as many as twelve classes a day, plus self-study time.

Wake up at 5:30 in the morning and leave school at 10:30 at night. Except for the meal time and the short-stop rest time in the middle, it must be spent in the study.

This is Ferdinand's study plan based on the work and rest time of the third year of high school in his previous life. Since it is the first time to run a university, everyone has no experience, so they follow it.

The management personnel were hired by the Ministry of Education from the Berlin Military Academy with high salaries, and they copied the management method directly.

In this year, the message has remained unchanged, and the spring breeze of democracy and freedom has not yet come. Bulgaria is still relatively conservative, with a tradition of strict teachers and high apprentices, which were then adopted by highly respected educators.

As soon as Ferdinand returned to the palace, he received bad news—the peasant movement had begun.

Following the last tax increase, Stam's cabinet made another trick, and the proposal passed in Congress - to restore the payment of tithing in kind.

If the last increase in agricultural tax only hurt the interests of the poor and rich peasants, the landlord class can also make up for the loss through land annexation.

The restoration of the tithes of the Ottoman period would seriously hinder the development of agricultural capitalism.

To a large extent, the interests of the landlord class were harmed, but it was the middle and small landlords who opposed the most fiercely, which meant that government officials could carry out new plunder against them.

They set off a peasant protest movement that quickly spread throughout Bulgaria.

To Ferdinand's relief, now they are mainly rallies and demonstrations, and have not yet turned into revolutions.

This also strengthened his determination to overthrow the cabinet, but Stam's cabinet, after all, has made great efforts for his superiors and has made great contributions. There must be a convincing reason for Ferdinand to dismiss the cabinet.

Historically, until 1894, when Stam's cabinet was already furious,

The original owner came out in person and dismissed the cabinet.

Before that, Stambolov had always been in power. Although Ferdinand took political measures, to a certain extent, he divided Stambolov's power and strengthened various ministries; but he was unable to change the status quo of Stambolov's control of the cabinet.

Ferdinand originally thought that he would have to wait for the next congressional election to successfully seize power. Unexpectedly, due to his butterfly effect, the financial crisis of the Bulgarian government intensified.

In order to successfully complete the "Five-Year Plan", the Cabinet is going to go crazy. In order to raise funds, exorbitant donations and miscellaneous taxes emerge in an endless stream.

Ferdinand knew that a police terror regime was about to take shape. In just one year, the Bulgarian police force had increased by 50%.

Stam-Bolov also set up a secret police without authorization, which was in the hands of Ferdinand's intelligence organization, and found more than 300 people. Of course, it was inevitable to send someone to infiltrate it.

If you don't make a move, you will be shocked. Ferdinand took the opportunity to stuff private goods, such as anarchists, future heads of the revolutionary party, and activists.

Preparing to use a knife to kill people and solve future enemies once and for all is the last time to use Stam's cabinet.


"Your Excellency the Grand Duke, we have already arranged the arrangement, and the fish has entered the net!" Fuhu (the head of the intelligence organization)

Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction and said, "Then prepare to accept the Internet cafe!"


Michael knocked on the Prime Minister's office impatiently and said, "Your Excellency Prime Minister, something is bad!"

"Don't worry, speak slowly, God is still watching, the sky won't fall!" Stam-Bolov said slowly while drinking tea

"Oh, hell! My Prime Minister, the sky is about to fall. After hearing this news, I don't think you are in the mood to drink tea anymore!" Michael said anxiously

"Oh, what is it that can make my Mr. Minister so shocked! Let me guess, is it that Osman is calling, or is it Serbian chops doing things again?" Stam-Bolov relaxed. just kidding

"Oh, God! Mr. Prime Minister, don't you read the newspaper? Our secret pacts with Britain and Austria-Hungary have been exposed, and now the public opinion is screaming at the government!" Michael said angrily

With a "bang", Stam Boroff shook his hand and the teacup fell to the ground.

Exclaimed: "What? How is this possible? Isn't this matter only known to a few high-level officials?"

"Yes, no more than five people on our side know the content of the secret contract! But now the secret contract has been published in the newspaper, it is exactly the same, not a single punctuation mark has changed!" Michael said worriedly

"Could it be that there is a problem with the UK and Austria-Hungary? It shouldn't be. There will never be leaked secrets from both sides at the same time! No more than ten people on our side know the secret contract, and only a few people in our cabinet know the content, even the Grand Duke. If you don't know the specific agreement, who will leak it?" Stam-Bolov said suspiciously

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