Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 8. Heavy Industry Program

From the outbreak of the Balkan War in 1897 to 1908, more than ten years have passed.

After more than ten years of hard work by Ferdinand, Bulgaria has now completed the digestion of the basic domestic market.

Now Bulgaria is also a powerful country with a population of more than 20 million and a total industrial volume approaching that of Italy, but Ferdinand still feels that it is not enough!

Although Bulgaria is developing at a very fast rate, Ferdinand is still not satisfied, he knows that the time for the World War is not far away!

With Bulgaria's current strength, it is enough to protect itself in the world war, but after the war, it is estimated that only some leftovers will be left, which Ferdinand absolutely cannot tolerate!

As a traverser, it is already very humiliating to not be able to compete for the world. If you can't even mix with a regional overlord, then what is it? In short, Ferdinand is also ambitious!

Ferdinand knew that it was time for the long-held "Three-five Plan" to be released! This also means that the Bulgarian government, which has just paid off its debts, will be in debt again!


Time flies, and with Ferdinand's order, the cabinet government came up with a "three-five plan" in the shortest time possible.

The original plan, of course, was scrapped! After all, more than ten years have passed, and the strategic goals in it have long been completed!

In addition to being placed in museums for future generations to visit, it is probably only useful for historians to study the background of the times!

Compared with the previous two plans, this plan is not of the same order at all, and it is more suitable for ambition!

After all, many of the contents in it are very radical. Under normal circumstances, if such a wave develops, just wait for overcapacity, and then the economic crisis will break out!

But Ferdinand doesn't matter. Anyway, it's time to start the world war, and overcapacity is no big deal. After a world war, any kind of production capacity can be digested!

"Prime Minister, please introduce the content of the 'Third Five Plan' first. Let's talk about the industrial plan first!" Ferdinand said lightly

"Yes!" Konstantin said forcefully.

Since Ferdinand took power in 1889, the Bulgarian cabinet has been very stable. First, there are Chekov, who is a political tumbler, and Konstantin, who has been prime minister for more than ten years.

However, Ferdinand knew that after this term, let them finish two more terms, and they will probably be replaced! (1907 was already their fourth term!)

This is not that Ferdinand wants to cross the river and demolish the bridge, but the real monarch's ingenuity. After all, a cabinet with too high prestige is also a threat to the monarchy!

Bulgaria has been able to get to this point, and the Konstantin cabinet has also made great contributions. Now to let them go home is undoubtedly crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, and Ferdinand still can't do it!

After the victory of the world war, let them return with honor, Ferdinand thinks this is the best ending!

Oh, Ferdinand would not admit that he was trying to squeeze the last value out of people. After the world war, the role of these people will be much smaller.

However, in Europe through democratic elections, a cabinet that has been working for 30 years is really rare!

This is not fabricated,

Now the support rate of the Bulgarian cabinet is really high, and there is really no one who is qualified to be their competitor!

Bulgaria was originally known as the Prussia of the Balkans, and Constantine was considered the second "Bismarck", and he was called the Prime Minister of Iron and Blood!

During his tenure, Bismarck launched a war to unify Germany; during his tenure, Constantine also launched a war to unify Bulgaria!

Don't be surprised, publicity is so powerful! Looking through the history of Bulgaria, there are too many materials to prove that this is really a national unification war to expel the Ottoman invaders!

This has been recognized by the international community. In the Balkan War, Bulgaria won the support of all ethnic groups, which is the best proof!

The other two attach great importance to industrial development and have established worker security systems, including worker pensions, health care insurance and social insurance systems. Oh, this is in the "Three-five Plan"!

In short, after many people compared them, they found that the two have a lot in common, and both created the rise of the two countries!

Well, Bulgaria and Prussia are really similar. The key is that they are both able to fight, but Bulgaria's size is too small, otherwise European countries will still worry about Bulgaria's dangerous association!

If it weren't for Ferdinand's prestige too high, and the power of Constantine, the "prime minister", was not as great as that of Bismarck, otherwise it would really deserve it!

Oh, there is another reason that cannot be said. After the outbreak of the World War, Ferdinand needed a cabinet that could hold the scene!

After all, no matter how high the prestige of the Bulgarian cabinet is, it is nowhere near as high as King Ferdinand, who can manipulate the congress at any time and kick them out!

But the military is a headache. After the outbreak of the war, the military's power will inevitably increase greatly, and as King Ferdinand, he can't charge himself into battle to suppress the military, right?

This is too embarrassing, so it is necessary to have a cabinet with a high enough prestige!

Germany is a negative teaching material. Historically, after the collapse of Germany II in Russia, there was a chance to negotiate and then end the war with dignity. Unfortunately, his government could no longer hold down the army, and the country was dragged by the Junkers and aristocrats. abyss!

No way, who is the most prestigious Jagged Chancellor in Germany - Bismarck has already died? And William II has been the emperor for three generations, and his prestige is really not very good in the army!

After finishing his thoughts, Constantine said, "This 'Third Five-Year Plan' is different from the previous two five-year plans, both in terms of investment amount and coverage, it is much larger than before!

It includes: politics, industry, culture, military, medical, education, agriculture, social security and many other fields!

In terms of industry, we still focus on the development of heavy industry, mainly including:

1. Build two large steel plants, and strive to achieve an annual output of 3.5 million tons of steel before 1914, of which the output of steel shall not be less than half, and the output of special steel shall not be less than 200,000 tons!

2. Coal output strives to reach 30 million tons;

3. Build two new 30,000-ton docks and a 40,000-ton dock; strive to achieve a total tonnage of 500,000 tons of large ships!

4. In the field of machinery manufacturing, because we have developed very well in this area, it is now on the same level as Austria-Hungary!

Therefore, the government does not intend to invest directly, mainly through tax reduction and exemption, to encourage private capital to continue to invest, and strive to catch up with the French within five years!


Not to mention light industry, such as the textile industry, food processing enterprises, etc., they were the protagonists of the first two five-year plans, but now they are no longer in Ferdinand's eyes. After all, the increase in military strength is still the fastest in heavy industry!

Ferdinand pondered it carefully and found that for Bulgaria, the second item is the least difficult. The pure mining task of coal production cannot be completed as long as the investment is increased!

After all, the coal reserves in Bulgaria are now measured in units of tens of billions of tons, and there are not a few open-pit coal mines!

The most humiliating thing is probably the ships. Historically, the total tonnage of the British ships exceeded 20 million tons, and the Bulgarian target was only 500,000 tons, which is really embarrassing!

What has not been said is that this gross tonnage is the sum of warships plus merchant ships, otherwise the number would be even more embarrassing!

Oh, this is also the only thing Ferdinand asked not to blindly improve, mainly because he remembered the submarines of the German Navy. Basically, whoever builds more ships will be sunk by then!

It's just that Bulgaria is so close to Austria-Hungary and Italy. If a bunch of merchant ships are built, it will definitely contribute to other submariners!

It's better to install an ostrich and let the British boss be responsible for the transportation. Bulgaria's protection of the transportation line in the Black Sea is the biggest contribution to the alliance!

Fourth, the machinery manufacturing industry has surpassed France in five years. Ferdinand said that he did not see it. The Gallic Chicken did not take the manufacturing industry to heart at all!

Bulgaria is also a big manufacturing country with "copycat technology" as the core. As long as you give money, let alone surpass France, even if you surpass the Germans, you can easily do it. The premise is to sacrifice a little performance!

On the contrary, the strategic goal of producing 3.5 million tons of steel per year is what really needs to be done. After all, the steel plants of this era are all fucking pits!

In addition, in this five-year plan, there is also a development plan for airships, but the automobile industry and aircraft industry are ignored!

Thinking of this, Ferdinand asked suspiciously: "Why is there no plan for the automobile industry and aircraft manufacturing industry? According to the current development trend, in the future, the aircraft will be the king in the sky, and the car will also replace the horse-drawn carriage and become the most important transportation vehicle. An important part!"

Constantine was taken aback for a moment. Are "airplanes and cars" the mainstream of the future? His first reaction was, how is this possible?

Seeing Constantine's reaction, Ferdinand understood. There must be people who realize the importance of airplanes and automobiles in this era, but no one believes that they will become the mainstream of transportation!

After all, the replacement of the carriage by the car is something that has to wait for the cost of the car to be reduced. At the current price, who can afford it?

Not to mention the aircraft, with the current technology of aircraft manufacturing, it is not enough to be used as a reconnaissance aircraft, transportation? It is unreasonable to send a letter without considering the cost!

Because of Ferdinand's butterfly effect, the Bulgarian aircraft started very early. As soon as the plane was born, it caught his attention and started Bulgaria's aerospace career!

Up to now, Bulgaria's aerospace industry has been the first in the world. It seems that now only Bulgaria has a aerospace industry in the world!

At present, the Bulgarian self-made aircraft is also the most advanced in the world. Its maximum range has reached 200 kilometers. It can barely be used as a reconnaissance aircraft. What other performance? Or ignore it, the plane has only been born for four or five years!

Ferdinand realized that he had made a blunder. After all, not everyone has foresight, and this reaction of Constantine is normal for people in this era!

Ferdinand concealed his embarrassment, and then said: "Oh, let's put aside the issue of aircraft, but the auto industry will also join the support of the 'Third Five-Year Plan' this time!

As you may not know, the production cost of the new generation of cars designed by the Bulgarian University has been reduced, and the expected time to market is just around the corner!

The price is about 6,000-8,000 levs, which is already acceptable for the middle class; and this car also has a freight version, and the price will not exceed 12,000 levs. It already has promotion value and will soon become popular. Europe is up! "

"Oh!" Everyone was shocked

Obviously stunned by this news, although Bulgaria's auto industry is also leading in the world, the price has dropped so much at once, which is still somewhat out of their data!

"No problem!" Constantine said cheerfully

After all, if the price drops to one-sixth or even one-eighth of the original price, the market for this has already greatly increased!

After all, compared to horse-drawn carriages, cars still have high advantages, and it is still very meaningful to promote the revolution of transportation!

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