Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 167, the end of the peace meeting

After Ferdinand's order, Constantine's interest in the German heritage was greatly reduced. Whether it was ships or other industrial products, he let Britain and France divide them up. Bulgaria still dismantled the factory and went back to build it himself!

After dealing with the division of compensation, it is the turn of the German colonies. Don’t think that the Germans are challenging the old world and think that their colonies are small. In fact, their colonies are still not small in size, but their value is not very high.

1. Pacific Region:

German Samoa: 1899-1915

German New Guinea, including Kaiser-I1he1ms-1and and adjacent islands: 1884-1915; its political districts also include:

Caroline Islands: 1889-1915

Mariana Islands: 1889-1915

2. German East Africa:

Later Tanganyika, today belongs to Tanzania: 1885-1917

Rwanda and Burundi: 1885-1917

3. German West Africa:

Cameroon: 1884-1915

Togo: 1884-1915

4. German Southwest Africa, present-day Namibia: 1883-1916

5. Far East ** area: *** Zhouwan lease land,

Including the leased land ** Island: 1897-1915 (originally leased for 99 years)

Mountain ~ ~ sphere of influence

Yellow~~~Watershed sphere of influence

(Note: This time and space world war has been delayed for a year, so the German colonies are also delayed by the Allied capture.)

Anyway, after getting this information, Ferdinand knew how to choose. The colonies of these five major sectors, the Far East region was excluded first, and they must not move under the protection of the harmonious beast!

Secondly, in German Samoa, Ferdinand has never heard of it anyway, and finally found it on the map. There are several small islands in the South Pacific not far from New Zealand. For Bulgaria, the economic value and strategic value here are almost the same. Zero, don't hesitate to eliminate it directly!

There is no need to look at the German New Guinea region. There is no German colony in the Pacific Ocean suitable for Bulgaria. Either it is worthless, or it is within the sphere of influence of the British, and it is not cost-effective to directly intervene in it!

Then in German East Africa, Ferdinand didn't bother to complain, it was all rotten land, including the later generations of Rwanda, Burundi, Tanganyika, and northern Mozambique. The area is not small, but the economic value is scum!

Rwanda and Burundi are both located in Africa, so there is absolutely no need to consider them. There is definitely no way to open them in this era. Even in the 21st century, they will not be opened. Ferdinand does not think Bulgaria has the ability.

In addition to the size of Tanganyika, what does he use it for? Are you going to plant sisal and cloves? Or is it fish farming in Lake Tanganyika?

Mozambique seems to have some value, but unfortunately the Germans control the northern plateau, so it is useless, even if it is to open a mine, it will be a problem after the 21st century, and Ferdinand is not crazy!

Ferdinand doubted that the total annual import and export trade of the entire German East Africa was more than two million pounds? This is an obvious loss-making colony. Unless it can be connected with the surrounding area and complement each other in trade, it is estimated that it will be able to make a profit. Bulgaria should forget it!

German West Africa is still on the way, but it's still such a poor word! There are many kinds of mineral resources in Cameroon, but unfortunately the reserves are not large and the economic value is limited.

Cameroon and Togo, Ferdinand seems to be able to develop agriculture, or sell wood, anyway, don't have too much hope!

After taking inventory, Ferdinand was surprised to find that so many German colonies are of some value in Namibia in German southwest Africa. The natural resources are rich, and both agriculture and industry have a certain foundation.

Namibia is rich in mineral resources and is known as the "strategic metal reserve". The main minerals are diamonds, uranium, copper, silver, etc., and it is also the world's top ten major fish-producing countries.

However, in the short term, it does not have the value of opening. Before the railway is completed, it is simply courting death, and the development of the fish industry is even more nonsense. Who to sell it to is the biggest problem!

In the early stage, apart from developing agriculture, it doesn't seem to be of much use. For the long-term consideration, the site can be occupied first.

In the end, Ferdinand gave Constantine a secret order to choose German Southwest Africa, followed by German West Africa, then East Africa, and finally the Pacific Islands. The Far East has nothing to do with Bulgaria!


After receiving the detailed information from China, Constantine understood why he proposed to sell the German colonies at a price, but neither Britain nor France objected to it. The emotional and economic value was not high, and the strategic value was also very general. That's what happened!

Even for Bulgaria, most of them are tasteless, tasteless, and a pity to abandon!

Constantine severely despised the eyes of the Germans. Even if you missed the best time to divide the world, you can't make up the numbers with a bunch of shit!

Don't you know it's a loss-making business? Most of the colonies in European countries are making a profit, while the German colonies, except for the Far East, are estimated to be in a state of loss. I really don’t know what the Germans think?

You must know that most of the minerals in this era have not yet been discovered, and it is not even considered to reserve resources in advance. Even if they are discovered, they cannot be mined. That is to say, after the Germans acquired these colonies, they were in a state of loss for decades. It is no wonder that Chancellor Bismarck opposed the German government's colonial policy!

The next negotiation went much smoother. Regarding the German colony partition, neither the British Lloyd-George nor the French President Poincaré paid much attention.

Constantine said with a smile: "The two of us should start with the Pacific Islands first, and make an offer according to our pre-agreed agreement!"

After speaking, he picked up the pen, filled in a number on the paper, and waited for the two people's bids.

In less than a minute, everyone filled out their own quotations. There is no doubt that the Pacific Islands were taken by John Bull. Neither the French nor Bulgaria had any peeps.

Constantine filled in 1000,000 at will, but the unit was Lev. The number filled in by Poengale was even more bizarre. He directly filled in 1oo francs, and the latter 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 including should be omitted, so that we can know their attitude.

In the end, John Bull took down this area at a sky-high price of 1.2o million pounds, and it is estimated that it will still be thrown to New Zealand or Australia for escrow.

The same is true for the subsequent division of the colonies. When encountering two uninterested allies, Constantine got his wish to get German South West Africa (about 600,000 pounds) at a price of 150 million levs, which is the later Namibia region. .

It's just that German West Africa was divided up by Britain and France, and the most swindling German East Africa, Rwanda and Burundi, and Tanganyika were in Constantine's hands. Of course, the price is really cheap, 994,996 square kilometers. The total price of the land was less than £2 million.

In the end, the Germans had a colony of 2.59 million square kilometers, and the total price given by the three countries was less than 15 million pounds, so I knew how low the price was!

After the internal division of the three countries was completed, it was the turn of other countries to participate. For example, the British threw the Pacific Islands to Australia and New Zealand as a reward for their participation in the World War.

And the northern part of Mozambique was thrown to the Portuguese by John Bull. It was their trophy. I don't know what the exchange of interests was.

Constantine is also discussing the issue of Rwanda with the Belgian, and if the Belgian makes a suitable bid, he does not mind another transfer.

In general, Bulgaria will not see any economic benefits in the short term except for the increase in the colony area of ​​the German colonies this time!

After dealing with these problems, the most troublesome thing for everyone is the contradiction between the allies of the Entente. Due to the small involvement with the major members, Constantine often has to be the villain.

For example, on the issue of suppressing Japan, the three countries reached an agreement, forcing the Japanese to give up some of the German islands in the Pacific Ocean, and denying the Japanese government's inheritance of the rights and interests of the German Far East.

The two sides were very deadlocked. For the sake of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, the British chose to remain silent, and it was Constantine and Poengale who came forward to suppress the Japanese.

On the issue of the Russians, Constantine chose to remain silent, allowing Britain and France to take the lead to suppress the interests of the bears.

In the end, the reparations paid by the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the Russians were successfully limited to 180 million pounds, which could also be offset in kind!

It is estimated that the Austro-Hungarian Empire packaged all their excess weapons and equipment to the tsarist government, and produced another batch of weapons and ammunition. For their debts, Nicholas II will never see the indemnity!

Under the bumps and bumps, this Paris Peace Conference is coming to an end. It is a few happy and some sad!

On November 25, 1917, the Paris Peace Conference, which lasted for more than a month, came to an end, and a new page in world history was opened!

The French became the biggest winner in this conference, not only regained lost ground, but also pushed the border to the Rhine River, and also won huge indemnities, and their status in the European Big 6 has also been greatly enhanced!

The second is the British, who received the second largest share of war reparations, and also won the German navy, once again consolidating world hegemony.

Bulgaria became the third biggest winner. Not only did it get huge compensation, but most importantly, it established the right to speak in the world and achieved the status of the three giants of the Entente!

After doing this, Constantine's work is only half completed. Next, he is also responsible for selling the creditor's rights obtained by Bulgaria this time to various consortia.

Don't look at the amount of money the Allies lost, but this is an installment payment. For Bulgaria, which urgently needs funds to open the Asia Minor Peninsula, this is far from being able to quench its thirst!

In today's world, there are only three companies that have the strength to eat up Bulgaria's creditor's rights. They are the most powerful British consortium, the tycoon American consortium that developed during the World War, and the French consortium of the old financial group!

From the actual situation, it is the British and American consortium that is interested in taking over Bulgaria's creditor's rights. As the battlefield of the Western Front of the World War exploded on the mainland of France, the French Republic is now suffering heavy losses.

Their consortium is busy cutting the big domestic cake, and for a while, they have no energy to participate in the sale of Bulgaria's creditor's rights.

On this day, Foreign Minister Metev knocked on the door of Konstantin's office and said, "Your Excellency, this is the offer of the British consortium and the American consortium, please take a look!"

After reading the quotation carefully, Constantine closed the report and said angrily, "Are they colluding to take advantage of the fire? It's still a unified quotation, with a 50% discount!

Could it be that they thought we were fools. Although Deyi's indemnity is long-term, the interest income is not low, and we also promised to help collect the arrears, so they have no risk at all!

With such a stable income, they dare to speak out like a lion, is this a meal for us? "

Metev said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency, the amount of our debt is too large, and the total amount involved is nearly three billion pounds. There are not many consortiums in the world that can provide so much money.

Now these consortiums have chosen to make joint shots in order to keep the price down, and they didn't pay for it all by themselves!

Under normal circumstances, after obtaining our creditor's rights, they will sell to individuals or financial institutions in China. Maybe they will be able to repay their capital and even realize profits in two or three years!

In this regard, the experts sent by our Ministry of Finance will further communicate with them. Under normal circumstances, they will not give up this piece of fat, but the price may not be so ideal! "

Constantine nodded and said, "I know this, who told us that we are short of money now? Go and ask if we accept it, how much we can raise the price by offsetting the money we owed them before!"

The loans Bulgaria owed to the United Kingdom and the United States before were actually owed to the British and American consortia, otherwise the government of the United Kingdom and the United States alone would not be able to come up with such a large sum of money!

If the foreign debt is offset, it means that the British and American consortium can pay nearly 900 million pounds less in cash, and they can directly reconcile the accounts internally.

However, the interest income they get is double, not only the risks they take are reduced, but the income they get is also increased. In this case, it is logical for Constantine to ask them to raise the price!


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