Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 14, Influenza ravages the world

When the Ministry of Health announced the epidemic, it happened to be in the middle of the end of the first wave of the epidemic and the second wave of the epidemic had not yet exploded. The epidemic outbreaks around the world were subsiding, and even completely disappeared in many places.

At first glance, governments of various countries show that the current situation is very good. Naturally, they do not take the warning from the Bulgarian Ministry of Health to heart. Many people still secretly despise Bulgarian medical technology that still remains in the Middle Ages. Be like this!

The Washington Daily said in an article: This flu can only bring disaster to medically backward areas, and the United States of America does not need to pay attention to it. The colonial countries that should be prevented, their colonies are about to have a big accident, Bulgaria Wrong object!

The Sun also claimed: Are we having another April Fool's Day? This is the best joke of this century. The flu is fading all over the world. The Bulgarian Ministry of Health actually reminds everyone to prevent the epidemic?

Did they get the time wrong and report it months ago? This is the dereliction of duty by the bureaucracy. It is recommended that the Bulgarian internal affairs department conduct a strict investigation to avoid this situation of fooling the world again!


No matter how ridiculed outside public opinion, Ferdinand pretended not to see it, and domestic newspapers all reminded everyone to prevent the epidemic. It's not that no one wants to get attention, but Bulgaria's news management laws are too strict!

In such a situation, once the epidemic breaks out, the media that sings naysayers constitutes a crime of distorting facts, and it is indispensable to start in ten years.

Unless there are no casualties, once a patient dies, they constitute a potential murder charge, and the mine is their final destination!

The seniors used countless blood lessons to tell them that in Bulgarian language can be said nonsense, but news must not be written indiscriminately, especially news that is against the government!

In August, the epidemic changed again. Before the ship arrived in the UK, 75% of the crew were infected, 7% of the crew died, and many other ships were infected with a deadly flu. A similar situation occurred.

Almost at the same time, Meshid in Ashgabat, Russia, also had a high-mortality flu, and it spread to Xun.

Well, two sources appeared at the same time, and where did it spread to the world, Ferdinand didn't bother to care, Bulgaria has done a good job of epidemic prevention, and when the epidemic broke out, he could take up the small bench and soak in the A pot of tea, smashing melon seeds and watching a joke.

On August 27, the flu entered the United States and spread among dockworkers in Boston, while Brest in France also broke out at about the same time, and then there were outbreaks in many cities in the eastern United States.

It began to spread widely in Europe and the United States in early September, and within a few weeks, the flu spread to the world again.

The second wave of influenza is different from the past influenza. The mortality rate is particularly high among young adults aged 20 to 35 years old. In addition to high fever and headache, the symptoms include blue complexion and hemoptysis. Influenza often causes complications The most deaths were caused by pneumonia.

Many cities restricted citizens from going to public places, and movie theaters, dance halls, sports venues, etc. were closed for up to a year. Tram attendants in Seattle are refusing passengers without masks to ride on trains.

In October of the same year, the darkest month in American history, 200,000 Americans died in this month, and the average life expectancy in the United States in 1918 was reduced by 12 years than usual.

Seeing that the booming epidemic around the world did not spread in Bulgaria, Ferdinand was relieved. In early August, Bulgaria temporarily closed all ports and cut off trade with other countries in the world, so this wave of influenza did not did not spread in Bulgaria.

However, many border cities were still affected. The epidemic from Austria-Hungary and Russia still caused some trouble to the Bulgarian government. Fortunately, the isolation was timely and did not spread on a large scale!

Seeing that the epidemic was initially contained, Ferdinand invited the Crown Prince Ferdinand Jr. and asked, "Boy, do you dare to visit the country now?"

Now is also the time to pave the way for the crown prince. The adult little Ferdinand should also brush his presence in front of the people, and this epidemic is the best chance to buy people's hearts!

Ferdinand is no longer needed, his prestige is high enough, and there is nothing to shake his status now, but little Ferdinand is not enough, in everyone's impression, he is only the eldest son of the king, and may inherit the king's A few advantages, that's all!

This bit of prestige makes him no problem to inherit the throne, but there is still a long way to go for everyone to truly recognize him!

Little Ferdinand, who had just given birth to a calf, was naturally not afraid, and said without hesitation: "Dare! How dare you, father, you said that men can't be afraid! When will they come out? I'll go back and ask for a leave first. ,get ready!"

Ferdinand said solemnly: "This time it is you who toured the country on behalf of the royal family, so I won't go, how about it? Do you have the ability to do this well?"

Little Ferdinand was shocked. He was still a young man after all, and he was still stubborn. He said without hesitation, "No problem, I promise to complete the task!"

Ferdinand smiled slightly. It's good to have the courage to go. If he encounters a cowardly crown prince, then he can only cry. If he doesn't know how to take advantage of such a good opportunity, then he will be finished!

Look at how hard George V worked so hard. In order to gain a sense of existence, he fell ill; so did King Alfonso XIII of the Spanish kingdom next door, who accidentally put himself in, and of course they all survived in the end!

It is not that dangerous to patrol the whole country in Bulgaria. The officials below have isolated the patients. Even if they are patrolling, they will go to the safe area? Do you still expect the crown prince to visit patients?

Even if you want to see it, it is to visit a patient who has recovered! In order to prevent the spread of the disease, the patients in the quarantine area are prohibited from visiting anyone. This is the regulation of the Ministry of Health, and everyone must abide by it!

Ferdinand asked worriedly: "You decide where to go this time, you don't need to go to the colony, the epidemic there has already been out of control, you just need to visit the Balkans, and the epidemic has already broken out. Don't go to the area!"

Don't look at Bulgaria's good epidemic prevention work, it is only for the mainland, only a few residents in the colony have taken measures, and the vast indigenous living area, who has nothing to do when they are full, and who cares about their life and death?

There is no medicine, no medical treatment, and no epidemic prevention measures. If the virus is allowed to spread, you can imagine what kind of scene it is in those areas now!

According to statistics from later generations, there are 1.7 billion people in the world, 100 million people are infected with influenza virus, and the mortality rate is between 2.5% and 5% (this is only in some areas). The number of deaths is also different. .

The recorded death population is about 2200,000, and the number of deaths in the colonies that has not been counted is about 5000 to 100 million. The exact number cannot be determined!

Anyway, the more backward medical care and the worse the sanitation conditions, the higher the mortality rate!

Little Ferdinand reacted, and co-authoring is to go out for a show! I said it earlier, I was startled, and I thought I would really go to see the patient?

Seeing Ferdinand's expression, Ferdinand knew what was going on, but as a father, it was impossible for him to push his son into the fire pit!

Little Ferdinand said hesitantly: "Father, this is not good? If you don't go to the epidemic area, it won't look too bad..."

Ferdinand glared at him, and then said: "Fool, can't you walk slower when you patrol the country? From Sofia, go to Constantinople, and then walk along Thrace, Macedonia, the Greek peninsula... , the epidemic is over long ago, you can just go there again!"

Little Ferdinand nodded. Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot. As far as the level of this show is concerned, he is unmatched. There are so many cities in Bulgaria, even if it is one every day, it will be no problem to walk for two or three years!

As for the traditional diseases, the virus will spread and be contained in the winter. Now it is September. Is it too simple to delay it until December?


After figuring out the purpose, little Ferdinand was not hypocritical, so he directly embarked on the road of national inspection, while the flu is still raging around the world, the gods block the gods and the Buddhas, and the skeptical life of the anti-epidemic personnel of various countries!

Since the second major outbreak of influenza in August, governments around the world have panicked. Don't panic, the death toll is really unbelievable!

Every household hangs white sails and weeps all over the world!

Due to the large number of deaths, the funeral industry has become the most popular industry in various countries, and coffins have become a hot commodity.

Funerals have become a collective activity, and the priests had to let the dead form a group to see God because of their busy business. Of course, it's not possible to not form a group, the guests need to send too many others, and they are also incapable of doing it!

Fortunately, Ferdinand still has some integrity. He didn't kill people and money, and hoarded a bunch of coffins to sell there, otherwise the world would be even more...

Bulgaria, which was the first in the world to start epidemic prevention, has become the object of learning from various countries. They have chosen to block ports, cut off trade, and demarcate quarantine areas to prevent the spread of the virus!

It's a pity that it's all too late, the flu virus has already spread, and it's not so easy to contain it. For example, Spain, the worst in Europe, has 8 million people infected with the virus, including King Alfonso III, Madrid three One-third of the citizens were infected, and some government departments were forced to close their doors. How can patients be isolated all over the country?

George V of the United Kingdom was also too active and was not spared. The death of England and Wales reached 200,000, and the Royal Fleet was unable to enter the sea for three weeks; Mumbai, India died of 700; some Inuit villages were wiped out, and there were 80 people in one village. 73 people died from flu; 20% of Western Samoans died from flu.

In many countries, corpses are piled up on mountains, and trams have no passengers; schools, cabaret theaters, cinemas have no lights, swimming pools and bowling alleys are empty; in a small town in South Africa, due to the lack of coffins, corpses are buried in blankets, and the streets are full of funerals during the day and rescue at night Car shuttle.

If there is no comparison, there is no harm. If everyone is unlucky together, then naturally there is nothing to say, but the problem is that no one is unlucky now?

Everyone's heart is not very balanced. At least there are demonstrations on the streets of Paris protesting against the government's inaction. It seems that they are not afraid of death at all!

However, the politicians still have a solution. They directly moved the Bulgarian martial law over, and their ears were clear at once. Now that we have acted, we can do it, right?

Of course, this is only temporary. If there is no accident, after the epidemic is over, some people will come out to protest that the government has deprived them of their right to march. Anyway, competitors will not let the government take it easy!

It is rare that the capitalists did not hinder the government's epidemic prevention actions this time. Although their interests were also damaged, they were even more afraid of death!

The flu does not recognize people. Even if they have better medical conditions and the survival rate is as high as 99%, everyone still dare not take risks!

The main reason is that the virus announced by the Bulgarian Ministry of Health is still evolving, which really scared everyone. Now it is so powerful. If it continues to evolve, isn't it a replica of the Black Death? No one dares to gamble on this!

Medical institutions all over the world are involved in virus research, but unfortunately this thing is really not the technology of this era, it can be solved!

Viruses are different, how to create a special medicine?

The University of Cambridge organized experts to conduct virus statistics. They were surprised to find that there are more than 300 kinds of viruses among the 1,000 patients, which means that on average, only 3/1,000 of the virus overlaps. medicine?

Even if more than 300 kinds of medicines are made, the virus is still unstable, and changes are taking place at any time. If a medicine is developed today, the virus will mutate again tomorrow. What is the use?

This kind of mutation may be good or bad. If it is a benign development, then congratulations, you are ready to be discharged from the hospital. If it is a bad mutation, then you can prepare for the funeral!

Then the British scientific community once again proved the possibility that there is no special drug developed in the short term, so everyone should work together to fight the virus, otherwise, if one is bad, human beings will have to play!

Perhaps by God's blessing, the winter of 1918 came quickly, the epidemic began to subside, and governments all breathed a sigh of relief.

The last two or three months have been so fucking exciting. In just a few months, the total number of deaths in various countries has directly surpassed the sum of the two and a half years of world wars!

The world's economy has entered a state of great depression, and the flu has dissuaded everyone's enthusiasm for purchasing. If it is not for purchasing necessities, many people will choose to stay at home and not go anywhere!


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