Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 64, The Great Depression in Europe


The huge war reparations have already drained the pockets of the German people. Now not only ordinary people have a difficult life, but even the Junkers aristocrats have a difficult life.

Half of the industrial products are used to repay debts, and the rest of the industrial products have to be exported in exchange for industrial raw materials. In order to reduce foreign exchange consumption, the Weimar government has banned the use of luxury goods in the country.

Inflation turned Mark into waste paper, and the wealth of many people was swept away. Sixty percent of the German people owed a lot of debt to the banks. The bankers behind the scenes became the only victors!

Had it not been for Ferdinand's increased food aid to Germany, and the Weimar government having food to fill the stomachs of the people, they would have collapsed long ago.

The influx of aid food also harmed the interests of a class, that is, the land-based Junker aristocracy, and the Weimar government's rule has begun to be unstable.

Now Germany's food gap is more than 3 million tons, which means that after deducting the food aid from Bulgaria, they have to import at least 2 million tons of food every year to fill the domestic food gap.

The main producers of grain, the Junkers nobles, did not want the government to continue to import grain. They believed that as long as the domestic grain price increased a little more, they would be able to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for production and fill the domestic grain gap.

Of course, the Weimar government could not agree. It is estimated that no ruler would dare to agree. If the import of food was really stopped, the German people would rebel!

The first World War was because of the problem of food, and the Germans surrendered. As one of the leaders, the Weimar government also knew that there was one thing that must be done, that is, to ensure the domestic food supply!

Compared with the instability of the German central government, the development of several major kingdoms in the country is actually better. Take the Kingdom of Bavaria as an example. They vigorously developed domestic agriculture. But it is much higher!

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. In terms of local governance, the Weimar government, which has no experience in governing, is naturally a loser.

Under the banner of liberty, the capitalists quickly grew bigger and wielded increasing influence in the government.

In the same way, their oppression of the domestic people is becoming more and more serious.

Many people are aware that there is no future in developing industry in Germany now, and 50 percent of industrial and commercial products must be used to pay war reparations.

Capitalists are not philanthropists, how can they do such stupid things? Therefore, they have turned their attention to the financial field, rather than lending usury!

In this context, the conflict between the German central government and the major kingdoms also began to plan. The Weimar government hopes that the kingdoms with better economic recovery can take on a larger debt ratio. Obviously, this is not acceptable to the major kingdoms. of.

Now these kingdoms are not afraid of the central government. In order to bury a nail in Germany, the French insisted on delegating the four powers of army, diplomacy, finance and personnel to each kingdom.

In addition to the nominal unity, the current Germany is actually independent, so you can't count on each king to support a republic, right?

Especially in the past year, with the deterioration of the world economy, the Great Depression has spread to the entire European continent, and everyone's life has been difficult.

The export of industrial and commercial goods from Germany is not so easy.

Looking at the intelligence collected from Germany, Ferdinand rubbed his forehead. He had changed the history of Europe beyond recognition.

Judging from the current situation, if the Great Depression continues, the foreign exchange obtained by Germany's exports of artificial and commercial goods will no longer be able to purchase the industrial raw materials they need.

Then defaulting on debts has become an inevitable result. Without enough industrial raw materials, what are they going to use to produce so many products to pay off debts?

There is no money to import industrial raw materials, and naturally there is no money to import food. Even if there is one million tons of aid from Bulgaria every year, that is a drop in the bucket!

"Prime Minister, tell the Germans that we agree to give them a batch of food on credit, but only in accordance with business rules!"

Ferdinand made the final decision and continued to export grain to Germany. After the World War, Bulgaria was the largest grain exporter to Germany.

This is also a political business. After the war, Germany was eager to improve relations with major powers and get rid of the diplomatic deadlock, while Bulgaria also hoped to get along with Germany in order to recruit talents, so the two sides hit it off.

Now the Germans have no money to buy food, but the problem is in the short term. Can't find new buyers for the agricultural products produced in Bulgaria?

Therefore, knowing that it is difficult to receive money for exporting grain to Germany in the short term, Ferdinand still wants to continue this business!

"Your Majesty, this is too indulgent to the Germans. There is a lot of foreign exchange flowing into Germany from Bulgaria every year. We haven't said anything, and now we dare to..."

Constantine is naturally aware of the issue of grain exports. But the hundreds of thousands of Germans working in Bulgaria have to remit 7.8 billion levs to Germany every year, which can basically offset food exports.

With such capital flowing into Germany every year, Bulgaria has not said anything. Now that the German government has announced that it is unable to pay for their food, Constantine is naturally dissatisfied!

"It really can't be too cheap for the Germans, so let's set the interest rate higher. For example, the monthly interest rate of three points is very suitable for them. Anyway, they have no choice now. I don't believe anyone is willing to give them credit!" Dinan said coldly

How is it possible not to be angry?

Now the two countries can be regarded as getting what they need. Bulgaria has obtained talents from Germany, which has accelerated the pace of national development, and the Germans have also obtained food from Bulgaria to feed the domestic people.

The two sides can also be regarded as balanced in trade. The Germans obtained funds by exporting labor services, and then imported food from Bulgaria, which returned to Bulgaria again.

Now Bulgaria still needs these Germans to work hard. It is not necessary for the two sides to completely tear their faces. However, in business, it is not too much to charge usury?

These have nothing to do with the Bulgarian government at all. The capitalists are so black. If you want credit, you will have a high late fee. Love or not!

The Germans don't want it, the big deal is to use it to aid the Russians, and then find a chance to retaliate and go back. Now the Germans can't be hard-hearted!

After listening to Ferdinand's words, Constantine did not continue to struggle with this issue. If the Germans dared to bear the late fee of 3% of the monthly interest, then everything would be negotiable.

"Your Majesty, what about the Italians?" Constantine asked

Speaking of Italy, Ferdinand can only smile bitterly. If it is said that the Germans may default on their debts in the future, then the Italians have already begun to default on their debts.

It's not that their government doesn't work hard, it's that they really can't afford it! If there are still available for sale, it is estimated that the Italian government will sell it!

From the signing of the Treaty of Versailles to the present, the Italian government has done everything possible to repay its debts. Industrial and commercial products, this does not have the competitiveness of the Germans; agricultural products are not enough for their own use, and human resources are not needed by everyone!

No, there are still labor teams organized by the Italian government in Bulgaria. To put it simply, they organize criminals and send them over to work as coolies to earn money.

Another is to vigorously develop the service industry. Of course, this is not organized by the government. It is the capitalists who have learned the advanced experience of Japan. Well, they're still a little bit disciplined, at least not forced.

It's just that they combine sales with it and use this special channel to sell Italian luxury goods to European countries!

Of course, these cannot let the Italian government take the blame. It is really a domestic economic downturn, and they have to bear huge debts. Many people are forced to take this road for the sake of life!

"Well, tell the Italians to talk to the British consortium if you want debt relief. We have already sold all the creditors' rights, as long as they agree!" Ferdinand said indifferently.

"Your Majesty, the Italians also asked to suspend the payment of indemnity. They will continue to perform the contract when their economy recovers. We have an agreement with the consortium, and we must be responsible for the payment!" Constantine reminded

Ferdinand laughed and said, "That's right, we promised to dunnage, and we also ensured that the Italians would not be able to default on their debts!

However, it takes Italians a hundred years to pay off, as long as they don't pay them a late fee, it's not a default, right? The consortium asks us to dunnage, so we will go with other countries to dunnage! "

Constantine was shocked. He didn't expect that Ferdinand was trying to get away with it, but now the Italians really have no money, and they really can't do anything to them!

"Your Majesty, the Great Depression in Europe has affected our export industry, and if nothing else, exports to the European continent will drop by 20 percent this year!

The government has decided to transform the company and change its export to domestic sales. Now that the economic crisis in Italy has broken out, we plan to recruit a group of talents in the past. Their designers are still very good, but they are too lazy! ' continued Constantine

Ferdinand nodded, and then said: "Let's do it like this, we have just started the ten-year plan, and the market contained in it is huge. If we count the supporting industries, the jobs created will probably exceed 5 million. indivual.

The domestic human resources market may be difficult to provide. When necessary, you can look to European countries to find cheap labor! "

Regarding the current German and Italian governments, Ferdinand is a little speechless. Although the cards in his hand are bad, he can't play it!

The domestic economic crisis is so serious, they still maintain a high-welfare social system, but most people cannot enjoy these benefits, the restricted funds are insufficient, and they are occupied by a small group of privileged classes.

This expenditure alone accounts for 23% of Germany's fiscal revenue and 27% of Italy's fiscal revenue. It is also called protecting people's livelihood.

That's all, the economic situation is not good, the government has to find a way to take active countermeasures, at least hit the domestic capitalists, let the people breathe a sigh of relief, they didn't do anything!

Encountering such two wonderful governments, it is no wonder that later generations of *** can develop, but this plane has not yet appeared in their shadows, is it because of the butterfly effect?


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