Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 50, the opening of the Sorbian Railway

"Colorful open-top carriages run down the streets, mountains of grain are piled in the warehouses of the wealthy, large color photos of 'beauties' everywhere in entertainment venues, and . . .

The unspeakable folk grief, they have nothing on the table, can't eat enough, and rarely have a meal of white bread for many years..."

Do you think it is very familiar, yes, this is the original description of Shanghai Beach (it was adapted by the author). This is the status quo in the Balkans, as it was in Bulgaria two years ago.

Thanks to the purges during the Stam period, a large number of the wealthy class were swept away, and Ferdinand had enough accumulation to relax the exploitation of the people, which made the common people breathe a sigh of relief.

Along the way, Ferdinand discovered that the entertainment venues of the past were mostly closed. Hope shone on the faces of the people, taxes returned to normal levels, and the mountains that had weighed on them were removed again.

The most important thing is that there is no need to repay the usury owed, and the dead will not come to collect the bills. At this point, many of them are grateful to the Stam government.

Despite the notoriety of the Stam government, in fact, its contribution to the country is still the highest of any Bulgarian government.

The hills and hills in Bulgaria are ups and downs, and the shapes are changeable. Mountains and hills account for about 64% of the whole territory. (Note: This is the topography in 1891; after the Second Balkan War and two consecutive defeats in the World War, Bulgaria lost a large plain, and the mountains and hills rose to 79 percent.)

In an era when railways are still under construction and cars are still being developed. Even if Ferdinand was king, he was no exception. He could only travel by carriage and suffered from bumps.

As for why he didn't ride a horse, Ferdinand before Li Mu's crossing was a standard knight; but now Ferdinand would not fall off on horseback, that's a question!

Fortunately, Ferdinand's body was in good condition after crossing, and he could withstand it. If Li Mu in his previous life had vomited and vomited.

Along the way, as expected by Ferdinand, the industrialization process in various places is not bad. In terms of agriculture, the promotion of new technologies in the plains is rapid, and the progress in most of the mountainous areas is slow.

Of course, there is one more benefit that Ferdinand didn't notice. Everywhere he passed, a road was born in advance.

This ordinary road has become the first connected transportation hub in Bulgaria. It was called "Imperial Avenue" in history, and it is also dubbed "Chama Walkway" by the folks, which means: the avenue that the king visited.

Now Ferdinand has arrived in the city of Burgas in southeastern Bulgaria. It is located on the west coast of the Black Sea and is the capital of Burgas State, bordering the Burgas Bay of the Black Sea. It is the second largest city in the future economic comprehensive strength of Bulgaria, and the central city on the south bank of the Black Sea in Bulgaria, with an important position in industry and transportation.

Its history can be traced back to the ancient Greek period. During the Middle Ages the city began to develop. It is also an important transit hub to the tourist area along the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, and also has industries such as petroleum, chemical, salt drying, and iron mining.

Burgas is now just an ordinary small port. The reason why Ferdinand wanted to come here was mainly because the first trunk line in Bulgaria was opened to traffic, from Sofia to Burgas, with a total length of 580 kilometers. (Some of these sections, which existed before, were just connected.)

Ferdinand knew that with the completion of the railway, Burgas would enter a fast-growing fast lane in the future.

In parallel time and space, Burgas Port undertakes 60% of Bulgaria's national maritime transportation, and the petrochemical industry is developed. The largest oil refinery in the Balkans is located here.

At the same time, it is also the fishery center of Bulgaria. It is affected by the oceanic climate and the temperate continental humid climate, which is suitable for the development of agriculture.

In addition to the production of grain crops such as wheat, corn, and barley, there are also commercial crops such as grapes, apples, almonds, and cherries.

The opening of the railway from Sofia to Burgas is definitely a big event for Bulgaria.

The railway goes through several cities and runs east to west in Bulgaria.

Ferdinand couldn't remember the original name of this railway, so he took the first word of the two cities and named it directly according to his habit. Thus the nondescript name "Sorbian Railway" was born.

The "Sorbian Railway" is the main artery of Bulgaria, with extremely high military and economic value. If the various branch lines are connected, the traffic in the entire Bulgaria will be alive.

The opening ceremony of the "Sorbian Railway" was very grand. Ferdinand attended the opening ceremony in Burgas, and Chekov, on behalf of the government, presided over the opening ceremony in Sofia.

The two trains departed from Sofia and Burgas successively, which lasted twelve and a half hours, and both reached their destination safely.

In fact, in order to ensure the smooth opening to traffic, it has been tested many times before, and now it is just a passing scene.

Bulgarian news newspapers reported the good news to the public with their front-page headlines that day.

Ferdinand didn't feel that much. After seeing the speed of the high-speed rail, it was really difficult for him to feel excited about the railway with a speed of less than 50 kilometers per hour.

In fact, at the end of the 19th century, the "Sorbian Railway" could only be described as ordinary. The most common steam train is used, and the only advantage is that the technology is mature and the safety is reliable.

Although Ferdinand knew that in the near future, he would be eliminated, and the railway would also be greatly remodeled, and there was nothing he could do.

Despite this, it did not affect the status of the "Sorbian Railway" in Bulgaria in the slightest. From now on, Bulgaria can reach from east to west.

Economically, the cost of material transportation has been greatly reduced, people's communication has become more convenient, and economic development has been promoted.

Militarily, the pressure on national defense has been greatly reduced. In one day, the strength of one regiment can be deployed to most areas of the country; in three days, this number can be enlarged to one division. The premise is that the branch lines in various places are also connected, otherwise the logistics supply will definitely have initial problems.

Ferdinand still underestimated the impact of the opening of the "Sorbian Railway".

All over the country, people spontaneously organized celebrations. When the common demonstrations in the later world do not exist, it is obstructing public transportation and is illegal.

Most of the three or five friends get together, brag about each other, imagine the future, and discuss the present. There are also businesses, taking the opportunity to engage in promotional activities.

All in all, Bulgarians are still very conservative at this stage. Not only is life simple, but even in daily behavior, he is very conservative and follows tradition. The spring breeze of democracy and freedom has not yet blown into their hearts.

Ferdinand was having a good time when an unexpected visitor interrupted his trip.

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