Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 57, Negotiation

When Ferdinand was thinking about it, Alice's clear voice came: "Grand Duke, the diplomatic envoy of the Russian Empire - Count Paul Shuvalov is here."

Ferdinand retracted his thoughts and said, "Well, I see! Please invite him to rest in the parlor first, and I'll see him there later!"

Taking a deep breath, Ferdinand suddenly felt refreshed. The moment has come to decide the future fate of Bulgaria, and all that has to be done has been done.

Ferdinand shouted: "Here comes!"

"Grand Duke, what are your orders?" The attendant came over immediately

"You go and notify the minister in Sofia, and the officials above will have a meeting at the palace at night!" Ferdinand ordered.

The attendant replied: "Okay, Your Excellency, I'll do it right away!"

After sorting out his appearance, Ferdinand decided to see Count Paul Shuvalov first. In any case, Bulgaria is still asking for Russia now, and the etiquette cannot be neglected.

Paul Shuvalov in the living room, seeing Ferdinand coming, immediately put his left hand on his right chest, took off his hat with his right hand, bowed slightly forward and nodded in salute.

"His Excellency the Grand Duke, Count Paul Shuvalov of the Russian Empire, greetings to you!"

Ferdinand also nodded politely, expressing his acceptance of Paul Shuvalov's greeting.

"Count Paul Shuvalov, welcome to Bulgaria!"


There was a lot of etiquette wrangling, and Ferdinand was busy for most of the day. Oh, no, it should be the topic of no nutrition that we talked about for a long time before we got to the point.

Ferdinand studied the diplomatic rhetoric of later generations and began to brag about the relationship between the two countries: "Count Paul, the Russian Empire and Bulgaria are a strip of water, and the relationship between the two countries has a long history. Although there have been some misunderstandings, this does not affect the friendly relationship between us!"

"The connection between Sofia and St. Petersburg can be traced back hundreds of years. The religions, cultures, languages ​​and customs of the two peoples have too much in common, and they once fought against the common enemy of the Ottomans. I am optimistic about the development of the relationship!"

Paul Shuvalov was a little confused, watching Ferdinand talking about the friendly relations between the two countries: from history to the present, from religion and culture to language and customs, from politics to economy.

In short, it means that the two countries must have good relations. Anyone who destroys the diplomatic relations between the two countries will be a sinner of history and will be spurned by the people of the two countries.

After all, Count Paul Shuvalov has never experienced it, and the influence of the Internet era is still shameful. Ferdinand began to play tricks, he didn't know how to refute.

The first time I heard it, what Ferdinand said was very reasonable. He came here this time with sincerity. If you think about it carefully, you will know that it is in trouble. If there is no conclusion, Paul Shuvalov will become a historical sinner and the culprit of destroying the relationship between the two countries.

After all, Ferdinand was well-prepared, and he was influenced by the Internet era in his previous life, and his integrity had long been thrown into Java.

Prepared the manuscript in advance, and played it on the spot, spitting on the stars. With the advantage of his identity, he bombarded Count Paul Shuvalov indiscriminately, which lasted for more than two hours.

Paul Shuvalov finally left the palace in a daze, and his previous thoughts were disrupted. Coupled with the pressure of Nikolai's telegram, I now think that friendly relations between Russia and Bulgaria are imperative.

Anyone who has seen the MLM brainwashing record knows what Ferdinand is doing!

You guessed it right, this is brainwashing! If it was in later generations, it is estimated that it would have been sprayed with dog blood, but it was very applicable in the nineteenth century.

In this era when the nobility has never fallen, the influence of the great nobility is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. In the identity of Ferdinand, what he said was still easy to accept.

Paul Shuvalov naturally thinks that Ferdinand is a pro-Russian faction, otherwise when it comes to the relationship between the two countries,

There are so many reasons to withdraw.

Now improve the relationship between Russia and Bulgaria, and even form an alliance. For Russia, it was a diplomatic victory.

Since Germany tore up the German-Russian Reinsurance Pact, the Russian Empire has been diplomatically isolated, and there is no longer a significant ally on the European continent.

Russia and Austria-Hungary were rivals in the Balkans, and there were conflicts in Poland.

In terms of economy and trade, the conflict between Germany and Russia has a long history. As long as the Junkers aristocrats are there, it is estimated that there is no chance to resolve them. Oh, this can be ignored, after all, it is not the core issue, it is nothing more than tariffs.

Not to mention the Ottoman Empire, it is a never-ending feud. You can see from the long border line that it is the source of contradictions.

Next up is the British Empire. I did it in the Crimea 30 years ago, but they're a European bullshit!

One-on-one fights can't be changed to group fights. Nicholas expresses that he has the ability, you Daying come over to fight one-on-one, I will let you do one hand, and if you don't come, it will be your grandson!

How does Victoria do it, and you don't have the general knowledge of a rough person like you! We are wise and civilized people, we have to fight one-on-one, right: Come on, I will fight at sea, whoever will be the grandson!

Of course, this is not enough. Bullying the Russian navy is nothing. We are a strong army country. If you have the ability, see you on land. Nicholas I said to see it. I have already launched it, and I want to expand to the Ottomans. If you are counseled, I will enter. Mediterranean!

Oh, Victoria is angry, you are a bull, don't you think about who is John Bull! Immediately find the old enemy France, don't you want to take revenge with three? The opportunity has come, let's fight the savage in Russia together, and help you avenge the revenge of Waterloo! Interests, don't worry, the Mediterranean decided to have you a share, and my sister will share a bowl of soup for you!

Then the British and French groups brought the Ottoman brothers to fight against Russia. Nicholas I said that the most important thing for me is gray animals! Come on, hurt each other! See who can afford it!

Victoria looked, this is not good! Mao Xiong is not easy to deal with, I, John Bull, can't fight him to the death! Then continue to exert the power of the European shit stick and make a unique trick - pull allies!

First, Prussia and Austria announced their neutrality, and Mao Xiong was angry. Well, you two or five Austrians, we will settle the account later!

Oh, Victoria said, boy, you are too young, where are you going, waiting for you to feel better later!

Let's see, this Sardinian kingdom has joined again, don't underestimate the ability of our European scumbags to pull people! Next, the small countries will not be mentioned, anyway, they are all cheering, and there are many in Europe!

By the way, I'm putting a few revolutionary parties for you. Don't thank me. John Bull is so selfless and contributes to the cause of human liberation!

What? Odili jumped backwards! Nima? The good ally, it's okay if you are neutral, but now you've turned your back on it, you're ruthless with our Liangzi, and I can't end it!

Nicholas I panicked, what should I do? The tigers can't hold back the wolves, the war can no longer be fought, and there are chaos in the country, and it's over!

OK, I admit defeat! Nicholas I was also a bachelor, so he simply resisted all the charges, took a pack of Sanlu milk powder, and went to see God with one leg!

Seeing that the emperor is dead, and the Russians are not making trouble, what should I do! Alexander II succeeded to the throne and began to work hard!

Mao Xiong, who recovered his vitality, said that Lao Tzu refused to accept it! Britain and Russia continue to work, and small conflicts are skipped. In the recent conflict in Afghanistan, Russia has the "Three Emperors Alliance", which is slightly better!

John Bull said that he would not cut it, "The Alliance of the Three Emperors" is a piece of shit, who are we?

European shit stick!

How can you get a false reputation and provoke the collapse of the "Three Emperors Alliance"! What? And the German-Russian Reinsurance Treaty, simple! Fool Dafa, get Wilhelm II, and the German-Russian alliance disintegrates!

(I worked overtime today, it took a while, sorry!!)

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