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The world war is over, and the spoils left by the British are too rich. Several big countries are choking on food, and now they are busy digesting the fruits of victory, and the small countries don't have much say.

In this context, Bulgaria's actions in Australia are naturally ignored.

It's not easy to have a good boss, everyone's death attribute is not that strong.

Compared with the British, Bulgaria's international reputation is much better. At least on the bright side, Bulgaria has never cheated its teammates.

This makes the governments of various countries very satisfied. The European shit-stirring stick is finally gone, and everyone can develop their economies with peace of mind.

Bulgaria does not need to provoke conflicts among countries, nor does it need to suppress the development of countries. The pit has been dug long ago, and it is enough to watch them jump into it by themselves.

For example, the French, now the second largest country in the world, continue to advance on the road of a usury empire. They have a large number of colonies, but they don't know how to develop them.

It originally had the most advanced industrial system in the world, but under the unremitting efforts of the French government for more than 20 years, it started de-industrialization prematurely. Now the total amount of French industry has hardly increased compared with that before World War I.

Another example: West Russia, going further and further on the road of mine owners, each and every Russian local tycoon buys and buys in the world, but they are unwilling to invest in manufacturing.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire next door is not much better. The financial industry is booming, and the manufacturing industry is heavily dependent on Bulgaria. The domestic economy has long been almost controlled by Bulgaria.

It seems that these three major powers are standing in the second echelon, but in fact their combined national strength is less than half that of Bulgaria.

Now Bulgaria has drawn its attention to the Indian region. This seemingly fertile land is likely to be their burial place.

After a world war, how could there be no losses?

As the first-line participating countries, apart from the pit in the Far East in the Holy Alliance, the French suffered the most casualties, followed by Austria-Hungary and Western Russia.

On the surface, the Holy Alliance won the treaty war, divided up the colonies, and obtained war indemnities. In fact, these benefits have never been obtained.

War indemnities exist only in name, and several defeated countries are heavily indebted, and there is no way to get the money out in a short period of time.

You can't go to other people's country to search for machinery and equipment to pay off debts, right? Even if these things are snatched back, they are useless, right?

Bulgaria ranks first in the world in machinery and equipment manufacturing, and they look down on their products. France, Western Russia, and Austria-Hungary don't like to play industry, and these equipment are not compatible with China.

The remaining small countries are really greedy, but unfortunately they are powerless and dare not take action.

Not to mention the colonies, no matter how rich they are, they may see immediate returns. This is a long-term business.

After the defeat of Britain, the Indian region declared its independence. The nascent government was quickly defeated by the three countries and is now busy suppressing the rebellion.

Now the insurgents in India are behind the handwriting of the British. When they evacuated, they personally taught the locals about national independence.

What is the purpose of the British doing this, and whether there are other factors behind it, no one knows.

Maybe it is because the British have a lofty international revolutionary spirit and have contributed to the national independence movement of the people in India?

Ferdinand is something to be proud of. The new international order is much more stable than the historical international order. The war in the Middle East will not break out, and the chaos in Africa will no longer exist.

Even the Asian region will become more stable in the future. Without the so-called Vietnam War and Afghanistan War, the mainstream of the world has changed from the era of imperialism to peaceful development.

Time flies by, and thirty years have passed in a flash. Ferdinand's life is coming to an end. Now his sons have abdicated, and it is his grandson's turn.

In the past thirty years, the situation has changed,

However, the world is generally peaceful. Bulgaria, the world leader, farms behind closed doors, does not go out to engage in wind and rain, and often adjusts international conflicts. It is difficult for a major war to break out.

Up to now, the colonial system has come to an end, and several major colonial empires are struggling to support it. At this time, they are extremely envious of Bulgaria.

Everyone is a colonial empire, their colonies are in turmoil, the cost of governance is rising day by day, and many areas have become loss-making businesses.

The only exception is Bulgaria, the largest colonial empire in the world. In this short period of thirty years, Bulgaria completed the integration of its colonies.

In 1960, the Bulgarian Congress promulgated the "Colonial Indigenization Act", which started the road of integration, and an empire with a land area of ​​49 million square kilometers was born.

Well, after the annexation of Australia, Bulgaria took the lead in carving up Antarctica and gained sovereignty over most of Antarctica.

Antarctica was divided up, and all independent countries in the world got a share, and the Bulgarian government used international loans to gradually obtain their territorial sovereignty in Antarctica from various countries.

Although many people can't understand, Bulgaria's purpose of taking over this ice and snow country did not until the 21st century did scientists discover the treasure house of Antarctica.

At this time, it was too late, this land had already become the mainland of Bulgaria, and no one had the guts to attack the idea of ​​the world's boss.


Ferdinand, who is over a hundred years old, has long been far away from politics, but no one in the world dares to underestimate this dying old man.

Now when he sneezes, the whole world shakes. Over the years, Bulgaria's influence has penetrated into every corner of the world, and the royal family has used this shareholder wind to export the king.

From Europe to Asia, from North America to South America, and then to Oceania, the flag of the Gotha-Kohari family can be seen in almost every corner of the world.

"Are you back?" Ferdinand asked.

"They're all back!"

It was his grandson who answered, Ferdinand III, the current Emperor of the Bulgarian Empire.

There is no way, and now his sons are all old, and two of them went to see God before him.

"Well, let's go out for a walk together!"

After speaking, Ferdinand got up. Even though he is already a hundred years old, his body is still very good, not to mention walking like flying, at least he doesn't need anyone's support.

He glanced at his children and grandchildren, Ferdinand was worried. Now there are five generations under the same roof, and the number of descendants has already exceeded a hundred. Many great-grandchildren who have been in contact with each other for too short a time, he can't tell who is who.

It doesn't matter if you can't tell the difference, anyway, everyone will introduce themselves, this is the rule he set.

I don't know when it started, Ferdinand's birthday has declined guests, only his descendants can participate.

When they got here, the kings and emperors who looked high above in the eyes of the outside world have become ordinary people. They have to do everything by themselves, and there are no servants to order them.

The imaginary banquet has long been cancelled. Usually, a large family gathers to talk, and everyone has to go their separate ways the next day.


After the last big birthday in his life, Ferdinand's life was drawn to a successful end at the age of 111.

According to the conclusions of historians, Ferdinand has won many titles in the world, the most successful emperor in the world, the longest-lived emperor in the world, the founder of the largest empire in the world, and the emperor with the most strategic vision in the world ...

Even at the final funeral, Ferdinand set a world record, forty-seven kings came to see him off.

There is no way, the seniority is too high, and the circle of European nobles is not big. Now most of the kings in the world are related to him. Unknowingly, Ferdinand has become the ancestor of the European royal family.

The kings of the Americas were exported from Europe, and the Gotha family was the best among them. A single family sent 18 kings, and half of them were direct descendants of Ferdinand.

This is the advantage of a large number of people. Many ancient royal families are also very competitive. Unfortunately, their number of descendants is too small to be able to engage in this promising activity.

At the beginning of the grand funeral, Sofia's traffic was severely tested, and finally it was blocked. In just two or three days, more than 30 million people poured in, far exceeding the upper limit of the city.

If the government hadn't taken timely measures to block people from all over the world, Sofia would have become the first city in the world to collapse due to the influx of people.

When everyone was busy preparing for Ferdinand's funeral, Li Mu woke up suddenly and looked at his familiar rental house. Could it be Nanke Yimeng?

But this dream was a bit too long. There were a lot of memories in his mind, from the struggle at the beginning, to the establishment of a world empire in the end, with a full house of descendants.

Before he could figure out the situation, he fainted gorgeously again, woke up again and was already in Vienna, and a new life journey started again.

Recommended new book "Holy Roman Empire", Haiyue's new work Pink Seedlings, only published two chapters, friends who are interested, bookmark it first, and kill after fattening!

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