Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 73, The Situation

After the dust settled, Ferdinand finally let go of his dangling heart. Don't you see the "French-Russian Alliance" in history, it took St. Petersburg two years to approve it.

The "Russian and Bulgarian Alliance" on the bright side is only economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and is limited to the economic alliance.

But the great powers are not fools, and no country will believe that this is purely economic cooperation.

However, in the international situation at that time, the three countries of England, Germany and Austria hoped to turn Russia's attention to the east and reduce the pressure on Europe and India. France hoped to form an alliance with Russia.

Ferdinand sent Chekov to visit at the juncture of the Russian-Braft negotiation, which was also a consideration in this regard. After all, it is more suitable for people from the Ministry of Industry to go to the market for purely purchasing goods.

Starting from the United Kingdom, and then passing through France, Germany, and Austria-Hungary, the route is to reveal to the countries that Russia’s strategy is moving eastward. Although this is no secret, this move is purely to show the powers that this alliance is not aimed at countries.

A butterfly in the Amazon rainforest in South America can cause a tornado in the Americas two weeks later with the occasional flap of its wings.

The butterfly effect after Ferdinand's crossing has already happened, and there is no "Russian-Paul Alliance" in history. Great powers can ignore it, that is their strength, but the Balkan countries cannot ignore it.

The first to be affected is Romania, sandwiched between Bulgaria and Russia, and Russia has never concealed its ambitions for Romania.

Romania should be thankful that the current tsar of Russia is Alexander III, a pacifist, otherwise their life would be even more difficult.

Then there is the Ottoman Empire, they have had a grudge with Russia for hundreds of years, and the two sides are a bloody feud. On average, it has been less than 20 years for the first major war, and the small conflicts have not ended. It is almost time to start counting the days.

Next is Serbia. The Cypriot War has only passed for a few years. If it wasn't for Austria-Hungary, the boss, in 1886, it would be hard to say what Serbia is like now.

Bulgaria's rapid development in recent years has aroused their vigilance, and now the alliance between Russia and Bulgaria has made them even more worried, and even domestic pro-Russian factions have been hit for a while.

Around the alliance between Russia and Bulgaria, the Balkan countries have carried out diplomatic activities one after another, showing their magical powers.

The Ottoman Empire continued to strengthen its diplomacy with Germany to seek support, and even made concessions on the issue of the "Baghdad Railway".

In the late 1880s, in order to compete for world hegemony, Germany pursued a policy of advancing eastward, extending its power into the Near East, trying to build a railway to connect it with the European Continental Railway, and to become a direct railway from Hamburg and Berlin via Constantinople and Baghdad. The Great Railway of the Persian Gulf.

This railway not only allowed the expansion of German power in the Ottoman Empire; but also seriously threatened the Caucasus, Persia and other regions and British India. Therefore, it was opposed and obstructed by Russia, France, and especially the United Kingdom, and it was not completed until the outbreak of World War I.

Romania chose to continue to move closer to Germany and Austria, and started a new round of negotiations. This time, even the disputed Croatian issue with Austria-Hungary was put on hold.

Serbia looked around, and finally reluctantly moved closer to the boss, Austria-Hungary, and quickly put away the previous unpleasantness.

For a time, the Serbian pro-Russian faction was beaten with no morale. As Mao Xiong's strategy moved eastward, support for them was getting weaker and weaker, and the pro-Austrian faction once again had the upper hand.

At the end of the 19th century, Germany's diplomacy was at its peak. Under the leadership of Bismarck, most of the countries in Europe were pro-Germany and allies were everywhere.

If it weren't for the successor's new line of diplomacy, coupled with the provocation of European shit sticks, Germany was forced to make a choice and give up one by one allies, and World War I would definitely be very different.

The Balkans are turbulent, history has become unfamiliar, and Ferdinand is now unable to grasp the direction of the future. But looking at the world, Ferdinand's butterfly effect is not so big,

What should have happened still happened.

At the end of 1891, the Chekov delegation visited Britain, France, Germany and Austria, returned to Bulgaria, and finally caught up with Christmas in Sofia.

Ferdinand summoned the delegation at the palace, and Chekov handed over a document, saying: "Your Excellency, this is the document we collected during our visit to England, France, Germany and Austria."

After Chekov finished speaking, he saw Ferdinand nodded, and continued to introduce: "These are just what we have seen, because the time was too short and we did not conduct in-depth investigations."

"According to what we have learned and a preliminary judgment, the four countries of Britain, France, Germany and Austria have a very high level of industrialization. The British Empire, in particular, has far surpassed other countries in terms of industrial scale, invention and promotion of science and technology... "

Ferdinand listened to Chekov's report and said nothing, although he knew that many of the contents were wrong, but it was enough to refer to Bulgaria.

At least the delegation exaggerated the United Kingdom too much. Ferdinand knew that in a few years, the United States would surpass the United Kingdom in terms of total volume, and Germany would also complete a counterattack in terms of total volume in ten years.

In terms of the so-called promotion of new technologies, the United Kingdom has begun to lag behind. With its vast colonies, the pursuit of technological innovation by the British capitalists has become weaker and weaker.

The second industrial revolution has already begun. Due to the lag in the promotion of new technologies, the United Kingdom has only allowed the virtues to complete the industrial transcendence in a short period of time.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Bulgaria now. Although the promotion of new technologies can improve productivity, the process is tortuous.

What Bulgaria needs now is an industrial foundation, and there is no capital to pay tuition fees for industrial technological innovation. This sacred work should be left to the foreign powers!

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, all kinds of ideas were surging. Affected by the chaotic trend of thought, many people's thoughts will go to extremes, one-sided pursuit of perfection, while ignoring other factors.

Ferdinand, who came from later generations, knew that industrial development cannot be based on one-sided pursuit of quality, nor can it blindly pursue quantity. The cost-effectiveness must be comprehensively considered.

No matter how good the quality is, it only exists in the laboratory, and cannot be mass-produced, typically with high input and low output; if the quantity is large and the quality is poor, it will not be able to gain a foothold in international competition.

Bulgaria is okay, people are more conservative and don't have that many ideas.

Ferdinand should have caught up with the good time. If he was in the world war or the Balkan war, even the traveler would be unable to return to the sky.

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