Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 86, The Balkans of Influence

In contrast, another bad brother bad brother - Greece, the situation is much better now. Although the Austro-Hungarian Bank suddenly stopped lending and was affected, it doesn't matter, we have many creditors, and we can deal with it if we think of a way.

For the Greek government led by George I, Ferdinand also had to say "convinced"!

In a country with a population of two million, it has an army of 150,000 people, including a navy of 40,000 gold-devouring beasts, which is simply admirable.

The military has gone to such a degree that it stands to reason that the country should have been in chaos for a long time. But Greece did not. Although it was also affected by the economic crisis and had some minor disturbances, the country was generally stable.

This is completely proud of the unique skills of Greece, one word "borrow"!

The political level of George I was leveraged. As soon as the economic crisis broke out, a cabinet meeting was immediately convened to find ways to deal with the crisis that may break out next.

"The economic crisis has broken out, what strategy does your cabinet have?" George I asked expectantly

"Respect to His Majesty the King, this economic crisis in Greece is caused by external reasons! We may not be able to get rid of the crisis by ourselves. Now only the government will buy food and provide relief to the unemployed. When the world economic crisis is over, everything will return to normal!" Prime Minister Terry Kupis says with confidence

George I nodded, and he wisely did not object to the government's negative measures.

If you want to talk about the Balkan countries, who is the most infiltrated by the foreign powers, there is no doubt that Greece is the first.

From the start of independence from the colonial rule of the Ottoman Empire, it was all arranged by the great powers. Including the first King Otto I in 1832, and now George I, they are all selected by foreign powers.

National sovereignty has long since been lost. Relying on government policies to restrict international capital is tantamount to fooling around. George I did not have the courage to challenge the great powers, nor did Greece have the strength to challenge the great powers.

After thinking about it, King George I said: "This is not enough, we still lack emergency funds! You must strengthen your ties with banks in various countries, and strive to allow them to issue some loans in advance in case of emergency!"


Due to the preparations made by the Greek government in advance, when the Austro-Hungarian Bank stopped issuing loans, the government still had some funds in hand and could negotiate with other banks slowly.

In the end, the rich and powerful British boss won and took over the claims of the Austro-Hungarian Bank very readily. Oh, it's just an extra two cents of interest, what a trifle!

Look at Romania next door. In contrast, Carol I is still very nourished. "Black Sea Pearl" is not blown out, the vast black land, rich mineral resources, even the bears covet.

Well, there are so many places for bears to salivate, just leave it alone! Anyway, this rich family has provided a strong support for Romania's industrial development.

Since the accession of King Carroll I, the development of industry has been encouraged, although no major results have been achieved. However, small and medium-sized factories have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and they look vibrant.

Like other Balkan countries, Romania was also heavily infiltrated by foreign powers. Romania's fragile economy was hit hard by a wave of shearing following the economic crisis.

After the outbreak of the Austro-Hungarian financial crisis, funds were withdrawn from overseas, and Romania was no exception. However, before the outbreak of the economic crisis, German agriculture was in arrears, and Carol I made a fortune by virtue of the covenant concluded with Germany and Austria in 1883.

Then Romania passed without a hitch, only the financial crisis intensified. In order to raise military funds, Carroll I taxed farmers again.

Looking at the news from neighboring countries gathered together, Ferdinand breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, everyone was unlucky together.

Sometimes people are like this. When they are unlucky, they will gloat when they see others are even more unlucky. Ferdinand is no exception.

Judging from the collected data, the Balkan countries, without exception, have been affected by the economic crisis and suffered heavy losses.

Bulgaria has made preparations in advance, domestic capital is state-owned capital occupying a dominant position, and the government has strongly suppressed domestic capitalists to take advantage of the situation, launched the "Second Five-Year Plan" to absorb the unemployed in the society, and took the lead in getting rid of the economic crisis.

The Greek government survived the crisis with loans, and the government provided relief to the unemployed, stabilizing the situation.

Romania has fertile land and abundant products. Although the industry suffered heavy losses, it survived the crisis by exploiting farmers. The country is still undercurrent, although there may be a volcanic eruption.

Needless to say, Serbia's economic losses are under the effect of Ferdinand's butterfly, and now a small-scale civil war has broken out. Well, Ferdinand admits that this uprising had his hands behind it.

As for Montenegro's future kingdom of Montenegro, ignore it. A small country with a population of less than half a million and almost zero industry is not worthy of Ferdinand's attention.

Not surprisingly, there is no analysis of the Ottoman Empire. It's not that Ferdinand didn't pay attention, the key is that now Ottoman is a mess, and the domestic bureaucrats are busy fighting for power and profit all day long. They haven't figured out the specific situation in the country yet, anyway, it's very bad.

This is also the case for Osman Ferdinand. Anyway, with the memory of later generations, he also knows that the ethnic contradictions of the Ottoman Empire are an unsolvable problem. There is only one spark to detonate, otherwise Ferdinand would not set his sights on this giant.

In order to deal with the changes that the Balkans may face next, Ferdinand convened a cabinet meeting again.

"Everyone, since the outbreak of the economic crisis, we have passed the most difficult time! But the next problem comes again. After the outbreak of the Austro-Hungarian financial crisis, the control of the Balkans has been relaxed, and other powers will definitely find opportunities to take advantage of them. In the future, the Balkans are very likely to undergo major diplomatic changes! What should we do next in Bulgaria? How can we remain invincible in this change, and even gain greater benefits?" Ferdinand said cautiously

This is a big proposition, don't think you can sit back and relax when Bulgaria and Russia are allied. If there is a greater interest, Ferdinand does not mind breaking the treaty at any time, and of course the same is true for the bear.

The conference room became silent. Although all the Bulgarian elites were sitting, everyone was at a loss on this issue. In terms of long-term strategic layout, except for Ferdinand, Bulgaria really does not have such a long-term strategist.

Seeing that the scene was embarrassed, Chekov said bravely, "Your Excellency the Grand Duke, the situation in the Balkans is now in a mess. The five powers of Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Austria are intertwined. It is really difficult to see the direction of the future."

Ferdinand nodded calmly. He knew that it wasn't because his subordinates did nothing. He was really a fan of their authorities and didn't know what to do.

The newly appointed prime minister, Constantine, knew that it was time for him to express his opinion, and everyone else could not express his opinion, but as a prime minister, he must have it.

Said anxiously...

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