Meet The Leader

Chapter 1010: Undercurrent

PS: Thanks to the book friend seminole for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

After sending everyone else away, Chu Xiu also entered a state of retreat.

Some of his insights from the fierce battles with people in the primitive devil cave need to be digested, and the consumption of using the blood demon to transform the sky also needs to be repaired.

Although Chu Xiu only spent a short time, and he still has the Indestructible Magic Pill, so he did not suffer too many injuries, but there are still some sequelae.

During the period of Chu Xiu's retreat, the entire river and lake was a little unsettled, and the undercurrent was surging.

There are two fundamental reasons, one is in Ye Shaonan, and the other is in the righteous warriors who were released from the deep pool.

Ye Shaonan got the Demon Seed, which has made Zhengdao Wulin very jealous. No one knows how much his strength can skyrocket after this legendary treasure is refined by Ye Shaonan.

Therefore, most of the sects of the right way have been extremely afraid of the Moon Worship Cult, and some people even want to investigate the details of the Moon Worship Cult, and they raided the Moon Worship Cult when Ye Shaonan retreated.

And those warriors who were released from the deep pool also had a great impact on the situation of the entire Jianghu, especially the Daomen lineage.

From the Buddhist side, it is good to say that Yuan Guang from the Daguang Temple and an ascetic from the Subhuti Temple were trapped.

For the Subhuti Temple, the addition of an ascetic who was in the realm of real fire was just a little more strength, and it was no big deal.

As for Yuanguang, eight hundred years ago, he had served as the head of the Diamond Institute, but he has since given way to the side effects of the Angry Diamond Heart Sutra, and he has a very peaceful personality.

Knowing that eight hundred years have passed, he naturally has no intention of fighting for power and profit, but is just preparing to use his last time to do his best for the sect.

There are also people trapped there on Longhu Mountain, but it is only a true dan practitioner. The strength of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain for 800 years can be said to be not too strong. Only contemporary Tianshi can hold up the facade. , so even if it is a place like the original devil cave, only one true core warrior enters it.

But the two sects of Chunyang Daomen and Zhenwu Sect, the people who go out are not small.

At this time, in the hall of Chunyang Daomen, a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a white robe was reading through the big and small things that happened in Chunyang Daomen over the years.

His face is dignified and cold, and anyone who sees him has a feeling of trembling in his heart.

This middle-aged Taoist priest was Yunmengzi, the head of the six real people who guarded the temple of Tiangang Temple 800 years ago.

When it comes to actual age, not counting the eight hundred years of being trapped, this Yun Mengzi is younger than everyone present, even only a little older than Yuyunzi, not even a hundred years old.

The leader of this generation of the six guardians of the temple is Chang Yunzi, who died in the hands of Chu Xiu. That person is nearly three hundred years old, a standard old man.

As a result, Yun Mengzi was able to hold the position of the head of the six sages of the Tiangang Temple in his prime. It is conceivable how terrifying his innate strength is.

And this is also because he was accidentally trapped in the primitive devil's cave, otherwise, maybe the next generation or the next generation's headmaster of Chunyang Daomen would be him.

At this time, Yunmengzi looked at the wind and rain of the eight hundred years of Chunyang Daomen, and the change of strength, his face became more and more ugly.

"Trash! They're all trash! The legacy left by our ancestors, after only eight hundred years, has been corrupted into such a state?

It’s enough that Zhenwu taught Ning Xuanji, there are many heroes in my Taoist lineage, and it’s not surprising which lineage is the most powerful.

However, my Chunyang Daomen was so humiliated by Chu Xiu, a man in the devil's way, and even the capital of the six sages of this generation of guardians died in his hands. You turned a blind eye. What is this? Shame! "

In the past, the pure Yang Daomen of Yuyunzi's era was still in its prosperous period, and he, the head of the six guardians of the temple, was already so young. It is conceivable that there are many older generation warriors in the entire Pure Yang Daomen. As it is now, no matter how old you are, as long as you can reach the true core, it is already the high-level combat power of Chunyang Daomen.

At this time, listening to Yun Mengzi scolding there, Xi Yunzi's face was very ugly.

If their Chunyang Daomen had the strength of 800 years ago, they would have already ripped off that Chu Xiu in eight pieces, so why do they need to be looked down upon by you here?

It's just that although he slandered in his heart, he didn't say it, because this Yun Mengzi's identity was a bit special.

People like Yuanguang in Daguang Temple are actually very smart.

Eight hundred years have passed, and everything has changed a long time ago.

But in these eight hundred years of stagnation, he did not feel that his seniority had risen.

So after returning to the Daguang Temple, what should he do, what should he do.

But this Yunmengzi is different. The other party happens to be your master Ling Yunzi.

That's right, not the kind of master of the entire sect, but the master of his lineage, the direct line.

So this sucks.

If Yun Mengzi was just the ancestor of other Pure Yang Daomen, no matter how angry he was, he would not dare to be so arrogant in front of Ling Yunzi, the head teacher of Pure Yang Daomen, who was in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm.

But he is the direct ancestor of Ling Yunzi's lineage. On the other hand, even if Ling Yunzi is the head of the family, even if he is a powerhouse in the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm, he cannot be disrespectful to him.

So Ling Yunzi had to cough and say, "Patriarch, no matter how weak my Pure Yang Daomen is, it will not be weakened to such a degree. After Chang Yunzi's death, of course we will take action.

However, Chu Xiu has too many cards, and it is not so easy to solve. Forcibly killing it can only hurt both sides. "

Yunmengzi sighed and said, "In eight hundred years, the sea has been turbulent, and I didn't expect that my Pure Yang Daoist would end up in such a state that I would be bullied by the devil.

You must know that 800 years ago, when you saw the pure yang qi of my pure yang sect, all the people in the magic way would run away. "

Yuyunzi on the side pouted, and it should be said that the decline of Chunyang Daomen simply cannot be stopped, because there was a Dugu only me five hundred years ago.

Eight hundred years ago, you could let people in the devil's way escape, but after another three hundred years, you will let Dugu be the only one to escape?

With the character of Chunyang Daomen, many people died at the hands of the Kunlun Demon Sect five hundred years ago.

So now it is not bad that Chunyang Daomen can still be retained, where are so many requirements?

Yun Mengzi waved his hand and said, "For the time being, let's forget about the past, but the sect master, I, Chunyang Daomen, can't be so decadent now."

Ling Yunzi nodded and said: "I know this, so recently, my Chunyang Daomen has also recruited disciples in various places to re-accumulate strength.

Although we failed to establish a branch in Beiyan last time, we have successfully recruited many talented disciples. After the training is successful, they will all be of great use. "

Yun Mengzi waved his hand directly and said, "When will the younger generation of disciples grow up? I'm not too old to be moved!

Ten years is too long, a hundred years is too long, my generation is now only fighting for the day!

The power of my Pure Yang Daomen has always been slaughtered by the pure Yang sword in my hand to kill the demons. When the pure sunshine shines on the martial arts, are you afraid that there will be no such disciple?

That demonic thief named Chu Xiu killed so many people in my Chunyang Daomen, how can this humiliation be put down? This time, we'll take him first! "

Ling Yunzi's expression changed, and he quickly said: "Master! No!

That Chu Xiu was not a simple demonic junior. In fact, the entire Hidden Demon lineage now respects him. It can be said that he is the leader of the Hidden Demon lineage.

Moreover, he still has the existence of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm. Although I am sure to win, the others are no match for that Chu Xiu.

Especially now that the other party is entrenched in the land of Beiyan, the new emperor of Beiyan, Xiang Li, was the one who helped him to the throne, and he even admitted that in the land of Beiyan, the Xiang family was in charge of the court, and he, Chu Xiu, was in charge of the rivers and lakes.

Although Chu Xiu is only a junior in terms of age, but in terms of power, he is already a veritable giant of magic! Second only to the big devil who worshipped the moon and taught Ye Shaonan, he couldn't move easily! "

Yun Mengzi snorted coldly: "The big devil? I don't know how many big devils died under the sword of my Pure Yang Dao in the past. If you want to move, you have to move the big devil. If you want to move those little devils, they will drop the price!"

Seeing what Ling Yunzi wanted to say, Yunmengzi waved his hand and said, "Master, do you think I'm an old-fashioned old-fashioned idiot who only knows how to fight and kill, and does things impulsive and mindless?"

Yuyunko on the side continued to curl her lips, aren't you?

Ling Yunzi said: " I didn't mean that..."

Yunmengzi snorted softly: "Sect Master, don't forget, I was also the head of the six sages of the Temple Protector in the past, and I am also qualified to discuss some major matters of the Chunyang Dao Sect together with the contemporary Sect Master. , are facilitated by our hands.

The people in the devil's way are cruel and cruel. When dealing with those people in the devil's way, you will be more ruthless, cruel, and even more uncompromising than them!

Last time you besieged Chu Xiu and were forced to retreat by that Chu Xiu, do you know why? Because you are not as ruthless as him!

Don't worry, this time I won't let Chunyang Daomen take risks alone. The old guy from Zhenwu Sect has also been released. His temper is even hotter than mine.

Although I see that the old guy is very unhappy, but the old guy still has the ability, I will go to the Zhenwu Sect to discuss with him, and make a big move!

Today, in this arena, the Taoist and the devil are rising, but you need to know that in this arena, there is always evil and no righteousness.

Your previous actions were just petty troubles, but if you don't move, you will crush all those demons and evildoers with thunderous force!

Don't worry, Sect Master, I will give you an explanation when I come back. "

After finishing speaking, Yun Mengzi actually went out the door without even having a chance to speak to Ling Yunzi.

And look at these pure Yang Daomen warriors in the hall, they were all excited by what Yun Mengzi said.

Chunyang Daomen was used to it strongly from the beginning, Ling Yunzi had been trying to reverse this situation, but it had never been effective.

It turned out that it was good now. When Yun Mengzi came back, his temper was very appetizing for the people of Chunyang Daomen.

Ling Yunzi sighed, not knowing whether the result this time was good or bad.


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