Meet The Leader

Chapter 1012: army pressure

PS: Thanks to the book friend Frostwolf for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Lu Haochang was frightened by Yun Mengzi's words. In fact, Yun Mengzi was not trying to scare Lu Haochang, but this kind of routine was common 800 years ago.

Maybe Chu Xiu himself didn't know that he used Jianghu people to support the prince to fight for the throne in exchange for his own interests, which is actually very retro.

After summoning the ministers, Lu Haochang told all these things to the ministers of the Eastern Qi, and finally the ministers of the Eastern Qi also came to the conclusion.

Agree with Daomen's plan!

Yun Mengzi's remarks are not alarmist, but it is indeed very possible.

In the past, during the war between Dongqi and Beiyan, Xiang Long relied on the power of Beiyan Jianghu to turn the tables.

But at that time, Xiang Long only relied on a group of scattered Beiyan Jianghu forces, and now, Beiyan has the support of the entire Hidden Demon lineage, and that power is stronger than before.

Regardless of whether Chu Xiu has this intention or not, his existence is a threat.

Moreover, the courtiers of Dongqi actually have their own minds.

Lu Haochang is mediocre and seeks stability, but it does not mean that all the people in the Eastern Qi court do not have the ambition to expand their territory.

Sitting on the prosperous and prosperous land in the Central Plains, but watching the rise of Beiyan, and unable to help Western Chu, this is simply shame and waste for them.

Finally, this time, His Majesty changed the gentleness and shirk of the past, and was ready to make a real move. How could they refuse?

When the flames of the Eastern Qi were surging, Chu Xiu was still in a closed state.

Watching so many powerful battles in the primitive devil's cave, for Chu Xiu, his improvement is not small.

It's just that the battle between Zhong Shenxiu and Jun Wushen was the most crucial, but Chu Xiu was embarrassed to find that he couldn't understand it.

It was not until this moment that Chu Xiu suddenly realized that the connection between him and Dugu Weiyi was closer than he imagined.

Dugu Weiyi's strength is somewhat inferior to Zhong Shenxiu and Jun Wushen. After all, Chu Xiu is not a person in this realm, and he is not sure who is stronger and who is weaker, but at least they should all be at the same level.

Chu Xiu had seen the fantasy about Dugu only me several times, and every time he was able to understand something from it, even if he couldn't understand it, he could learn it, such as the sword intent of breaking characters. Same.

But watching the fight between Zhong Shenxiu and Jun Wushen, Chu Xiu could only be confused and useless.

Of course, it is estimated that most of the warriors present are ignorant. Even in the realm of Shang Tianliang, he still cannot understand the power of the two when they fight, which also makes Shang Tianliang feel constantly after returning. Strong in the middle, although his strength is several times stronger than that of Ludu, it is still far from the time to flutter.

At this moment, the door of Chu Xiu's closed room was suddenly knocked open. Mei Qinglian walked in with a dignified expression and said, "East Qi Chen Bing's border, ready to attack Beiyan."

Chu Xiu waved his hands indifferently and said: "Attack, attack, there have been fewer conflicts between the two sides over the years?

Before Xiang Long was there, Dong Qi didn't dare to do anything, after all, Xiang Long's Yuwei was still there.

But now that Xiang Long is dead, it is normal that Dongqi will do a wave of things.

Although I helped Xiang Li ascend to the throne, the Beiyan court still belongs to him, and I am not his thug. "

Mei Qinglian shook her head and said, "Something is wrong this time. Dongqi Chen Bingjian is not only here for Beiyan, but part of the reason is for you!"

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "Me? What grudge do I have with Dong Qi?"

Mei Qingdao: "You have no grudge against Dong Qi, but you have grudge against Zhengdao Martial Arts!

Do you know what slogan was used by the Eastern Qi army to attack Beiyan this time?

They said that Beiyan reused you, a murderer of the devil's way, to disrupt Beiyan's court and the people of the northern land.

They attacked Beiyan to save the people of the northern land from the fire and water.

The most important thing is that this time, the incident was initiated by Chunyang Daomen and Zhenwujiao, and the Dongqi Zhengdao Martial Arts responded like clouds.

Do you still think this has nothing to do with you? "

Chu Xiu frowned tightly. Of course, this matter has something to do with him. It should be said that the other party is here for him!

It's just that Chu Xiu is very puzzled. What are the madness of Chunyang Daomen and Zhenwu Sect? They have to shoot at him at this time. It stands to reason that Ye Shaonan, who has won the Demon Seed, should attract more hatred than him. Yes.

Mei Qinglian said again: "The Beiyan court is waiting for you to discuss matters. I guess they are a little panicked."

Chu Xiu nodded, and before he had time to think about it, he went directly to the Beiyan Palace.

At this time, in the Beiyan Palace, in addition to Xiang Li, there were also Xiang Chong, Bei Gong Baili and other members of the Beiyan royal family, as well as the military and other forces.

The Eastern Qi army is pressing down on the territory, which is an extremely difficult matter for Beiyan up and down.

Although Beiyan won that battle under Xiang Long's leadership last time, in fact, this victory was only for his side, and for Dong Qi, it didn't hurt at all.

In the end, Dong Qi didn't fight anymore, just because he didn't want to do too much damage, plus Lu Haochang's stability-seeking personality, if Bei Yan ripped off a piece of flesh, he would have torn off a piece of meat, he wouldn't be able to bite himself anyway.

But now that Dongqi is making a comeback, it is unknown whether Beiyan can block it again.

Seeing that Chu Xiu was finally here, Xiang Li hurriedly said: "Master Chu, please take a seat. Regarding the matter of Dong Qi, does Master Chu have any thoughts?"

Xiang Li was also panicked at this time, and even felt that he wanted to cry but had no tears.

It is not easy for him to be the emperor.

Before ascending the position, he had experienced a **** fight before ascending to this position.

After becoming emperor, Xiang Li didn't have time to enjoy power and other things. He had just ascended the throne and he had to learn too many things.

He didn't want to be able to match his father, Emperor Xiang Long, but he couldn't lose to Lu Haochang of the Eastern Qi either.

As a result, before he could finish his work, the news that Dong Qi was going to attack in a big way came out, which almost made Xiang Li cry.

Bullying does not bring such bullying.

Xiang Long defeated Dong Qi for so many years, and he never saw you come to take revenge. As a result, you just came to attack when you became emperor. Is the persimmon soft?

At this time, Xiang Chong, who was on the side, snorted coldly: "Your Majesty, you still asked him if he had any ideas, but you did not realize that this battle was caused by him, Chu Xiu!

The devil's way is not to be tolerated in the realm of the rivers and lakes. He, Chu Xiu, had enough scenery on the rivers and lakes, and he brought back all his hatred. As a result, the cause and effect came to the end, and it still fell on my Beiyan! "

Although Xiang Chong has now supported Xiang Li's ascension to the throne, and is even a little grateful for the fact that the other party has not taken back his right to the royal family's worship hall, he is still a little blind to Chu Xiu.

There is a reason for Xiang Long. Xiang Chong had never dealt with Chu Xiu before, but when Xiang Long was dying, Xiang Long said a lot of bad things about Chu Xiu and was very jealous of him.

It is strange that Xiang Chongneng has a good face towards Chu Xiu, coupled with his failure to compete for the throne.

Chu Xiu sneered when he heard the words: "My lord, what you said is a shame, don't think about it, even if there is no me, Dong Qi will not attack Beiyan?

When the late emperor was there before, relying on the prestige of the late emperor, Dong Qi did not dare to be too arrogant, but once the late emperor left, you never thought whether Dong Qi would make a move?

The strength of Beiyan is not as good as that of Dongqi, and it is bound to join forces with the forces of Beiyan Jianghu, just like the first emperor. At that time, do you want me to take action?

Moreover, Dongqi has already suffered a loss, will they suffer another loss? Dongqi must also make use of the power of Dongqi rivers and lakes.

Daomen, as the state religion of Eastern Qi, do you think that Chunyang Daomen and Zhenwu Church will not do it? Turning around, the result is still not the same, why do I want Chu Xiu to carry this black pot? "

Chu Xiu's remarks reversed the causal relationship, but what he said was not wrong. The people present felt that it was very reasonable. In fact, they really thought about what Dong Qi would do after Xiang Long's death, and even took precautions for a while. Time, but during that time, Dong Qi really didn't move. Who knew that they had just relaxed a little, and Dong Qi had already reached the border of Chen Bing.

But in fact, Dong Qi's attack on Beiyan was really Chu Xiu's fault.

Beiyan's group looked down on Lu Haochang too much. His greatest wish in his life was to sit firmly in the emperor's position, to sit without merit until his death, to rule the world or something, and leave it to the next generation.

So even after Xiang Long died, he was just happy to put on a banquet. UU reading slept with the three newly entered beautiful girls, and there was no other action.

If it wasn't for the encouragement of Yun Mengzi and others, Dong Qi would not have taken action.

Xiang Chong stared at Chu Xiu, what Chu Xiu said was so reasonable, he didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Xiang Li hurriedly said: "Uncle Huang, Lord Chu, you are all for the good of Beiyan, there is no question of who, but now that the Dongqi army is overwhelmed, we have to come up with a way to do it. ."

Hearing what Xiang Li said, Xiang Chong didn't target Chu Xiu any more, but at the same time he had nothing to do.

He spent most of his life practicing martial arts in the imperial consecration hall, and he didn't care much about other things. It was okay to let him kill people, but he was really bad at other things.

Therefore, Xiang Li turned his attention to Chu Xiu again. He had quite a lot of confidence in Chu Xiu. After all, this one has experienced several battles between righteous and demons, and has caused countless situations in the world. No one will question Chu Xiu's strength. , and no one will question his ability.

Chu Xiu thought for a while, and said solemnly: "The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it, it's no big deal.

Everyone, don't forget, the current Beiyan is stronger than the Beiyan of a few decades ago. At that time, the Beiyan was able to block the Eastern Qi, why not now?

Because of the participation of the Jianghu forces in this matter, it is necessary to start from the Jianghu and the battlefield at the same time.

Leave the rivers and lakes to me, and on the battlefield, it will be handed over to you, General Beigong.

Moreover, the policies formulated by the late emperor for Beiyan were also the most suitable for Beiyan, and it would not hurt to use it again. "

Xiang Li wondered, "What policy?"

Chu Xiu knocked on the table and said, "Horizontal, horizontal."


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