Meet The Leader

Chapter 102: Yan Tingting and Nie Dongliu

Among the younger generation of Beiyan Wulin, Yan Tingting is very famous.

Of course, this fame is not because of her strength, but because of her father who protects her shortcomings.

Yan Huainan is also a heroic figure. In the past, Shenwumen was just an ordinary sect in Yannan, and was completely unqualified to be one of the seven sects and eight sects. He was even ridiculed and ridiculed because the sect named the word "Shenwu". .

However, after Yan Huainan took over Shenwumen, it took more than 20 years for Yan Huainan to multiply the power of Shenwumen several times, making Shenwumen truly become the top power in the arena, ranking among the seven sects and eight factions. one.

It may be because Yan Huainan spent most of his early years being entangled in cultivation and sect offices, so when he was young, he was almost not close to women, so he never had children.

It wasn't until Yan Huainan was in her fifties that she had a son and gave birth to Yan Tingting.

Of course, Yan Huainan has already reached the three realms of concentration, and has condensed the realm of martial arts and true elixir. He is not too old in his fifties, he is only in his prime, and even his face is only in his early forties.

Because she is a son of old age and a daughter, Yan Huainan has been fond of Yan Tingting since she was a little girl, which also makes the eldest lady of Shenwumen stubborn and unreasonable. There are even little witches in the whole of Yannan. A nickname that no one can afford to provoke.

However, it was precisely because of this young lady's willful rebelliousness that she didn't like any of the young heroes that Yan Huainan introduced to her. Instead, she fell in love with Yue Luchuan, who had a good skin and would please girls.

Yan Huainan naturally disapproved of this marriage. How could a hero like him like Yue Luchuan's embroidered pillow?

But it's a pity that he couldn't do anything about his own daughter. Yan Tingting couldn't stand it, so he had to temporarily agree.

At this time, Yan Tingting was taking people up the mountain in a beautiful way, and she was still thinking that when she arrived at the Yue family, she must let brother Yue accompany her to have a good time around Yandong. She was almost suffocated in Shenwumen.

At this time, a group of people went up the mountain behind their group. It was Juyizhuang and others led by Nie Dongliu.

It is very common in the arena to destroy a family and destroy a family. Juyizhuang, as a major faction in Yandong, doesn't care if it encounters such a thing. It is enough to collect information.

But the Yue family's relationship with Juyi Village was quite good, and Yue Luchuan usually complimented him, but Nie Dongliu was embarrassed to turn a blind eye.

And since Lu Yangshan won the treasure, he fought with Bai Wuji, and the search of Chu Xiu failed. Nie Dongliu returned to Juyi Village to retreat for a period of time, and successfully broke through to the Inner Astral Realm. The next revision is.

Moreover, the news also said that this matter was related to the Qinglong Association, which also attracted the attention of Juyi Village, so he personally set off overnight and came to Beiling Mansion.

The people from Shenwumen glanced at Nie Dongliu and the others vigilantly, and after finding out that the other party was from Juyi Village, they also let go of their guards.

Juyizhuang's reputation is there, don't care whether the other party is genuine or fake, anyway, in broad daylight, Juyizhuang will definitely not do anything to damage his reputation.

Moreover, Yan Huainan, the head of their Shenwu Sect, also had some friendship with Nie Renlong, the owner of Juyi Village.

Yan Tingting over there saw Nie Dongliu coming here, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Nie Dongliu, what are you doing here?"

Yan Tingting didn't like Nie Dongliu, because her father once wanted to match her with Nie Dongliu.

After all, among the young talents of Beiyan, Nie Dongliu was the youngest, but he had the greatest reputation. Yan Huainan admired him very much.

It's just that Yan Huainan's appreciation is useless, but Yan Tingting doesn't like someone like Nie Dongliu who has to go through a sentence three times in her head before she can say it. She dislikes him for being too sinister and uninteresting.

And Nie Dongliu was the same. He even despised Yan Tingting, an unruly and willful woman.

With his Nie Dongliu's means and strength, when did he need to use marriage to guarantee his status? Therefore, he even despised this Yan Tingting.

Because of this, after feeling Nie Dongliu's attitude, Yan Tingting became even more unhappy with him.

When she wants to come, only Miss Ben can dislike you. When will it be your turn to dislike Miss Ben?

If this were someone else, Yan Tingting would definitely make trouble for the other party, but the other party was the young owner of Juyi Village. Even if she wanted to trouble the other party, the people from Shenwumen would not accompany her to make trouble.

Although this matter was abandoned later, Yan Tingting was still unhappy with Nie Dongliu, as if she was speaking with thorns.

But at this time, Nie Dongliu's face did not show dissatisfaction, instead he said strangely, "You don't know?"

Yan Tingting looked surprised: "What do I know?"

Nie Dongliu shook his head: "You'll know when you arrive at Beiling Mansion."

Saying that, Nie Dongliu didn't stop, and walked directly towards the mountain road above.


Yan Tingting snorted coldly, and followed behind Nie Dongliu.

After entering Beiling Mansion, the patriarchs of several major families in Beiling Mansion greeted him at the door.

Some of the news about the Yue family was reported by them in the past, and they were extremely detailed. They also knew that Nie Dongliu would come in person.

"I've seen the young master!"

Nie Dongliu waved his hand and said, "Don't be too polite, let's go directly to the Yue family mansion. Are the corpses preserved?"

The patriarchs of several aristocratic families nodded quickly and said, "It's all preserved and not damaged."

After Yan Tingting heard their words, the expression on her face suddenly became unnatural.

The Yue family mansion? Corpse? An uneasy feeling suddenly appeared in her heart, Yan Tingting quickly grabbed Nie Dongliu and said, "Hey, Nie Dongliu! What's going on? Who is the Yue family dead?"

Nie Dongliu shook his head and said, "You'll understand when you arrive at the Yue family."

With that said, Nie Dongliu moved his arm lightly, shook off Yan Tingting, and followed the people from the aristocratic family to the Yue family mansion.

Yan Tingting followed behind Nie Dongliu with an angry expression. When everyone came to the Yue family mansion, as soon as they opened the door, a strong smell of blood and stench rushed toward them.

For a martial artist like Nie Dongliu who often kills with blood, this is nothing, but for a young lady like Yan Tingting who grew up in a greenhouse, the smell almost made her vomit.

One of the warriors said respectfully, "Master, the corpses of all the direct descendants of the Yue family are here, most of them killed each other, among them Yue Henian and others were killed by the killer of the Azure Dragon Society. The beheaded, I have kept the corpse separately."

Nie Dongliu nodded, but Yan Tingting's expression suddenly changed behind him, she rushed over and pinched the shirt of the warrior, and said loudly with red eyes, "What did you say? All the direct descendants of the Yue family are dead? Where's Brother Yue? Where's Yue Luchuan?"

That martial artist is also the head of a small family, and now he is also angered when a little girl is pinching his shirt.

But at this moment, Nie Dongliu said lightly, "She is Yan Tingting, the daughter of Yan Huainan, the head of Shenwu Sect."

Hearing this, the warrior's complexion suddenly softened, and he said cautiously, "Everyone in the Yue family is dead, and Yue Luchuan was also stabbed to the head, but we have already made a pair of ice coffins and preserved them."

As soon as these words came out, Yan Tingting stood there in a daze, her eyes flushed instantly, and big tears fell.

The two old men beside her who were in charge of taking care of him were anxious, but there was nothing they could do. With this young lady's temper, they didn't even dare to coax him.

"Impossible! Impossible! You must be lying to me!" Yan Tingting yelled at the The warrior said helplessly: "Miss Yan, we really don't Dare to lie to you, Yue Luchuan's ice coffin is over there, and someone is responsible for replacing the ice coffin every day to keep the body intact."

Yan Tingting walked into the courtyard and saw the ice coffin containing Yue Luchuan's body, she immediately lay on top of it and cried.

Nie Dongliu, who was beside him, raised his eyebrows, but Yue Luchuan's waste really made this unruly girl feel his true feelings? This is not easy.

This girl is not a good stalker. The troubles in Yannan's place are earth-shattering. I don't know how many people have died because of her. How did Yue Luchuan hook her up?

However, Nie Dongliu didn't think much about it, he wasn't interested in this kind of way to please women, he just said solemnly to a forty-year-old warrior beside him: "Uncle Ping, please go and investigate the body, if not If there is a problem, give our condolences and we will leave."

It was about the Qinglonghui, so Nie Dongliu brought someone to prepare to investigate the situation, otherwise he would just come here to show his condolences.

The middle-aged man walked over, and after investigating one by one, he suddenly walked over and said, "Master, I found one thing, the knife marks left by the assassins of the Azure Dragon Society, when they were chasing Chu Xiu before, The knife marks on the warrior who died in Chu Xiu's hands are exactly the same!"

Nie Dongliu was shocked when he heard the words, and he said quickly, "Uncle Ping, can you be sure that the murderer was Chu Xiu!?"

The uncle Ping in front of him is a disciple of their Juyi Village. Although his strength is only in the innate realm, his master was born in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. He is best at deducing the opponent's strength and weapons from various traces. , martial arts or even the opponent's habits and so on.

Although this Uncle Ping has ordinary strength, he already has 80% of his master's enthusiasm in this regard.

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