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Chapter 1029: Fairy strokes my top

From Zhao Yuanfeng's affairs, Chu Xiu could see that the relationship between Huo Xingzun's adopted sons did not seem to be harmonious, but it was even more obvious now.

According to the ranking, Qiu Tianya is missing, and Baili Pobing is the boss, so if he wants to speak and give congratulations, he should have said it first, but now Fu Longxiao has taken the lead.

Moreover, Fu Longxiao himself is very good at business. His Canglong fleet travels between the Rift Wind Sea and the Qingfeng Sea, and each time it can bring huge amounts of resource trade income.

Although Baili Pobing is also the owner of an island, he is just a reckless man. Nalan Hai had some fame and fortune before his legs were abolished by Kang Dongming. Some were helpless, living in seclusion on an unnamed island, with only a few servants to serve, and they could not be called powerful.

Therefore, among these adopted sons of Huo Xingzun, the most powerful is actually Fu Longxiao.

After Fu Longxiao, Baili Pobing and Nalanhai presented their gifts, but compared to the Bodhi Bodhi from Heaven and Earth, their gifts were much shabby.

Baili Pobing offered a magic weapon, which made Chu Xiu shake his head slightly.

After being the godson of others for so many years, it is difficult for him to realize that he can't see what level Huo Xingzun is? Even if you give Ting Chunyu to him, it is estimated that Huo Xingzun will not look down on him, because it is useless.

As for Nalanhai, what he presented was even more shabby, it turned out to be a calligraphy and painting written by him.

However, on the calligraphy and painting, there are iron hooks and silver hooks, and the sword is vertical and horizontal. Obviously, Nalanhai has put a lot of thought into it. It can even be said that the warriors of the true core can use this calligraphy and painting as a martial arts secret book. But for Huo Xingzun, it was still useless.

So for these two, Huo Xingzun just smiled gently, not as happy as when he received Fu Longxiao's birthday gift.

After the three presented the congratulations, the following people handed the congratulations to the servants of the Huo family one by one in order, and then the other party read out the names.

In fact, the congratulations given by the people below are also very common. Basically, there is nothing too out of the ordinary, as long as it is not too bad.

Huo Xingzun will hold his birthday every few years. Who has so much financial resources and prepares so many treasures every time?

When it was Chu Xiu's turn, the servant of the Huo family looked at what Chu Xiu handed him, and was slightly taken aback.

It turned out to be something that looked like a drawing, but after seeing the explanation on it, the terrifying person almost shouted out in horror.

He calmed down for a while, and then shouted: "Xiao Ziqi, Changxia Island, present a copy of the magic weapon blueprint!"

Because Chu Xiu came with Xiao Ziqi's invitation, the Huo family's servants did not know Chu Xiu, so the name he pronounced was also Xiao Ziqi's.

But when they heard this, everyone present immediately frowned.

Divine Soldier blueprints? This Xiao Zi period is over? Are you taking this kind of stuff out as a birthday gift?

Whether it is in the Central Plains or overseas, the blueprints of magic weapons are extremely precious things, and it can even be said that the blueprints of magic weapons are more expensive than those of magic weapons.

The reason is very simple, because of the unrepeatable nature of the magic weapon.

Ninety-nine percent of the master crafting masters create a magic weapon, but if you let them create an identical magic weapon, it can be said to be extremely difficult, or even basically impossible.

Materials are part of the reason for creating a magic weapon, part of the reason is the level of the master craftsman, luck is part of the reason.

Therefore, it is impossible for the magic weapon to be mass-produced, because no one can say for luck.

But now what Chu Xiu has brought out is the blueprint of the Heavenly Dao battle box. This thing is between the machine bracket and the weapon. As long as the material is sufficient and it is built exactly as described on the blueprint, it is 100% magical weapon. The kind that can be fully replicated.

This kind of thing is much more precious. Even in history, there are only a handful of replicable divine weapons similar to the Heavenly Dao War Box. They may not be the strongest divine weapons, but they are the most stable.

Therefore, such a blueprint is even more expensive than a magic weapon.

Right now, Chu Xiu doesn't need the Heavenly Dao Battle Box, so it's okay to take it out as a gift.

The most important thing is that if you just use the heavenly battle box as an ordinary weapon, it is even weaker than most of the magic weapons.

Only in conjunction with Xuanwu Zhen Gong, the Heavenly Way Battle Box is the real Heavenly Way Battle Box.

Of course, Xuanwu Zhen Gong, Chu Xiu is not so easy to hand over.

Seeing that everyone's eyes turned to Chu Xiu at this time, Xiao Ziqi quickly said: "Everyone, this gift is not from me, but from this Master Chu."

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Chu Xiu. There were only a small number of people who knew him, and most of them were still wondering, who is this?

At this time, Bai Donglai, the pavilion owner of Tianyishui Pavilion that Chu Xiu had met before, stood up and said, "This is the Lord Chu Xiu from the Central Plains, and in the Central Plains, he is also a famous demonic giant owl. , and even control a country's martial arts."

Having said that, Bai Donglai briefly introduced Chu Xiu's identity to everyone. Although it was brief, it still surprised everyone present. This one is really a big man.

The overseas land is much more realistic than the Central Plains land, and there is not much distinction between the righteous and the devil, so they are not very resistant to the identity of Chu Xiu's magic way.

The land of the Central Plains is divided into two parts, and Chu Xiu controls half of the devil, and even controls the power of the rivers and lakes of a country, which is quite an amazing power.

Baili Pobing above looked at Nalan Hai, but his eyes were full of doubts.

Why is this Chu Xiu here? You actually gave such a precious birthday gift to your adoptive father?

They subconsciously turned their gazes to Huo Xingzun, but they found that Huo Xingzun was stunned when he looked at Chu Xiu, as if he was looking at some rare treasure, and his eyes even shone slightly.

At this time, Huo Xingzun was indeed very excited. In his eyes, Chu Xiu was indeed a rare treasure, the kind that he had never seen or heard of before.

As the most powerful person in the entire Qingfenghai Sea, it can even be said that he, Huo Xingzun, did not directly say that he is the master of the entire Qingfenghai Sea.

He can have the status he has today, relying on his five adopted sons, which Huo Xingzun has never denied.

Therefore, many people suspect that he is proficient in divination, that he is a figure at the level of a great master, or that he has some strange treasures, but in fact, they all guessed wrong.

Huo Xingzun doesn't know the technique of divination. He doesn't even understand martial arts, let alone such advanced things as the technique of divination.

He also doesn't have any special treasures. It should be said that his luck has not been very good, and even opening the secret box has never opened anything good.

But he was able to have today, relying on a chance, a great chance!

Huo Xingzun was not originally a martial artist, he was just the son of a fisherman on a small island, and he may have nothing to do with martial arts in his life.

But when he was young, one thing completely changed his destiny.

It was when he was a teenager, he was drying fishing nets on the shore, and a man dressed in white, like a fairy, stepped on the water, and in Huo Xingzun's horrified eyes, he asked him for the direction.

Huo Xingzun told the other party, the immortal touched his head, thanked him and left.

Since then, Huo Xingzun felt that his body was much lighter and stronger, and even he was valued by a passing island owner and accepted as a follower.

After he practiced martial arts, he found some changes in his body.

As long as he concentrates on looking at a person, he can see a burst of light from a person's body, some bright, some dark.

Later, in the process of groping slowly, he discovered that a person with a bright body will definitely achieve extraordinary achievements in the future, and maybe he will soar into the sky at some time.

And a person with a dim light might be unlucky at some point, no matter how beautiful he is.

Only then did he realize that he could actually see a person's future luck!

This kind of luck is very vague, and he can only see it once. He doesn't know whether the other party will drop after the luck rises.

But after watching more, he can also judge where the other party can go in the future through the size of the light.

Therefore, he relied on his own chance to cling to some people whose luck will rise in the future, although they may seem downcast now, and gain their trust. Xing Zun's martial arts talent is not that amazing, and he also has a good life, and the journey is smooth.

Later things were much simpler. Huo Xingzun met the young Chou Tianya. The light on his body even hurt his eyes, so he decisively accepted Qiu Tianya as his adopted son and cultivated him for decades. Let Qiu Tianya reach the peak and help him lay the foundation of the Supreme Island.

Later, he also met Baili Pobing and others, and they were adopted as adopted sons when they were not yet famous.

Although the light on these people was much dimmer than Qiu Tianya's, it was already the brightest among the people he had ever seen.

Relying on his ability to see people, Huo Xingzun has walked all the way today.

He has also seen the light on his own children, but they are all bleak, and it is obvious that there is no big man.

Therefore, it is rumored that he treats his adopted sons better than his own sons. This is indeed true, because he only has these adopted sons to rely on. His descendants, even if they are biological, are also Not a single one is arrogant.

This is Huo Xingzun's deepest secret in his heart, even his wife and son have not told it.

For a long time, Huo Xingzun thought that he was a man of heaven.

Immortals caress my top and endure longevity!

The one he met in the past must have been the legendary fairy!

He has been making use of the opportunity given by the immortal, and today, he feels that his opportunity has come again.

In Chu Xiu's body, he also saw the light, the strong light, but it was different from Baili Pobing and others, and it was also different from Qiu Tianya.

The moment he lifted his spirits and looked at Chu Xiu, he thought he had seen... the sun!


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