Meet The Leader

Chapter 1034: quick!

PS: Thanks to the book friend who said that wo ghosts are less than 10,000 starting coins for the reward

Chu Xiu's first target was the unnamed island where Nalan Sea was located.

Although Chu Xiu said before that it was enough for him to go to the island to kill people, but Bai Donglai gave Chu Xiu a lot of information about Nalan Hai for the sake of safety.

Although Chu Xiu thought that he would not need so much preparation to kill a disabled person, but out of curiosity, he still looked through the materials.

After reading it, Chu Xiu had only one comment on Nalanhai, his heart was higher than the sky, and his life was thinner than paper.

This person is relatively young among Huo Xingzun's adopted sons, and he was only a child when he was adopted by Huo Xingzun, so his real age is even younger than Zhao Yuanfeng.

At such an age, Huo Xingzun was adopted as his adopted son, and his talent was also very good, so this resulted in his arrogant and arrogant character, except for Huo Xingzun's eldest righteous son Qiu Tianya, and Baili who often took care of him when he was a child. Po Bing, he didn't pay attention to anyone, even if Huo Xingzun's son offended him, he still hit it right.

This kind of character also caused him to conflict with Kang Dongming in the future, knowing that he was not Kang Dongming's opponent, but still entangled, and finally made Kang Dongming a killer and abolished his legs.

Since then, Nalan Hai's character has become gloomy, violent, and extremely withdrawn.

There were still some people serving on his nameless island before, but there were fewer and fewer people, and they were all beaten and scolded by him and ran away.

After returning from Supreme Island two days ago, the last few servants who served him were also scolded by him and ran away. The reason why he was angry was not because of anything else, but because of Chu Xiu.

He was jealous of Chu Xiu.

Thinking that he was the same as Chu Xiu back then. At a young age, he already had the strength of the real fire refining the gods, and he was able to compete with the powerhouses of the older generation.

In addition, with Huo Xingzun as his adoptive father, in the whole land of Qingfenghai, who would dare to challenge him?

But since he was deposed by Kang Dong-myung, he feels that all this has changed.

The adoptive father no longer valued him, and Fu Longxiao looked at him with some disdain in his eyes.

And that Zhao Yuanfeng! That later guy even dared to hire Kang Dongming as a guest minister, which is simply not taking him seriously.

At the beginning, he also brought this matter to Huo Xingzun, but what he got in return was his adoptive father's words that you want brothers to be harmonious.

Nalanhai's heart has become unbalanced when the extremely proud people have come to this point.

Especially at this time, he saw Chu Xiu, who was equally young and powerful, which made him even more uncomfortable.

If his legs were not abolished, then today, he is Chu Xiu of the East China Sea!

Therefore, on the birthday, he targeted Chu Xiu so much, in addition to suspicion, there was also jealousy in it.

At this moment, there were light footsteps outside, and Nalanhai roared: "Get out! Get out for me! If you don't get out, all your legs will be broken!"

"You lost your legs yourself, but now you are breaking other people's legs and inflicting your own pain on others. Will this make you feel better?"

Hearing this voice, Nalanhai's complexion suddenly changed, his figure moved, and he floated in the air, looking at Chu Xiu with a look of horror.

He has already left, why is he still here?

At this time, Nalanhai also noticed the surrounding movement, something was wrong.

There was not even the slightest movement around the entire island, and even the sound of waves and waves had been obscured.

It's true that Nalanhai had his legs abolished, but he was also the master of countless fights in his early years. At this moment, he already understood what Chu Xiu was going to do.

"Chu Xiu! You dare!"

Chu Xiu just sneered lightly. The next moment, the Buddha's light bloomed all over his body, and the Great Sun Tathagata's seal appeared behind him. A Buddha's seal fell, and the power was like a landslide.

Nalanhai only had his legs abolished, which affected part of his combat power, but his cultivation was still there.

At this moment, Nalanhai squeezed the seal in his hand, and the endless water vapor around him condensed into a monstrous wave before him, like a tsunami impacting, facing the Buddha's seal.

But the next moment, the powerful Foyin immediately shattered it completely!

Nalanhai's figure was smashed into the ground, and that powerful force shook his meridians, making his face turn pale.

Chu Xiu stepped out, the Dharma image of the Great Sun Tathagata behind him was majestic and sacred, but the Buddhist seal in his hand fell mercilessly again!

Nalan Hai roared angrily, and countless blood mists burst out from the pores of his body, merged with water vapor, turned into countless blood guns and blasted towards Chu Xiu, but they were still smashed by that seal.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Nalanhai's face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

In an overseas place, in fact, Nalanhai's knowledge is not as good as those of the warriors in the Central Plains.

After all, the powerhouses in overseas places are limited, and the regions are also limited, so the strongest man Nalanhai has ever seen in his life is Kang Dongming who abolished his legs.

Now, he finally saw another one, someone like Kang Dongming who made him not even have the confidence to resist!

The third time the Buddha's seal fell, this time, Chu Xiu formed the colorless big mudra, and the power of one seal distorted the universe and strangled everything.

This Inalan Sea couldn't carry it, and even vomited blood and flew away.

At this moment, a Fang Tianhua halberd was held in Chu Xiu's hand, and the Great Yi Ji method was cast out. Fang Tianhua halberd was like a broken mountain and a river, and the domineering power was torn apart in an instant. The true qi of Nalanhai's body protection was cracked, penetrated into his chest, and nailed it directly to the ground!

This Fangtianhua halberd is not a magic weapon. The Heavenly Dao battle box is seriously damaged and can no longer change its form. But even an ordinary treasured soldier can kill people, and even without weapons is enough. Chu Xiu used weapons only for Just confusing.

This halberd has completely torn Nalanhai's heart. Chu Xiu walked slowly to Nalanhai and pulled out Fang Tianhua's halberd expressionlessly. In an instant, Nalanhai's vitality dropped to the extreme.

Before dying, Nalanhai pointed at Chu Xiu, but the last sentence was not spit out, and the vitality completely dissipated.

He still has many questions, such as why Chu Xiu Mingming left and came back, why did he come to kill him again, and so on.

It's a pity that he is destined to get no answers to these things, and Chu Xiu is not interested in giving so many things to a dead man.

Looking at Nalanhai's corpse, Chu Xiu turned around and left.

At this time, outside the unnamed island in the Nalan Sea, a small boat stayed there.

However, from the outside, they can't see the boat. Countless formations are engraved on the boat. There are also several formation masters under the cabin, hiding the movement on the island.

On the boat, Bai Donglai looked a little nervous.

The plan for the Supreme Island was not calculated for a day or two, but ten years and eight years.

As a result, the plan has finally started, but the steps are completely different from what he imagined, and it is no wonder that he is nervous.

However, Bai Donglai still suppressed the anxiety in his heart, took out a game of chess and said to Yi Bo Xun: "Sect Master Yi, just waiting is useless, why don't we play the next game?"

Yibozun shook his head and said, "I won't come, there's not enough time."

Bai Donglai was stunned for a moment and said, "Sect Master Yi, don't worry, my chess skills won't be so bad."

"I'm not saying that the chess game ended too soon, but when we started the game, Master Chu probably already solved it."

"It's not so fast, is it?"

Bai Donglai also vaguely felt a little disbelieving.

Before, he had the intention to go in with Chu Xiu to besiege Nalan Sea, but Chu Xiu said no, the more people there are, the easier it is to leave traces.

Bai Donglai definitely believed that Chu Xiu could win, but he couldn't believe that Chu Xiu could kill Nalan Hai so quickly.

Even if Nalanhai lost his legs, it was still a real existence in the realm of fire refining.

Just when he was still in doubt, Chu Xiu's figure had already landed on the boat, which shocked Bai Donglai.

Yi Bo Xun spread his hands and said, "I just said, there's definitely not enough time."

"Master Chu has already solved everything over there?" Bai Donglai still had a look of surprise in his eyes.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "A waste, if I am slow, then I am a real waste.

Okay, the person is It's good to go back and wait for the news, wait until Baili Pobing is led out, and then deal with him. "

Chu Xiu's idea is not to swarm and kill indiscriminately, but to come one by one.

Nalanhai is best to kill, because there is no one else in the whole island except himself.

And Baili Pobing still has a magic island.

Although there are not many people on the entire Shenbing Island, there are still a lot of elites who belong to Baili Pobing. If one is released, it is easy for someone to tip off.

Therefore, Chu Xiu killed Nalanhai first, then tried to find a way to draw out a hundred miles of broken soldiers, and finally solved it.

Bai Donglai touched his chin, but he still couldn't hide the horror in his heart.

How to say Nalanhai is also a master who can be counted in overseas places, but Chu Xiu was crushed to death like a chicken, which is terrifying enough.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is that even Chu Xiu, who has such power, was forced by the righteous people in the Central Plains martial arts to come to overseas places to seek strength support. It is conceivable how deep the water in the Central Plains is. .

The boat drove away silently, and Nalanhai's body was not found until two days later.

After all, Nalanhai was Huo Xingzun's adopted son. Hearing that he was angry again, he drove all the servants away. Huo Xingzun had to send a few disciples of the Huo family to come and see.

In the end, it looked good, and he even brought Nalanhai's body back.

When the news of Nalanhai's death came, the entire force under Huo Xingzun was completely destroyed, and everyone rushed to see what was going on.

For so many years, no one has ever dared to provoke the forces of their lineage in Supreme Island!

When Huo Xingzun saw Nalanhai's body, his first reaction was not sadness, but panic!


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