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Chapter 1075: Kill the Heavenly Gate God again

Strength is a good thing. Sometimes, strength can solve all problems, of course, except for love. After all, twisted melons are not sweet.

In Chu Xiu's opinion, Luo Shenjun flattered him when he said he was an idiot.

Arrogant, brainless, arrogant, almost all negative adjectives can be placed on him.

But Luo Shenjun has only one advantage, and that is his strength.

Although Chu Wuji is an early stage warrior who has entered the real fire refining realm not long ago, his combat power is not weak. When he was a god, he still had no power to fight back.

But Luo Shenjun's strength is only for ordinary real fire refining **** realm warriors, but Chu Xiu is not an ordinary real fire refining divine realm warrior.

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with Luo Shenjun. Since no one else appears in Tianmen, he will kill one if he kills one. If he kills two, he just makes a pair!

Holding it in Chu Xiu's hand for a while, the mind is connected, and the feeling is much more comfortable than when using the Xieyue Saber before.

When the sword fell, time and space seemed to freeze, and the misty cut fell. Wherever it passed, everything returned to its origin, and everything within the scope of the misty cut was transformed into the power of extreme yin and drifted away under this sword.

After Chu Xiu cut this knife, Luo Shenjun regretted it.

As Chu Xiu said before, although his actions are useless and often bad, his only advantage is his strength.

Luo Shenjun is also the oldest group of Heavenly Sect God Generals. He has experienced the ranking of God Generals so many times, but he has firmly held this position. It can be said that he has extremely rich combat experience.

At the moment when Chu Xiu took out the knife, three words appeared in his mind: Unstoppable!

But the power of Misty Slash at the moment is a confinement space, making him like the person in the painting, he can only watch the slashing down.

Luo Shenjun roared, his hands squeezed the seal, and the vitality of the world around him began to pour into his body frantically.

On his battle armor, countless magic patterns emerged, and the violent heaven and earth vitality even condensed a huge storm in his body, bursting out, and finally tore the imprisoning power of Misty Slash.

But at this time Chu Xiu's knife had already fallen, Luo Shenjun clasped his hands together, the power of yin and yang in his palms flourished, and even the power of qi and blood poured into it, imprisoning the power of the knife in his hands.

However, under the power of returning to the original, all those powers were transformed into the power of the cathode and scattered around, causing a cold air to spread around.

With a loud shout, the power of yin and yang in Luo Shenjun's palm was completely detonated, finally offsetting the power of Chu Xiu's knife.

Luo Shenjun's martial arts style is also very fierce and violent. In Tianmen, he is also a first-class warrior.

At this time, he did not retreat but advanced, the magic pattern on the armor shone, and his whole body was enveloped in an extremely violent aura. His body was like a cannonball. come.

Break for a while, break the formation unparalleled!

The power of this knife may be a little less sharp than Dugu Wei's Ting Chunyu, but it has more of that unparalleled sense of violence.

Wherever he passed, under the sweep, all power returned to Yuan, and Luo Shenjun was directly swept away by this domineering knife.

The second knife fell, Luo Shenjun crossed his arms in front of him, and the storm gathered in front of him, but they were completely smashed into a pile of extreme yin power by this knife, and the battle armor on his body also shattered.

The third knife fell, and the knife intent of Shazi Jue was cut out. The knife momentum had not yet appeared, but the knife intent seemed to have shattered the void. Anything was accurately cut in half in front of this knife.

Countless times when the gods were ranked, it was the first time that Luo Shenjun felt that he was so close to death.

He didn't beg for mercy, and he didn't give up. Instead, the qi and blood all over his body exploded. All the qi and blood were attached to his body, forming a blood-refined armor that was completely condensed from blood.

At this time, Luo Shenjun himself was already skinny like a mummified corpse.

Even though you have tried desperately, it is still useless.

Although the blood refining armor was sturdy, it shattered directly under Chu Xiu's smashing sword intent. Luo Shenjun himself was also slashed by dozens of feet, fell to the ground, and smashed a huge pit.

It's just beyond Chu Xiu's expectation that even though this time has come, Luo Shenjun is still not dead, and his vitality can be said to be extremely tenacious.

And I have to say that Luo Shenjun's fighting will is extremely amazing. He is already at the end of the shot at this time, but he is still struggling to climb out of the pit and continue to shoot.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "It's just a relatively powerful ant, why are you struggling?"

Chu Wuji in the back was very entertaining. That's what Luo Shenjun said just now, and now Chu Xiu has returned it.

Just when Chu Xiu was about to attack Luo Shenjun with another knife, a voice came with anger.


At the same time, a powerful sword energy shone out, heading straight for Chu Xiu.

The scarlet-red sword energy came from across the sky, as bright as a falling meteor.

The expressions of Chu Wuji and Mei Qinglian changed suddenly, this is the real power of the realm of Heaven, Earth, and Profound Realm!

Chu Xiu's complexion changed slightly, he closed the knife and sealed it, and in an instant, boundless demonic energy emerged, crying and blood rained down in the sky, and the sound of the demon god's roar and whining resounded between the heavens and the earth.

A phantom of a blood-colored demon **** ripped apart the void, grabbing the powerful sword energy like a meteor in one hand.

In an instant, the sound of a huge explosion even shook the surrounding mountains into an avalanche, and countless demonic energy and scorching sword energy were scattered.

With the power of the Great Compassion Curse, Chu Xiu was barely able to block the opponent's attack.

His eyes narrowed, and even in the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, the person who shot was not considered weak, at least he was much stronger than Ling Yunzi.

In the distance, the fifth Chisong and Lin Canglong came with a powerful infuriating qi, and they were all relieved to see that Luo Shenjun was still alive.

They also didn't expect that it took so long before Luo Shenjun was almost killed by Chu Xiu. Is it because Chu Xiu was too strong or Luo Shenjun was too wasteful, he didn't even hold on for such a short time.

At this time, seeing the fifth Chisong and Lin Canglong coming, Luo Shenjun was also relieved.

Although he is not afraid of death, it does not mean that he does not want to live anymore. It is of course the best to have reinforcements to save him.

However, Luo Shenjun did not notice at this time that the power of extreme yin under his feet was condensed more and more heavily, and even a layer of frost condensed under his feet.

When the extreme yin force has condensed to the extreme, the huge fire of destroying the world directly wrapped Luo Shenjun in it, and in less than three breaths, Luo Shenjun was completely burned to fly ashes!

After a while, the power of Luo Shenjun has been given to Guiyuan and it has become a great force of extreme yin. Although Chu Xiu has not yet reached the realm of heaven and earth, he can command the power in this world at will, but he will mobilize some extreme yin power to condense a little. It is still possible to become a world-annihilating fire.

If it is Luo Shenjun in his heyday, he can also use his own cultivation to resist the burning of the fire that destroys the world.

But the current Luo Shenjun has become the last resort, and even his blood has been burned completely, and he has no strength to resist the power of the world-annihilating fire.

Seeing that Luo Shenjun was burnt to ashes in front of him, Fifth Chisong and Lin Canglong were stunned, as if they couldn't believe it.

"Chu Xiu! You are courting death!"

The fifth Chisong stared at Chu Xiu, his voice was like a thunderous roar, and the sky was already covered with dark clouds.

For so many years, it is not that the gods of Tianmen have not died. After all, the rivers and lakes are so big that there are not a few people who can kill the gods and dare to kill the gods.

But in the past thousand years, only two people have been able to kill Tianmen gods in a row, one is Dugu Yume, and the other is him, Chu Xiu.

Kuang Xieyue and Luo Shenjun died one after another in the hands of Chu Xiu, this is simply a great shame!

Chu Xiu said in a cold voice, "The one who dares to go to my Kunlun Mountains is the real courting death!

I have no grudge against you in Tianmen, but your Tianmen is always struggling. Since this is the case, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

The fifth Chisong was full of anger, and he was obviously angry to the extreme.

His status in Tianmen is like a combination of Shang Tianliang and Mei Qinglian under Chu Xiu. He belongs to the kind who can manage some chores and can play very Most of the time, the fifth Chisong can still remain absolutely rational, and even Jun Wushen dares to persuade him.

But now Chu Xiu actually beheaded Luo Shenjun under his eyelids, this behavior has completely angered Fifth Chisong.

With a wave of his hand, a fiery epee appeared in Fifth Akamatsu's hand.

The epee was as tall as a person, and it was as generous as a door panel. It was covered with magical flames. Just looking at it gave people a strong sense of oppression.

As the fifth Chisong sword fell, the ground cracked along the route of his sword, and magma spurted out.

But before Chu Xiu, the power was as hot and fierce as a volcanic eruption.

The misty slash in Chu Xiu's hand fell, and the sharp edge bloomed on the top of the break, and the power of Guiyuan flourished, but it was still unable to dissolve all the power of that sword.

Under his feet, a large amount of scorching flames burst out. The power did not contain any impurities, but was pure heat and explosive power, full of the aura of explosion and destruction.

Fifth Chisong's strength is much stronger than Ling Yunzi's. Even though Chu Xiu resisted it like this, he still didn't block it, and was enveloped in the boundless flames.

But in the next moment, the magical aspect of the black sky and the devil appeared all over his body, the fire of destroying the world bloomed, and with fire to fire, he finally counteracted that power, and his figure escaped from it.

But the fifth red pine followed closely. Every time the heavy sword in his hand fell, it was like a falling star. The power and scope of the epee were astounding. Chu Xiu only blocked a few swords. The magical form of the gods and demons has already shattered.

This made Chu Xiu scolded in his heart. He seemed to be a little unlucky, and his strength had just improved, but the enemy he encountered was a lot stronger.


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