Meet The Leader

Chapter 107: 3rd class wind media road tour

Although no one stipulates that the killer must attack and kill in the dark, but someone like Chu Xiu appears in public, saying that he wants to borrow your head to hand over the task, this kind of behavior is either arrogant to the extreme, or self-confidence to the extreme.

The windy mediator in the back was also taken aback, Chu Xiu was so fast, it took him a long time to find him here.

But at this time, whether it was him or the other warriors in the small wine shop, they all hid in the back far away, not even daring to come forward.

At this level of fighting, they got together, and it is estimated that they don't even know how they died.

At this time, Fatty You watched Chu Xiu walking towards him with a knife, and the cold sweat on his head instantly flowed down.

He had heard of Chu Xiu's prestige, but he was a murderer who could rank on the Dragon and Tiger List with thousands of lives in his hands.

Although they were both in the Inner Astral Realm, Fatty You didn't even have the confidence to block Chu Xiu's three moves.

So Fatty You didn't say a word, he immediately turned around and ran away.

Although Fatty You was extremely fat, his speed was very fast, and his fat figure had already run several feet away in an instant.

Chu Xiu has never practiced speed-like movement techniques. He directly condensed his qi and poured it into his legs. The explosive force was amazing. After all, his internal strength cultivation base was also extremely deep.

The crimson blade was unsheathed, and even Fatty You could feel the **** chill from a distance of several meters.

When the knife was about to strike, Fatty You suddenly turned his head and slapped Chu Xiu with his left hand at an extremely fast speed, almost like an afterimage.

The most bizarre thing is that his hand actually stretched a lot in a strange way. Before Chu Xiu's knife slashed, he could destroy the dantian of Chu Xiu's gang!

Fatty You has practiced this stunt of cloud-detecting hand for more than 20 years, and in the end, it was like an instinct.

But at this time, Chu Xiu didn't mean to dodge in the slightest. He directly put palms to palms, and the Heavenly Destruction Da Ziyang hand displayed it. The dark purple palm collided with You Fatty's cloud-hunting hand, and a loud bang came. , Fatty You was directly slapped by this palm, and Ziyang Demon Flame entered his body, which suddenly made him let out a miserable howl.

But before he could fully scream, Fatty You felt that Chu Xiu's eyes were like an endless vortex abyss, he was pulling him, and finally he was pulled directly into the boundless abyss!

At this moment, Fatty You lost his mood due to the severe pain, and was influenced by Chu Xiu's method of destroying and moving the soul.

Although there was only such a short moment, it was enough for a martial artist like Chu Xiu who was good at sharp knives.

A smear of crimson fell, and before Fatty Nayou recovered, Chu Xiu completely chopped off his head with this knife.

This time, the employer said that he wanted the other party's head to pay homage to his father.

Although it was a bit of a hassle, but everyone had paid more, Chu Xiu had no reason not to agree.

Holding the head, Chu Xiu blatantly disappeared on the official road, and everyone in the back swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously.

Although Fatty Na You is not a good person, he can be considered a figure in Qingyang Mansion. After all, he is a master of the Inner Astral Realm.

In the end, in Chu Xiu's hands, he was killed easily. The difficulty was almost the same as killing a chicken. This kind of terrifying strength has already subverted their three views.

In particular, the Feng Manlou martial artist couldn't help but think that Fengmanlou's ranking of Chu Xiu's 18th place on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings was still a little low. Judging from his strength, the 8th place was almost the same!

Thinking of this, the wind media, who was full of wind, suddenly chased after Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu held the head, looked back, and his eyes suddenly made the wind media who was full of wind chills all over.

"You were the one who made the deal with this fat man just now, right? What do you mean by following me now? Do you want to avenge this fat man?"

The wind-filled man in the building swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said quickly: "Master Chu, don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with this fat man, I just want to ask you something, Master Chu."

"What's the matter?" Chu Xiu said coldly.

That Jianghu wind media hurriedly said: "You are traveling down the road, it is the third-level wind media under the helm of Fengmanlou Daishan County. Mr. Chu, you were recently ranked eighteenth on the Dragon Tiger List by Fengmanlou, but there are still some The information is not clear, such as your martial arts and background, I wonder if you can tell me?"

Chu Xiu looked at Luyou with the eyes of an idiot, and said coldly: "For a martial artist, martial arts is a trump card, you will tell others about your trump card? It's still publicly announced on the list. ?"

That Luyou hurriedly said: "Master Chu, you misunderstood, what Fengmanlou wants is only your name of martial arts, and it is the name of martial arts you have already used, it will not have any effect on your trump card, and your You can also pick and speak nicely about your background experience.”

"Then what's in it for me?"

Lu You was stunned and said, "It can increase your prestige on the Dragon Tiger Ranking."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. I have no interest. Besides, I remember that you Feng Manlou were involved in chasing and killing me. Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

Lu You hurriedly shrank his neck and said, "Master Chu, the one who provided you with the information was the one from Linzhong County, and it has nothing to do with me.

Besides, I Fengmanlou is not chasing and killing you. What we sell at Fengmanlou is information in itself. If someone takes money, we can't help but sell it.

And I, Fengmanlou, have some cooperation with your Qinglong Club.

Qinglong will have killers who lose their target, and they will come to me to buy information from Fengmanlou.

We, Fengmanlou, are absolutely neutral, which is well known in all corners of the world.

As long as it is the information you bought from Fengmanlou, we will never sell it to a second person, nor will we reveal your information. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows. He was actually very curious about Fengmanlou. For example, during the chase, he didn't even see Fengmanlou's people, but the other party had roughly figured out his position. , which is quite miraculous.

But this thing must be Feng Manlou's housekeeping method. Even if he asked, Feng Manlou would never tell him, so Chu Xiu just said lightly, "I'm not interested in the Dragon Tiger Ranking, you can go."

When Na Luyou saw that Chu Xiu didn't kill him, he quickly took out a piece of paper and handed it to Chu Xiu: "Master Chu, this is my residence, and there are several ways to contact me, if Master Chu wants to buy news You can come to me, the accuracy and credibility of Fengmanlou's news, you can inquire about this, Master Chu, and it is absolutely guaranteed."

Chu Xiu took the piece of paper. Although he has nowhere to use it to buy news from Xiangfengmanlou, maybe he will have time to use it.

Seeing Chu Xiu accept his piece of paper, Lu You's mouth also showed a smile.

Others dare not deal with a murderer like Chu Xiu who has killed countless people, but he dares to go.

In his eyes, there is nothing right or wrong, only customers who buy information from him.

With Chu Xiu's strength, if he bought intelligence from him, it would definitely be a big business, and he would definitely be more generous than Fatty You, who was stubborn.

Here, after Chu Xiu left, he directly carried the head back to the Qinglong Association to hand in the task. During this time, Chu Xiu always came here.

The best way to practice his martial arts is to hone in the killing to become more natural and proficient, especially the great method of destroying the soul of heaven and earth. This kind of spiritual practice must be constantly matched with the opponent's spiritual power. Competitive training makes you stronger.

When he was in Beiling Mansion, Chu Xiu could only use the Heavenly Destruction Technique to slightly affect the mind of the third child of the Yue family, but now he can forcefully control Fatty You, making him lose his mind for a moment.

Although it was only a short moment, for a warrior, it was enough to kill the opponent!

After handing in the task, Chu Xiu continued to practice with the reward, but suddenly someone knocked on his door, and when he opened the door, it turned out to be Huo Nu and Wolf King Xiu Ming, which made Chu Xiu feel a little strange.

The relationship between the killers of the Qinglong Club is not so good, but because there are few helmsmen and more tasks in the natural crime There is no task-grabbing like other helmsmen, so the relationship between everyone Not bad either.

Chu Xiu's strength is here, other low-level killers will respect him when they see him, and the Ghost Hand King and others will also chat with him, but this is the sky, when Chu Xiu retreated and practiced. , no one really bothered him.

"What's the matter with the two of you?"

Huo Nu smiled and said: "That's it, the wolf king and I are going to take a fourth-level mission, but although that mission is a fourth-level mission, it is already close to the fifth-level mission, and the mission target is eight Inner Astral Realm Martial Artist, but the reward of the task is also close to level 5, which is quite cost-effective.

The two of us are afraid we can't handle it, so I want to invite Brother Chu to take action together. The three of us will join forces for this task. Afterwards, you will be rewarded 40% and each of us 30%. What do you think, Brother Chu? "

Chu Xiu glanced at the quest reward that his employer had brought out. He took 40% more than the quest to kill Fatty You.

Besides, it's normal for them to join forces to carry out a mission, and the two of them are also very knowledgeable. Knowing that their strength is not as good as that of Chu Xiu, they took the initiative to let Chu Xiu hold the big head.

So Chu Xiu nodded directly and said, "No problem, I promise."

Huo Nu said: "Okay, the three of us will report to the helm master. As long as the helm master agrees, we will take action."

Chu Xiu wondered: "Does this kind of thing still need the approval of the helm master?"

Huo Nu said: "If you perform the task alone, what should you do? The helm master will naturally not take care of it, but for group tasks, except for those ordered by the helm master personally, we will do it if we make our own decisions. , that is a big taboo, someone has done this before, but the end is very miserable!"

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