Meet The Leader

Chapter 1080: persuade

Zhang Daoling was seen by the outside world as the dignified and just ruler of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, but in front of the old Heavenly Master, he was still like the little Taoist boy back then. He was reprimanded by the old Heavenly Master and remained silent.

In fact, this matter really has nothing to do with him. It was Chunyang Daomen's carelessness and revealed the news to those small forces. Who knows if there are any demon spies there.

However, Zhang Daoling did not refute, he just said solemnly: "Then God, are we going to take action this time, or not?"

The old Tianshi sighed and said: "What else is there to do? Chu Xiu has already come to the door. You see his attitude, he is not afraid, does he look like he is afraid?"

"Then what if he bluffs?"

The old Tianshi narrowed his eyes and said, "Although I am old, I have not yet reached the point where my eyes are dim.

Even if this kid is really good at acting, he is really bluffing, and even I lied to it, it's no big deal.

This time so many orthodox sects took action, with the momentum of Chunyang Daomen and Zhenwu Sect, as well as Daguangming Temple and Subhuti Temple, do you think they sent me the old man alone? Send me the Tianshifu family?

Whether or not I go to Tianshi Mansion will not play the most crucial role. The last straw that breaks the camel's back is not my Tianshi Mansion. "

Zhang Daoling said: "Then if Chu Xiu can't stand it, the Demon Sect will be destroyed, but my Tianshi Mansion did not make a move during this battle. Will it affect the reputation of my Tianshi Mansion?"

The old Tianshi hated the lesson that iron cannot become steel and said: "Stupid!

Wouldn't you have taken some people in an ambush around Kunlun Mountain in advance?

If Chu Xiu holds on, you should take someone to the Western Regions to see the scenery.

If Chu Xiu doesn't hold back, you will follow up to Kunlun Mountain to clean up the mess.

Anyway, as long as you show up, who cares if you go out or not? "

Zhang Daoling was a little stunned after hearing this, and he hesitated: "But like this, isn't my Tianshi Mansion taking credit? Obviously I didn't contribute, but in the end I wanted to share my reputation."

The old Tianshi sighed and shook his head: "Dao Ling, you have managed the Tianshi Mansion very well over the years, and even in some details, when I was in charge of the Tianshi Mansion, the old man did not do as well as you.

But do you know why for so many years, I still haven't handed over all the power of Tianshifu to you? "

Zhang Daoling bowed his head and said, "It's the disciple who did not do well enough to meet your expectations."

The old Tianshi shook his head and said: "No, you are excellent, but you are too good. I will not hand over the power of Tianshifu to you, just because you are not shameless enough!"

Zhang Daoling raised his head and looked at the old master in amazement.

The old Tianshi said lightly: "If you mess around in the rivers and lakes, you will suffer if you don't take advantage of it.

You want face, so you can't do too much. Who will suffer if you don't suffer?

People always talk about their faces after they get the benefits, but it turns out that you are good.

I have lived for five hundred years, old man. I have seen the so-called Dao, Demon, Buddha, and the so-called general trend of the world.

I was there during the time of magic, I was there during the time of Taoism, and I was there during the time of Buddhism.

No matter what kind of demons he is, remember, you are only a member of my Tianshi Mansion.

The elders preached, taught and solved their doubts, just to watch their descendants grow up in peace. "

Saying that, the Master of Heaven also patted Zhang Chengzhen on the shoulder.

Looking at Zhang Daoling, the old celestial master said solemnly: "When did you find out that in your mind, the safety of the sect is above everything, above your so-called reputation, and above your own face, I am relieved, This position is truly handed over to you."

Zhang Daoling nodded and left thoughtfully.

After Zhang Daoling, Zhang Chengzhen suddenly said: "Father, he is also for the sake of Tianshifu."

The old master turned his head, looked at Zhang Chengzhen with a half-smile, and said, "Do you know that you care about your father at this time?

Don't worry, of course I know that he is thinking of the Tianshi Mansion, but this guy Zhang Daoling still needs some more training. "

Zhang Chengzhen suddenly asked, "How did the previous generation of Celestial Master train you?"

The old Tianshi was stunned for a while, and smiled: "I don't need to hone, because in that era, whether you want to die or face is a good choice."

After walking out of Tianshi Mansion, Chu Xiu glanced back at Longhu Mountain. He now understands why Tianshi Mansion obviously does not have the profound heritage of pure Yang Daomen, has a long heritage, and there is no such amazing figure as Ning Xuanji from Zhenwu. But still able to rank first.

The old master's name moves the rivers and lakes. What he sees is clearer than anyone else, and farther than anyone else.

Some people live for hundreds of years, but they just pass the time in vain, but the old master really understands it.

As long as he is there, the Tianshi Mansion may not be able to rank the supreme position in the world, but at least it will never be left behind and will not worry about the demise of the inheritance.

After leaving the Tianshi Mansion, Chu Xiu had to go to the Moon Worship Sect.

There are conflicts of interest between Ming and Hidden Demons. When the Hidden Demons were weak before, both sides were suppressed by the righteous martial arts. In fact, they can still join forces.

But now Chu Xiu led the Hidden Demons back to Kunlun and established the Demon Sect. In the eyes of others, it was opposed to the Moon Worship Sect, and it was impossible for the two sides to join forces.

But in fact, Chu Xiu was confident in persuading Ye Shaonan to take action. The reason was very simple, just because the master of the Moon Worship Cult was Ye Shaonan.

When the Moon Worship Cult heard the news that Chu Xiu had come to ask for a meeting, almost everyone was stunned.

Chu Xiu is now in the limelight on the rivers and lakes. At the same time, it has attracted the fear of countless righteous forces, and he is even preparing to hit the West Kunlun. What is he doing at this time?

At the moment, Chu Xiu's identity is here, the East Emperor Taiyi, the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult, and the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult all welcomed Chu Xiu in.

The saintess of the Moon Worship Cult teased: "Master Chu, how does it feel to be the head of the Demon Cult?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I can hear the sarcasm in your tone.

Although I now occupy the Kunlun Demon Sect, it is estimated that most of the people in the rivers and lakes, even those in the line of Demon Dao, do not think that I am the leader of the Demon Sect, but the Lord of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Only the name of Dugu only me is worthy of this title. "

Both Donghuang Taiyi and the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult gave Chu Xiu a surprised look. This Chu Xiu was actually quite intimidated, but now that you know this, you dare to occupy the Kunlun Demon Cult and call yourself the Demon Lord. Aren't you afraid that Dugu Wei I will trouble you when I reincarnate?

The relationship between the two of them is a little delicate at the moment, so only the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult would say such a joke without any scruples. The East Emperor Taiyi and the High Priest of the Moon Worship Cult both looked serious.

After seeing Ye Shaonan, Chu Xiu squinted his eyes subconsciously.

Last time in the primitive devil cave, Ye Shaonan got the devil seed.

It now seems that even if he has not completely refined the Demon Seed, he has almost refined it.

At this time, the aura around Ye Shaonan had become difficult to describe in words, because Chu Xiu couldn't even feel Ye Shaonan's existence.

Ye Shaonan stood there clearly, but as long as Chu Xiu closed his eyes, he couldn't sense anyone in front of him, but he could sense a terrifying existence, like a bright moon in the sky, extremely dazzling.

Seeing Chu Xiu approaching him, Ye Shaonan just faintly spit out two words: "What's the matter?"

This is Ye Shaonan's style, so Chu Xiu also said directly: "Zhengdao Martial Arts is going to join forces to pacify my Kunlun, I want to ask Baiyuejiao and Yejiao to take action."

As soon as these words came out, Donghuang Taiyi said directly: "Impossible!"

Although Donghuang Taiyi admired Chu Xiu very much, and they had cooperated many times before, but this time he would never choose to stand on Chu Xiu's side.

When Chu Xiu chose to occupy the Kunlun Mountains and rebuild the Kunlun Demon Sect, the relationship between the Moon Worship Sect and Chu Xiu became antagonistic.

For the Moon Worship Cult, Chu Xiu's threat is even equal to that of the Righteous Path Martial Arts.

The High Priest of the Moon Worship Sect even sneered: "Master Chu has a shrewd calculus.

It was clearly your high profile that caused the siege of the righteous martial arts, but now you are dragging me into the water of the Moon Worship Cult.

I have made a move to teach the moon, what can I get? In the end, it wasn't a success, and in the end, it was you, Chu Xiu, who profited! "

Chu Xiu asked the High Priest of the Moon Worship Cult, "Dare to ask the High Priest, who is stronger and who is weaker between the current Moon Worship Cult and my Kunlun Demon Cult? Who will be stronger and who will be weaker in the future?"

The High Priest of the Moon Worship Cult proudly said: "Of course I am the stronger Moon Worship Cult! The leader of the Cult alone can rival the most powerful person in the world!"

On the side, the East Emperor pouted in disdain.

Before, the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult always said that he was flattering the leader, but now you yourself are doing the same?

However, when it came to the future, the High Priest of the Moon Worship Cult paused.

He really didn't dare to say in the future, how long did it take for Chu Xiu to rise? Even with Ye Shaonan at the moment, the Moon Worship Cult is strong, but who can say for sure in the future? After all, the speed of Chu Xiu's rise was too terrifying.

However, the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult still said stubbornly: "Even in the future, with the scene where my Moon Worship Cult is so talented now, it will definitely not be weak!"

Chu Xiu spread out his hands and said, "Since the high priest is so confident in the future of the Moon Worship Cult, why is he afraid to help me?

You should know that now my Kunlun Demon Sect is a thorn in the side of the righteous people.

They couldn't find the reincarnation of the leader, so they turned their attention to me.

Being able to attract the attention of all the righteous sects is not a good thing for the Moon Worship Cult, which is now developing its strength with peace of mind? High Priest, why do you resist? "

The High Priest of the Moon Worship Cult was at a loss for words. When it comes to sharp teeth and sharp mouths, he who only studies the Gu worm incantation in the Moon Worship Cult is not as good as Chu Xiu, who is always arguing with people.

Just when Donghuang Taiyi wanted to say something else, Chu Xiu looked at Ye Shaonan and said, "Actually, after saying so much, there is no reason for the Moon Worship Cult to take action.

But I have one thing here, I must be very interested in the night leader.

I killed another **** general in Tianmen. I am afraid that Jun Wushen will also take action at that time. Is the night sect master interested in taking a look? "


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