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Chapter 1083: Battle Heaven and Earth Tongxuan

PS: Thanks for the reward of 10,000 starting coins for the cat who cannot live without water

Heaven and Earth Tongxuan and True Fire Refining God, the difference of one realm, the separation of heaven and man.

Ling Yunzi has played against Chu Xiu not once or twice. He has to admit that Chu Xiu's strength is indeed extremely powerful.

True Fire Refining God and True Fire Refining Body fellow practitioners, his current state is almost the most perfect state of a martial artist.

Heart and mind are in harmony, breath and body are in harmony, God is in harmony with heaven.

The incomparably powerful physical body has developed to the peak of strength in the same realm, which makes Chu Xiu really able to fight with the existence of the realm of heaven and earth.

However, no matter how strong the manpower is, there is a limit to it. In the face of the supreme power of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm who controls one side of the world, no matter how strong Chu Xiu is, he can only be stronger than others, not this side of the world!

This time Ling Yunzi did not use the magic weapon Chunyang, although Xiyunzi also followed.

To deal with a Chu Xiu and a warrior in the realm of real fire, if he still uses Lu Zu's magic weapon, then even if he wins this battle, it is estimated that Jianghu people will continue to laugh at him.

Chu Xiu happened to notice this too, he smiled and said, "Don't you need to change weapons for Headmaster Ling Yunzi?"

Ling Yunzi said lightly: "To deal with you, you don't need to change weapons."

Chu Xiu clenched the broken moment in his hand and said, "Ling Yunzi does not change weapons when he teaches, but now I have acquired a new magic sword, and the teacher is my first opponent to try the sword.

I just happened to see today, whether this magic knife of mine is sharp or not! "

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, he was the first to strike with a knife.

Ling Yunzi's face showed a hint of coldness. Although the long sword in his hand was not Lu Zu's divine weapon, it was also the pure-yang divine sword handed down from the past generations of the Pure-Yang Daomen.

The sword light was unsheathed, and in an instant, everything in the sky and the ground was shrouded in pure sunlight.

Even though the area of ​​the Kunlun Mountain was huge, the scorching pure sunlight shrouded a range of nearly ten miles. The powerful Qi machine was like a scorching sun, turning into a realm and completely shrouding Chu Xiu in it. Ten thousand swords of light fell. The power is terrifying.

Several other supreme experts from the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm who were present at the scene nodded indistinctly when they saw Ling Yunzi's move.

To be honest, Ling Yunzi was not as bad as the outside world said.

Although he has just been promoted to the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, he has also accumulated an extremely deep foundation in the True Fire Refinement Realm.

Although it was not long after stepping into the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, it should not appear unfamiliar, but there is a certain gap with them in terms of strength.

In the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, it is difficult and difficult to go further, including the youngest Rama present, although his talent is amazing, but it is almost impossible to make rapid progress in this realm. Like other warriors of the same rank, they use time to accumulate strength.

In the pure Yang realm, the pure sunshine around him descended. Although the sword light had not yet arrived, Chu Xiu seemed to be in the scorching of the bright sunshine. The level of being able to get close to the ground.

When Ling Yunzi came up, he used all his strength, one can imagine how deep his obsession with defeating Chu Xiu was.

Chu Xiu slashed with one knife, and the long and narrow blade trembled lightly.

Although it is a magic sword, it does not have much magic entanglement, and it does not look like a magic weapon at all.

But after a short while, Chu Xiu slashed the knife with the force of the misty slash, and in an instant, the world seemed to freeze.

The expression on Ling Yunzi's face remained the same, but the sword in his hand became even more violent.

In the past, Dugu Youyi's red dust misty slash was naturally recognized by him, and there were many strong people who fell under his sword.

But now that Chu Xiu displayed it, it was useless!

Misty Slash can imprison a space, but it cannot imprison this world, because this is the domain of Ling Yunzi, and it is the world that he can completely control!

But at this moment, an unexpected scene happened.

Where Chu Xiu's knife passed, the entire pure yang field seemed to be torn out by a huge wound, and countless pure yang power leaked out.

The sword glow fell, and the misty slashing knife fell.

The two collided, and suddenly a powerful air machine burst out, and the bursting qi splashed around, and even formed a huge vortex in the air, stirring the situation.

It's not surprising that Chu Xiu blocked Ling Yunzi's move.

Without this strength, Chu Xiu would not dare to challenge Ling Yunzi.

But what is shocking is that he actually cut open Ling Yunzi's domain!

Although Heaven and Earth Tongxuan claims to be able to control the world, the real control of the world is something that only gods can do.

To be precise, the world controlled by the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm should be that side of the world within one's own domain.

It has always been extremely difficult for existences in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm to fight against each other's realm.

But God knows what method Chu Xiu used. He even cut a gap in Ling Yunzi's domain with one knife, causing the external power of heaven and earth to pour into it. In an instant, the pure sunlight dissipated and the domain was broken.

Ling Yunzi looked at Chu Xiu in disbelief, was he able to break through his own domain?

Although the realm is only a symbolic means for them to advance to this realm, even if there is no realm, they are still the powerhouse in the realm of heaven and earth, even with the same level of warriors. During the battle, the powerhouses in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm seldom use their domains.

You also have a domain, and I also have a domain. When two people collide with each other in the domain, it is equivalent to a simple wrestling of low-level warriors, without any technical content, and it is very boring.

But in the face of a warrior who is a level lower than himself, the existence of the domain is completely suppressed.

This is Chu Xiu. If someone else comes, when facing the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, all power is directly banned, so that you can't even borrow a single point of the power of heaven and earth.

Taking advantage of Ling Yunzi's stunned effort, Chu Xiu's figure was already rushing towards Ling Yunzi. The powerful Qi seemed to tear the sky and the earth apart. With that knife, everything in front of him was accurately divided into two parts.

In the eyes of other powerhouses, it seems that the whole world is divided into three parts.

Heaven and Earth on the left, Heaven and Earth on the right, and... Chu Xiu's knife!

The word-breaking sword intent was displayed, coupled with the incomparable sharpness of the past, and the incomparable sharpness came straight to Ling Yunzi.

This is below, and the monk Bukong suddenly said: "His knife is very familiar, but I have only used it in Dugu."

Everyone present was horrified, and the winner's ancestor asked, "Chu Xiu got the magic sword of Dugu Yu and I listened to the spring rain?"

However, after talking about the winner, the ancestor felt a little wrong.

Although none of them have seen what the magic knife looks like listening to Chunyu, there are still descriptions, and it is definitely not what Chu Xiu's knife looks like.

The monk Bukong said: "It's not listening to Chunyu, I mean the breath of his sword, which is exactly the same as listening to Chunyu.

These two knives come from the same source.

Supreme Demon Soldier, in this world, you will drink up your blood and slaughter the people. "

Rama said on the side: "Master, don't worry, this time, the magic knife will no longer have the opportunity to drink blood."

The monk Bu Kong sighed and said, "I hope so."

After cultivating immortality, although he rebuilt his body, his soul and spirit were still damaged and sluggish.

In the past, his spiritual sense was very sensitive, but now it has become a little dull.

He could feel that something seemed wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

At this time, Ling Yunzi looked at Chu Xiu's slash, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

At this time, he also discovered the abnormality of the broken time. This knife can really smash the domain.

But it doesn't matter, in addition to the field, he is not without other means.

The long swords were connected, and the hot pure yang qi in the air condensed, turning into the word 'pure yang' and stagnating in the air, like a huge rune, falling towards Chu Xiu.

The word "Pure Yang" was left by Lu Zu in the past, with the true meaning of "Pure Yang".

The power of suppressing demons is almost brought to its peak above these two characters.

But the sword intent of Breaking Words is too sharp, and the sharpness reaches the extreme. Even if the rune with the true meaning of pure yang After the swordsmanship of breaking words is brought to the extreme, it is still Cut off with a knife!

But at this moment, the pure word is on the left, and the yang word is on the right, and both of them burst out at the same time, with a scorching pure yang light, and there is a faint bloom of sword energy.

But that sword energy was condensed into sword silk, like a golden thread, wrapped around Chu Xiu's body, and instantly plunged him into it, forming a giant golden cocoon.

On the giant cocoon, the word Chunyang is lifelike, and the rune of Chunyang Suppressing Demon is still successful!

The Sword Master Zhong Limu from Fengyun Sword Tomb said intermittently in a hoarse tone: "Concentrating on sword intent and entering pure Yang, it is not easy for Ling Yunzi to teach.

His attainments in kendo and pure Yang Dao Yun have reached the extreme. In Daomen, his Dao Yun is unparalleled, and he can be a leader of a school.

In the Sword Sect, his swordsmanship has changed a lot, and he can still be called a great master of swordsmanship. He uses his sword to open up the world. "

All generations of Chunyang Daomen have used swords as weapons, but Daomen is not a sword sect after all. For most of the disciples of Chunyang Daomen, their major is always pure Yang Gangqi. As for kendo, it is just a kind of exercise means, a way.

However, Ling Yunzi has cultivated kendo to such an extent that he can even let someone like Zhong Limu praise him personally. It is conceivable how strong his accomplishments in kendo are.

Jianning the power of pure yang, just when Ling Yunzi wanted to completely solve Chu Xiu, suddenly there was a shrill cry like a ghostly roar in the air.

The rain of blood descended from the sky, fell on the golden giant cocoon, completely melted it, and what was exposed was Chu Xiu, whose whole body was wrapped in the fire of the world, and the whole body was covered in demonic flames.

The next moment, the huge demon **** phantom traversed the sky, as if tearing the sky and tearing the ground, and grabbed it towards Ling Yunzi!


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