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Chapter 1085: Chu Xiu's trump card

Jun Wushen's appearance here is actually not surprising.

Although Kunlun Mountain is large, it cannot accommodate two schools.

When Dugu and I was alone before, Kunlun only referred to the Demon Sect, and Tianmen almost slaughtered Dugu and I.

And with the demise of the Kunlun Demon Sect, the saying of the two heavens in the east and the west slowly replaced the West Kunlun Demon Sect and called it the West Kunlun Heaven Gate.

Therefore, as long as Chu Xiu rebuilds the Demon Sect on Kunlun Mountain, the first to react should be Tianmen. Even if Chu Xiu has not killed the gods of Tianmen, I believe that Tianmen will not allow such a thing to happen.

Therefore, Ling Yunzi and others did not respond for a while at first, but in fact they were also waiting for the people from Tianmen to respond.

If Tianmen can take action to solve Chu Xiu, that would be great. They can also save their troubles and concentrate on finding clues about the reincarnation of Dugu only me.

In the end, who would have thought that after so long, the people from Tianmen didn't even take action, as if they had tacitly agreed that Chu Xiu would rebuild the Demon Sect, so they could only deal with Chu Xiu themselves.

Before the fight started, Jun Wushen came, and looking at Jun Wushen's momentum, it was obvious that he wanted to completely eliminate Chu Xiu's lineage, so Ling Yunzi and others all subconsciously retreated.

If Jun Wushen wants to make a move, they will naturally not stop it. If Jun Wushen makes a move, their disciples can make less sacrifices. After all, Chu Xiu and those under his command are not weak. The most important thing is Yes, there is another Ye Shaonan.

At this time, Ye Shaonan was also looking at Jun Wushen, and what was revealed in his eyes turned out to be a touch of fighting intent.

Last time in the primitive devil's cave, to be honest, although Ye Shaonan saw Jun Wushen and Zhong Shenxiu take action, he didn't understand it, he could only say that he saw a part of it clearly.

Of course, this is also better than others, because except Ye Shaonan, no one else understands even the slightest bit.

After refining the Innate Demon Seed, Ye Shaonan's strength and realm have improved a lot, and it has even risen to a level that Chu Xiu can't see through.

At this time, Ye Shaonan was fully qualified to go further, to spy on the realm of Martial Immortals that only the legendary existence can achieve!

But the embarrassing thing is that Ye Shaonan has no clue at all at this step.

Regarding the realm above the realm of heaven and earth, the major sects, as long as they are the top sects inherited from the ancient times, are actually recorded, and even the title of Wuxian has existed in a small number of ancient books, but However, there is no detailed description of the realm, so everyone does not know whether the two words Wuxian represent a realm, or a title when the combat power reaches an extreme.

However, they are sure that the combat power of those who can obtain the realm of Martial Immortal is simply incomparable to the existence of the ordinary realm of heaven and earth.

In the current arena, it is generally believed that everyone has reached this realm, and there are only two people who have completely surpassed the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, one is Dugu and I, and the other is Ning Xuanji.

But after the primitive devil's cave, they witnessed Zhong Shenxiu and Jun Wushen take action, but they wanted to add these two to this suspicion.

Although I don't know if these two have reached the level of Dugu Yume and Ning Xuanji in the past, it is clear that they have surpassed the most powerful people in the realm of heaven and earth on the rivers and lakes. This person, even Ye Ye Shaonan.

Ye Shaonan also wanted to take this step. There must be no experience in the practice books and books. He could only rely on himself to hold back and comprehend it.

What's more, it is to watch the existence of this level fight, and even challenge them to accumulate experience in this realm.

Last time in the primitive cave, Ye Shaonan could only understand a small part of Zhong Shenxiu and Jun Wushen's shots, but now, he is confident that he can understand a large part.

This time, Chu Xiu invited him to come. If Chu Xiu didn't speak, with Ye Shaonan's character, he would even do something to challenge Jun Wushen.

If there is no heart to hear the Dao in the morning and die in the evening, Ye Shaonan can't create the Heart Sutra, and he can't become the number one person in the current world.

Jun Wushen also felt the fighting intent in Ye Shaonan's eyes at this time, but he didn't care.

The lion wouldn't care about the wild cat's challenge, nor his ambitions. Besides, he came this time just to kill Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu didn't know that Jun Wushen was injured so badly last time. He has been in seclusion all the time. He is also wondering why Tianmen has not responded, even when Luo Shenjun was killed.

In fact, Jun Wushen's reaction is already fast.

After he left the customs, after learning that Luo Shenjun had also died in the hands of Chu Xiu, the first thing he did was to go to East Kunlun and kill Chu Xiu.

Staring at Chu Xiu, Jun Wushen said slowly: "Your luck is very good, last time you killed Kuang Xieyue, I was blocked by Zhong Shenxiu, this time you killed Luo Shenjun, and I was in retreat again.

But your luck is equally bad, why did you provoke me? The Heavenly Gate Gods are not real gods and can be killed, but those who kill the Heavenly Gate Gods cannot live either. "

Lu Jianghe laughed and said, "What about the sect master?"

Jun Wushen suddenly glanced over, and in an instant, Lu Jianghe felt that the six realms of reincarnation were changing and changing. In just a moment, he seemed to have been thrown into the six realms of reincarnation and experienced a whole reincarnation.

If it weren't for the fact that he was trapped for five hundred years and did not collapse, his willpower is also strong, and he broke free after experiencing a reincarnation, and he would even be trapped in that boundless reincarnation forever, becoming an idiot.

But even so, Lu Jianghe's mood was damaged in an instant, and he suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.

"Day! It's a big loss!"

This mouthful of blood vomited, I am afraid that it will not be able to make up for a strong person who does not refine a real fire to refine the realm.

Chu Wuji, Mei Qinglian and other people who were familiar with Lu Jianghe twitched at the corners of their mouths.

This cheap mouth has not come to the fore after five hundred years. They felt that Lu Jianghe would die with his mouth sooner or later.

Lu Jianghe was also very helpless. The last time he saw Jun Wushen make a move, it was a magnificent one. As a result, who would have thought that he could even know the Yuan Mystery Law, and his attainments were beyond imagination, and he was hit hard at a glance.

Chu Xiu stood up and shook his head and said: "To be precise, it should be that the Heavenly Gate God will have bad luck meeting me.

Although the gods of the Heavenly Gate have died over the years, only a handful of them have died in the outside world, but when they met me, they died two in a row. Shouldn't it be because of their bad luck?

And Sect Master, I think your luck is just as bad, because as long as you meet me, you will meet the person you least want to meet. "

Jun Wushen was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything. The six reincarnations condensed behind him, and the phantom was distorting the space, as if the world was surrounded by his mighty power.

He is not good at words, and he usually never speaks too much to the gods of Tianmen.

Reward for doing right, punishment for doing wrong, it's that simple.

Chu Xiu killed the two divine generals of his Heavenly Sect in a row, which was already considered a certain death, not to mention, he still dared to go to Kunlun again!

Because of a certain relationship, or some kind of fear, Tianmen did not take action against the Kunlun Demon Sect after Dugu and I disappeared, although they had a great hatred.

Even during the five hundred years since the fall of the Kunlun Demon Sect, no one from Tianmen has ever stepped into East Kunlun to occupy this place.

But Chu Xiu's reconstruction of the Kunlun Demon Sect is still provoking the bottom line of Tianmen, killing it, no doubt!

The power of the Six Paths Buddha's Disillusionment Hua Lun began to show. Last time in the primitive devil's cave, although Jun Wushen was defeated by Zhong Shenxiu, his Six Path Buddha's Disillusionment Hua Lun was impressive, and it was so powerful that it made people tremble. .

Everyone present believed that although Chu Xiu and Ling Yunzi could fight to a level of equality, he couldn't stop Jun Wushen's move.

But at this moment, a strange tremor suddenly came from the void.

The peaceful void turned out to be like a wrinkled piece of cloth. It was torn from the middle, and Zhong Shenxiu, dressed in white, stepped out of it and said habitually, "Excuse me..."

But after seeing Chu Xiu, Zhong Shenxiu held back the second half of the sentence, nodded as if satisfied, and said, "It's accurate this time."

Hearing Zhong Shenxiu's Xiu almost broke out in a cold sweat. Before co-authoring, was there still time when he was inaccurate?

The existence of Zhong Shenxiu was Chu Xiu's trump card.

He owed Chu Xiu a cause and effect. This time, Chu Xiu dared to play so much because of the existence of Zhong Shenxiu.

Manpower is hard to beat the sky, but Zhong Shenxiu's strength can undoubtedly beat the sky.

He asked Zhong Shenxiu to kill Jun Wushen, and he couldn't kill Xuci Rama, thinking that there was cause and effect in them.

Then Chu Xiu retired and asked for the next best thing. As long as you protect yourself this time, it will not affect the cause and effect, right?

Unless karma requires him, Chu Xiu must die here today, then Chu Xiu can only admit that he is unlucky.

And now that Zhong Shenxiu appeared, it proved that his plan was successful.

It's just that Zhong Shenxiu's last sentence still shocked him.

Since the appearance of Jun Wushen, Chu Xiu has already inspired the mark left by Zhong Shenxiu in his mind to ask for help.

Although Chu Xiu didn't know how Zhong Shenxiu could come to him in an instant from the land of the East China Sea, there must be a way for an existence like Zhong Shenxiu.

It's just that Chu Xiu just forgot. This guy seems to be a lunatic. If he comes back a few breaths later, I'm afraid Chu Xiu will have to fight against Jun Wushen with the Six Paths Buddha's Disillusionment Hua Wheel.

Before Chu Xiu was very calm in front of Jun Wushen, if he thought of Zhong Shenxiu's stupidity, he probably wouldn't be able to calm down.

Putting hope on other people, this kind of thing is really dangerous. This is Chu Xiu's first time, and it is probably the last time.

Receding in shape, Chu Xiu gave Zhong Shenxiu the home game. The next protagonist was not him, and it was his turn to perform.


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