Meet The Leader

Chapter 1091: manner

The bureau set up by Chu Xiu in the past was a lie in itself, but the level of coincidence in this matter was too much, and someone who had such a coincidence fit this lie.

Han Ping's explanation was reasonable, so Fang Yundu was relieved just after thinking about it.

After all, the 18 years before the leader was only born in a small family that was not in the mainstream, so his level of knowledge was naturally limited.

What I can do now is to try my best to help the sect master restore his previous strength, so that his memory can be fully awakened, and he will become the old solitary and only me.

At the same time, what Han Ping and the others didn't know was that most of the warriors of the Zhengdao sect had already gathered in the southern part of Dongqi at this time.

Before Ling Yunzi and the others searched for the reincarnation of Dugu only me for a long time, but they found nothing.

It turned out that it was good now, but they took the initiative to bring it to the door. This made Ling Yunzi and others excited, but the deepest part of their hearts was panic.

That is Dugu and only me, but the legendary supreme devil, who brought a powerful existence of endless coercion to the rivers and lakes.

The unknown is the most terrifying. At least now Ling Yunzi and the others know that the other party is in Shucheng, and their strength is temporarily not as strong as their own, but they do not dare to act rashly. They just build a building outside Shucheng first. Take root.

In the tent, Ling Yunzi, Lu Changliu, Zhang Daoling and other three masters of Taoism were all there. From the Buddhist side came the people from the Daguang Temple, and only Rama came to the Subhuti Temple. Monk Sora was in retreat and did not come.

Monk Bukong had just woken up because of the practice of immortality, and his spirit and primordial spirit had suffered some damage, so he went to retreat directly.

The last time he went to the Kunlun Demon Sect first, it was just because the matter was urgent, it was not too late to destroy the Kunlun Demon Sect before going to retreat.

As a result, things were anticlimactic, and Monk Bukong also found that his Primordial Spirit was seriously damaged and he forgot some things.

So when I returned to the Subhuti Meditation Center this time, I went straight to deep retreat, the kind that no one could disturb.

Inside the tent, Ling Yunzi looked at Zhang Daoling, frowned and said, "Brother Zhang Dao, why didn't the old master come this time? In the whole arena, only he and Dugu only met me, in case that person really Dugu is the only one who is reincarnated, and only the Heavenly Master can recognize it."

Everyone present was also looking at Zhang Daoling, waiting for him to give an explanation.

The last time they went to Kunlun Mountain together, it would be fine if Tianshi Mansion did not come. As a result, they found out later that Tianshi Mansion came, but they did not follow them up the mountain, but wandered under Kunlun Mountain. They knew exactly what they were planning, which made them sick.

The Tianshi Mansion's routine is simply too unremarkable, but it's just that they don't know much about it, and they can't say anything.

But this time, it would be too much if the Heavenly Master didn't come yet.

After all, everyone on the rivers and lakes knows that only the Heavenly Master came from the era of Dugu and I. Now Dugu and I have reincarnated. If the Heavenly Master does not come to identify it, who will identify it?

Zhang Daoling coughed and said, "Everyone also knows that the old Tianshi is already old, and he has long ignored the affairs of the Tianshifu.

It happened that during this period of time, the old man was unwell, and he was in retreat and stabilized. He really couldn't go out, so he didn't come. "

After hearing this, everyone present simply didn't know where to complain.

They didn't expect that Zhang Daoling, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, didn't even blink his eyes when he talked nonsense.

It is true that the old master is old, not counting the monk Bukong who practiced immortality Zen and the banned Lu Jianghe, there is no one older than him in the whole world.

But who doesn't know that Laotian Shi is old and strong. Although he is not young, his fighting power has not weakened in the slightest, but is stronger.

A few years ago, he had fought against Ye Shaonan. Although he fell behind, it was not a big defeat.

And everyone knows that the old Tianshi is clearly sunbathing in the back mountain of Tianshifu every day. When do you need to rest? Why did it happen to be unwell at this time?

Everyone is helpless, but it is not good to turn against Tianshifu at this moment.

Seeing the expressions of everyone present, Zhang Daoling finally knew why the Heavenly Master made him shameless.

Sometimes shameless, it seems to be really useful, for example, now, everyone knows that he is shirking, but they can't help him. I have to say that this feeling is really a bit dark.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from outside, everyone present frowned, and Han Jiusi of Zhenwu Sect stood up and said, "I'll go take a look."

He got up and went out, and the hostility on his face suddenly increased.

It turned out to be Chu Xiu who came to the camp of their Righteous Path Alliance!

Chu Xiu didn't come here to find trouble, but to inquire about news.

After all, the Kunlun Demon Sect has only just been established, and the intelligence network in the Central Plains is not yet complete. As for the news here, only some one-sided news will be transmitted by Luo Feihong and Qinglong in Dongqi, and it is not comprehensive.

And here in the Righteous Path Alliance, Chu Xiu can guarantee that they must have thoroughly studied that Han Pingjiao long ago, and even the eighth generation of the other's ancestors can be dug up.

"Chu Xiu, what are you doing here?"

Han Jiusi looked at Chu Xiu with a bad look, it should be said to be very bad, and it could even be said to be hatred.

Han Jiusi is not a person of this era, even if the True Martial Sect still exists, but in fact he still feels a little alienated from the current True Martial Sect.

Therefore, the one who has the best relationship with him is Yun Mengzi, who was the old enemy 800 years ago.

In the end, Yun Mengzi died in the hands of Chu Xiu, and even half of the warriors from 800 years ago had already died in the hands of Chu Xiu.

Yun Mengzi was dead, so were the Demon Dao gang, and Chu Xiu was like their nemesis.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't be so nervous, I'm just here to ask you some news. You are concerned about the news of the reincarnation of Lord Dugu, and I am also concerned about it. How about sharing?"

Han Jiusi said coldly: "Chu Xiu, don't think that we can't help you, the entire Righteous Path martial arts can't help you!

If it is confirmed today that Dugu is only me, I will immediately get rid of it, so that it can no longer be a disaster! "

Chu Xiu was too lazy to talk nonsense with Han Jiusi, he said directly: "Get out of the way!"

The Dao sword appeared in Han Jiusi's hand, and a touch of Dao Yun affected the power of the surrounding world.

However, the moment he held the sword, the scabbard on Chu Xiu's waist was already unsheathed.

Wherever the magic knife passed, everything was attributed to the power of the cathode. Even the power of heaven and earth, which was influenced by the Dao Yun of Han Jiusi's whole body, was turned into the power of the cathode and exploded in front of Chu Xiu's knife.

Huge force attacked Han Jiusi. It was the most simple and direct physical force, and it was unstoppable. He shouted loudly, and all the energy in his body gathered, but he was still smashed by Chu Xiu's sword. After entering the door of the big tent, his complexion suddenly turned from white to red, a mouthful of blood could not help spurting out, and his gaze towards Chu Xiu was even more astonished.

How long has it been since the last time they joined forces to besiege Chu Xiu? Chu Xiu's strength has soared to such an extent that he can't even take a knife from the opponent!

If the five of them are still besieging Chu Xiu now, it is estimated that the end is simply crushing, Chu Xiu is one knife, who can stop it?

In fact, although Chu Xiu was thinking about the way out of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm during this time, he did not waste time thinking about it in vain.

While he was looking for the bottleneck, the strength of Chu Xiu's body was also condensing and growing step by step.

Although the combat power has not increased exponentially, his control of power is stronger.

The movement of the fight here immediately alarmed Ling Yunzi and the others.

They came out one after another and surrounded Chu Xiu and others in the center with a bad look.

Although Chu Xiu has Zhong Shenxiu's protection, they are not afraid that Chu Xiu is really unscrupulous.

Even if Zhong Shenxiu goes off the court in person, as long as they are pushed to the bottom line, they will not be captured.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "You don't have to be so I have already said that this time, I just want to inquire about the situation and see if that guy is impersonating the Dugu leader.

I will naturally leave after asking, but this Daoist Han Jiusi seems to have a prejudice against me. If he insists on drawing his sword in front of me, then I can only be rude. "

Ling Yunzi looked at Chu Xiu, stared at him for a long time, and suddenly said: "If that Dugu only me reincarnation is a fake, what would you do?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Some lies can be told, while others cannot.

At that time, I will let him know that sometimes the wrong thing is said, and it needs to be compensated with life as the price. "

Seeing Chu Xiu's gesture, Ling Yunzi suddenly said, "Give him the news."

From Chu Xiu's attitude, Ling Yunzi seems to have seen something. Chu Xiu doesn't seem to hope that the reincarnation of Dugu only me is true.

After hearing this news, most of the magic practitioners should be ecstatic for the first time.

It turned out that Chu Xiu was better, but he was suspicious for the first time, doubting whether the other party was real.

This attitude is very obvious. Right now Chu Xiu is the master of the Kunlun Demon Sect. He wastes so much energy and finally rebuilds the Kunlun Demon Sect. He has also become the master of the Demon Dao. In terms of power, he is even stronger than the current Demon Dao. The first person was Ye Shaonan.

In terms of strength, Ye Shaonan was the best in the world, but in terms of power, the Moon Worship Cult was actually not as good as Chu Xiu's Kunlun Demon Cult.

Resisting the pressure of the entire Zhengdao sect, Chu Xiu finally established the position he is today. As a result, as soon as the news of the reincarnation of Dugu Weiyi came out, he might have to hand over all these things. With Chu Xiu's character, how could he be? Can you be willing?

Ling Yunzi suddenly discovered that the current Chu Xiu did not seem to be an enemy.


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