Meet The Leader

Chapter 1099: Nail Head 7 Arrows

PS: Thanks to book friends for the reward of 123456 14,000 starting coins

At the moment when the seven small blood-colored arrows shot, the sense of crisis in Chu Xiu's heart suddenly rose to the extreme.

Even Rama and the others changed their expressions and looked at each other.

The power contained in these seven small blood-colored arrows is simply amazing. It is an extremely evil power, which makes them unable to see through, but they can feel the danger in it.

Everyone present has a grudge against Chu Xiu. It can be said that everyone wants Chu Xiu to die. Could it be that someone secretly did this?

However, everyone present was blank, and this level of power was simply beyond their control.

If they could control this level of power, would Chu Xiu still be alive to this day?

Seven small blood-colored arrows came through the void, ignoring almost any power.

Chu Xiu condensed all his strength, and burst out the power that belonged to Dugu and I, which was one of the few in him, and attacked the seven blood-colored arrows.

The first blood-colored arrow shattered directly.

The second blood-colored arrow turned into a **** fog.

But there was not much power that Chu Xiu could control. The third **** arrow had completely exhausted the last trace of power, and the rest continued to attack Chu Xiu.

Dugu Yume's strength has been exhausted, and the boundless fire of world-annihilation blooms, but the remaining four small blood-colored arrows directly pass through the fire of world-annihilation, making this move completely empty.

The misty slash and the broken character sword intent were slashed one after another, but these four small **** arrows seemed to be not in the same space as Chu Xiu.

Seeing that the four small blood-colored arrows were getting closer, Chu Xiu let out a low voice, and the boundless blood mist filled his body. The powerful Qi machine even pulled the power of this world, causing the entire space to tremble.

As soon as the Gorefiend transforms into the sky, Chu Xiu really started to work hard.

Guo Xiaofeng glanced at the surrounding space worriedly, but he didn't dare to stop Chu Xiu who was desperately trying at this time.

The powerful Qi came, but Chu Xiu squeezed the Buddha's seal in his hand. In an instant, a blood-colored Buddha's dharma form condensed behind him, and the blood-colored sun fell into the air in the dark space. The Buddha's seal fell forward, and that terrifying might should be treated with caution even if it was Rama's level.

However, the result is still useless!

Rama and others present also looked solemn.

They can understand that the strength of the person who shot is beyond their imagination, and even this power is beyond their understanding.

Chu Xiu made several shots in a row, but they were all lore kills, but they were not so easy to resist.

But in the end, in the face of this small blood-colored arrow, apart from the fact that Dugu only my power could take effect at the beginning, killing three of them, the remaining four could not destroy the opponent even though Chu Xiu had already started desperately.

At this moment, in Chu Xiu's mind, the demon kept shouting: "It's three souls and seven souls! It's seven souls! These seven arrows came from locking your seven souls! Don't stop them, The four souls will be wiped out, and you will surely die!"

The inner demon resides in Chu Xiu's mind. If Chu Xiu is dead, he will not die.

But the problem is that these four small blood-colored arrows came straight to Chu Xiu's four souls. At that time, he could not guarantee that these four small blood-colored arrows would avoid him.

"What's the use of knowing that this thing has locked seven souls? The key to the question is, how can we stop this ghost!"

Now all of Chu Xiu's trump cards have been used, even if he has used the life-threatening secret technique of Gorefiend, but it has no effect at all.

This force has completely exceeded his imagination, and he can't stop it, he can't stop it.

Chu Xiu was not a person who gave up easily, but at this time he couldn't help but feel a sense of despair.

Only those who have died once know how precious life is. Although Chu Xiu acted crazy, he didn't want to die, and he couldn't die either!

In an instant, a layer of flame burned around Chu Xiu's body. It was not the real fire of internal power, but the fire of Yuanshen!

More extreme than burning qi and blood is burning primordial spirit!

Under the burning of the power of the primordial spirit, Chu Xiu began to frantically deduce the power of the blood-colored arrow by using the Heavenly Seeing Qi technique.

No matter what kind of weird secret technique this is, there has never been a perfect martial technique in this world, and even the perfect thing will definitely have loopholes!

This is the first time that Chu Xiu has pushed the Emperor's Qi Technique to a peak, at the expense of his own primordial spirit.

Seeing Chu Xiu like this, Mei Qinglian and Lu Jianghe were shouting, but there was nothing they could do.

In the realm of real fire refining, they are already considered strong in the rivers and lakes, but here they are only spectators. Even in the face of this level of power, they are not even qualified to be spectators, they can only accept their fate!

But they accepted their fate, even if Chu Xiu was in a real desperate situation, he didn't want to accept his fate.

In an instant, the fire of the primordial spirit burned to the extreme, and he finally saw it!

Behind the remaining four small blood-colored arrows, there are four faint, dark red lines, connecting to a far, far place, all the way to the west, in the deep hall, four small blood-colored arrows floating in the air, On the opposite side is a crudely made straw man with a twisted black magic pattern on it.

But I don't know when, those black magic lines are in the dark, pulling countless black threads, connecting the grass figurine and Chu Xiu together.

There was only one person standing in front of the grass man, with red hair and a black robe, and the coldness in his eyes seemed to be able to freeze everything.

You are godless!

It's Jun Wushen!

There has never been an opponent who can make Chu Xiu so jealous, and Jun Wushen, whose strength is beyond imagination, is one.

Last time, Chu Xiu thought that he had already used Zhong Shenxiu's hand to force the other party to retreat, and he also succeeded in making the other party mistakenly believe that he had a relationship with Zhong Shenxiu, so he did not dare to touch him.

But Chu Xiu still underestimated Jun Wushen.

In today's world, there is only Zhong Shenxiu who does not dare to move Jun Wushen. Zhong Shenxiu can protect Chu Xiu for a while, but he cannot protect him for the rest of his life. As long as Jun Wushen is given a chance, he will not give up killing Chu Xiu like this. .

But the problem is, even though Chu Xiu has pushed the Heavenly Son's Qi Technique to the extreme, and seeing this, he is even more desperate.

It is actually very simple to break the secret technique that Jun Wushen performs.

As long as the grass man in front of him can be taken away or blocked, the relationship between Chu Xiu and the grass man can be cut off.

But the question is, Jun Wushen can kill him thousands of miles away, how can he take that grass man away from thousands of miles?

At this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly realized that something was wrong in his body.

In the peak state of the Emperor's Qi Qi Technique, no detail in Chu Xiu's body could be concealed.

In his heart, he didn't know when there was a trace of demonic energy, a very faint trace, so faint that if Chu Xiu hadn't checked it in the peak state of the emperor's qi technique, he wouldn't even be able to find it.

He seemed to vaguely remember that this trace of demonic energy was the trace of demonic energy that appeared in the rootless holy fire when he was refining for a while.

Chu Xiu didn't know what the effect of this magical energy was.

But at this time he had no other way, he could only use the last ounce of his strength to provoke this demonic energy.

In an instant, Chu Xiu's whole body was enveloped by a deep and extreme demonic energy.

In his storage box, a statue that looked like a Buddha but not a Buddha appeared in front of Chu Xiu.

In that deep demonic energy, the statue began to melt.

This statue was found by Chu Xiu from the inheritance of Wuxin Demon Venerable. Lu Jianghe said that what was recorded on it should be a supernatural power, but there was no way to learn it.

Later, Chu Xiu studied it, and even asked Shang Tianliang to study it together, but he found nothing and did not understand it.

But as the demonic energy melted the outer shell of the statue, the magic lines on it twisted like a living thing. Chu Xiu still couldn't understand what that meant, but he didn't know why. Those magic lines were deep and deep. was imprinted in his mind.

At this time, the four blood-colored arrows had come to him one after another, and at this moment, Chu Xiu's figure suddenly began to grow.

It wasn't the Dharma, or he himself. In the envelope of boundless demonic energy, his stature began to soar, reaching a height of hundreds of feet in an instant, like an ancient demon **** standing in the sky.

A punch fell, a punch that seemed to tear the sky and the earth shattered a small blood-colored arrow, and instantly two forces began to erupt, and the entire space seemed to vibrate.

But then when everyone saw, it was not as if this space was really shaking, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment.

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they had to withdraw.

Mei Qinglian still wanted to stay here, but was dragged out by Lu Jianghe.

"Daughter of the Yin Demon Sect, calm down for me! You don't even have the qualifications to watch a battle of this level!

Don't worry, good people don't live long, and disasters live for thousands of years.

That kid Chu Xiu is homeless, he won't die so easily! "

Mei Qinglian looked worriedly at the terrifying power fluctuations that came from the space, and the power was so powerful that she felt as small as an ant.

She didn't like this feeling of powerlessness, just like when the Yin Demon Sect was destroyed in the past, she was so powerless.

At this time, Guo Xiaofeng fell directly to the ground and sighed.

Ruined, all ruined.

Chu Xiu and others fought against each other before. Although they were also huge, they could not affect this space.

But now this force has caused spatial fluctuations, maybe after a while, the two worlds will be completely opened up.

He has been here for decades, but he didn't expect it to fall short.

Guo Xiaofeng's character is like this, he will not complain about other people, but will complain about his own omissions, which has led to this end.

Xuci Rama and the others all looked at each other with solemn expressions.

Whether it was the strange power of the blood-colored arrow before, or the power that Chu Xiu burst out in the end, these are already beyond their imagination.

Before, they thought that they were already the pinnacle of this river and lake, and that they could touch the sky as soon as they raised their hands, but now it seems that the sky is still far, far away from them.


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