Meet The Leader

Chapter 1103: Turning the tide, Wei Shuya

At the peak of the Kunlun Demon Sect, Shang Tianliang and the others heard that people from the two Buddhist sects had already called their doors, and everyone was panic-stricken.

When Chu Xiu was there before, the battle was much bigger than it is now, and they were also panicking, but with Chu Xiu standing in front of them, it seemed like he had a pillar, and he had a bottom line in his heart.

Now even if Shang Tianliang, who has the real fire refining spirit realm, is guarding in front, they are also in the same heart.

To be honest, not only did they have no bottom in their hearts, but even Shang Tianliang himself had no bottom.

Rama and Xu Ci, he had fought against each other, but he couldn't match either.

Now these two are coming together, and there is even a monk Bukong who was a strong man five hundred years ago, which makes Shang Tianliang's heart even more bottomless.

It really didn't work, he could only protect others and escape.

Although his shopping mall is now aligned with the interests of the Kunlun Demon Sect, he will not fight to the death for a Kunlun Mountain.

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, the Buddha's light was rising. Seeing the two factions of Daguang Temple and Subhuti Temple go up the mountain, all the warriors from the direct line of magic, including Qin Chaoxian and Yu Moya who had some other thoughts before, appeared on their faces. A look of resentment came.

Even if they did not fully recognize Chu Xiu and the current Kunlun Demon Sect, they were all born in the direct line of Demon Dao. The ancestors of the past were all members of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and Kunlun Mountain was sacred to them. incomparable presence.

As a result, they could not do it again and again. They stepped into the Kunlun Mountains several times. Although they did not succeed last time, it was also a humiliation to their demonic lineage.

All the people from the two major Buddhist sects went up the mountain, Xu Ci saw Shang Tianliang and the others who were waiting for him, he shook his head and sighed: "Mall owner, you should know that Chu Xiu is dead, Kunlun Mountain, you can't keep it. , why bother to block the car with a mantis arm?"

Shang Tianliang sneered and said: "You monk is very interesting to say, we are mantis arms, what kind of car are you? A car made of paper?

If you want to destroy Kunlun, that's fine, I'd like to see if it's our man's arm blocking the car, or your broken teeth! "

Xu Ci shook his head again and said: "Chu Xiu died, this is actually a good thing, avoiding a catastrophe in the arena.

It's not that the rivers and lakes can't tolerate your demonic lineage, but the devil-headed murderers who are ambitious and want to stir up the rivers and lakes.

Kunlun Mountain is the birthplace of ambition, and the rootless sacred fire is the root of all evil, so today, we do not want to kill people, but we must ban the rootless sacred flame.

There is no need to discuss this matter. I have already made a move from Buddhism, so I didn't plan to go back empty-handed.

If you choose to avoid it, that is boundless merit. If you have to intercept it, then I can only... shatter your ambitions of the devil's lineage! "

The last sentence said, Xu Ci's whole body is already filled with majestic Buddha light, which can already represent his attitude.

The monk Bukong stood up and sighed: "The rootless sacred fire has been banned for five hundred years, and there has been no major catastrophe in the rivers and lakes for five hundred years. As a result, the rootless sacred fire has just been unblocked, but so many troubles have occurred. This is enough to prove that this thing is the root of all evil.

Five hundred years ago, the old monk banned it, and now, of course, I have to do it.

It's just that those who wanted to intercept us five hundred years ago either escaped or died. How do you choose? "

Monk Bukong looked at Shang Tianliang and the others with unusually peaceful eyes, just like an ordinary old monk, harmless and harmless.

But no one would regard him as an ordinary old monk.

Being able to fight Wuxin Demon Venerable without dying in that era five hundred years ago, and being able to lead the Subhuti Temple to fight and destroy the Kunlun Demon Sect, the hands of this monk Bukong were stained with the blood of countless demon warriors.

In an instant, all the pressure was on Shang Tianliang, and he really couldn't bear it anymore.

Just when Shang Tianliang wanted to evacuate Kunlun with his people, and the big deal was to give them the rootless holy fire, a powerful demonic energy emerged from the bottom of Kunlun Mountain.

Everyone present looked at each other with hesitation, who is this? Is it Chu Xiu? There seems to be something wrong with the breath.

Only Chu Wuji vaguely guessed something, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

"What you bald donkeys say is better than what you sing!

A person who has no ambition and can only obediently treat you as a dog is a good person in the devil's way? Just a joke! "

As the voice fell, a powerful demonic energy swept across the Kunlun Mountains, and Wei Shuya's figure fell into the air, which immediately surprised everyone present.

The current Wei Shuya's aura is strong and firm, and his face is even younger than before. Although he still looks like an old man, his spirit is completely different from before. He has already stepped into the world. Tongxuan Realm!

Since Wei Shuya started refining the Supreme Divine Pill, he has not left the customs for nearly a year.

Because the Supreme Divine Pill only exists in legends, how to refine it, and how it should be refined, no one knows, and can only rely on Wei Shuya to find out.

But fortunately, this year, Wei Shuya really succeeded in breaking through. At the last node of Shou Yuan, he stepped into the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan. After that, Wei Shuya's Shou Yuan will also increase greatly.

At this time, Xu Ci and the others all looked at Wei Shuya with a look of disbelief.

As the oldest and most powerful being in the Hidden Demon lineage in the past, everyone had dealt with Wei Shuya a lot, especially during the time when Chu Xiu appeared.

Because of this, they are very familiar with Wei Shuya.

Although they admit that Wei Shuya's own combat power and talent are not weak, but with his age, it can almost be said that he has lost the qualification to step into the realm of heaven and earth.

If someone like Wei Shuya can make a breakthrough, the ones who should break through the most are the older generation of ascetic monks in the Subhuti Temple and the older generation of warriors who have retreated in the mountains behind the Daguang Temple.

As a result, the fact was in front of them, Wei Shuya actually became the supreme powerhouse in the realm of Tongxuan, how did he do it?

The monk Bu Kong sighed and said, "Five hundred years ago, when I banned the rootless holy fire, I paid a lot of price and sacrificed a lot of fellows. I didn't expect that now, it is still necessary to kill people."

Rama didn't speak, but he was ready to shoot.

He's always been that way, always doing more than talking.

Seeing this scene, all the warriors of the Kunlun Demon Sect turned their attention to Wei Shuya.

Whether to fight or flee, they all obeyed Wei Shuya's orders. Now that Wei Shuya is standing here, he is like half a pillar. Without Chu Xiu, Wei Shuya can also support this stall.

Who does not know what Wei Shuya has paid for the hidden demon lineage?

Even the warriors like Qin Chaoxian and Yu Moya, who had different positions before, had to express their admiration to Wei Shuya.

For those who were not from the magic line, but were Chu Xiu's cronies, Wei Shuya, as Chu Xiu's teacher, was also an elder who could be treated respectfully by Chu Xiu, so they naturally had to be treated respectfully.

In this way, Wei Shuya can stabilize people's hearts in Wu Lun, even if he does not step into the realm of heaven and earth, the effect is better than Shang Tianliang.

"Ban rootless holy fire? Five hundred years ago, my magic way was on the decline, and I couldn't stop you.

Five hundred years later, do you still think that I can only be slaughtered by you because of my demonic lineage? "

As Wei Shuya's voice fell, the next moment, his face was covered with countless mysterious magic lines.

He squeezed the seal with both hands, and in an instant, the powerful pillar of the rootless holy fire was pulled directly to him by Wei Shuya, and the power that originally belonged to the early stage of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm increased greatly, even to the point where the monk Bukong was even Impossible to see!

Xu Ci and Rama were nothing, but at this time, the expression of Monk Bu Kong, which had always been indifferent, suddenly became solemn.

Receive rootless holy fire? What means is this?

As one of the most central treasures of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past, the rootless holy fire can be used to cast soldiers, to make pills, and even to extract a trace of strength for cultivation.

But he has never heard of that someone can actually attract the power of the rootless holy fire, at least the four demons of the past were unable to do so.

The rootless holy fire was born in the dragon veins. To be precise, it is also the power of heaven and earth, but it is the most peak power of heaven and earth, the kind that cannot be controlled at all.

Therefore, the trick that Wei Shuya is using now is unreasonable.

At this time, being possessed by the rootless holy fire, Wei Shuya's character seemed to be dyed with a violent look. He punched out, and the silver rootless holy fire swept over. The powerful force enveloped the power of heaven and earth, and there was a bang. It exploded and attacked the warriors of Buddhism!

"Back off!"

Xu Ci shouted loudly, holding up the endless bright Buddha light in his hands, from which thousands of Buddha kingdoms were born, and each Buddha seemed to be chanting the Buddha's name. The rootless holy fire was blocked.

But what kind of power is the rootless flame? It is the purest power of heaven and earth, so pure that it has evolved into an entity.

That powerful force directly melted away the thousands of Buddha kingdoms of emptiness and kindness, leaving only the reverberation of the Buddha's sound and Sanskrit singing lingering in his ears.

The next moment, Rama stepped out one step at a time, and the golden lotus rose up under his feet. Each golden lotus swallowed a rootless holy fire, but it didn't last long before it was melted.

The monk Bu Kong sighed. The Kunlun Demon Sect five hundred years ago was actually just as difficult to deal with.

He put his hands together, and the Buddha's vitality around him was constantly stirring, and the dazzling golden Buddha's light completely rendered the mid-air into a golden appearance.

Moreover, at this time, the golden Buddha light condensed into a huge Buddha that was several hundred feet tall. The most peculiar thing was that the Buddha's appearance was eighteen percent similar to that of the monk Bukong.


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