Meet The Leader

Chapter 1105: Suddenly realized

Which heaven is the key to Tongtian? Chu Xiu had been puzzled before, but now he understands that the key to the sky is not the sky in the normal sense, but another level of 'heaven and earth'!

The trees in this place are almost exactly the same as the scene of another dimension that Chu Xiu saw in the space before.

The most important thing is that the vitality of heaven and earth here is extremely rich, it is so rich that it is even richer than the previous world, the place like Xiaofantian Secret Realm.

Guo Xiaofeng has guarded the place for decades with the cultivation base of the real fire refining spirit realm, and he can step into the realm of heaven and earth through the infiltration of the breath. It is conceivable that this kind of rich heaven and earth vitality is beneficial to warriors.

Not only can it make your cultivation smoother, but it can also bring you closer to this world...

Chu Xiu let out a sigh of relief, and it wasn't until he came here that he suddenly realized that some things he didn't want to understand before were finally figured out.

Dugu Weiwei and Ning Xuanji must have come to this world, otherwise in the lower realm, it is impossible to find even a bit of news.

There are too many things on him that are closely related to Dugu and me. Before Chu Xiu, he never gave up his plan to find clues of Dugu and me, but he never had any clues. Then use the power of all parties to find it.

The result is good now. Before he can stand at the top of the rivers and lakes, the clues are already in front of him.

There is also Tianmen. Chu Xiu has always felt that Tianmen is very strange. Now it seems that Tianmen is also related to this world.

Tianmen is all over the world looking for the key to the sky. In fact, the key to the sky has only one function, that is, when people travel through two worlds, they will not be completely strangled by the powerful power of heaven and earth.

The Tongtian Key could help Chuxiu to and from the Green Capital before, and this could be used repeatedly.

But after traveling to this world this time, Chu Xiu found that there was no trace of the key to the sky in his body, and there were no space cracks and other things around. Obviously, he could not go back for the time being.

But Chu Xiu was not worried, as long as he was alive, there would always be a way to go back, and maybe it was also related to Tianmen.

Tianmen collects the keys to the sky, definitely not wanting to go to this world.

Chu Xiu didn't know how many Tongtian keys Tianmen had collected over the years, but it must have been quite a few.

If Tianmen is really the gateway between the two heavens and the earth, if the people of Tianmen want to go to this world, it must be enough for the door owner and the nine great gods to go.

But over the years, none of the gatekeepers or gods of Tianmen have disappeared. In Chu Xiu's opinion, the purpose of Tianmen's collection of the keys to the sky is not to go to this world, but to not let other people enter this world!

Tianmen is the gatekeeper, so whether they are the gatekeeper of the lower realm or the gatekeeper of this world is uncertain.

Chu Xiu thought about these messy things first, and it would not be too late to talk about it when he returned to the lower realm.

Anyway, he and Tianmen still have an account to settle!

Thinking of Jun Wushen's plot, there was a hint of coldness in Chu Xiu's eyes.

This time, he really looked down on Jun Wushen a little bit. He thought that the other party would be frightened by Zhong Shenxiu, but he never thought that the other party never gave up and wanted to kill him.

Eating a moat grows a wisdom, and when Chu Xiu takes another shot at Tianmen, it is estimated that it will be the time for Tianmen to be destroyed.

Five hundred years ago, Dugu, why did I let Tianmen go once? Chu Xiu didn't know.

But this time it was him, even if there was a big reason, he couldn't stop him from letting the Tianmen chickens stay!

This time, Chu Xiu was relatively lucky. He had a lot of cards and finally escaped, but he also ended up here, but this may still be a good thing.

Chu Xiu has always liked to do things and then act.

During the time he was recovering from his injury, Chu Xiu had actually figured it out clearly, and it might not be a bad thing to be here.

On the Kunlun Mountains side, the Zhengdao sect regarded him as a thorn in the flesh, and now that he is 'dead', it is actually a disguised form to reduce the pressure on Wei Shuya and the others.

Even if there are still some people from the sect of the right way, they will be able to protect themselves with their strength. The big deal is that they don't want Kunlun Mountain.

In the lower realm, I have too many restrictions and too many enemies, but in this strange world, Chu Xiu can be allowed to play. The most important thing is that here, Chu Xiu's strength must be improved absolutely. Faster than the Nether.

The vitality of heaven and earth here is abnormally strong. Although it is said that the realm of heaven and earth is open to the mystery, whether the vitality of heaven and earth is rich or not has nothing to do with the cultivation base, but the place with rich vitality of heaven and earth is closer to heaven and earth. For warriors, perception power It can be said that it has grown exponentially, and the breakthrough speed will naturally increase greatly. Of course, the premise is that you have the qualifications to break through the realm of heaven and earth.

Also, here, Chu Xiu may still be able to trace the traces of Dugu and me.

No matter whether Dugu Weiwei is dead or alive, there must always be a result, whether he is an independent 'person' or has something to do with Dugu Weiwei, this is what Chu Xiu has to figure out.

While walking, these questions echoed back and forth in Chu Xiu's mind.

However, he had been gone for more than an hour, and he still hadn't walked out of this virgin forest, which made Chu Xiu a little surprised.

His walking is not a normal walk, and he has already crossed a distance of several tens of meters in one vertical pass, and the speed is very fast.

In an hour, he may have walked hundreds of miles, but this forest has not yet seen the end. Isn't this a place similar to the 100,000 mountains in the lower realm?

If you think about it, it's really possible.

Guo Xiaofeng said that only one person has been in this place in 500 years, and unfortunately, he met Fang Qinglan, a powerhouse of the previous generation, and was brutally killed.

If this place is not remote, I am afraid that it has been found long ago.

At this moment, there was a scream of killing in the distance. In Chu Xiu's perception, a team of warriors was chasing and killing a young woman.

The woman looked beautiful, but she had the unique heroic spirit of a warrior. Judging from her appearance, she was only in her twenties. In Chu Xiu's perception, her actual age should not be too big.

The most important thing is that this woman actually has the cultivation of the true core, which is amazing.

Women are naturally more difficult to practice martial arts than men. Among the martial artists of Chu Xiu's generation, Yan Feiyan from Yuenu Palace was only in her twenties, and she was only one of nature and man.

Luo Feihong was also over 30 years old before he stepped into the real dan realm.

Chu Xiu also asked Mei Qinglian when she stepped into the real core realm, but Mei Qinglian rejected her because she could not ask casually about the age of a woman.

Although Chu Xiu didn't know what the breakthrough age had to do with his real age, he didn't dare to ask more, but when Mei Qinglian stepped into the True Core Realm, it must have been over thirty.

Is it because the threshold of this world is too low, or does he just walk away and meet a young master with amazing talent?

The person who was chasing and killing the woman seemed very normal. There were five true core warriors, either middle-aged or old, and they seemed to belong to different sects.

The woman held a cyan long sword and fled while resisting. She had extremely rich combat experience, but it was not a vase.

"A few of your senior martial artists joined forces to hunt down a weak girl like me, aren't you afraid of being laughed at by many martial arts colleagues in Fanglin County?"

Chu Xiu could understand what the woman said, but she didn't quite understand it.

He can now be sure that the people in this world are indeed the descendants of those who left in the ancient catastrophe.

The pronunciation arrangement and tone of their speech are different from those of the martial artists in the world of Chu Xiu, but they are in the same line.

Therefore, although Chu Xiu didn't understand a little, he had read a lot of classics and could still understand most of them, just like listening to dialects.

An eagle-nosed old man who was leading the chase said coldly, "Weak woman? If Lin Fengwu, the eldest young lady of the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect, 'Feng Wu Xue Jian', is a weak woman, who are those who died under your sword?

How innocent my disciple is, just because of a few quarrels, you have abolished the descendants, can this be called a weak woman?

Besides, you are courting death this time. Your father has already promised to share the Heavenly Jue Sword Canon with me, but you insist on blocking Then don't blame me for being ruthless! "

Lin Fengwu snorted softly: "You dare to tease me with your apprentice's rubbish, and dare to point fingers at my Jiufeng Sword Sect. If you scrap his stuff, it's all my mercy!

As for the Tianjue Sword Canon, it was my Jiufeng Sword Sect's hard work and hard work. It took several years to collect all the fragments and repair them. Why do you want to share and share? Why didn't you say that you also took out the secret books of your sect and shared them with my Nine Phoenix Sword Sect? "

After a few words, Chu Xiu had almost heard everything, he shook his head, it was meaningless.

It's nothing more than the set of people who are innocent and have their own guilt.

This Jiufeng Sword Sect got what the Yinren coveted, but he didn't have the strength to keep it.

The girl's father is rather cowardly, or he knows the current affairs, so he is ready to take out something to calm things down.

And this girl's personality is tough, but obviously, her **** are quite big, but her brain is not enough.

It is necessary to have the capital to be tough, but if you don't have the strength, you have to be tough. Then this situation will be very miserable, just like it is now.

While speaking, this group of people had already appeared in front of Chu Xiu.

That Lin Fengwu didn't expect that there would be people here. She just wanted to call for help, but Chu Xiu stepped aside and said lightly: "Everyone, you continue."

Seeing Chu Xiu's actions, Lin Fengwu, who was escaping, lost her breath and almost couldn't control her qi.

Such a beautiful weak woman is being chased and killed by a group of brutal men. Shouldn't the normal routine be a hero to save the beauty? Even if it doesn't help, it's okay to call for help, but this guy just let it go, it's unreasonable.


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