Meet The Leader

Chapter 1111: Murder is easy

Zhao Liangyu had previously targeted Chu Xiu, and it was indeed because of the mutual repulsion of the opposite **** that she was afraid that her junior sister would be so close to a stranger.

But later Zhao Liangyu was so hostile to Chu Xiu, but it was not because of this reason, but because he found that Chu Xiu was really not a good person to recognize, or that Chu Xiu's mind was not like what he said at all. As simple as that!

As the senior brother of Jiufeng Sword Sect, Zhao Liangyu's talent and cultivation level is not as good as Lin Fengwu's, but he has been able to sit firmly in this position during these years and win the favor of Lin Yazi. One of the important reasons is that, He has a special ability, that is, his senses are inherently sharp.

This feeling does not refer to the five senses or the sixth sense, but that he can perceive a person's inner activities.

Of course, this perception is not mind-reading, he can only feel a very vague generalization, such as whether the other party is plotting against you, or has a bad heart, etc.

Relying on this perception, Zhao Liangyu defeated many brothers and sisters who were secretly plotting against him in Jiufeng Sword Sect, and secured the position of this senior brother.

When facing Chu Xiu before, he had never been able to see through Chu Xiu's mind.

It was not until the previous banquet, when Chu Xiu said those words, that Zhao Liangyu vaguely felt that this Chu Xiu seemed to be hiding a lot of things. His mind was definitely not pure, and he was definitely not a kind person!

However, because his hostility towards Chu Xiu was too obvious before, Lin Fengwu doesn't believe what he said now.

"Senior brother, can you be more mature? Don't let the affairs of you and me spread to others. Senior Chu is now the guest of my Jiufeng Sword Sect. If you say bad things about him again, I will tell my father."

After speaking, Lin Fengwu left angrily.

Looking at his back, Zhao Liangyu snorted coldly: "If you don't listen to people's words, you will definitely regret it in the end!"

In the early morning of the second day, after Chu Xiu got up early, he went to the Jiufeng Sword Sect's Book Collection Pavilion to find many books to read.

Of course, Chu Xiu didn't come to find the Jiufeng Sword Sect's manuals.

Although Jiufeng Sword Sect's exercises are not considered low-level, they are definitely not high-level. It was given to Chu Xiu. He didn't bother to look at it. What Chu Xiu looked at was some common sense questions about Daluotian. , and the history of Daluotian.

Chu Xiu thought that Daluotian would definitely cover up the previous history. After all, the ancestors of Daluotian and these people did not do anything glorious.

It is okay to escape to another world, but it is a naked abandonment of the word fairness. Although it is excusable, it is not fair.

But it turns out that these things are still very clearly recorded in the books of Daluotian.

In ancient times, the whole world was divided into four regions, east, west, north, south, south, and so on. So after arriving at Daluotian, perhaps it was because of the memory of the hometown and ancestral land. Although Daluotian’s terrain was completely different from that of the lower world, it still maintained this name. Even the names of some counties are based on their previous names.

The center of the Four Regions is the Daluo Shrine.

This Daluo Temple is the center of the entire Daluotian, and it is also where the dragon veins are located. It is also the place where the ancient warriors broke into the Daluotian, so it is very important. It is jointly controlled by the top sects. Only the major factions are qualified to send some people to enter the Daluo Shrine for diving.

These things are recorded in detail in the historical data of Daluotian, and it is no wonder that the people who ran out of the place where Dugu Weiwei and Ning Xuanji fought were shouting about the ancestral land, but they were killed by Fang Qinglan. It turned out that the entire Daluotian was within , almost everyone knows the whole ancestral land.

It's just that the people of Daluotian didn't know that there were still people living in their ancestral land. At least in the books recorded by the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect, there were only descriptions of the lower realm before the ancient catastrophe, but there was nothing after that. In the classics, it is also assumed that their ancestral land has been destroyed in the ancient catastrophe, and there is no life.

In the following time, Chu Xiu learned some common sense of Daluotian, and by the way, he learned the words of Daluotian.

Although his accent was awkward before, Lin Fengwu and Lin Yazi didn't care, and thought he was like this because he stayed in the old forest for a long time and no one spoke.

But now Chu Xiu should also change it, otherwise it may cause others to suspect.

Chu Xiu stayed in the Sutra Collection Pavilion for many days, but Lin Yazi couldn't sit still.

He asked Chu Xiu to be a guest minister because he wanted him to help expand the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect, not for Chu Xiu to read books.

It turned out that it was better now. During this time, Chu Xiu went directly into the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion and could not come out.

Lin Yazi had to invite Chu Xiu out of the Sutra Collection Pavilion, but Chu Xiu was still reluctant to say: "Sect Master Lin, I have stayed in the mountains and forests for so long, and I will definitely settle the movements outside, and there are still many books that I haven't read. After all, why did you pull me out?"

Chu Xiu was really reading books in it during this time.

How could it be possible to understand the history of Daluotian for thousands of years?

Chu Xiu didn't like to study this thing, but he wanted to see the forces of Daluotian, the behavior and character of these sects, etc. from the history of Daluotian.

After watching it for several days, if Chu Xiu had to give an evaluation to the Da Luotian group, then Chu Xiu's evaluation would have one word: ancient.

Old does not mean strong, does not mean good, but it does not necessarily mean bad.

The inheritance of Daluotian should be traced back to the ancient times. Now, more than half of the sects of Daluotian, to be precise, 80% of the forces can be traced back to the ancient times.

There is also Chu Xiu's fake identity, and the inheritance of those ancient respects must be traced back to the ancient times.

In other words, in a full 10,000 years, only 20% of the power in the entire Great Luotian has risen, which is simply incredible.

In the lower realm, it is the opposite, and powers that have been inherited for more than 10,000 years are rare.

Chu Xiu didn't know whether this situation was good or bad, whether it was because the forces of Daluotian were too strong and stable, or because the warriors of Daluotian lacked the spirit of fighting, which caused this result.

These are just what Chu Xiu saw in the past few days. Before he could see more, he was called out by Lin Yazi.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Lin Yazi smiled bitterly: "Brother Chu, if you continue to look at it, maybe my Nine Phoenix Sword Sect will be gone. During this time, my Nine Phoenix Sword Sect has suffered countless troubles one after another."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Oh, what's the trouble?"

Lin Yazi said: "Actually, Brother Chu, what you should know is that several other sects in Fanglin County who are familiar with my Jiufeng Sword Sect coveted the Heaven's Jue Sword Canon before my Jiufeng Sword Sect, so they came to trouble me. .

Originally, I had promised to share the Heaven's Absolute Sword Canon with them before, but I didn't expect that those people would go so far as to want to kill my daughter, and then I fell out with them.

In the past few days, they have been in Fanglin County, taking turns suppressing the property of my Jiufeng Sword Sect. We must find a way to solve it. "

Chu Xiu glanced at Lin Yazi with a strange look: "I still need to find a way to solve this kind of thing?"

Lin Yazi heard the words even more strange: "Don't you need to think of a way to be stumped?"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "These sects covet the Heavenly Sword Canon in your hands, to spy on this treasure, it is the hatred of stealing money.

They almost killed your most beloved and only child. This is the revenge of killing relatives.

Now they are still nibbling away at your Nine Phoenix Sword Sect, wanting to destroy it.

People are all ready to take your property, kill your relatives, and destroy your whole family, and they almost **** on your head. Are you still going to think of a way?

Of course, it is to win their lives with them, what else do I need to do? "

What Lin Yazi was told by Chu Xiu was all aggrieved, but he could only say: "Of course I know that I want to win with my life, but the problem is, even if I try my best, I may not be able to win!

It's easy to say one family, but this time it's three companies, how to fight? "

Chu Xiu threw away the book in his hand, and said lightly, "I couldn't fight it before, but now that I'm here as a guest, can I still fight?"

Lin Yazi rubbed his hands excitedly, what he was waiting for was Chu Xiu's words!

"Brother Next, the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect will teach you to take charge. How to take action, do you need to arrange a plan first?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Where does it take so much trouble to kill someone? It's simple and straightforward, I'm killing someone, so I don't need so much trouble.

Sect Master Lin, you just need to bring someone over and help me clean up the mess. "

Seeing Chu Xiu's indifferent appearance, Lin Yazi was a little sluggish, but he had no doubts.

Because from Chu Xiu's indifferent tone, he not only heard confidence, but also heard a strong killing intent.

That was not Chu Xiu's intentional killing intent, but what he released subconsciously.

Lin Yazi still has some doubts about this. Isn't this Chu Xiu always hiding in the mountains and forests? How can Dingtian be able to kill some monsters or something, so how could he cultivate such a powerful killing intent?

However, Lin Yazi only wondered for a short while, and didn't think about it any more.

According to what Chu Xiu himself said, he is a martial artist, Taoist, Buddha, and Demon, among which the most proficient is the magic method.

The magic method is gloomy and extreme, so it will condense a lot of blood evil energy. It is normal for Chu Xiu to have this murderous aura.

Because there is no Dugu only me, the warriors of Daluotian do not discriminate against the magic arts, but they are a little tired of the warriors who practice magic.

After all, magic arts are all gloomy and extreme, so martial artists who have practiced magic arts are also more extreme and easy to kill, and their temperament is perverse.

However, that was only a slight disgust, far from the level where the lower realm would have to eliminate demons and guard the way at every turn.

It can be said that the existence of Dugu is the only one, which not only brought the magic line to the peak, but also made the magic line fall to the bottom.


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