Meet The Leader

Chapter 1118: homicide warning

It's really embarrassing to be executed first and then to be caught.

Under Chu Xiu's gaze, Zhao Liangyu stepped back, but he still clenched his neck and said, "Chu Xiu, you are now the guest of my Jiufeng Sword Sect, so you should be thinking of my Jiufeng Sword Sect. .

Your actions like this are setting my Jiufeng Sword Sect a place of injustice and danger. As a disciple of the Jiufeng Sword Sect, I cannot ignore it! "

What Zhao Liangyu said was righteous and awe-inspiring, but her figure was already hiding involuntarily towards Lin Yazi.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Because I am the guest of the Nine Phoenix Sect, I have to take care of some things.

If a sect has no rules, it will be messed up.

No matter what I did wrong, it would not be your turn to behead and then release people.

I can tolerate you jumping and screaming in front of me before, but only if you don't cause me trouble.

I am a person who hates trouble very much, so after encountering trouble, the last resort is to solve the trouble immediately! "

Lin Yazi saw that Chu Xiu's expression was a bit wrong, although he also knew that Zhao Liangyu did something wrong, but after all he was his own disciple who had been teaching for more than ten years, Lin Yazi quickly comforted him: "Brother Chu , what happened this time is that Liangyu did not follow the rules, don't worry, I will definitely teach you well later..."

Before Lin Yazi's words were finished, Chu Xiu snapped his fingers lightly.

In an instant, the power of the Gorefiend Divine Art began to explode, and Zhao Liangyu's whole body was boiling with blood.

The power and strangeness of the Gorefiend's magic was simply not something that Lin Yazi could react to. The next moment, Zhao Liangyu's heart was shattered by this powerful and boiling blood!

He let Wen Donglai go, but in the end he died for Wen Donglai.

"Chu Xiu!"

Lin Yazi suddenly became furious when he saw Chu Xiu.

Zhao Liangyu was a disciple he had cultivated for more than ten years, and he even regarded him as half a son.

As a result, now Chu Xiu actually said that he would kill him, or in front of him, he had no scruples, how could he not be angry?

Chu Xiu said calmly: "Sect Master Lin, Meng Xinghe was able to help Hanjiang City rise because of trust, but now you don't trust me.

A disciple of the Nine Phoenix Sect openly opposes me, but you choose to favor him. In this case, what is the majesty of my guest?

During this period of time, the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect has been able to have this kind of scenery, but it's all because of me.

If Jiufeng Sword Sect wants to continue its glory, then it can only follow me and kill together.

During this period of time, I actually only killed three people to the outside world. The rest were all killed by your Jiufeng Sword Sect. Do you think they hate you more or hate me more?

Sect Master Lin, don't be half-hearted, now, you can't look back! "

After saying this, Chu Xiu turned around and left, leaving only Lin Yazi's sluggish expression and his whole body chilling.

It was only at this moment that he thought that Zhao Liangyu had actually told him before that Chu Xiu was not an easy match, it was very dangerous, very dangerous.

Chu Xiu was polite to him before, but now, he finally saw the other side of Chu Xiu, the side that made him shudder.

He didn't dare to turn his face with Chu Xiu, and he couldn't turn his face.

Just like what Chu Xiu said, during this period of time, his Jiufeng Sword Sect is beautiful, and he has killed enough people, so there is no turning back for his Jiufeng Sword Sect!

Until this moment, there was a slight remorse in Lin Yazi's heart.

Is it right or wrong to ask Chu Xiu to be a guest secretary?

Chu Xiu didn't care about how Lin Yazi was thinking.

This time Zhao Liangyu touched his bottom line. In fact, Chu Xiu could find another time to deal with him.

He had to kill in front of Lin Yazi, in fact, to give Lin Yazi a warning.

Because during this period of time, he found that Lin Yazi was also a little flirtatious. He seemed to have forgotten who gave him everything in Jiufeng Sword Sect. This is not a good thing, so Chu Xiu just took this opportunity to remind him. .

For Chu Xiu, the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect was just a springboard.

He used Jiufeng Sword Sect to gain a foothold in Daluotian, and at the same time Jiufeng Sword Sect could obtain actual benefits.

As for whether Jiufeng Sword Sect can become the next Hanjiang City, it depends on them. Chu Xiucai has no spare time to play games developed by sects in Daluotian.

Regarding Zhao Liangyu's killing, it did not actually cause any fluctuations or influences in the Nine Phoenix Sect.

The prestige of the senior brother Zhao Liangyu in the Jiufeng Sword Sect is not high, and it is not even as high as Lin Fengwu.

For others, Chu Xiu, the guest Qing, can bring them practical benefits, while Zhao Liangyu, the senior brother, has not brought them any practical benefits except for his prestige.

After Lin Fengwu learned the news, apart from the deeper awe of Chu Xiu, she didn't actually express anything.

After all, she had long been impatient with Zhao Liangyu's entanglement.

But thinking of what Chu Xiu had said to him before, Lin Fengwu still felt a little shudder.

At this time, in Wenfeng Pavilion, Wen Yongtai, the pavilion master of Wenfeng Pavilion, was anxiously not knowing what to do.

The Zhou family sent someone to read Chu Xiu's words to him, which almost made Wen Yongtai vomit blood in anger, and wanted to kill his unfortunate son.

Although Wenfeng Pavilion does not claim to be a wind media in the rivers and lakes, in fact, what they do is the affairs of the media in the rivers and lakes.

In this line of work, although you have to keep talking, the most important thing is to control your mouth and know what can be said and what cannot be said.

It turned out that Wen Donglai was good. He picked what he couldn't say and said that his mouth has caused trouble not once or twice.

The last rumor about Lin Fengwu, although Lin Fengwu's reputation was damaged, it also caused their Wenfeng Pavilion's reputation to be criticized, and it took a long time to recover.

It turned out that it was good now, this **** actually caused trouble again.

Just when Wen Donglai was thinking about how to deal with this matter, a disciple below reported that Wen Donglai had returned by himself.

Seeing Wen Donglai for the first time, Wen Yongtai scolded angrily: "You are so embarrassed to come back! Why didn't you just die in Jiufeng Sword Sect? I don't think you are a son!"

Although Wen Yongtai scolded very much, Wen Donglai said with a smile: "Dad, if you don't have my son, who will the family business of Wenfeng Pavilion be handed over in the future?"

Wen Yongtai snorted coldly: "The family business is handed over to you, and sooner or later it will be ruined by your mouth!

How did you get back this time? Did Lin Yazi put you? "

Wen Yongtai shook his head and said, "It was Zhao Liangyu who let me go, and he also told me that Chu Xiu was ruthless, and even if he let me back, he might not be able to let me go to Wenfeng Pavilion.

So it is best for us to go to the county governor to come forward and press Na Chuxiu. "

Wen Donglai scratched his head after listening.

In fact, he didn't really want to contact the county governor.

It should be said that in the martial arts forces of Fanglin County, no one wants to contact the county governor, because once you enter the county governor's mansion, you can't leave without taking out most of your money.

But now they Wenfeng Pavilion has offended that Gu Zun's descendant, what else can he do if he doesn't ask for help from the county governor? Judging by that person's character, it doesn't seem like a good match.

Wen Donglai said from the side: "Is my father worried that our Wenfeng Pavilion will not be able to carry such a large amount of resources?"

Wen Yongtai said angrily, "If it wasn't for you, why would I have a big hemorrhage?"

Wen Donglai's eyes turned and said, "Father, what the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect has done in Fanglin County with the support of Chu Xiu is getting more and more excessive. If they don't stop it, I'm afraid they will really dominate the entire Fanglin County. .

This is not a matter of our Wenfengge family. Why don't you go to each house, father, tell them the pros and cons of the matter, raise resources, and then go to the county governor with these things.

Of course, if you take out these resources, you will feel pain in the flesh, but if all the martial arts forces in Fanglin County are taken out together? That's nothing. "

Wen Yongtai glanced at his son in surprise.

He didn't expect that his son, who had been ignorant all day, would still have some cleverness.

It's a pity that although Xiaoqing is useful, in this arena, strength is the most important thing. No matter how much Xiaoqing is in front of strength, it is still vulnerable.

But he couldn't think about it for so long now. Wen Donglai's suggestion was good. Wen Yongtai left on the same to lobby the martial arts forces in Fanglin County.

Because Wenfeng Pavilion is in the business of Jianghu wind media, its credit and reputation are still good.

He said in person that 90% of the forces in Fanglin County were willing to give some resources to Wen Yongtai.

It was only after Wen Yongtai took an inventory at the end that he realized that the resources he had raised were even more than he had expected.

With these things in hand, Wen Yongtai did not delay and went straight to the county governor's office in Anzhou Prefecture.

The county governor's mansion is in the center of the entire Anju mansion. In fact, it is not like a mansion, but a fortress built in the city.

In fact, this place is indeed a former fortress, used to resist the fierce beasts in the dense forest.

Wen Yongtai waited in the city lord for half an hour, and a tall, dignified middle-aged man in bright yellow clothes walked into the lobby.

"I just woke up from my practice, and I have made Pavilion Master Wen wait for a long time, sorry."

The middle-aged man said forgiveness, but his tone and attitude were like a high-level look, but he didn't mean to forgive at all.

Instead, Wen Donglai stood up with a humble and respectful attitude: "What did the county governor say? It was obviously abrupt that he came down and disturbed the governor."

The identity of the middle-aged man in front of him is unusual. When he was in Huangtian Pavilion, he was the deacon elder of Huangtian Pavilion, named Xie Yingzong.

Generally, the deacons of the Emperor Tiange are in the real dan realm or real fire refining spirit realm.

The same is true of Xie Yingzong, who has never been treated as a core disciple.

In the end, he made a breakthrough in the position of deacon and was chartered as an elder by Emperor Tiange, which is not something ordinary people can do.


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