Meet The Leader

Chapter 1121: Walking in the Eastern Regions, 3 Gold

Although Wenfengge said that he was not a wind media in the rivers and lakes, but in fact what they did was the affairs of the wind media in the rivers and lakes.

The things recorded by Jianghu wind media are very different from those recorded by other sects.

Ordinary sects will record some things, but they will only record things related to themselves.

And Jianghu wind media record things, they will record anything they see and hear, maybe they will be used when.

Even with Chu Xiu's mental power, even with Chu Xiu's mental power, the piles of things in Wenfeng Pavilion were dizzy after reading for several days, but they finally found some useful clues.

According to the records of Wenfeng Pavilion, more than 500 years ago, there was a huge earthquake in the Diluo Mountains, and the area near Fanglin County was enveloped by a powerful force, almost as if no one was allowed to enter.

However, before everyone could check it out, some sects such as Huangtian Pavilion, Lingxiao Sect and other sects of the Eastern Region took action and went to the Diluo Mountains.

The martial arts forces in Fanglin County can be said to be quite obedient. Under the order of Huangtian Pavilion, no one dared to enter the Diluo Mountains.

On the second day, the power fluctuation completely disappeared and moved northward, and the Emperor Tiange lifted the ban.

When other people entered the Diluo Mountain Range to check again, they didn't find anything, but the part of the Diluo Mountain Range near Fanglin County, but since then, no beasts have been born again. , and even some beasts walk around that place.

Because this matter has no beginning or end, Wenfeng Pavilion just briefly introduced a few words, and the words that it is suspected that Chongbao was born are also remarked below.

Ten thousand years ago, when the people from the lower realms came to Daluotian, Daluotian was still uncultivated, full of beasts and all kinds of dangerous and strange crises.

But weirdness is weirdness, and danger is dangerous, but there are many opportunities.

Even after 10,000 years, there will still be some treasures and secret realms and the like. Unlike the lower realm, everyone can only find some ancient ruins and eat some leftovers.

This incident has attracted so many great factions, so it is normal for others to think that there is a heavy treasure born.

Chu Xiu knocked on the table, and it seemed that he still had to go back to the Diluo Mountains to take a look.

Although Chu Xiu came to Daluotian along the crack created by Dugu Wei I and Ning Xuanji, no one can say for sure about space. God knows where he was at the beginning and where Dugu Wei I and the others came out. Same.

Moreover, if Dugu Weiwei and Ning Xuanji were besieged by Daluotian’s people as soon as they came out, then they must have searched it all over again. Even if there was anything useful, it should have been taken away, but Chu Xiu Still not at ease, I want to see it again for myself.

Others can't find things, but it doesn't mean that Chu Xiu can't find them.

The close relationship between him and Dugu Weiyi has been confirmed in countless previous incidents.

For example, in the space where Dugu Yume and Ning Xuanji fought before, only Chu Xiu could borrow Dugu Yume's power, but Lu Changliu, the head of Zhenwu Sect, could not borrow Ning Xuanji's power.

This time, when Chu Xiu went to the Diluo Mountains, he did not let the people from the Nine Phoenix Sect accompany him.

This time, if he encounters something, it is difficult to explain because of the crowd.

People from Jiufeng Sword Sect thought that Chu Xiu wanted to leave, but Lin Yazi could be said to be crying bitterly to stop Chu Xiu.

Now Jiufeng Sword Sect has offended almost all the martial arts forces in Fanglin County. Chu Xiu is here, and they are powerful. Without Chu Xiu, they should have been besieged by Bafang.

It was not until Chu Xiu promised Lin Yazi several times that he did not intend to leave, and then Lin Yazi let Chu Xiu leave with suspicion.

Chu Xiu had been to the place where the Diluo Mountains were banned before. When he and Lin Fengwu walked out of the Diluo Mountains, they passed by here.

But at that time, Chu Xiu didn't know about it, so he didn't check it carefully.

This place is an unnamed town. Before, there were some beasts and other things in the Diluo Mountains, so the warriors who hunted and killed the beasts in the Diluo Mountains were stationed here.

After the power fluctuation five hundred years ago, even the wild beasts in the entire Diluo Mountains were hard to see, so the town was completely deserted, and only some ordinary people who depended on medicine for a living gathered here.

After all, even beasts are rare in this area. As long as you are in good health, ordinary people who have learned some fists and feet can also come and go here.

Chu Xiu entered the Diluo Mountains along the town. His whole body was empty, and the Heavenly Son's Qi Technique was raised to the extreme by him, and he felt the remaining power in the Diluo Mountains.

However, the result was somewhat disappointing to Chu Xiu.

There is nothing unusual here, maybe five hundred years, even if there is power left, it will almost dissipate.

At this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly raised his head and said coldly, "Sneaky, sneaky, what are you looking at?"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, a young man in Chinese clothes appeared behind him, with the cultivation level of the real fire refining spirit realm, but under Chu Xiu's Heavenly Son's Breathing Technique, he could feel the radiance emanating from him. A breath of indescribable, unknown Tao is even more terrifying than Xie Yingzong of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm.

The young man said with a smile: "My friend, it's unreasonable for you to say that. The Di Luo Mountain Range is not your home. How can I be sneaky and sneaky when I stand here?"

This young man's appearance is still decent, but his expression is a little squeamish. He has a funny mustache, which gives people a very informal feeling.

"Since I entered the Diluo Mountains, you have followed me. This can be considered a coincidence? Which way? Who are you going to avenge?"

Although Chu Xiu didn't come to Daluotian for a long time, he is also considered to be very talented. He was surprised that he almost offended people in a county in this short period of time, and he killed a lot of people. It is not uncommon for someone to come to trouble him, or to seek revenge on him.

The young man laughed, pointed to the sky and said, "Which way? On Tongtian Road! Walking in the eastern region of Huangtian Pavilion, Lu Sanjin, I met Brother Chu."

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes when he heard the words. This seemingly unruly young man was serious, even higher than that of Xie Yingzong.

Chu Xiu, the other sect of Daluotian, may not be familiar with it, but Fanglin County is within the jurisdiction of Huangtian Pavilion. Almost all the books of major forces have descriptions about Huangtian Pavilion, which can be said to be very clear.

The walking in the Eastern Region of Huangtian Pavilion represents the face of Huangtian Pavilion. There is only one person in each generation, and they are all disciples with excellent potential. They walk in the Eastern Region and monitor the county to which Huangtian Pavilion belongs, and whether there is any incident in the region. What he does, etc., is simply like a minister sent by imperial envoy.

Therefore, although the county governor like Xie Yingzong is very powerful, he must be polite to him, otherwise he will be very uncomfortable if the other party makes a small report.

Now that Huangtian Pavilion's Eastern Region Walk has found him, he is afraid that he will be stabbed by Xie Yingzong because of what he did in Fanglin County.

"It really is a road to the sky. I don't know why Brother Lu is looking for me?"

Lu Sanjin squinted his small eyes and said, "It's not a big deal, I'm just curious.

Xie Yingzong said that there is an ancient venerable inheritance from Fanglin County. As I am walking in the Eastern Region, of course I can't turn a blind eye. I should come to visit.

Dare to ask how brother Chu is trained, maybe he still has friendship with the ancestors of my Huangtian Pavilion. "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "I told Xie Yingzong before that it is inconvenient to disclose the inheritance of my lineage until I defeat my opponent."

Lu Sanjin smiled and said: "Is it inconvenient to disclose or can't disclose it?

Since Meng Xinghe helped Hanjiang City to be called the top sect of Daluotian, the low-key descendant of Gu Zun in the past has become famous.

Although this is a beautiful talk, it has also attracted a lot of liars, pretending to be the descendants of Gu Zun, with bad intentions. "

Chu Xiu said coldly, "What do you mean, I'm fake?"

Lu Sanjin took a step forward and said, "Brother Chu, if it's not a fake, then tell the teacher's inheritance!"

Chu Xiu has clenched his hands for a while, and said lightly: "If you want me to tell me, I will tell you? If you suspect that I am fake, then find evidence to prove that I am Is it possible that you say it? What kind of evil **** am I reincarnated, and I have to produce my own evidence to prove that I am not?"

"Shut up, it's not what a gentleman does!"

There was a hint of golden light in Lu Sanjin's small eyes, and a magical rhythm was surging around him.

There was also a killing intent in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Originally, he thought that he had forced him to retreat to understand Yingzong, and the matter should be resolved.

Unexpectedly, Xie Yingzong looked domineering on the surface, but in fact, he was extremely cautious. For fear of Chu Xiu's problems, he pushed him directly to the Huangtian Pavilion.

And Huangtian Pavilion should not have specially sent someone to Fanglin County for such a trivial matter.

But Lu Sanjin, who was walking in the Eastern Region, happened to be around Fanglin County, so Huangtian Pavilion also sent him by the way, but this Lu Sanjin seems to be not serious, but he is the most serious one among the disciples in Huangtian Pavilion.

If it really doesn't work, Chu Xiu can only kill him and flee to other places.

The biggest difference between Daluotian and the lower realm is that the powerhouses of the major factions have very strong regional concepts, and they will not easily go to the regions where other sects belong.

Just as the two sides were arguing, a chanting sound with a leisurely Dao Yun suddenly came, and the sound was clear, making people feel a sense of peace of mind.

Deep in the Diluo Mountains, a young Taoist was riding a white donkey, leisurely reading a Taoist scripture.

Seeing Lu Sanjin and Chu Xiu facing each other in front of him, a bright smile appeared on his face: "Brother Lu from Huangtian Pavilion? What a coincidence, I was able to meet you here.

There is also this Xiongtai who is a little faceless, the small Taoist Lingbao Guanyin Lingzi, polite. "


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