Meet The Leader

Chapter 1125: There is a lot of right and wrong in the Emperor's Pavilion

After hearing what Chu Xiu said, Xie Yingzong and Lu Sanjin were in a cold sweat.

Chu Xiu's move is indeed ruthless, but at the same time as being ruthless, the most shrewd thing is to pluck himself out.

Others were killing and killing, Xie Yingzong only benefited from behind, and did not take action directly, and they couldn't complain about Xie Yingzong and Huangtiange's head.

Unless all the forces in Fanglin County have no desires or desires, there is no competition.

But unfortunately, fighting is the nature of warriors, and greed is even more human nature. Xie Yingzong can imagine that if Chu Xiu does this, Fanglin County can be made into a pot of porridge in a short time. Of course, people who drink porridge can It's him.

As for the shortcomings mentioned by Chu Xiu, don't care at all.

No matter how big the sect, can it be bigger than the Emperor Tiange?

Xie Yingzong glanced at Lu Sanjin subconsciously, and Lu Sanjin smiled and said, "I don't care about these things, as long as you don't make trouble and make things that affect the reputation of my Emperor Tiange."

Xie Yingzong bowed to Chu Xiu and said with a solemn expression, "Thank you for your advice, Chu Xiaoyou."

He helped Chu Xiu to take care of the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect, and it was just a matter of words, but Chu Xiu's idea was to allow him to accumulate merits faster and return to the headquarters of the Emperor Tiange.

After Chu Xiu and the others left, Xie Yingzong felt slightly wrong.

Isn't this Chu Xiu a descendant of Gu Zun, who is obsessed with martial arts, where did he get so much intrigue? It's more than what he, who has been the county governor for more than ten years, thinks.

However, Xie Yingzong didn't think much about it. Strength and scheming have never been proportional.

He has seen many powerful but simple-minded guys, who are mindless and reckless, and only know how to move their fists.

Maybe Chu Xiu was born with deep scheming, Gu Zun's descendant, not only the talent is strong, but also other areas can not be bad, right, just like that Meng Xinghe, he is not only powerful, but also vertical and horizontal, helping Hanjiang City came up with a lot of ideas and pushed it into the ranks of the top factions in the world.

The place where Huangtian Pavilion and Ling Xiaozong perform martial arts is in Lingxiao City where Ling Xiaozong is located.

The performance of the two sides is actually more like a kind of grudge entanglement. Before the beginning of the ancient catastrophe, the two factions have actually gone wrong. In addition, Lingxiao Sect and Huangtian Pavilion are very similar in terms of martial arts and affairs, so the two sides are not pleasing to the eye. It has been a long time, before the ancient catastrophe, the two sides have fought fiercely several times.

But after they came to Da Luotian, they all knew that they and others were already survivors, and every warrior was very precious and could not be wasted in meaningless competition.

So when the people of the two factions clashed again, the top leaders of the two factions set the rules, not allowing life-and-death fights, and holding a martial arts show every five years, only a test, not a deadly battle, either side took a bet or a variety of conditions, etc.

Ten thousand years later, although Daluotian has developed to this scale now, and is not afraid of a fierce battle of life and death, but for Huangtian Pavilion and Ling Xiaozong, these may not matter. Although the two factions have contradictions, but they Also found the benefits of resolving conflicts in this way.

Of course, the premise is that both High Heaven Sect and Emperor Tiange can maintain their strengths at the level of mutual equality, otherwise one party is too weak, and it is no wonder that others are destroyed.


Eastern Region Lingxiao City, when Lu Sanjin brought Chu Xiu to Lingxiao City, Chu Xiu knew how big the entire Eastern Region was.

Before, he only wandered in Fanglin County. In his opinion, although the scope of a county in Fanglin County is much larger than the lower bounds, it is not too exaggerated.

But it was only after he and Lu Sanjin had crossed several domains in the Eastern Region that Chu Xiu discovered that Fanglin County was only a small area among the several counties under the jurisdiction of the entire Huangtian Pavilion. Although the sphere of influence of the entire Huangtian Pavilion was not comparable The Eastern Qi of the world, but it is already comparable to Beiyan.

The Lingxiao City where Ling Xiaozong is located does not belong to any county, but is a huge city established separately.

The city wall is hundreds of feet high. Looking up from the city wall, it is almost impossible to see the boundary. It is extremely magnificent.

And all the city walls are also made of a kind of bluestone with a white jade color, giving people a solemn and solemn feeling.

Lu Sanjin saw Chu Xiu's slightly shocked expression, but he pouted and said, "Ling Xiaozong likes to do this kind of face thing, it's not very useful."

Although he said so, Lu Sanjin was still a little jealous, because Ling Xiaozong's pomp is indeed much bigger than his Emperor Tiange.

The people in their Huangtian Pavilion are relatively straightforward in their work. When they first came to Daluotian, they didn't think much about it, so they rebuilt the sect according to the scale of the lower realm. Unlike the High Heaven Sect, they deliberately found all kinds of strange materials in Daluotian. , The sect was built very brilliantly.

Entering Lingxiao City, Chu Xiu suddenly felt an extremely strong heaven and earth vitality rushing towards his face.

The vitality of heaven and earth in Da Luotian is already very strong, but the vitality of heaven and earth in Lingxiao City is even more amazing.

There are formations all over the entire Lingxiao City. With the blessing of the formations, the original heaven and earth vitality of the outside world is condensed and gathered, making the entire Lingxiao City almost like a paradise.

Since Lingxiao City is the place where the Lingxiao sect is located, most of them are naturally the warriors of the Lingxiao sect.

These High Heaven Sect's warriors are all dressed in white, with confident and proud expressions, and the momentum of a large sect has already rushed to the face.

However, Chu Xiu's focus was not here. He found that these sects of Daluotian seemed to always like to be consistent in their dress.

When he first came here, he met those few people from the small sect, and he once regarded him as a warrior in the Xuantian realm. Obviously, the warriors in the Xuantian realm liked to wear black clothes, while those from the High Heaven Sect liked white clothes.

At this time, when the two factions were performing martial arts, some major factions in the Eastern Region and some well-known figures would also come to visit, so it was easy to distinguish who were disciples of High Heaven Sect and those who were outsiders.

Lu Sanjin said: "Brother Chu, Brother Yinlingzi, my people from Huangtian Pavilion should have arrived. It will take a few days before the martial arts show will start. During this time, I will go to the station of my Huangtian Pavilion to rest for the time being."

Both Chu Xiu and Yin Lingzi nodded, all based on Lu Sanjin's arrangement.

The places where the two factions perform martial arts alternate each time.

Although the contradiction between the two factions is a bit deep, the face is still passable. At least the residence arranged by the High Heaven Sect for the Huangtian Pavilion is still very good.

After seeing Lu Sanjin, the warriors of Huangtian Pavilion who were guarding the door immediately greeted him respectfully as your lord.

"Did the pavilion master and the others not come this time?" Lu Sanjin asked casually.

One of the guards said: "The pavilion master has something to do and can't get away, so let Mr. Chong bring people here."

Hearing this name, Lu Sanjin's expression changed slightly.

Yin Lingzi only looked at the surrounding scenery without paying attention. Chu Xiu noticed the abnormality and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Sanjin snorted softly: "It's nothing, I just found someone I don't like.

Chong Qiushui is the deputy pavilion owner of my Huangtian Pavilion, but he is a bit stubborn and domineering. If he says something unpleasant later, please don’t mind Brother Chu and Brother Yin Lingzi, I am walking in the Eastern Region. It's not up to him. "

Hearing what Lu Sanjin said, a subtle look appeared on Chu Xiu's face.

With Chu Xiu's accumulated experience in intrigue in the lower realm, he could already hear what was going on in this Emperor Tiange in a few words, and it was nothing more than an internal disagreement.

There is no faction in the door, all kinds of strange.

Anyway, Chu Xiu has never seen a few sects who can really guarantee the unity.

But as soon as the idea came to mind, Chu Xiu subconsciously glanced at Yin Lingzi.

It seems that the Lingbao Temple has always been very united, and there has never been such a thing as infighting.

But think about it carefully, the number of people in Lingbaoguan has never exceeded three digits. If there are only a few people fighting infighting, it will be impossible.

About this kind of autumn water, in fact, Lu Sanjin didn't introduce it, and Chu Xiu knew it.

He took all kinds of news recorded in Wenfeng Pavilion, including a lot of information about Huangtian Pavilion.

In fact, Huangtian Pavilion has never had the position of deputy pavilion owner. The pavilion owner is the pavilion Where do you need a deputy?

The style of doing things in one word is more suitable for Huangtian Pavilion.

But among the powerhouses of the previous generation of Huangtian Pavilion, the current pavilion master 'Tian Wang' Li Wuxiang and the deputy pavilion master 'Di Zun' Zhong Qiushui were listed as the two heroes of Huangtian Pavilion, and the two almost overwhelmed the same-level warriors of Lingxiaozong's generation. Can't look up.

When the pavilion owner was finally selected, they were originally two people who were both Heaven and Earth Tongxuan. Li Wuxiang suddenly stepped into the realm of Martial Immortal, and he deserved to be the pavilion owner of this generation of Huangtian Pavilion.

But for some unknown reason, the old pavilion master of the previous generation did not arrange other positions for Chong Qiushui.

But since then, there has been news from the Huangtian Pavilion that the two people who were originally inseparable from each other often have conflicts, and they are very discordant anyway.

Chu Xiu can guarantee that there is definitely something tricky in it, but his curiosity is not serious, and he is too lazy to inquire about it.

While thinking about it, Lu Sanjin had brought Chu Xiu and the two into the depths of the hall, and there were more than a dozen warriors from Emperor Tiange who came to participate in the martial arts.

These warriors present, except for two or three older ones, are all young warriors, and the weakest also possess the true core.

Among these people, a middle-aged man in a bright yellow costume sat in the center.

The middle-aged man was tall and dignified, and anyone who looked at him could hardly see his true gaze, and when he tried to look at him, he could only see a dazzling golden light.

This one is the deputy pavilion owner of Huangtian Pavilion, the 'Earth Lord' kind of autumn water.

As soon as they met, Chong Qiushui said in a cold voice, "Lu Sanjin, didn't you receive the order from the sect? It's such a big thing for the two factions to perform martial arts, you are also dawdling and taking the time to come?"


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