Meet The Leader

Chapter 111: rule

Chu Xiu and others didn't bother to care about the Zhang family's own calculations and all kinds of **** things. He just said lightly: "It's better not to kill, save some energy."

Huo Slave and Wolf King are also indifferent, anyway, as long as they complete the task and let them get the reward, what else do they do?

At this time, Zhang Tianqi suddenly said: "This time, your mission is to kill eight Zhang family members, but there are still three people alive. You can save a lot of effort. Can you get some of this reward back?"

Chu Xiu glanced coldly at Zhang Tianqi, this guy didn't seem to understand what kind of place Qinglong would be.

Both Huo Nu and Wolf King just sneered and didn't speak, Chu Xiu said coldly: "I don't know what it is! When did the things in the hands of my Azure Dragon Society spit out?

Since you said the mission, that's fine, I'll kill all three of them right now, so it's not a bad rule. "

Zhang Weiqi hurriedly said: "Tianqi is too young to speak. Please forgive the three of you. The remuneration should be as much as you want. This time, the three tasks have been completed."

Although the Qinglong Association is also doing things with money, is it possible to reason with their vicious killers?

There are only three remaining warriors from the Zhang family in Linzhong County, and one of them was bought by them with a lot of money. They were all killed by Chu Xiu, and they also swallowed a fart.

Zhang Weiqi said to the remaining members of the Zhang family in Linzhong County opposite: "You and I are both members of the Zhang family. In the past, you were a direct line, and we were a collateral line, but the Zhang family has already become this way, and still Do you have to divide the collateral line and the direct line? Let’s take it as soon as you can, integrate into my Zhang family in Daishan County, and everyone will be the Zhang family in the future, regardless of the direct line and the collateral line.”

The people from the Zhang family in Linzhong County looked at each other, but they could only helplessly put down the sword in their hands.

Now that Zhang Yuanfeng is dead, their Zhang family in the forest county is completely half-abandoned.

Anyway, the opposite is also from the Zhang family, so it's not too embarrassing.

Zhang Weiqi had a smile on his face and said, "Since that's the case, then everyone should pack up and prepare to go back to Daishan County with me."

Just when the Zhang family was about to leave, Chu Xiu suddenly said, "Wait, people can leave, but things must stay."

Zhang Weiqi's face showed a hint of doubt: "What is left?"

"Of course it was the property and resources brought by the Zhang family in Linzhong County."

Zhang Weiqi's expression changed suddenly: "Three, it's a bit unruly for you to do this? This thing belongs to my Zhang family, why should I leave it to you Qinglong Club?"

The remuneration paid to the Qinglong Association before is also given. The key is that he also knows that he will definitely not go back.

But he couldn't give anything from Jun Zhang's family in the forest.

The Zhang family in Linzhong County is the real direct line of the Zhang family. This time, the Zhang family in Daishan County mainly looks at the property and treasures in the hands of the Zhang family in Linzhong County, followed by the people from the Zhang family in Linzhong County.

After all, they can use the property and resources, and those warriors from the Zhang family in Linzhong have to clean up some disobedient and stubborn ones.

Chu Xiu sneered and said, "Don't follow the rules? If you didn't intervene, after killing the people of the Zhang family in Linzhong County, what they brought would naturally belong to us.

Now that you want to save the lives of these people, you must also keep things. Is this rule enough? "

Zhang Weiqi said solemnly: "If you Qinglong Guild said that, it would be a bit arrogant. The commission for killing has already been given to you. Do you still want some extra money? Besides, your Qinglong Guild didn't have this rule before!"

Chu Xiu pulled out the red sleeved sword in his hand, and said lightly: "There was no such rule before, if I say it, it will naturally exist."

Seeing that Chu Xiu actually drew his sword, Zhang Weiqi's expression suddenly changed: "What do you mean by the Qinglong Association? If you want to be black and black, do you not care about the reputation of the Qinglonghui?"

Being a killer also needs to be honest. It is a taboo to disclose information about the employer without permission, or to steal the black.

You can commit this kind of thing once, even two or three times, but when there are more incidents and the notoriety is completely spread out, who will come to kill you? Just stop being a killer and just be a bandit.

The Huo slave in the back also whispered: "Brother Chu, the rules in the Azure Dragon Club are indeed not allowed to take action against the employer. When the helm master knows it, we are afraid that there will be no good fruit to eat."

Hearing Huo Nu's words, Zhang Weiqi breathed a sigh of relief.

If it's just the killer in front of him who wants to make money, it's okay to say, he's afraid that the entire Azure Dragon Society will be doing this, then he will be out of luck.

However, Chu Xiu sneered and said: "The Qinglong Club is not allowed to shoot at the employer, but don't forget, they just said that our mission has been completed, and since this is the case, then they are not the employer.

The rules of the Blue Dragon Club only say not to kill the employer, but it doesn't say that we are not allowed to make a temporary cameo as a bandit, right?

Two, this is a family's financial resources, even if the three of us share it equally.

Don't worry about the helm master, such a trivial matter will not reach the ears of the helm master. Besides, do you think that with our current position in the sub-rudder, the helm master will deal with us because of this trivial matter? "

Huo Nu and Wolf King looked at each other, and it really made sense.

They are all the first killers who joined the Heavenly Sin Fenrudder, and they have all stayed in the Heavenly Sin Fenrui for more than two years. They know the character of the helm master very well.

Although nominally they should abide by the rules of the Azure Dragon Society first, and then obey the rules of the rudder, but in the master of the helm, as long as they listen to him, the rules of the Azure Dragon Society will be violated. If you do, just don't spread it to the headquarters, the Emperor Tiangao is far away, who knows?

As a result, the three of them looked at Zhang Weiqi and others with a murderous intent.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Weiqi's face became extremely ugly.

The other party has already revealed his murderous intention. Even if he is ready to hand over everything, it is estimated that the killers of the Azure Dragon Society will not let him go.

"Run! Run separately!"

Zhang Weiqi had no intention of resisting at all. Although he had never fought against Chu Xiu and others, he saw Zhang Yuanfeng's body with its head separated.

You must know that although the Zhang family in Daishan County is strong now, the most important inheritance of the Zhang family is still in the Zhang family in Linzhong County. Zhang Yuanfeng's strength is definitely not weak.

That's why the Zhang family in Daishan County secretly plotted against the people who bought the other party, preparing to kill Zhang Yuanfeng in the sneak attack.

As a result, the three assassins of the Azure Dragon Society actually killed Zhang Yuanfeng so neatly with three enemies and eight, how could they fight recklessly if they didn't run?

And this means that Zhang Weiqi is too old and doesn't pay much attention to the gossip rumors on the rivers and lakes, otherwise he will be able to recognize his identity from Chu Xiu's mask.

In the face of a strong man who can step on the Dragon Tiger Ranking, even if he knows that the opponent wants to be black and black, he can only pinch his nose and obediently recognize it.

"Huo Nu, you are the fastest, go after others, no one can let go! The wolf king will kill the warriors in the inner astral realm with me!"

After giving an order, Chu Xiu and the wolf king shot directly, like a tiger entering a flock, and the opponent could not resist the offensive of the two.

Zhang Weiqi's strength when he was young was not bad, but now he is in his seventies, and his qi and blood are severely weakened. After a few moves, Chu Xiu smashed his sword into the air, and then he was killed by a heaven and earth to destroy Da Ziyang. The handprint on his chest completely burned out the qi and blood in his body in an instant.

During the killing, Zhang Tianqi saw that Zhang Weiqi was killed by Chu Xiu, and his eyes showed endless remorse.

There were many people in the Zhang family who thought that Zhang Weiqi and other elders were old and confused, including Zhang Tianqi and his father and other backbone generation also thought so.

But it was his first suggestion to ask Qinglong to take action, so he would deal with Chu Xiu and others, but he did not expect such a result in the end.

It's a pity that regret is also useless. Chu Xiuzhong's red sleeve knife is wandering in the boundless rain of blood. It takes a lot of effort for a warrior in the inner astral realm to block him, and a warrior in the innate realm can't stop him at all. , Zhang Tianqi didn't regret it for a long time, he was directly beheaded by Chu Xiu with a After half a quarter of an hour, there were no living people in the entire ruined temple. The wolf king was breathing slightly beside him. The internal energy has almost been used up.

After all, there are several Inner Gangs and some innate warriors present. After such a slaughter, the consumption of physical and internal energy is definitely not small.

Chu Xiu didn't feel anything at all. His accumulation was astonishing. Both the Innate Skill and the Glazed Golden Thread Gu could ensure that his physical strength and inner breath were several times or even ten times that of a warrior of the same rank.

At this time, Huo Nu also returned to the mountain, took a breath and said, "There is no living mouth left."

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Alright, let's divide the things first, then move the corpses into the ruined temple, set them on fire, and be neat and tidy."

Huo Nu and Wolf King both nodded, took out the belongings of the Zhang family in Linzhong County and checked them. They were simply divided into three parts according to the value, and everyone picked one at random. .

Of course, the three of them must have such a simple score, but the three of them are not the ones who care about each other, so that's all.

After taking the things, several people gathered the corpses at the bottom of the mountain. Huo Nu put his hand on the doorpost of the broken temple, and the fire energy condensed in his hand, making his hands become red. After a while, the doorpost was set on fire, and finally it spread to the entire ruined temple.

The wolf king praised from the side: "The internal strength of cultivating the fire attribute is good, and you don't even need to take flint wherever you want to set fire."

After watching for a while, Chu Xiu and the others turned around and left.

It is also normal for a big fire to ignite occasionally on the barren mountains. They are all burned like this. Unless there is a heavy rain, no one can put it out. By the morning of tomorrow, everything has turned to ashes.


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