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Chapter 1128: Xuanyuan Wushuang is crazy

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When Chu Xiu saw Xuanyuan Wushuang, he could almost guess what kind of existence the other party really was.

It's just so arrogant that he doesn't put anyone in his eyes.

However, the other party also has this qualification and strength.

Cultivation of Chu Xiu, the real fire refining the body and the real fire refining the spirit, the strength of the whole body is comparable to the powerhouse in the realm of heaven and earth.

But that's only comparable. Except for Ling Yunzi, a martial artist who has just stepped into the realm of Tongxuan, most of the others are still stronger than Chu Xiu in terms of strength.

But in the realm of real fire refining, Chu Xiu has never seen anyone who can compare with him on the basis of strength, even if it is the swordsman Kang Dongming of the East China Sea.

But now Chu Xiu saw that the strength of Xuanyuan Wushuang's body was as strong as that of Chu Xiu.

Lu Sanjin whispered to Chu Xiu: "Brother Chu, be careful of this guy who looks like he has a mental problem, although in fact, he does have a mental problem."

Chu Xiu's voice transmission asked, "His surname is Xuanyuan? Is he descended from a queen?"

The surname Xuanyuan is something that Chu Xiu has never seen in the lower realm, and it only exists in ancient legends.

Lu Sanjin pouted and said, "Fuck you are a descendant of a queen!

This surname was taken by himself, and even the first name was taken by himself.

According to him, he is the most unique existence in heaven and earth, and there is no one in the world, how can his surname be the same as others?

How could a normal person do such a thing? Isn't that a mental problem?

However, although this guy has some mental problems, this fellow is a complete monster.

It is said that he was born with a body without meridians, with no meridians up and down his body, so he couldn't cultivate the slightest true qi at all.

When he was just brought back to Lingxiao Sect, the person in charge of recruiting disciples was scolded by the top and brought back a waste.

However, Ling Xiaozong was kind, and he did not drive him away directly, but planned to drive him out when he became an adult.

As a result, who would have thought that although this guy couldn't cultivate true qi at the beginning, he relied on an entry-level exercise to forcibly find a new way to circulate his power in every flesh and blood in his body.

He has no meridians, but his flesh and bones are the meridians. Whether it is the accumulation or operation of infuriating energy, they are all powerful and frightening. Among those disciples, almost no one can compare with him. At that time, Xuanyuan Wushuang was less than ten years old. age.

Later, he was accepted by Ling Xiaozong as a direct descendant, and his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds along the way. If any martial arts classics fall into his hands, he can learn it in an hour, become a small success in a day, and comprehend the charm of nine points in three days. !

Although this guy has some mental problems, he has to say that he is really a genius when it comes to martial arts.

I heard before that he was retreating and trying to attack the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, but I didn't expect that he is now out, Brother Chu, be careful. "

After listening to Lu Sanjin's large section of information, Chu Xiu was also a little surprised.

When he was in the lower realm, he had also seen a lot of talented people.

For example, Lu Fengxian, who has amazing luck, Fang Qishao, who is natural in swordsmanship, Zhang Chengzhen, who has condensed the thunder and gold elixir, and cultivated the one-style Ming Wangyin to Zongxuan, who has never been seen before. If these people are placed in such an environment as Da Luotian, they must be the same. A first-class character.

But like Xuanyuan Wushuang, being able to modify his exercises at the age of ten and walk out of his own martial path is simply a monster.

Xuanyuan Wushuang glanced at Lu Sanjin, and said lightly: "Lu Sanjin, I know you must be secretly slandering me through voice transmission, but it doesn't matter, the strong will not be angry because of the slander and clamor of the weak, because you only have so little left. Be patient."

Lu Sanjin is still very thick-skinned. Before, he almost turned his face with Chu Xiu, but after learning Chu Xiu's 'true identity', he could change his face in a blink of an eye.

But facing Xuanyuan Wushuang at this time, Lu Sanjin's hands were shaking with anger.

Xuanyuan Wushuang's words were not mocking him, but telling the fact that he really thought so, so Lu Sanjin was angry.

When you encounter this kind of neurosis, you can't even scold the other party.

"Xuanyuan Wushuang! The martial arts show will start in a few days. What are you doing here? Is it possible that you still want to fight before you perform martial arts?"

Xuanyuan Wushuang glanced at Lu Sanjin and said lightly, "I didn't come to you."

After he finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Chu Xiu: "Are you the one who promised to join the Emperor's Pavilion and become the descendant of the guest of honor?"

Chu Xiu touched his nose and nodded.

Others Chu Xiu may be able to guess the idea, but facing a person like Xuanyuan Wushuang, he really can't guess the other party.

Xuanyuan Wushuang nodded and said, "Unfortunately, you made a wrong choice.

The previous pavilion master of Huangtian Pavilion was a figure, but he was already old.

The 'King of Heaven' Li Wuxiang is not bad, but the Huangtian Pavilion has an extra 'Earth Zun' kind of autumn water.

There is no peace between the two.

Looking at the younger generation, people like Lu Sanjin can walk in the Eastern Region, and it can be seen that the entire Huangtian Pavilion is empty.

It is very unwise for you to choose to join the Emperor's Pavilion at this time.

But you were lucky enough to meet me.

Now I give you a chance to join my Lingxiao Sect and become a guest minister.

What Huangtian Pavilion can give you, I can give you from High Heaven Sect, and what Huangtian Pavilion can’t give you, I can still give you from High Heaven Sect! "

Lu Sanjin didn't expect that Xuanyuan Wushuang would dare to expose the shortcomings of Huangtian Pavilion in front of him, he shouted angrily: "Xuanyuan Wushuang, what do you mean? Slander my Huangtian Pavilion, or are you afraid that you will lose miserably in the martial arts field?

Make a lot of nonsense, do you really think that there is no one in my Huangtian Pavilion? "

Xuanyuan Wushuang still used this very indifferent, but incomparably proud attitude: "The ending is already doomed, how can I be afraid of losing? I just want to win more beautifully.

When performing martial arts, there are three rounds and three battles. I want to win all three battles. In case the descendant of Gu Zun you found meets other disciples of Ling Xiaozong, those trash can't really stop him. "

Chu Xiu was already shocked at this time. It was the first time he saw something like Xuanyuan Wushuang, and when he became crazy, he even scolded his own people.

After he finished saying these words, the faces of those High Heaven Sect warriors behind Xuanyuan Wushuang were already dark, even darker than Lu Sanjin.

Now Chu Xiu also believed in Xuanyuan Wushuang's strength in Ling Xiaozong.

Doing things like him, speaking without any scruples, if you don't have the strength, I'm afraid people will be beaten to death long ago.

And his strength must be very strong, even strong enough to ignore any conspiracy and tricks, otherwise it will be easy to be calculated to death.

Chu Xiu wiped his nose and said, "I'm sorry, you have to be trustworthy. I, Chu Xiu, keep my word. Since I promised to join Huangtian Pavilion first as a guest minister, I won't regret it."

Xuanyuan Wushuang shrugged and said, "Very well, there will always be people in this world who make wrong choices and never look back when they go astray.

It's not wrong for you to join the Emperor's Pavilion, but the mistake is that when you joined the Emperor's Pavilion, you ran into my opponent.

Of course you may regard me as an opponent, and my opponent is only in the future. "

After he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Wushuang turned around and left with the people.

For him, it was not worth it to start trouble with Chu Xiu and the others before the martial arts began.

Moreover, since he was a child, he has never used any conspiracy or tricks. In the face of anything, he will use his own strength to break it. This is his code of conduct.

After the person left, Yin Lingzi held back for a long time, and then said: "I have heard that Xuanyuan Wushuang, a genius of Ling Xiaozong, has a somewhat difficult character to describe. Now, when I look at it, it is true."

Lu Sanjin sneered: "It's hard to describe, that's a neuropathy!"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "The difference between a lunatic and a genius is one thought.

Like you said, this person is not easy to deal with.

It is the best proof that he has been able to go all the way and still live well in this way. "

Lu Sanjin nodded gloomily, and after the dishes came up, he greeted Chu Xiu and Yin Lingzi to start eating.

The originally good mood was now mixed up by Xuanyuan Wushuang.

However, Lu Sanjin's goodwill towards Chu Xiu has risen a lot.

A person like Lu Sanjin seems to be familiar with everyone, and seems to be friends with everyone, but in fact, that is what he should be himself, and he is good at communication.

But in fact, there are very few who can really be regarded as friends by him.

Lu Sanjin did the same to Chu Xiu before. He walked in the Eastern Region and found that there was a descendant of Gu Zun on his own It was a common thing to win over.

But this time Chu Xiu rejected Ling Xiaozong's solicitation, but it made him a little grateful.

Because what Xuanyuan Wushuang said was right, the two factions of Huangtian Pavilion and High Heaven Sect had been fighting each other for so many years, but in fact, Huangtian Pavilion had the disadvantage more often.

And now, it is precisely when the Emperor's Pavilion is at a disadvantage.

If Huangtian Pavilion has the upper hand, Lu Sanjin will not be reprimanded and banned from participating in martial arts when he abolished people last time.

Huangtian Pavilion can be very stubborn to use swords without eyes, fists and feet to explain, and maybe even reward Lu Sanjin afterwards.

But the strength is not as good as others, and it also gives people the talk of making trouble, so I can only keep a low profile for the time being.

Three days later, the martial arts performance between Emperor Ling Xiaozong and Emperor Tiange was held as scheduled.

At the very center of Lingxiao City is a huge terrace with a length and width of 1000 feet. Countless formations are arranged above it, and a statue stands at each corner. It is said to be the statues of the four patriarchs who have contributed the most to the Lingxiao Sect.

This place is where Ling Xiaozong performs martial arts, but at other times, this place is also used by the powerful people of Ling Xiaozong to preach.

In the past, martial arts performances between the two factions were to resolve personal grievances, but later, it has become a customary rule, and many foreign warriors even came to watch the ceremony.

The people from Lingxiao Sect and Huangtian Pavilion are on the north and south sides, and the east and west positions are reserved for those who watch the ceremony.

Chu Xiu was sitting in the crowd in Huangtian Pavilion, looking at the surrounding situation, but Lu Sanjin came over at this time and said, "Brother Chu, there will be a martial arts expert from Lingxiao Sect who will speak later, you should not have heard of it, listen carefully. As soon as you hear it, knowing yourself and your enemy will not be perilous in a hundred battles.”

Chu Xiu's eyes lit up when he heard that.


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