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Chapter 1131: Unlucky Xuanyuan Wushuang

Chu Xiu once found a lot of martial arts in the things that Dugu Wei I left behind, but unfortunately they are not like the ultimate move like the red dust misty slash, but some martial skills that Dugu Wei I used before I did not dominate the entire Jianghu.

Chu Xiu didn't study these martial arts seriously, but he knew a little about getting started, so he might be able to use them at some point.

It's just that what shocked Chu Xiu was not his devil's palm, but the fire that destroyed the world.

In the lower realm, no one can recognize the fire that destroys the world. After Chu Xiu used it, it has become one of the symbols of Chu Xiu.

However, in Daluotian, the fire that destroys the world is the secret practice method of the Daheitian Shrine in the Sanskrit religion of the Western Regions, which is strange and unpredictable.

The Sanskrit religion has never accepted outside disciples. This Chu Xiu doesn't seem to be a monk. How could he use the fire of destroying the world?

Linghu Xianshan said indifferently: "The information just said that the inheritance of Chu Xiu's lineage can be traced back to before the great calamity of ancient times, maybe at that time, the practice of Sanskrit was leaked out. A normal thing."

Qin Baiyuan also nodded, this kind of thing is not unusual.

Before the ancient catastrophe, the entire world was already in chaos, and even in order to compete for the place to enter the Great Luotian, various factions were still fighting each other and so on.

At that time, let alone the leakage of the exercises, as long as it could save one's life, anything could be left behind.

However, in the field, Chu Xiu suddenly made such a move, but it caught Xuanyuan Wushuang by surprise.

Before Xuanyuan Wushuang always thought that Chu Xiu's martial arts were the same as his, they were all of that kind of sturdy and atmospheric style, but who would have thought that Chu Xiu would turn around and create an incomparably evil and world-destroying fire.

The fire of destroying the world scorched the Qi Yuanshen, which immediately made Xuanyuan Wushuang embarrassed, and was slapped by Chu Xiu again, and the anger in his heart had climbed to the extreme.

He said before that those who can't control his anger are weak, but now it's his turn to be unable to control his anger.

This time, Xuanyuan Wushuang didn't talk nonsense any more. He clasped the Lingxiaozhen Dragon Halberd in his hands, and strange lines were looming all over his body. The power of heaven and earth poured into his body crazily. If he was an ordinary person, this behavior was simply self-destruction. In general, but Xuanyuan Wushuang abruptly contained all the energy of heaven and earth in his body.

Feeling that power, Chu Xiu's complexion changed slightly.

The pure demonic energy in his hand emerged, and the Sanliancheng Arrows shot out one after another, trying to interrupt Xuanyuan Wushuang to continue swallowing the vitality of heaven and earth.

However, the strange pattern in front of Xuanyuan Wushuang's body blocked the arrow in advance before it fell, and used the purest vitality to purify the power of annihilation on the arrow of Sanliancheng.

The next moment, Xuanyuan Wushuang's whole body was covered by the dazzling golden glow of vitality, he squeezed the seal in his hand, and shouted: "Please enter the body!"

In an instant, some kind of power seemed to be aroused. The next moment, the demonic energy in mid-air poured into Xuanyuan Wushuang's body crazily. Armor, holding the Fangtianhua halberd, the magic flame is soaring to the sky, the power is simply terrifying.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the others, Xuanyuan Wushuang had already tried his best.

The thing used by Xuanyuan Wushuang, to be precise, is out of the category of martial arts, but a secret technique, a secret technique obtained by Lingxiao Sect in the past. The demon **** in the corpse was branded into the body, in exchange for a powerful power.

This kind of secret technique originated from some ancient barbarians that have been extinct, and Lingxiao Sect modified it, using the personal objects left by the former strong men to motivate their wills branded in the heaven and earth, which is called the Battle Soul Art.

The Martial Immortal realm has reached its peak, and it is a powerful existence that can truly be compared with the heavens and the earth. The power of Dugu only me five hundred years ago can be imprinted in the void, and so can other legendary powerhouses.

The only premise is that the power of the brand left by a strong man of this level, even if you use his personal objects to induce it, will cause a powerful backlash after entering the body, so after this battle soul formula is researched, it is basically It is to put it on the shelf, and no more than three people can successfully cultivate it by the warriors of the High Heaven Sect of the past dynasties.

Xuanyuan Wushuang was gifted with extraordinary talent, and he directly used the powerful energy of heaven and earth to feed his battle spirit into his body, and only then did he succeed in his cultivation.

Everyone else was horrified there, only Chu Xiu had a strange look on his face.

He recognized who the battle spirit that Xuanyuan Wushuang had attracted was.

Ancient Demon God Lu Wenhou!

As the fierce and mighty Great Demon God in the past, Lu Wenhou, who can make all the warriors in the world join forces to encircle and suppress him, what this man has done can be compared with Dugu and I, of course, he is qualified to be a war soul. Aroused.

It's just that now, Lu Wenhou's inheritance is on him, Chu Xiu!

In the past, after receiving the inheritance of Lu Wenhou, Lu Fengxian once gave Chu Xiu the golden body of Lu Wenhou's body training method, Jiuxiao Refining Demon, and Chu Xiu also cultivated this method to the realm of great success.

Now that Xuanyuan Wushuang has actually brought Lu Wenhou's spirit to fight against him, who is the fake?

The silver qi around Xuanyuan Wushuang's body had disappeared, and it was replaced by a deep demonic qi.

He stared at Chu Xiu and said coldly: "Very good, very good, in the Eastern Region, no one has been able to push me to this level for many years, you should feel honored!"


Chu Xiu put away the time, and stepped out step by step. With each step, the magic energy around him became stronger.

By the end, Chu Xiu's body was already covered with demonic flames, scorching his powerful body, and a trembling force burst out.

Some discerning powerhouses present had already seen that the aura emanating from Chu Xiu's body was exactly the same as Xuanyuan Wushuang's after he drew the battle spirit into his body.

No, to be precise, the demonic energy in his body was even purer than that of Xuanyuan Wushuang.

After all, the demonic energy on Xuanyuan Wushuang's body is only some demonic energy absorbed from the surrounding heaven and earth after Lu Wenhou's battle spirit was drawn into his body, while the demonic energy in Chu Xiu's body was the result of his cultivation of the Jiuxiao Refining Demonic Golden Body all the way to The breath formed after Dacheng.

Xuanyuan Wushuang naturally also felt this aura, and even the battle spirit in his body began to be unstable.

He had a stunned look on his face, not knowing what was going on.

But at this time, Chu Xiu had already rushed over and punched him down. The demon flames around him were soaring to the sky, and his fist seemed to tear everything apart.

Xuanyuan Wushuang raised Fang Tianhuaji and was about to fight, but the shadow of Lu Wenhou behind him was trembling constantly. The movements became extremely slow, and he needed to spend a large part of his energy to suppress the restless war spirit in his body, so he was directly blown away by Chu Xiu's punch.

Chu Xiu's figure did not stop, and he was also very good at melee combat.

After a series of offensives, Xuanyuan Wushuang was basically hanged and beaten, and there was hardly any strength to fight back, and his performance was actually not as good as before.

In fact, Xuanyuan Wushuang is also unlucky. He was born in the Lingxiao Sect, and he has many trump cards in his hand, not only the Battle Soul Art.

If he played against Chu Xiu honestly, even if he would lose in the end, he would not be so embarrassed.

But he had to use some kind of battle soul trick, and it happened to be Lu Wenhou's mark, so don't blame Chu Xiu for being rude.

Lu Wenhou was already dead, and the last bit of true spirit was absorbed by Lu Fengxian.

Therefore, the imprint he left is only instinctive. Since he can be influenced by his former personal things and be attracted, he will naturally be influenced by his former practice, and it is even greater.

After being continuously suppressed by Chu Xiu to the extreme, Xuanyuan Wu's eyes were split open and he looked like a madman.

Just like what Qin Baiyuan was worried about before, Xuanyuan Wushuang had never lost, and if he lost this time, it would definitely affect his mood.

And now Xuanyuan Wushuang has not been completely defeated, but being suppressed to such a degree in front of so many people has gradually blurred his sanity.

The next moment, Xuanyuan Wushuang used Fang Tianhua halberd to hold Chu Xiu's punch, and his hands formed a seal. In an instant, the aura around him suddenly shrank, and the next moment, the phantom of Lu Wenhou behind him began to burst.

It's not fragmentation, but a powerful explosion brought about by the breath!

Chu Xiu's complexion suddenly changed, this lunatic!

Xuanyuan Wushuang not only has mental problems, but UU reading www.uukanshu. com He is simply a lunatic!

Seeing that he couldn't control the battle spirit, he actually detonated the battle spirit directly in his body.

You must know that Fang Cai Xuanyuan Wushuang has attracted the powerful heaven and earth vitality into the body that made Chu Xiu stunned. These forces were contained in his body, and then detonated together with the battle spirit. What did he want to do? He wanted to die with Chu Xiu. ?

The last time Yanwu Lu Sanjin just used a heavy hand to abolish people, he has already been punished, but this time Xuanyuan Wushuang is good, he directly turned Yanwu into a life and death battle!

Xuanyuan Wushuang wanted to die, but Chu Xiu didn't want to die with him.

The next moment, Chu Xiu's figure suddenly began to retreat, and Xuanyuan Wushuang followed with a grin.

However, when Chu Xiu retreated, his hands formed seals. In an instant, countless cold breaths from heaven and earth gathered around Chu Xiu, pure demonic energy was lingering, ghosts and gods descended from the void, and the sky cried and rained blood. , the void was directly torn apart, the demon **** phantom was watching indifferently, and one hand stretched out, grabbed directly towards Xuanyuan Wushuang, and pulled him into the boundless gloomy world!

At this moment, the warriors of Ling Xiaozong on the stage finally couldn't sit still.

Qin Baiyuan stepped out and came to the terrace. With a little touch, the Lingxiao Nantian Gate had already emerged, completely banning Chu Xiu's Mohentian Crying Great Compassion Curse, making the ghostly shadow of the demon **** completely silent.

The next moment, he counted the points at Xuanyuan Wushuang, let him snort and fainted, but he also calmed the power that was about to explode in the opponent's body.

Qin Baiyuan looked at Chu Xiu and said coldly, "Condensing the evil spirits born in the world to the extreme, such a sinister practice!

Didn't the Emperor Tiange tell you that you don't need to kill in the arena? "


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