Meet The Leader

Chapter 1142: make god

Ke Cha really couldn't guess what Chu Xiu was thinking.

Before, he didn't care about the death of the former county governor, and instead cared about the knife. Now he wants to kill all the barbarians in Cangwu County. What does he want to do?

Ke Cha is worth saying cautiously: "My lord, this is simply impossible.

Although these barbarian tribes seem to be very loose, and they are also fighting for each other, they are still very united in the face of foreign enemies.

The barbarian tribes in Cangwu County are not only the ones we have seen, but there are many barbarian tribes deep in the Diluo Mountains.

Even the last time the pavilion master came, the savage hands destroyed several tribes. As a result, in a blink of an eye, several tribes migrated from the Diluo Mountains to make up for the vacancies.

And if there are too many kills, the gang of barbarian powerhouses hidden in the deepest part of the mountain range will also take action. At that time, the situation may be even worse, and it is not something my Huangtiange family can handle. "

Chu Xiu nodded, let Ke Cha sit down, and said lightly: "Don't worry about eating, I'll first ask you about the details of these barbarians."

Ke Cha hurriedly said: "Don't worry, my lord, your subordinates will definitely know everything and say everything."

Chu Xiu asked: "I heard that you have been among the barbarians for a while, what do you think they want?

My generation of warriors either pursues power or power, beauty in the country, and the ultimate in martial arts. Everyone knows what they want. Then you say, what do these barbarians want, what do they value? ? "

Hearing Chu Xiu's question, Ke Cha was also stunned for a while, because Chu Xiu's perspective was very novel, and no one had ever asked this question before, nor did he think so.

Ke Cha pondered for a long time, organized the language, and then said: "This subordinate has never thought about it before.

However, in the eyes of his subordinates, most of the barbarians are actually simple-minded and well-developed.

Their daily life is actually very simple. It seems that there is nothing else to eat, sleep and have babies.

They never seem to think about these too complicated things. For them, fighting is not like us, in order to pursue the ultimate strength.

For them, strength seems to be just a means of making a living, and at the same time, the strongest warriors in the tribe can also get the right to choose women first. "

The corners of Chu Xiu's mouth twitched. Ke Cha was also a strange person. His tone was not ordinary to look down on barbarians. In any case, he was considered half a barbarian.

Of course, Kecha himself didn't think his words were wrong, and he continued there: "The usual disputes between these barbarians are also very interesting. Today you hunted on my territory, and you insulted my ancestors. It's all these trivial things anyway.

If they say what they value most, there should be two things, ancestors and gods. "

"Ancestors and gods?"

Kecha nodded and said: "The barbarians respect their ancestors, that is, the ancestors who created their tribe. They believe that the ancestors obtained the oracle, and the power they obtained created their tribe.

As for the gods, the gods they worship are usually all kinds of messy beings, the earth, wind, water, fire, mountains, forests, rain and dew, all kinds of beasts and beasts, anyway, anything can become a **** in their eyes.

However, I have seen in the ancient books of Huangtian Pavilion that some of the messy gods they worship are not actually made up.

When my ancestors first came to Daluotian, they had killed many extremely powerful beasts, as well as all kinds of strange and mysterious, powerful beings born in heaven and earth, and even martial arts experts had to join forces to kill them. The point of strangulation.

It is not surprising that these beings are worshipped as gods by these barbarian tribes, and they also derive a lot of power from them.

Therefore, in their view, the ancestors gave them the continuation of the future, and God gave them strength. These two things are the most revered and the least insulting existences.

More than half of the disputes between the barbarians are caused by such ridiculous things. "

Chu Xiu nodded and asked again: "Do you have any detailed information about the barbarians, such as their power system, fighting style, and habits, etc.?"

Kecha nodded and said: "Yes, some are recorded by me, and some are obtained from other Jianghu wind media."

In Cangwu County, Ke Cha was able to gain a foothold here, relying on his relationship with these barbarians, and he also put a lot of effort into the affairs of these barbarians.

Chu Xiu was there looking at the information, and Ke Cha was waiting, he didn't dare to urge.

Until it was midnight, Chu Xiu read all the information, and plans kept emerging in his mind. He suddenly said, "You said before that these barbarians are very united when outsiders invade?"

Kocha nodded.

"What if they killed each other by themselves?"

Ke Cha was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Do you want to provoke these barbarians to kill each other?

This trick was also used by the past dynasties of the Imperial Palace, but it basically had no effect.

These barbarians are just simple-minded, but they are not all idiots, and some of the sacrifices in their tribe are still somewhat scheming.

Besides, they themselves don't have so many ambitions and needs, so in the end, they only provoked one or two tribes to kill each other, and then they were seen through. The provocation by outsiders was basically useless. "

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "The provocation from outsiders is useless, but what about the provocation from within? Don't they believe in their ancestors and their own gods? If their gods gave them an order, you said, they would Don't believe it?"

"God? Where is God?"

"No, then make one."

Chu Xiu pointed to himself and said, "If the plan is successful, I will be the **** of the barbarians, the god, the incarnated messenger walking in the world."

At this moment, Ke Cha felt that Chu Xiu had gone crazy.

Glancing at Ke Cha, Chu Xiu said solemnly, "Do you think I've gone crazy?"

"My subordinates dare not!" Ke Cha said quickly.

Chu Xiu tapped on the table with his hand and said: "It's a human effort, how do you know if you don't do something? It seems like a crazy plan, but as long as it is successful, it will have great benefits.

Kocha, I don't know what the barbarians want, but I know what you want.

You have half of the barbarian blood in your body, which can make you prosperous in Cangwu County, but it also prevents you from entering the upper floors of Huangtian Pavilion.

You despise those barbarians so much, are you also despising the other half of your bloodline? "

The scar at the bottom of his heart was uncovered, and Ke Cha's expression suddenly became very ugly, but due to Chu Xiu's power, he still held back and did not dare to say a word.

Chu Xiu continued: "You know my identity, I can't stay in Cangwu County forever, but when I leave, I can still take someone with me, such as... you.

Lu Sanjin and I walking in the Eastern Region are good friends. As long as I tell him, it will be easy to transfer you to the headquarters of Emperor Tiange.

And you should know what this position in the Eastern Region represents. Maybe in the future, Lu Sanjin will be the next pavilion owner of Huangtian Pavilion, and then you will become the pavilion owner's direct descendant.

I killed Sun Gancheng, do you all think that I am doing something overbearing? In fact, what I do, Chu Xiu, is the most reasonable.

Sun Gancheng was disrespectful to me, so he should be damned.

But if you sincerely help me, what I can give you in the future will be the same. "

There was no temptation in Chu Xiu's words, as if he was putting a bunch of reality in front of him to see how he would choose.

In fact, at this time, Chu Xiu was also thinking of Mei Qinglian and other cronies in the lower realm.

He has always liked to use dangerous tactics in his work, and the dangerous plans he used in the lower realm were no longer one or two.

If his plan was proposed in the lower realm, Mei Qinglian and others might also be shocked, but after the shock, they would immediately execute it.

They don't believe in Chu Xiu's plan, but they believe in Chu Xiu.

This caused Chu Xiu to dare to implement even if they proposed an exaggerated plan, and they still need to make promises and so on.

After a long while, Ke Cha gritted his teeth and bowed to Chu Xiu: "Your Excellency is the county governor and a humble boss. As long as your Lord prepares to do it, the humble officer will of course go all out!"

Although he didn't explicitly say, it was clear that he had decided to be loyal to Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "By the way, do you know the skills of the barbarians? Let me see if I use them. I still need to do a small test."

Although Ke Cha didn't know what Chu Xiu meant, he still stood up and said: "The barbarians don't use martial arts, they can't even cultivate their inner strength, there are about two ways of fighting in the whole barbarians.

One is the strange and mysterious technique. I can't tell the principle of this kind of thing. Anyway, it is in the hands of those wizards and priests, and ordinary barbarians do not.

There is also a power that most barbarians can comprehend, which he calls the gift of the ancestors or the gift of the gods.

Saying that, Ke Cha stretched out his hand, the energy of the heavens and the earth gathered in his arm, and the power of the earth was instantly attached to his arm, making his arm as heavy as a thousand pounds.

Dispersing his strength, Ke Cha shrugged and said: "This is actually the method of the barbarian warriors, completely relying on his own affinity for this world to perceive the power in the world, and absorb it into his body, so he has All kinds of supernatural powers.

This is actually a way of embodying the unity of nature and man, but those guys definitely don't understand what the unity of man and nature is, and they prefer to call this an ancestral manifestation. "

Chu Xiu nodded, if this is the case, it is similar to what he planned before.

Chu Xiu took out a statue and asked Ke Cha, "I saw a barbarian tribe on a street corner before. The tattoos on their bodies are similar to this statue. Which barbarian tribe is that?"

The statue is like a Buddha but not a Buddha, like a demon, it is the statue that records the magical powers of the law, heaven, and earth.


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