Meet The Leader

Chapter 1144: God said let there be light

There are not many roads in the jungle at all. Tong Bakang and others walked around in the jungle without road signs at all, and walked for nearly a day at a very fast speed, and then they came to a gathering place of barbarian tribes.

The so-called Heluobu is actually a pile of simple tents made of trees, with a very strong original atmosphere.

The surrounding fence-like thing is the city wall. The most strange thing is that there is a pair of black cheetahs at the entrance of the Heluo Department, but they are extremely huge, as large as an elephant. There was a fierce aura around him.

When he arrived at the door of the Hei Luo Department, Tong Bakang realized what he had done? He actually brought an outsider to his tribe, what did he think?

Before Tong Bakang could react, a hearty voice came: "How is the harvest this time? Did those cunning foreigners deceive you in the transaction?"

A strong man with flame-like lines on his face and also wearing a battle armor appeared in front of the door, his body was extremely powerful, and even every step he fell, the ground trembled, as if a giant beast was moving forward.

But when he saw Chu Xiu and Ke Cha, his expression suddenly changed.

He recognized Kecha, and it was normal for Kecha to come here.

But this guy with a mask, although it looks strange, but you can tell from the aura on his body, he is definitely a foreigner!

Ke Cha used the fastest speed to transmit a voice to Chu Xiu: "He is Hei Jie, the patriarch of the Heiluo clan, and after the death of the high priest of the Heiluo clan, he is the number one powerhouse of the Heiluo clan.

It's hard to say how strong this guy is, because he doesn't have the record of killing the powerhouses in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm like the High Priest of Heluo Department.

However, there are quite a lot of real fire refining **** realm warriors who died in his hands, at least I can't even stop his three moves. "

"Tong Bakang! What the **** are you doing? Why did you bring a foreigner to the tribe?" Hei Jie shouted, his voice like a thunderous roar.

Tong Bakang stumbled and said, "It was Ke Cha who caused Yin Keqi to trouble me before... No, it was this foreigner who saved me. He also said that he came with the fortune of our ancestors, and it was a true **** or something..."

"If he says you believe it!"

Before Tong Bakang could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Hei Jie.

At this time, Chu Xiu said lightly: "The patriarch doesn't need to be so excited, I said that I came with the will of the true god, and gave you a great blessing to the Hei Luo tribe.

This great fortune was acquired by the ancestors of your Heluo tribe at a great price. Whether you want it or not is entirely up to you. "

Hei Jie's complexion also changed when he felt the voice coming from his mind.

Whether the foreigner in front of him is true or not, let's not say, his mental power is extremely powerful, even so powerful that he can ignore his spiritual defense.

"Wait a minute, I'm not good at this kind of thing, go and invite the sacrifice to come."

Ke Cha was stunned for a moment, isn't the priest of Heluo already dead? When will there be another sacrifice?

After a while, the people from the Heluo Department actually brought a young woman.

The young woman was tall and tall. Although she was wearing a black robe, she couldn't hide her bumpy figure.

Moreover, although her skin is as dark as an ordinary barbarian, her facial features are three-dimensional and delicate, and her face does not have as many tattoos as other barbarians, but a star is dotted between her eyebrows.

Even if this woman's appearance is put to the outside world, she is definitely a beauty.

Ke Cha said clearly: "It turned out to be Lu Fei. She is the direct disciple and successor of the previous high priest. Now that the previous high priest died, she is indeed qualified to become the high priest."

Hei Jie saw Lu Fei coming, and he said solemnly: "Lu Fei... No, High Priest, do you see if this guy is real or fake?"

Lu Fei glanced at Chu Xiu, and shouted in a clear voice: "Of course it's fake! My family only worships the mountain god, where did the true **** come from?

Foreigner, you have blasphemed the ancestors of our Heluo tribe and the gods of our Heluo tribe. No matter who you are, you will die here today, your flesh being eaten by vultures, and your bones being torn apart by gum dogs! "

Ke Cha, who was behind Chu Xiu, regretted it at this time.

If I knew earlier that he wouldn't accompany Chu Xiu to pretend to be a ghost here, it's good, the **** didn't pretend to be a ghost, but was going to be a ghost.

Just when all the warriors of the Heiluo tribe were about to take action against this Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Mountain gods? Those are all fake gods. There is only one true **** between heaven and earth!"

Lu Fei's complexion changed suddenly, she waved her hand to stop the others, and also used her mental power to transmit sound, but there was a violent emotion in her mental fluctuations.

"What did you say? You said that my clan worshipped false gods?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Of course it is a false god, a true god, omnipotent, and also your true creator. Have you never thought about it, where did you come from?"

The powerful spiritual power spread out, which can make all the people in the Heluo tribe feel the meaning of Chu Xiu.

Therefore, the people of the Hei Luo Department are all confused.

Where did they come from? Originally, these barbarians thought it was simple, and they did not have the habit of recording historical materials. How did they know where they came from?

Everyone subconsciously turned their attention to Lu Fei.

In all barbarian tribes, the status of sacrifice is very high, sometimes even higher than the patriarch, just like the previous sacrifice of the Heluo tribe.

Sacrifices represent knowledge, the most knowledgeable person in the entire tribe.

But Lu Fei also had the same expression. Her master had never taught her, where did their family come from.

"So, where do we all come from?"

Chu Xiu is wearing a mask, but his eyes are like a vortex, twisting, people look at it, and they can't help but fall into it.

Chu Xiu said in a soothing voice: "Humans, whether they are barbarians or people from Daluotian, were created by gods.

This world was originally like a chaotic chicken egg. God slashed the world, and the ground became the earth under his feet, and the sky above his head. "

Chu Xiu stretched out his hand, and a little light condensed: "God said that there must be light, so there is light."

"God said, where there is light, there must be darkness."

The light quickly dimmed, condensing into a little endless darkness.

"God said that this world should have feng shui fire."

In between, the vitality of heaven and earth quickly turned into earth, wind, water and fire, changing back and forth between Chu Xiu's fingers.

"God said that this world should have vitality, so there are all kinds of plant beasts."

Ke Cha stared at Chu Xiu with a solemn and solemn appearance in front of him.

If he hadn't seen Chu Xiu's murderous look without blinking, he would have doubted whether Chu Xiu was really the incarnation of the gods in the world.

Even Lu Fei looked at Chu Xiu at this time and couldn't help but ask, "What about us? How did we appear?"

Chu Xiu's voice was low, resounding in everyone's heart, giving people a very sacred and solemn feeling.

"Humans are the most familiar beings among all things in the world. God turned the blood on his forehead into the human race of Daluotian, and let them live in the sky, so they know more than you.

God has turned the blood in the palm of his hand into you, so your physical bodies are naturally stronger than theirs, and children can tear apart tigers and leopards.

God created all things and is omnipotent. The things you enshrine are only the first creatures created by God, so they have great power.

But what can they do? How can they be called gods? "

To outsiders, Chu Xiu's narcissism, like the head of a cult, is indeed ridiculous.

But in the eyes of this group of people from the Heluo tribe, it was extremely real, even more real than when their high priest led them to worship the mountain gods in the past.

Other Jianghu people, except for a few sects such as Brahma Sect and Tianlu Baosha, in fact, most of the martial arts forces, they do not believe that there are gods and Buddhas in this world.

To be precise, maybe there were gods and buddhas in that distant immemorial period, but now, they may have gone to other places, or they may have perished with the demon gods in ancient legends, anyway, they definitely don’t exist now.

But these barbarian tribes believe They believe that God has always protected them, and they also believe that the heroic spirits of the ancestors who have passed away are enshrined by God's side and are also protecting them.

So now Chu Xiu's dazzling appearance is very real to them.

After all, they only offered some blood and flesh of fierce beasts before, and then the sacrifice led them to recite some mountain gods' blessing and so on, and it was over. It was very simple and rude.

Where is it like Chu Xiu, who has clearly stated the power of God, the origin of God and this world, and has reason.

What separates the world, the scene of light and darkness is in their ears, and in their imagination, it is simply sacred and magnificent to the extreme.

The power brought by the thousands of years of religion in the previous life is not something that these barbarians who only rudely pray can distinguish.

Even the most sober of these barbarians, Lu Fei, couldn't help but believe it. After all, no one had ever said these things before, and she didn't believe it was made up by those foreigners.

But she couldn't help but say, "Then who are you? Are you the true god?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and nodded again: "A drop of God's blood can turn into a race, so God is everywhere, as long as God has a thought, I will naturally know what I should do.

So you can think of me as the incarnation of the will of God, the messenger of God.

The ancestors of your Hei Luo tribe are not easy. He worshipped by the side of the gods and made great contributions. He almost lost the heroic spirit in exchange for the good fortune. I hope you can be rare. "

Lu Fei said with the last trace of doubt: "But why do we think what you said is true?"

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth and said: "When I hand over the gift of God to you, you will know whether it is true or false."


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