Meet The Leader

Chapter 113: complete

When the Zhang family felt that something was wrong, it was already too late.

But this can't be blamed for their low vigilance, but they are worrying about the three elders of the Zhang family at this time, and this is in their own family, who can guard against so much?

When the boss of the Zhang family was about to get up, the door of the conference hall was pushed open, and the two heads rolled in front of everyone. head!

Chu Xiu walked into the house indifferently, tsk tsk sighed: "This sound insulation formation is really useful, but unfortunately it is a one-time use, by the way, does your Zhang family in Daishan County have such a thing?"

Just now, Chu Xiu set up a soundproof formation outside the Zhang family's meeting room, which can isolate all sounds outside the formation. It was also found by Chu Xiu from the Zhang family in the forest.

Ordinary small families can’t afford to support array masters. The Zhang family in Linzhong County used to be a big family, but there are a lot of arrays handed down. It’s a pity that the Zhang family has no array masters at this time. Use one piece and one less. When you get to Chu Xiu, there are only ordinary formations that are used for auxiliary purposes such as sound insulation formations.


The eldest of the Zhang family didn't say a word, he shouted loudly, and killed Chu Xiu with the other three.

Although they don't know why the killer of the Azure Dragon Society wants to deal with them, but now that the other party has killed both of their Zhang family, this matter must not be good.

In fact, what the boss of the Zhang family is most afraid of is that something goes wrong with the Zhang family in Linzhong County.

They also know the rules of the Qinglong Association. If the hired killer is killed by the target, the Qinglong Association will not retaliate against the slain target, but to retaliate against the employer.

Before, they hired people from the Azure Dragon Society to rob and kill the Zhang family in Linzhong County. As a result, there was no news from the Zhang family in Linzhong County, and even the three elders on their side had no news. Look at the Azure Dragon Society now. The killer suddenly attacked them. Could it be because they made a mistake in predicting the strength of the Zhang family in Linzhong County, which led to the failure of the assassination mission of the Blue Dragon Society, and they were retaliated as a result?

If such a thing really happened, then even if they were able to repel the killer in front of them, they would also have to face the troubles of the Zhang family in the forest.

However, it wasn't until the real fight was over that the boss of the Zhang family realized that he was wrong, a big mistake!

What he is thinking about now is not how to repel the killer in front of him, but how to survive under the killer's hands!

He is also a martial artist in the Inner Astral Realm, but the pressure from the killer of the Azure Dragon Society in front of him is almost the same as that of a warrior in the Outer Astral Realm. But even resisting a knife is extremely laborious.

The boss of Fang Caizhang's family shouldn't have called 'kill', if he called to escape, maybe they still have a chance.

Chu Xiu's sword stance was very strange and terrifying. After suppressing the leader of the Zhang family to a desperate situation, the other three hurried to help, but at this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly retracted the sword and retreated, directly fighting close to him. The arm of the famous Zhang family martial artist with the sword was torn directly, and his head was chopped off with one knife!

The crimson qi in the hands of the person behind him condensed and attacked behind Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu turned around and blasted out the big Ziyang hand. With a purple-black color, the Ziyang Demonic Flame entered his body, and the powerful force burst out, causing him to scream miserably.


The boss of the Zhang family shouted loudly, and ran away frantically with another warrior.

But at this moment, the red-sleeved sword in Chu Xiu's hand came out of his hand, and threw it with the mighty force of a blue dragon going out to sea. The force of the sun and the moon burst out, and the strong blood suffocated on the body of the sword, although it was not Astral Qi, but it can also be indirectly separated from the body!

The boss of the Zhang family subconsciously slashed out with a sword, wanting to hit the red sleeved knife in the side, but who knew that the **** aura on the red sleeved knife was a few feet away from him, and it exploded with a bang, directly knocking the long sword in his hand. The sword slammed into the air, the blade pierced into the chest of the boss of the Zhang family, and nailed it to the pillar in the hall!

At this time, the last warrior was about to escape from the room, and his eyes flashed with endless horror. The man in front of him was simply powerful and terrifying. He was also in the Inner Astral Realm, but their Zhang family fought alone, and even Even the opponent's three moves are difficult to follow, now with four enemies and one, the result is still easily beheaded by the opponent.

But it doesn't matter, if someone else dies, he can still live!

There are still thousands of disciples in their Zhang family. As long as they can escape and shout, let alone the other party is only an inner gangster, even if the other party is a martial artist from the outer gang realm, they can use their lives to kill the other party!

But the moment he pushed open the door of the conference hall, Chu Xiu's figure was like a maggot attached to his bones, clinging to his back, and directly twisted the opponent's arm with the big abandoned son's hand, and threw it back. Go to the meeting room.

In less than a cup of tea, three of the Zhang family had already died.

The person who had been hit by Chu Xiu's hand of destroying Da Ziyang could have been immortal, but unfortunately he killed himself. He didn't realize the horror of this domineering Ziyang Demon Flame, and he even wanted to use his true energy to strangle Ziyang with all his strength. Demon flame, but it also triggered the eruption of Ziyang Demon Flame, and finally completely tore the opponent's heart.

The Zhang family survivor, whose arms were twisted off, said in a trembling voice: "Why did the Qinglong Society take action against my Zhang family? Let me live, my Zhang family is willing to give anything!"

In fact, the reason is not important at the moment. Anyway, there is only one inner gang left in the Zhang family. The three elders simply don't know if they are alive or dead. It is more important to save their lives first.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I ask, you answer, it's as simple as that, don't have any nonsense."

The martial artist from the Inner Astral Realm nodded again and again.

"Do you Zhang family have half a piece of jade slips?"

The Zhang Family's Inner Astral Martial Artist thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes."

"What's it like?"

The Zhang family's Inner Astral Martial Artist frowned tightly and thought about it. There are so many things in their Zhang family's treasury, how can he remember everything clearly?

After thinking about it for a long time, the Zhang family's Inner Astral Martial Artist hesitated: "It seems to be amber, it looks very extraordinary, only the elders know the specific origin."

"Where is the jade slip of the kung fu?"

The Zhang family's Inner Astral Martial Artist hurriedly said: "In the treasure house of my Zhang family, there are disciples of my Zhang family guarding the door. You can't get in at all if you are an outsider, and you will be discovered if you forcefully enter. Let me go out, I will bring the things to you, you can rest assured that my martial arts have been abolished, and I will definitely not play tricks with you."

"You really won't play tricks with me?" Chu Xiu asked.

The martial artist from the Zhang Family's Inner Astral Realm nodded again and again.

"It's a good thing to say, but unfortunately I don't believe it."

The words fell, and Chu Xiu directly slapped the opponent's chest with a palm, and the Ziyang Demon Flame entered his body. Even though Chu Xiu's palm was not strong, it made the other party endure the pain of the demon flame burning his body, lying on the ground and wailing constantly. .

It's just that because of the soundproof formation, no one outside can hear the noise, no matter how loud the noise is on his side.

When the Zhang Family's Inner Astral Martial Artist was so painful that he could no longer feel it, he didn't even have the strength to mourn and could only twitch on the ground. Chu Xiu shot and pulled out the Ziyang Demonic Flame. .

Lifting the warrior's head, the Heaven and Earth Destroying Soul Dafa was cast out. Chu Xiu's eyes were like an abyss, constantly engulfing the warrior's spirit, and the period fell into it unconsciously.

Chu Xiu's method of destroying and moving the soul can only be regarded as a small success. It is basically impossible to completely control a martial artist in the Inner Astral Realm. Therefore, after the opponent has been completely tortured and collapsed, he will start when the opponent's spirit is the most weakened.

"Is the Chuan Gong jade slip in the treasure house of your Zhang family?"

The martial artist stumbled and said, "No, there are only training resources that are usually needed in the treasure house. The truly precious treasures are all on the second floor of the secret room below the back mountain."

"How to enter the secret room?"

"The secret room has two floors. The keys on the six of us can be added together to enter the first floor. The second floor requires the keys from the three elders."

After speaking, Chu Xiu directly shattered the opponent's heart with a palm.

Just now, Chu Xiu didn't know whether what the other party said was true or not, but he was suspicious by nature, and he always had to verify it himself before starting.

Now that this is the case, this Zhang family's martial artist is really playing tricks, if you let him go or leave by will attract a large number of Zhang family disciples.

It's a pity that he didn't expect Chu Xiu to have such a wonderful skill as the Heavenly Destruction and Soul-Transferring Dafa. After being restrained by Chu Xiu, if he wanted to lie, it would be better to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

Of course, in front of Chu Xiu, even if he wanted to commit suicide, he probably had little hope.

After collecting the keys from those six people, Chu Xiu secretly said a pity.

The three Zhang family elders also had keys on their bodies, but it was not Chu Xiu who searched their bodies, and they didn't think of it at the time, so the keys were naturally destroyed.

However, Chu Xiu's goal is now only the jade slip, which will be passed on.

Sneak all the way to the secret room in the back mountain of Zhang's family, there is no one to look after it.

For a clan like the Zhang family, which has been passed down for several generations, the skill of the three caves of the cunning rabbit is a must. , for emergency use.

The secret room on the first floor is not large, only a few feet in size, and various things inside are kept in secret boxes or other precious materials as containers.

Chu Xiu turned around, most of them were ordinary things, and the real boutique should be on the second floor. Unfortunately, with his current strength, even if he wanted to forcibly smash the door of the secret room, it was almost impossible.

The half of the jade slips that passed the skills were also on this floor. They just kept it in a secret box and put it aside. Obviously, the Zhang family in Daishan County didn't pay much attention to this thing, and they just threw it into a corner at will. .

After sweeping away everything in the Zhang family's secret room, Chu Xiu turned around and left, setting a fire in the Zhang family's meeting room.


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