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Chapter 1152: Cold River City, Ye Tianqing

Hanjiang City is a big sect, but it is also a small sect.

Because the sphere of influence of Hanjiang City is not even one-third the size of Emperor Tiange.

Eighty percent of the sects in Da Luotian are ancient sects that have been inherited for more than 10,000 years. Like Hanjiang City, which has only risen in the last few hundred years, there are very few. Therefore, Hanjiang City can only rely on Huangtian Pavilion, Lingxiaozong, etc. The big sect grabbed the power in the hands.

Lingluo County used to belong to the Lingxiao Sect, but now it belongs to Hanjiang City, and now Hanjiang City also wants to make Cangwu County theirs.

Over the years, the strength of Huangtian Pavilion can be said to be less than a year, and the control of Huangtian Pavilion over Cangwu County is also declining year by year, so the layout of Hanjiang City in the entire Cangwu County is not a year or two. The Luno Department was developed with the support of Hanjiang City.

After receiving this news, many warriors in Hanjiang City were very angry.

Without them, what would be the difference between Luno and other barbarians who drank blood in the jungle? It was because of their Hanjiang City that they could reach this point.

As a result, Lu Nuo's department now dares to threaten them to take action. I didn't expect that these simple and honest-looking barbarians are also very treacherous and cunning.

Everyone present looked at the middle-aged warrior in the first seat.

The man was wearing a Taoist robe, and he looked quite immortal.

There is no county guard in Hanjiang City, but the other party is the ruler of the entire Lingluo County, and also the elder of Hanjiang City, Ye Tianqing, who planned the barbarian riots.

Ye Tianqing has two identities. He is the nephew of Ye Weikong, the current city owner of Hanjiang City.

The other identity is Gu Zun strong, the named disciple of Xinghe Loose Man Meng Xinghe.

The strength of his cultivation has been taught by Ye Weikong and Meng Xinghe, two martial immortals, which is very extraordinary.

Seeing the news at this time, Ye Tianqing said solemnly, "These greedy barbarians should indeed be educated.

Let them know that one must never be greedy in life.

However, education is also a matter of the future. It is time to make a move, and we still have to make a move.

Among the entire Nanman tribes, there are not many who originally intended to take refuge in Hanjiang City like the Lunuo tribe.

At this time, if we sit back and watch the Lunuo clan be destroyed, and then cultivate a Lunuo clan, it will be a bit laborious.

For the time being, we will solve their enemies first, and then wait for Hanjiang City to completely control Cangwu County, and then settle the account with those barbarians! "

The other warriors in Hanjiang City nodded, and then the warrior who read the news suddenly said: "Elder, before we entered Nanman, we all entered from Nan'an Mansion.

However, I heard that the newly arrived county governor has re-incorporated Nan'an House into the Huangtian Pavilion again, or should we take a detour from the Southern Region? "

Ye Tianqing waved his hand and said: "Detouring to the southern region, even at our speed, it will take more than ten days of work, don't go to the place, the Lunuo tribe will be exterminated.

I have heard of the new county governor from Cangwu County. Recently, it has been very popular in the East Domain. He is a descendant of Gu Zun, and he once defeated Xuanyuan Wushuang of Ling Xiaozong in public.

But this kid is young after all. Does he think everyone is a lore person from Xinghe? Even dare to accept any position.

He shouldn't have come to Cangwu County, and at the same time, Huangtian Pavilion sent a real fire-refining warrior to Cangwu County, which is enough to prove the weakness of Huangtian Pavilion.

Since the old pavilion master went into seclusion, the two heroes of Huangtian Pavilion were at odds, no one in the middle-aged generation could carry the tripod, and in the younger generation, Lu Sanjin was not bad, but only good.

The Huangtian Pavilion is nothing to worry about, then you don't need to care about the identity of Gu Zun's successor, just enter it from Nan'an Mansion, I see what he can do! "

Ye Tianqing is not arrogant, but confident.

In fact, at the beginning, Hanjiang City was just trying to nibble on Cangwu County's territory, but the last generation of the county governor may have been old, and he gave priority to stability and gave in step by step.

This approach also boosted the arrogance of Hanjiang City, and in the end it was directly designed to kill it.

Later, Li Wuxiang came in person, which really made Ye Tianqing and others feel uneasy, and even prepared to ask Ye Weikong to take action.

As a result, Li Wuxiang didn't directly turn against them, but only slaughtered several barbarian tribes to vent their anger, which also allowed Hanjiang City to see the reality of Huangtian Pavilion.

It's not that Huangtian Pavilion doesn't want to tear its face, but it can't tear its face!

With this level of confidence, let alone Chu Xiu, even if it is Lu Sanjin who is walking in the Eastern Region or an old-fashioned Heaven and Earth Profound Realm expert like Xie Yingzong, they will not be afraid.

In Nan'an Mansion, Xu Fengshan and the others were all confused, and they didn't know why Chu Xiu called them here.

Chu Xiu was the least responsible for the county governor they had ever met, but at the same time, although Chu Xiu's delegating power made them a little uncomfortable in the early stage, they saw that the barbarians in Cangwu County finally settled down. After that, they still felt very relaxed.

But this time Chu Xiu called all of them, together with the main warriors of Cangwu County, to the Nan'an Mansion, and they were really confused.

Could it be that Chu Xiu wanted to exterminate those barbarians?

Xu Fengshan dared to ask: "Sir, what are we going to do?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "People in Hanjiang City will cross the border. Cangwu County is the area of ​​my Emperor's Pavilion. How can people in Hanjiang City come here if they say it?"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment. Xu Fengshan asked, "Will the people in Hanjiang City cross the line? They come to my Cangwu County for no reason? Where did your lord get the news?"

Chu Xiu pointed to his head and said, "Intuition."

Everyone present was speechless, but no one dared to say a word.

In fact, Chu Xiu didn't lie to them, he really relied on intuition.

Once the barbarian gang started fighting, they would almost never die. As a result, Luno's team stopped fighting halfway and even erected a defensive formation. How could they do this if they didn't have a hole card?

Thinking about the death of the county guard in the previous generation, and the equipment of Lu Nuo's department, Chu Xiu is 90% sure that Hanjiang City will intervene in this matter.

For Chu Xiu, it is not important to find the way back to the lower realm within the range of Lunuo. What is important is that the way back to the lower realm is the land of the southern barbarians, so the entire land of the southern barbarians has become a place in Chu Xiu's heart. After his ban, he can't allow others to interfere, and Hanjiang City is no different!

Xu Fengshan and others all looked helpless. They didn't know what Chu Xiu was going to do, but they had to wait here with Chu Xiu.

However, on the second day, Ke Cha hurriedly came to report: "Sir, there are disciples reporting that the people from Hanjiang City have indeed crossed the border, and at this time they have entered the area of ​​Nan'an Prefecture!"

Xu Fengshan and others were stunned for a moment, Hanjiang City really came.

At the same time, several people also glanced at Ke Cha subconsciously. When did this kid become Master Chu's confidant? During this time, it seemed that Master Chu was taking him with him.

Aware of the gazes of several people, Ke Cha gave a wry smile.

His confidant was not voluntary, but forced.

Chu Xiu ignored their thoughts and waved his hand: "Do it!"

On the border of Nan'an Mansion, Ye Tianqing looked at the dilapidated Nan'an Mansion, he couldn't help shaking his head and said: "The Emperor's Pavilion is already old, such a state house on the border with the land of Nanman obviously has a lot of uses, but it was destroyed by Emperor Tian. Abandoned pavilion, what a waste.

In the future, Hanjiang City will take over this place and conduct large-scale trade with the barbarians. On the one hand, it can enhance its own strength, and on the other hand, it can also restrict those stupid barbarians to death. "

At this moment, a cold voice came: "Even if Cangwu County belongs to your Hanjiang City in the future, but now, this place is under my control!"

Ye Tianqing frowned when he saw that Chu Xiu brought hundreds of elite warriors from Huangtian Pavilion here.

Someone had reminded him before that the new governor of Cangwu County was not a good person.

Although Ye Tianqing despised Chu Xiu, he kept a low profile and brought only a dozen people, which was enough to solve the affairs of Lu Nuo's department anyway.

In the end, who would have thought that Chu Xiu seemed to be waiting for him here, how did he know that he was coming here?

Ye Tianqing was only slightly stunned, and then laughed loudly: "Cangwu County Governor Chu Xiu, little friend Chu?

Pindao has heard of your name Chu Speaking of which, you and I have some origins.

Chu Xiaoyou, you are a descendant of Gu Zun, and I am a lay disciple of the lineage of Xinghe Loan Ren. It can be said that they are all descendants of Gu Zun.

What the Emperor Tiange looks like, Chu Xiaoyou, you should be able to see clearly after you have been here for so long.

Decayed, the building will collapse!

There is no hope for this kind of sect.

Why don't you join me in Hanjiang City, little friend Chu, what I can give you in Hanjiang City is definitely more than Huangtian Pavilion! "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, this Ye Tianqing is a strange one, he obviously came to question him, but he came to recruit him instead.

If it was changed to the previous one, maybe Chu Xiu would agree with one sip. Anyway, he and Huangtian Pavilion are a deal, and he will go wherever the price is more.

But now that I learned that the way back to the lower realm is in the land of Nanman, Chu Xiu had already settled down on the position of the county governor of Cangwu County, and he had to hold it firmly in his hands.

Chu Xiu smiled, Ye Tianqing also smiled, he thought that Chu Xiu was already moved.

"Gu Zun's successor? You are also worthy. It's still too late to retreat now."

The smile on Ye Tianqing's face gradually disappeared: "What did you say?"

Chu Xiu took a step forward and said expressionlessly: "I said, you are also worthy of saying that you are the descendant of Gu Zun? Gu Zun has always had only one descendant, the others are all eliminated, just trash!

You are just a lay disciple, and you are not even as good as a knockout who used to be an official successor. You are worthy of putting gold on your face with this title?

Also, this place is under my control, no matter if you are in Hanjiang City or a major sect, if you don't retreat at this time, then leave your life here! "


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