Meet The Leader

Chapter 1157: way home

Ke Cha was actually a little confused, because he didn't know where the Ige Department had provoked Lord Chu again, so he could not wait to kill him.

So he didn't delay on his side, and even followed the Hei Luo Department directly to destroy it, and then rushed to send the head over, using the fastest speed, he was almost a **** escape.

Ke Cha was the one who had the most contact with Chu Xiu among so many warriors in Cangwu County, but it was precisely because he had so many contacts that he knew how terrifying Chu Xiu was and did not dare to disobey Chu Xiu's words.

Chu Xiu asked him to send the head before noon, and he had to send the head before noon, and he didn't dare to delay at all.

After he finally delivered everything, he realized that Lu Sanjin and Lin Canghai were also here.

He didn't recognize Lin Canghai, so he still had a confused look on his face.

Lin Canghai looked at the two heads in the box. He had played against the head of the Yige tribe, so he naturally recognized each other.

Because of this, he couldn't hide the horror in his heart.

He was a powerhouse who could almost be compared to the realm of the human race, and he was also the patriarch of a big clan in the southern barbarian land. As a result, he died here just because of his angry words yesterday. How can you look at this scene, it seems a bit mysterious .

He raised his head with difficulty, looked at Chu Xiu in disbelief, and asked, "How did you do it?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Elder Lin, don't care how I did it, everything I did in the land of the southern barbarians was not enough for my job?

I did what other county governors should do, and I did what other county governors should not do.

But just after killing a Ye Tianqing, Huangtian Pavilion still wants to tell me what to say? Simply ridiculous!

It's very boring to be a guest of honor. Since the Emperor's Pavilion is in charge of what I want to say, that's fine. If it's a big deal, I'll go back to the old forest in Morishan to do ascetic cultivation, and you can just put the blame on me. "

Lin Canghai hurriedly said, "Sir Chu wait a minute, I didn't mean that.

It's just that the situation in the Huangtian Pavilion is in critical condition, so I panicked.

You can rest assured, I will report everything you did in Cangwu County to the above, and I will never let you be wronged by Master Chu. "

After speaking, Lin Canghai left in a hurry, for fear that Chu Xiu would say something like leaving the Emperor's Pavilion.

Lin Canghai was just an old-fashioned and rigid personality, not an idiot who didn't know how to do good things.

To be able to decide the life and death of a large tribe in one word in the land of the southern barbarians, like Chu Xiu, can be said to be something that the pavilion masters of the Huangtian Pavilion in all dynasties have not done.

Although he didn't know how Chu Xiu did it, based on Chu Xiu's performance today, if he forced Chu Xiu away, when he returned to the Emperor's Pavilion, he would not get a reward, but is to blame.

Although Lin Canghai left, Lu Sanjin did not.

He looked at Chu Xiu with a look of shame and said, "Brother Chu, I'm sorry, this time the pavilion master and others have gone too far."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "The pavilion owner is the pavilion owner, you are you, I can still distinguish this point.

But what I am puzzled is that the upper level of Huangtian Pavilion really can't hold on, and they don't even have the strength to fight against Hanjiang City? "

Lu Sanjin smiled bitterly and said, "It was there before, but it's gone now.

The old pavilion owner is more than five hundred years old, and he can't move. He even told me that the power of the old pavilion owner is not even as good as that of planting autumn water.

Therefore, in the entire Huangtian Pavilion, the only Martial Immortal who can really handle it is the pavilion master. "

"How many Martial Immortals are there in Hanjiang City?" Chu Xiu suddenly asked.

"Only Ye Weikong is alone."

"In the past at the peak of Huangtian Pavilion, he alone made Huangtian Pavilion dare not do it?"

Lu Sanjin said helplessly: "Although Ye Weikong is only one person, at the time of his peak, he was already approaching the seventh heaven, even if the old pavilion master is still in his prime, he is not his opponent.

And most importantly, there is a Meng Xinghe behind him, who is his life and death brother.

Although Meng Xinghe is now in the mountains and forests, no one has stipulated that he will not be able to leave the mountains. "

Regarding the realm of Martial Immortal, Chu Xiu has already understood it clearly in the classics. In Cangwu County, there are some leftovers from the previous county governor, and many of the sermons of strong Martial Immortals are collected, although they are all general martial arts. , but it is also helpful to Chu Xiu, at least it can broaden his horizons.

Realms like Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, whether it is the lower realm or Daluotian, are roughly divided into several levels, almost all of which are expressed in the early stage, middle stage, great perfection, peak, etc. There are people in Dingtian who are too powerful. Too powerful, it is called a half-step martial arts, but this has nothing to do with realm, but refers to its combat power.

And when it reaches the realm of Martial Immortals, perhaps this is the pinnacle of Martial Dao, so the warriors of Daluotian have divided it into extremely detailed, and there are a total of nine heavens.

Martial arts are like ascending to the sky, one step at a time.

Nine is the number of extremes, surpassing the nine heavens, can only reach the legendary supreme state.

There is no detailed record of how many heavenly warriors in the Daluotian Empire are.

In fact, from Chu Xiu's point of view, the division of the Nine Heavens is a bit too meticulous. Maybe some people can use a little bit of trump card to have a fighting power that surpasses the First Heaven.

However, whether it is normal combat power or the combat power of using the trump card, if it can reach the realm close to the seventh heaven, it is regarded as a master of martial arts.

In addition to just stepping into the realm of Martial Immortals and needing to be familiar with the realm of the first layer, most of the martial arts powerhouses are between the second layer and the fifth layer, and Ye Weikong is close to the seventh layer.

But at this time, Chu Xiu suddenly thought of Dugu only me, how many days is Dugu only me? Is it the Nine Heavens? Or the legendary supreme realm?

Lu Sanjin was stunned when he saw Chu Xiu there, and thought that Chu Xiu was still angry with what the Emperor Tiange did, but Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Brother Lu, don't need to say more, I understand, but you also pay me In the end, what are you going to do before the Emperor's Pavilion?"

Lu Sanjin was a little ashamed and said, "Before, Huangtian Pavilion was going to force Chu Xiu to bring out your master to deal with Hanjiang City."

Chu Xiu sneered in his heart, Huangtian Pavilion was a good idea, thinking that if he invited a guest like him, he could still earn a Martial Immortal.

However, Chu Xiu was not too angry. Anyway, he was using Huangtian Pavilion to use each other.

After comforting Lu Sanjin a few words, Chu Xiu showed great generosity, which moved Lu Sanjin very much.

Sure enough, Gu Zun's successor's arrogance is not ordinary, Chu brother's broad-mindedness is compared with their Huangtian Pavilion's calculations, but it makes Lu Sanjin feel even more ashamed.

After the people from Huangtian Pavilion were sent away, Chu Xiu was not worried about what would happen to Hanjiang City.

Although Huangtian Pavilion is weakened now, it is not weakened to the point where there is no room for resistance. Unless they are so cowardly that they hand over Chu Xiu to avenge their crimes, they will find another way.

For the current Chu Xiu, all his thoughts are on the passage leading to the lower realm.

Let Xu Fengshan and others go as usual, while he went to Nanman, within the sphere of influence where Luno's department was before.

This time, Chu Xiu didn't let anyone follow him, he just asked Hei Jie and others to block the entire area again, not allowing outsiders to come and go.

Standing in the forest, Chu Xiu touched his chin, pondering constantly, even substituting himself into the former barbarian warrior.

The barbarian warrior in the past discovered the way to the Nether, so how did the other party find out?

Five hundred years ago, he was expelled from the tribe because of his bloodline, and became a wandering barbarian warrior walking alone in the jungle.

For him, his only reliance is his ancestors. Even though his bloodline is no longer pure, his reverence for his ancestors has not diminished in the slightest.

So whenever he sacrificed to his ancestors, or when he felt lonely, he would come to this ancestral land and silently tell his ancestors the loneliness and pain he suffered.

This time will not be too much or too little, so he should find a place to rest. There is a high probability that when he is looking for a place to rest, he finds that place.

And that place must also be remote, with nothing of value around it.

The Luno Ministry has occupied this area for more than a hundred but they haven't found the passage to the lower realm. It is conceivable that the place should belong to them and can't even look at it. The place.

While thinking about it, Chu Xiu pushed the power of the emperor's qi technique to the maximum, and his mental power was rapidly consumed, but Chu Xiu's spiritual sense had also reached its peak. Within a radius of ten miles, even if it was a flying insect, he can all be noticed.

Although there was no abnormal change in this area in Chu Xiu's perception, he had an intuition that what he was looking for was right here.

After searching here and there for two full days, Chu Xiu didn't even let go of a stream, and finally let him find the most possible place.

It was a low mountain that a small river passed through, and it couldn't even be called a mountain, just a big lump.

I don’t know what’s going on, other areas are all lush and green, just here is bare, only some weeds grow, and there is no value at all, even people from Luno’s department will not come to this kind of place for hunting.

Chu Xiu walked around the low mountain, found a crack that only one person could pass through, and walked in. Instantly, Chu Xiu's eyes lit up.

The space in the depth of the crack is not big, but it is a small cave, and there are traces of life in the fire.

However, the cave was so big, but there was nothing unusual in it. Chu Xiu let go of his spiritual perception and found nothing wrong.

Chu Xiu frowned and said to himself, "Could it be that I guessed wrong?"

While thinking about it, he subconsciously groped on the wall of the cave. At this moment, the apparently complete wall was rippling like a ripple, and Chu Xiu was directly inhaled into it.



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