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Chapter 1162: The background of the Daguang Temple is obvious, Chu Xiu cut the Buddha with two swor

PS: Thanks to the book friend Black Tiger Forward for the reward of 100,000 starting coins, congratulations on becoming the twenty-eighth leader of this book ^_^

What is the background of a top school?

Some people say it's talent, some people say it's resources.

But in the eyes of Daguang Temple, the real heritage is actually time.

These dozens of old monks who seem to be very old, and some even exude twilight and death, they are the true heritage of the Great Light Temple!

Some of these people used to be the first of the three major meditation halls, some of them were the first of the six martial arts academies, and some, even if they were not the first, were also the powerhouses in each hall.

After they felt that their strength began to decline, they left their positions to a new generation of warriors, and they went to retreat to practice in the Bodhi Forest.

There is no greed for power, no sense of injustice, etc. This is a habit accumulated over time, a habit that has been cultivated in Daguang Temple for thousands of years.

If there is no foreign invasion, they will only be a tablet enshrined in each hall, leaving the relics to continue to guard the Great Bright Temple.

But if there is an invasion by foreign enemies, they will be the last protection in the Daguang Temple, and burn the last drop of hard work for the Daguang Temple!

One of the old monks looked up at Shang Tianliang, with no sadness or joy, no fear or fear on his face.

He turned to Zong Xuan and said, "Zong Xuan, you are the future of my Daguang Temple and the future of Buddhism.

We are old, and it is an honor to fight for the final battle for Daguang Temple.

Remember this power. In the future, Daguang Temple will rely on you to revitalize it! "

As the old monk's voice fell, dozens of old monks formed seals together, but all of them were of the same seal.

Shang Tianliang felt that something was wrong. With a wave of his hand, the wind and clouds swept through the air, turning into an edgeless blade and falling, but he was instantly bounced off by the powerful Buddha light.

At this time, these Buddha light powers were all integrated into Zong Xuan's body, so that Zong Xuan's power began to skyrocket. Almost in an instant, his whole person was shrouded in the boundless Buddha light, and he even reached the point where he could not see his figure clearly. At this point, only a group of dazzling Buddha light can be seen.

Zong Xuan closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, only two colors appeared in front of him, the golden Buddha light and other gray-white powers.

That power was something he never possessed. He didn't know if it was the power of heaven and earth, but he only knew that this power was enough for him to fight against Shang Tianliang, enough for him to be qualified to guard the Daguang Temple!

Ming Wang's seal fell again, like a landslide, like the sky falling.

The phantoms of King Ming have evolved in a thousand ways. There are King Ming of Great Wisdom, King Ming of Suppressing Prisons, and King Ming of Unmoving. All kinds of King Ming phantoms have finally condensed into one appearance, majestic and angry, and slaying evil and slaughtering demons!

The expression on Shang Tianliang's face was dignified. This kind of power was already comparable to the existence of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, and even more so.

His Kurong punch fell again, and the power beyond time collided with Zongxuan's Ming Wangyin, and suddenly a huge wave of shock erupted.

When Xu Ci saw this scene, a demon-subduing pestle appeared in his hand, completely annihilating the power of Chu Xiu's knife, and said coldly: "For thousands of years, there are not many people who want to destroy my Daguang Temple, you Chu Hugh is neither the first nor the last, but my Daguang Temple is still standing on the peak of the Northland."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, the heritage accumulated by the Daguang Temple for ten thousand years is indeed amazing, but you must know that Abbot Xuci, there is never anything, it is absolute."

After returning from Da Luotian, Chu Xiu's growth was not only his strength, but also his vision.

In Daluotian, there are not only martial arts experts everywhere, at least every top faction has a martial arts leader.

Having seen more than one Martial Immortal and killed more than one powerhouse in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, Chu Xiu's vision was undoubtedly much higher.

Chu Xiu might have been surprised by the things that Daguang Temple has brought out now, but now, he feels nothing, even full of loopholes!

The next moment, Chu Xiu said solemnly to Shang Tianliang: "Mall owner, hold on, the strength of these old monks won't last long, until the end, every time one dies, the strength they can condense becomes weaker. Minute!"

Shang Tianliang grinned at Zong Xuan's fierce battle at this time. He was not inferior to the other party, but Zong Xuan's style of play was completely the same as desperate.

Anyway, the power is not Zong Xuan's own, he hardly has to worry about the power backlash and other issues, and now it is a battle of annihilation, if he doesn't work hard, can he still keep his hand? So in the end, it was Shang Tianliang who was suppressed.

Wen Yan Shang Tianliang just snorted: "I also know to hold on, but the key is do you think they will give me this chance?"

On the Daguang Temple side, some old monks may feel that their power is being consumed extremely, so they would rather risk the pain of burning their blood and burning the primordial spirit, and also burst out the greatest power to provide Zongxuan.

So at this time, it was not when they were the weakest, but when they were the strongest.

Wei Shuya was also entangled with the formation, Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Elder Wei, attack the southwest, where Xu Jing is located.

Although the three of them have integrated the power of the formation into one, Xu Jing is good at calculus, and is the worst in terms of strength. Attacking his position can make the formation unbalanced! "

Wei Shuya nodded and immediately began to attack Xu Jing's position.

Seeing that Chu Xiu said a few words, Xu Ci revealed the weaknesses of their Daguang Temple's trump card, which made Xu Ci's heart sink.

In fact, no martial arts in this world, any existence, are not perfect, and they have weaknesses. Their trump cards of Daguang Temple are naturally the same, and it is not surprising that they were discovered.

But Chu Xiu was able to discover the most vulnerable weakness so quickly. His intuition for fighting was terrifyingly sharp!

Xu Ci didn't dare to wait any longer. A dazzling Buddha light erupted from the demon-subduing pestle in his hand, and it crashed towards Chu Xiu.

He slashed with a knife, breaking the word and the meaning of the sword fused with misty slash. Every time Chu Xiu fell, he shot with all his strength. The powerful heaven and earth vitality was wrapped around him, like a storm, which directly suppressed Xu Ci and could not lift his head. .

The strength accumulated in Da Luotian's practice for a year makes Chu Xiu completely comparable to the powerhouses in the realm of heaven and earth.

Squeezing the seal with his hand, a magical image of a Buddha appeared behind Chu Xiu.

On the right is the Great Dark God, and on the left is the Great Sun Tathagata.

Combining the two, the boundless Buddha's light and the world-annihilating fire will shroud the emptiness of compassion.

Although Chuxiu in Daluotian had never seen the Tianluo Temple take action, the inheritance of the Daguang Temple should come from the lineage of the Tianluobaosha in Daluotian.

Brahma religion and Tianluobaosha have been fighting for many years before ancient times, and in the Daluotian, they have been fighting for ten thousand years. It was created to fight against the Tianluobaosha, and it restrained the opponent's practice.

Therefore, Chu Xiu's use of the world-annihilating fire is also the same as restraining Xu Ci's martial arts of Daguang Temple.

The most important thing is that Chu Xiu is also proficient in orthodox Buddhist martial arts, and he knows himself and his enemies. He is even more restrained in the martial arts of Daguang Temple.

Xu Ci frowned, and thousands of Buddha kingdoms reappeared all over his body. Whether it was Buddha light or the fire of destroying the world, he directly swallowed all of them, digested them, and strangled them.

The next moment, an endless edge shone out from the middle of the two-faced Buddha, and the knife that broke for a while had an indomitable momentum, tearing the whole world's momentum and slashing towards Xu Ci.

At the same time, he displayed two supreme martial arts, which was also cultivated by Chu Xiu in Da Luotian, and he had a strong control over martial arts.

Although Xu Ci was surprised, he was clenching the demon pestle with both hands, and the power around him exploded to the extreme in an instant.

The demon-subduing pestle fell against the blade, and a loud noise suddenly erupted.

But the next moment, Xu Ci felt something was wrong.

He had collided with Chu Xiu a few times before, although there were only a few moves, but out of his intuition for the martial artist, he felt that this time, Chu Xiu's breakout was a bit wrong, not the previous feeling.

The next moment, Xu Ci's eyes burst into a dazzling Buddha's light, collided with his demon-subduing pestle, where was the break? It was a machete with cracks and notches, like a full moon!


Xu Ci's heart was suddenly filled with horror.

He couldn't believe it, that he was unknowingly hit by Chu Xiu's illusion.

In fact, Chu Xiu learned this trick from Mahaliha. UU reading

What Xu Ci thought was right, Chu Xiu's talent and sensitivity in combat were simply terrifying.

Even if Chu Xiu recalled the powerful illusion technique of Mahaliha's condensed illusion, he would feel shocked. That battle could be said to be a loss, and the victory or defeat could be decided.

Therefore, Chu Xiu also found time to study the illusion of Maha Liha, after all, his spiritual power is not weak.

Although he could not condense illusions into reality like Mahaliha, making everything virtual and real, and couldn't touch the root at all, but in the fierce battle, he used his powerful mental power to subtly change shape and shadow, and he It can still be done.

He didn't know the name of Maha Liha's practice, so Chu Xiu named it the Magic True Art.

Thousands of worlds, fantasy bubbles, which are true, which is false?

At this time, Xu Ci was not only horrified but also horrified when he saw the scimitar.

Because he guessed it from the shape of the machete, this is the magic sword of Dugu only me listening to the spring rain!

Chu Xiu actually got the magic knife to listen to the spring rain! Did he get it from the place where Dugu Yume and Ning Xuanji fought?

The messy thoughts echoed in Xu Ci's mind, but the next moment, his heart was already filled with crisis.

Because he suddenly reacted, why did Chu Xiu use illusion to replace the knife in his hand with Ting Chunyu? What about the other knife?

In an instant, the powerful Buddha light around Xu Ci suddenly burst out, and countless Sanskrit words lingered around him.

Almost at the same time, in the thick fire of destroying the world, the blade that broke for a while was revealed and slashed out. Most of the power was fighting against Ting Chunyu, and the blade was slashed in the center of the demon pestle, directly blocking it. cut off!


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