Meet The Leader

Chapter 1169: return without success

Cangwu County has been regarded by Chu Xiu as a prisoner, no one can do anything, and Hanjiang City is naturally the same.

Qi Wuhen looked at Chu Xiu, who was below him, without even the slightest hesitation. He attacked with all his strength, and he was stunned for a moment.

What the **** was this guy thinking? Does he really care about the relationship between Huangtian Pavilion and Hanjiang City, or is he just a reckless man who doesn't know how to work around and just fights and kills?

But now that Chu Xiu had already slashed, Qi Wuhen had no choice but to take it seriously because of the powerful sharpness implied by the blade, and he had no time to think about these things.

With a punch, everything around him was condensed into ice, as if every trace of moisture in the air was condensed into ice, exuding boundless sharpness before Chu Xiu's knife, but it was all torn apart.

The cold air in the air turned into a giant icy dragon, which fell against Chu Xiu's knife, and the dragon's tail swept across. Although it was torn apart by Chu Xiu's knife, it still managed to set the knife in the center. in the air.

Qi Wuhen now made a seal with one hand, and in that instant, Chu Xiu felt that the blood in his body was being frozen by ice.

This Qi Wuhen, he is afraid that he has already realized part of the power that belongs to the rules!

The next moment, Chu Xiu's whole body ignited two kinds of flames.

The real fire of internal power broke out directly, suppressing the cold air that was freezing blood in his body.

The other one is the fire that destroys the world, spreading along the ice dragon towards Qi Wuhen.

With a loud bang, the giant ice dragon exploded directly. Every shard was filled with extremely cold and powerful power, forcing Chu Xiu to appear behind him. All are gathered into it.

Qi Wuhen took a step back, with a look of surprise in his eyes: "No wonder you were able to kill Ye Tianqing, with such a powerful strength, I really don't know how you could cultivate at such an age.

And your inheritance even I can't see through, which lineage of Gu Zun are you?

But being able to control this kind of power, Ye Tianqing's death is not wrong. "

"Since he's not wronged, then you don't need to avenge him!"

The Sanliancheng Arrow in Chu Xiu's hand appeared, burning the fire of destroying the world, and the arrow with the ultimate power of annihilation shot towards Qi Wuhen, the power was astonishing.

"Although your power is evil, this kind of thing can't hurt me."

Qi Wuhen pointed out that there seemed to be no change in midair, but the void trembled for a while, and an ice flower condensed on top of the Sanlian City Arrow.

In an instant, starting from that little ice flower, the Sanliancheng Arrow was directly frozen in the air, and its power was frozen.

This is one of the secret skills of Hanjiang City, the Ice God Finger, which claims to be able to freeze the existence of any power.

But the next moment Qi Wuhen felt something was wrong.

The Ice God's Finger is not an unsolvable martial skill. The power that has been frozen by it must have some backlash, but he has not noticed any backlash. With Chu Xiu's strength, it should never be.

The next moment, a sense of crisis came, and layers of ice appeared around Qi Wuhen's body, shrouding him in it.

There was a loud bang, and an arrow of destroying Sanliancheng did not know when it had burst from behind him. It hit the layer of ice, and suddenly a monstrous fire of world-annihilation was ignited.

The ice shattered, but it was peeled off along with the world-destroying fire. Qi Wuheng said with a hint of horror in his eyes: "Illusion! You are actually good at illusion!"

What Chu Xiu used just now was the magic trick he learned from Maha, but unfortunately, he was not a Maha who majored in illusion, even if he had enough mental power, he couldn't use that kind of extremely natural magic. , to the extent that it can be condensed into reality.

The last time Chu Xiu was able to discover the Sanliancheng Arrow, it was because he had the Heavenly Seeking Qi technique.

But at the moment, Qi Wuhen had never practiced the secret technique of spiritual power, but he still discovered it. It seems that this trick Chu Xiu still needs to practice.

However, Chu Xiu didn't know that Qi Wuhen's shock was no less than his.

All the martial arts that Chu Xiu used before were of the extreme type, but now he can still use such a dangerous and bizarre illusion, it is hard to guard against.

Ye Tianqing is simply a waste, and dying has no value at all. Even this kind of Chu Xiu's basic martial arts is dead.

There was a faint blue light in Qi Wuhen's eyes, which was very strange.

This kind of strength, Chu Xiu, is enough for him to use all his strength. Just by probing, maybe he will even follow Ye Tianqing's footsteps if he is careless.

An extremely cold aura emanated from Qi Wuhen's body, and in an instant, the originally hot southern barbarian land suddenly snowed, just like the frozen scenery of the northern country.

Chu Xiu was slightly taken aback, domain? seems not.

This side of the world is still under the original rules, but Qi Wuhen abruptly used his own strength to speed up the rules, so that the southern barbarians in the summer began to snow, but what's the use? Show your strength is strong?

Before Chu Xiu could react, among the endless snowflakes, a human figure of several hundred meters had already emerged.

Countless snowflakes shrouded the whole body, and it fell with one punch, and the icy cold seemed to freeze the primordial spirit!

It was only at this moment that Chu Xiu understood that it was no wonder that Qi Wuhen wanted to be called the Ice God Monarch. What he inspired was the power of the ancient demon gods.

The ancient demon gods were born and nurtured by nature, and they themselves are a kind of the rules of heaven and earth.

It was this kind of power that Qi Wuhen used.

Seeing that the punch that was enough to freeze Yuanshen fell, Chu Xiu squeezed the seal with his hand, and the pure magic energy shrouded his body. The sky was crying and raining blood, the void was directly torn apart, and the huge and hideous devil directly stuck out his upper body. , grab the ice demon god!

In fact, strictly speaking, Chu Xiu's Heaven and Earth Crossing the Devil's Depression Great Compassion Mantra is very similar to the power Qi Wuhen is using now.

The power brought by the Great Compassion Mantra is the gathering of various evil and negative forces between heaven and earth. The demon **** summoned after the rain of blood and tears is just a manifestation of the gathering of forces.

The Great Compassion Fu was born in the primitive devil's cave. This kind of power is possessed in a warrior's body, so the Great Compassion Fu was born.

If this power was born in the Primordial Period, and no one has ever touched it, it might eventually become the body of such a born and raised devil.

Therefore, these two kinds of power can be traced back to the source, and they are actually a manifestation of the will of heaven and earth.

Chu Xiu's combat power has soared now, and Qi Wuhen is not an ordinary person, at least much stronger than Ye Tianqing, so at this time, no one can do anything.

But Qi Wuheng looked towards the other side, but his face turned black.

Because their people from Hanjiang City are being hanged and beaten.

Regarding the strength of Cangwu County, Qi Wuhen had already investigated it before, and he finally came to the conclusion that apart from Chu Xiu, everyone else was a mob.

Only Qin Zhong, who was the gatekeeper of Huangtian Pavilion in the past, can fight a little bit, and the others are simply vulnerable.

And now there are a few more people around Chu Xiu, and the strength is actually the best among the warriors of the same rank, and it can even be said to be the top existence.

The fierce-looking strong man, but his exercises are extremely strange, and he can control the power of qi and blood.

The strength of the young man in white clothes and holding the Fang Tianhua halberd is even more formidable and frightening, no worse than those who came from the great faction.

There are also two women who seem to be soft and delicate, one of them has the strength of the real fire refining the gods, and the cultivation method is different from the martial arts.

Although the other woman is weaker, her shot is even more ruthless, like an assassin walking in the dark. All are likely to be hit.

In the end, the strength of the most ordinary warriors was also at a higher level among warriors of the same rank. At least it would not be a problem to beat their warriors in Hanjiang City.

Qi Wuhen wanted to fight for his breath, but the result was that he was more and more suffocated.

With a cold snort, Qi Wuhen immediately broke free from the entanglement between him and Chu and shouted: "Go back!"

For some reason, the current Hanjiang City will not start a full-scale war with Huangtian Pavilion for the time being, so it is meaningless to continue fighting.

Qi Wuhen was not Ye Tianqing, so he didn't care about anything, and ended up burying his life in it.

Taking a deep look at Chu Xiu, Qi Wuhen didn't say anything in the end, just closed the city gate and retreated into the city.

The warriors in the surrounding Hanjiang City were silent, because strictly speaking, they were the ones holding back today.

Qi Wuhen hadn't used his trump card strength yet, and as a result, they couldn't hold on anymore.

But at this time, Qi Wuhen did not care about them, but immediately wrote a letter and sent it back to the headquarters of Hanjiang City.

This person, Chu Xiu, will definitely be the enemy of their Hanjiang City in the future!

Because Chu Xiu reminded him of a person, without him, there would be no person in Hanjiang City, 'Xinghe Loose People' Meng Xinghe!

The former Meng Xinghe, like the current Chu Xiu, entered Hanjiang City as Keqing, surrounded by a group of strong men and heroes, and finally helped Hanjiang City rise.

And how similar is the current Chu Xiu to the former Meng Xinghe? All of them are already terrifyingly powerful at such a young age, all of them are guest ministers of the great faction, and all of them are friends with their sect descendants.

Now, there are so many experts around him. This kind of scene, the more Qi Wuhen thinks about it, the more it resembles their Hanjiang City in the past.

Because of this, Hanjiang City rose, but what Qi Wuhen was worried about also declined.

This kind of successful Hanjiang City copying is enough, and there is no need for other sects to copy it a second time.

In his opinion, Chu Xiu's threat is even greater than the already twilight Huangtian Pavilion!


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