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Chapter 1176: Prestigious rivers and lakes, clearing the harvest

PS: Thanks to the book friends for blowing away the reward of Yundui’s 10,000 starting coins

Subhuti Temple had already won the battle against the Kunlun Demon Sect, but the rest could not catch up.

When it comes to the strength and cultivation of a single person, after all, it is the Subhuti Temple who wants to gain the upper hand. Ninety percent of the people who are trapped by the Six Path Buddha Rebirth Formation, and only relying on that one percent to chase and kill, that is not chasing and killing. is courting death.

Therefore, the people on Chuxiu's side immediately retreated and began to take over the Subhuti Temple.

At this time, Chu Xiu also walked slowly into the Subhuti Temple, with a black robe agitating against the wind, and there was a faint aura of blood spreading out.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chu Xiu is declaring sovereignty and showing off force.

But in fact, now Chu Xiu has been injured to the point where he can't even walk fast.

As for the blood evil spirit, this is true.

He has shed so much blood, and it is strange that there is no blood evil spirit.

After entering the Subhuti Temple, Lu Jianghe walked over with a strange face, made an appearance of wanting to pat Chu Xiu on the shoulder, and said, "I didn't expect that the monks in the Subhuti Temple were really destroyed. In your hands, you must know that five hundred years ago, they were..."

Before Lu Jianghe could finish his words, he saw Chu Xiu fall directly to the ground. He glanced at his hand in confusion, but he didn't use his qi, what does that mean? Touch porcelain?

Chu Xiu let out a long breath, and then took out a handful of medicinal pills and threw it into his mouth.

Outside, he didn't even dare to take pills, for fear of being seen weak.

Seeing Chu Xiu's appearance of being over-consumed, Mei Qinglian and Mu Ziyi both gathered around and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "The strength is backlash, and you can recover."

Lu Jianghe glanced at Chu Xiu, who were surrounded by Mei Qinglian and Mu Ziyi, and then glanced at Lu Fengxian, who was also over-exhausted and was attacked by power. , tsk tsk sighed: "The gap."

"The people under my Sacred Religion have suffered great losses?"

Wei Shuya shook his head and said, "It's not too big, but unfortunately, at the Subhuti Temple, the losses are not too big.

Before, they had the protection of Yutanbhara, and later they opened the Six Path Buddha Rebirth Formation, but in fact, they did not lose many people.

Most importantly, I suspect, Rama is not dead! "

Lu Jianghe also nodded and said, "I feel the same way.

Don't look at him, Monk Bukong, there is nothing special about him, but the immortal Zen practice of this old guy is extremely difficult to deal with, and even the former Wuxin Demon Venerable couldn't kill him.

Now he took the initiative to incarnate as a relic and took away the last trace of Rama's true spirit. He must have planned to sacrifice himself to save Rama's last trace of vitality. "

In the end, everyone saw the scene of the monk Bukong, but no one had the strength to stop it, so they could only watch Xiao Mohe and others escape with the relic who was suspected to be the true spirit of Rama.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "No problem, as long as the land of the southern barbarians is under our control.

The rest do not need to go back to Kunlun for the time being, but directly take over the entire Nanman land and expel all forces. "

Speaking of this, a trace of coldness appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes and said: "Under good words and persuasion, if the original intention is to leave, my holy teaching accepts him as a favor, and if he is unwilling to leave, kill!"

Most of the time, Chu Xiu is not so domineering.

For example, he controls Beiyan Wulin, and while collecting offerings, he also brings order and protection to them.

But this time, Chu Xiu had to be domineering, and the entire land of the southern barbarians had to be under his control.

For the rest of the time, Chu Xiu was recuperating in the land of Nanman. The overall situation had been decided, and everything in the outside world was left to Wei Shuya and the others.

In fact, it would be faster for Chu Xiu to go to Daluotian to recover from his injuries, after all, the energy of heaven and earth is abundant there.

But for Chu Xiu, the Daluotian place is also in danger.

In the lower realm, he is a demon master who is powerful enough to control the rivers and lakes, but in the place of Da Luotian, there are many people who can threaten him.

During the time when Chu Xiu was recuperating from his injuries, the wind direction on the rivers and lakes also changed completely.

The northern and southern Buddhist sects were destroyed one after another in the hands of Chu Xiu, and the entire rivers and lakes were shrouded in magic power.

The scene of the Kunlun Demon Sect's dominance in the world seems to be repeated five hundred years later.

Especially Feng Manlou, because of Chu Xiu's identity, Feng Manlou never listed Chu Xiu on the supreme list.

But after Chu Xiu destroyed Subhuti Temple, Feng Manlou immediately ranked Chu Xiu sixth on the Supreme List, below Ye Shaonan and above Lao Tianshi.

In fact, it stands to reason that Chu Xiu should be ranked above Ye Shaonan.

After all, the power of the Kunlun Demon Cult has completely surpassed the Moon Worship Cult.

However, Ye Shaonan has now refined the Demon Seed and has not yet exited the border. No one knows what his strength is.

If Feng Manlou had put Chu Xiu directly on top of Ye Shaonan, Feng Manlou would have been afraid that Chu Xiu would think that they were provoking the relationship between the two major factions of the Demon Dao, so he would not dare to mess around.

Right now, the whole arena is in a state of turmoil. After seeing Chu Xiu's shot, no one dares to guarantee that they have the strength to challenge Chu Xiu.

At this time, unless all the forces on the rivers and lakes are united, let go of prejudice, let go of any infighting, and fight against Chu Xiu regardless of the loss, then there will be a chance to win, otherwise, the power of one family alone will face Kunlun. There are only two results in the demon religion.

One is that the whole family is neat and tidy, and the other is to leave a little remnant.

Therefore, when Chu Xiu subsequently expelled the martial arts forces in the southern barbarian land, the resistance he encountered was almost negligible.

There were not many martial arts forces in Nanman, and even under the power of Chu Xiu, those who wanted to resist would simply be courting death.

The major sects were relieved to see that Chu Xiu had only expelled the martial arts forces from the land of Nanman, and they did not attack again after occupying Nanman.

Although they wouldn't naively think that Chu Xiuhui would just stop, at least they could give them a lot of preparation time.

A month later, in the Subhuti Meditation Center, Chu Xiu's injury was nearly 90 percent healed.

This kind of magical power is the power to control the rules between heaven and earth. If it is used without enough power, it is simply suicide.

After using the supernatural powers of Yunkaiyueming and Qingtian Zhaoying, Chu Xiu finally understood why Dugu only I, after seeing the supernatural powers of the heaven and earth, just threw it to Wuxin Demon Venerable, but didn't go there. The reason for using it.

It's not because Dugu alone can't comprehend the law, heaven and earth, but it's not necessary.

The magical powers that Dugu Wei I have must be more than this one. In Chu Xiu's view, the power of Fa, Tianxiang, and Earth is already a very amazing magical power. In Dugu Wei I's opinion, it may be the same, and he is naturally too lazy to practice. of.

After the injury was healed, Chu Xiu began to carefully turn around in the Subhuti Temple.

That time at Daguang Temple, Chu Xiu and others could say that they didn't get any benefit.

Although the old monk Xu Ci looked a little gentle on weekdays, he was really ruthless.

Not only did he want to drag them to death together, but he also directly destroyed the accumulation of thousands of years in the Daguang Temple.

And here at Subhuti Temple, Xiao Maha had been instructed by Rama before. If they were defeated, he would leave with the last inheritance of Subhuti Temple, so he also took away a lot of resources of the practice and medicine pills. kind of thing.

However, this huge sect has many things that cannot be taken away.

For example, some exercises are engraved on some buildings of the Subhuti Temple, and it is impossible to take away or destroy them in a hurry.

Of course, in the Subhuti Temple, the most valuable things are two things, one is the Wandering Bharat, and the other is the Subhuti Treasure Tree.

Yu Tan Bharat was only shattered by a petal by Lu Fengxian, the body is still there, as long as there is enough vitality, it can bloom.

The Subhuti Treasure Tree was shattered by Chu Xiu, but it was just an incarnation of power, and the main body was still intact.

The Subhuti Treasure Tree is equivalent to the existence of a rootless holy fire, which is naturally raised and will not be destroyed as long as the heaven and earth in this place exist.

In front of the Futu Pagoda of the Subhuti Temple, Chu Xiu stopped and looked at it for a while.

The Futu Pagoda was built by the eminent monks of the Subhuti Temple in successive dynasties, and it has been reinforced all the time. Each generation of abbots or eminent monks will leave their own understanding of the Buddhist Dharma in it.

So this thing is a treasure for Buddhist warriors, but for Chu Xiu, it's not that big.

And that worry Tan Bharat Chuxiu has also carefully observed, this thing is definitely a treasure of heaven and earth, but it is only a treasure of heaven and earth in Buddhism.

He thought about it for a while, and directly took out Master Yuan Ji and asked, "You said that this thing, can you refine the Supreme Divine Pill?"

Master Yuan Ji shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Chu Xiu frowned immediately when he heard the words: "I gave you the inheritance of the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable, but you told me, you don't know?"

Master Yuan Ji said with a look of grievance on his face when he heard the words: "Sir, you only taught me about formations and divination. How can I know about alchemy?"

Chu Xiu slapped his head, and then he remembered that he gave the magician the injustice of the medicine.

Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable is an almighty talent. He has always used Master Yuan Ji for that day Crying Demon Venerable, but now I remember that he is not Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable.

Then Chu Xiu asked people to find Feng Buping.

Feng Buping has also joined the Kunlun Demon Sect for a long time. When he was in Zhenwutang, he followed Chu Xiu.

This time, when they came to Nanman, Feng Buping also followed. If the disciples of the Kunlun Demon Sect were injured in the fierce battle, Feng Buping could immediately heal them.

After seeing this Utan Bharat, Feng Buping pondered for a while, and then said: "The Utan Bharat is the sacred flower of the Buddhist sect, such a level of heaven and earth treasure, I am afraid that the entire rivers and lakes will not be able to find a second one. It stands to reason that it is possible to use it to refine the Supreme Divine Pill.

But one is that Utanbhara must bloom to reach the peak of its power, and the effect of refining at this time cannot be guaranteed.

What's more, although the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable left behind the refining method of the Supreme Divine Pill, it was just an attempt, and it was a fluke. I am. "


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