Meet The Leader

Chapter 1185: Returning to the hometown, 9 phoenixes are in critical condition

PS: Thanks to the leader of the alliance, Lao Na, for the reward of 50,000 starting coins at the age of 18 this year

Lu Sanjin felt very strange about Chu Xiu's request.

Why is Chu Xiu still on the ground with Nanman?

The Huangtian Pavilion has divided Cangwu County into such a large area, purely because it cannot control the land of Nanman.

Those barbarians are very troublesome. Even in the later stage, even the prefectures of Nan'an Prefecture, which are close to the land of the southern barbarians, have been abolished. Of course, the boundary line will not be drawn inward. It is already deep in the Diluo Mountains. .

"What? Is it difficult?"

Lu Sanjin shook his head and said, "No, that place is an unowned land, and it borders on my Emperor Tiange anyway, so you can draw as much as you want.

But brother Chu, why do you want such a place? These barbarians are now honest, and this is not bad, but don't make another barbarian riot. "

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's just because I see the rich products of the southern barbarian land, and I plan to accumulate some resources. It's a nominal thing. Anyway, those barbarians don't know who this land belongs to."

In fact, Chu Xiu wanted this area just because he wanted to establish a stronghold in the land of Nanman, to find a reasonable excuse and reason for it.

After all, there are so many people and such a big building, as long as they are not blind, even if it is built in the depths of Nanman, someone will find it.

"Okay, then Brother Chu, let's go now. Fang Lin County has been in chaos for a while, so don't mess up any more."

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "You don't need to tell the Huangtiange headquarters about this matter, so you agreed?"

Lu Sanjin pouted and said, "What is there to say about such a trivial matter? I can make the decision directly. Don't underestimate my power of walking in the Eastern Region."

Hearing what Lu Sanjin said, Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Okay, then leave the matter to me."

After finishing speaking, Chu Xiu came to Mei Qinglian and asked her to call out Lu Jianghe and others who were in retreat and prepare to leave.

This rebellion is not enough to solve one person, Chu Xiu also needs to bring some more people.

After all, he alone can't kill that many people.

Lu Sanjin watched in amazement that Chu Xiu had called so many people, but he didn't recognize any of them.

The most important thing is that the breath of these people is terrifying one by one. Although Lu Sanjin doesn't think he is worse than them, among the same rank warriors, the strength of these people can be ranked at the top.

After Chu Xiu told Lu Sanjin about the identities arranged by Lu Jianghe and others, Lu Sanjin didn't have much doubts and made up a lot of things.

Gu Zun's descendants, there must be more than one disciple of Gu Zun in the same line. Maybe these people are the disciples who were eliminated by Chu Xiu's master, so it is normal to assist Chu Xiu now.

However, Lu Sanjin still looked at Lu Fengxian a few more times. It seemed a little strange to Lu Fengxian. He questioned: "What is Lu Gongzi looking at me for? Is there something on my face?"

Lu Sanjin sighed, shook his head and said, "No, I just feel that Brother Lu, you are very lucky.

Generally speaking, tall and handsome people are generally not strong, or they have a bad character, just like the guy Xuanyuan Wushuang.

Brother Lu is so handsome and has such a peaceful personality. Even among the descendants of Gu Zun, he is definitely not weak. I feel that Brother Lu, you should be called Wushuang. "

In fact, Lu Sanjin isn't really ugly, but his small eyes are a bit destructive to his image, and he always gives people a feeling of being unreconciled and sneaky.

Lu Fengxian smiled and nodded: "Lu Mou is indeed lucky."

"Why do I feel that Brother Lu, you are calm?"

Lu Fengxian still said with a gentle smile: "Because there are always people saying that Lu is handsome, I'm used to it."

Lu Sanjin was choked, but this kind of thing is quite normal for Lu Fengxian.

Along the way, Lu Sanjin asked Chu Xiu, "Brother Chu, how are you going to deal with the rebellion in Fanglin County?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "What else can we do if they rebelled? Of course, they all got killed."

Lu Sanjin was choked again by Chu Xiu's words, and he hesitated: "Is it so simple and rude?"

Chu Xiu stretched out a finger and waved: "Simple, but not rude. To deal with this kind of thing, killing people is always the best solution."

Looking at Chu Xiu, and then at Lu Fengxian, Lu Sanjin suddenly felt that there seemed to be some problems with the three views of these ancient ancestors.


In the Jiufeng Sword Sect of Fanglin County, the Jiufeng Sword Sect, which had been developing quite well, was now in a mess. Many disciples fled in panic, no one cared, and they couldn't control it.

Lin Yazi said to Lin Fengwu with a sad face: "Girl, let's go, go to Cangwu County to seek refuge with Lord Chu, where he serves as the county governor. For the sake of some incense in the past, he should take you in. of.

The Cangtian League has swept through Fanglin County, and my Jiufeng Sword Sect has received so much care from the county governor, and now it is impossible to escape. "

Since Chu Xiu left, he told Xie Yingzong to take care of Jiufeng Sword Sect. Xie Yingzong really cared about it and gave Jiufeng Sword Sect a lot of benefits. It was also in Lin Yazi that he clashed with other sects. At that time, he helped Lin Yazi many times.

However, Lin Yazi is really not on the table, and it is too easy to get carried away.

Relying on the protection of Xie Yingzong, it can be said that he ran rampant in Fanglin County and offended many other martial arts forces.

At this time, the Fanglin County rebelled, and the martial arts forces in the entire Fanglin County were involved.

When faced with this situation, other large and small sects can still surrender and join the Cangtian League, but Jiufeng Jianzong and Xie Yingzong are too close, and even formed one of the major factions of the Cangtian League, Jiufeng Jianzong offended him , so even if Lin Yazi wanted to take refuge in and confess his counsel, he would have no chance.

Lin Fengwu cried and said: "Then what about you, father? Come with me, the big deal is that we will re-establish the Jiufeng Sword Sect in Cangwu County!"

Lin Yazi looked at the hall of Jiufeng Sword Sect with a look of sadness in his eyes: "Go? Can't go, others can go, but I can't go, don't let them vent their anger, they will even hunt down the entire Fanglin County. Yours, you may not even be able to get out of Fanglin County.

Moreover, Jiufeng Sword Sect is the legacy left by my father, and it is the legacy of my Lin family.

If I can't keep the foundation, I am the sinner of the Lin family.

Abandoning the foundation and fleeing in embarrassment, I am a disgrace to the Lin family!

Others can go, but I can't. Today, I, Lin Yazi, and Jiufeng Sword Sect will live and die together! "

After a lifetime of careful calculations, Lin Yazi, who was cautious and cautious, finally managed to be hard-hearted.

But at this moment, a sneer came from outside.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you, Lin Yazi, to have such courage, but it makes me a little impressed.

But you don't have to worry about it anymore, all of you Jiufeng Sword Sect must die today! No need for humility! "

Hearing this voice, Lin Yazi's complexion changed suddenly. After he went out, the entire mountain gate of Jiufeng Sword Sect was surrounded by hundreds of warriors. The heavy sword is Xiahou Jiuxiao, the leader of the Cangtian Alliance, a newly promoted expert in the Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan Realm.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a grim face and a silver brocade robe. Fei Changli, the head of the Fei family in Fanglin County, was of course the deputy head of the Cangtian League at this time.

Before, the Fei family and Jiufeng Jianzong had a conflict over transactions. Later, Jiufeng Jianzong settled the Fei family through Xie Yingzong, and they had to make an inch to make the Fei family bleed a lot. This simply made Fei Changli hate it.

The strength of their Fei family far surpassed that of Jiufeng Sword Sect, but they suffered such a big loss when facing Jiufeng Sword Sect. This made Fei Changli hate Jiufeng Sword Sect and understand Yingzong at the same time.

Therefore, after the chaos in Fanglin County, the Fei family directly reached an agreement with several other forces to form the Cangtian Alliance and rebel against the Emperor Tiange.

Lin Yazi glared at Fei Changli: "Fei Changli! The rules of the rivers and lakes are not as bad as the family. I offended you at the beginning. Is it not enough for me to pay with my life now?"

Fei Changli sneered and said, "Lin Yazi, Lin Yazi, you are still so naive, who told you that the disaster was not for your family?

I killed you, destroyed your Nine Phoenix Sword Sect, but saved your daughter's life, waiting for her to cultivate in the future, and come to me for revenge when I am old?

Everyone knows that your daughter is a talented young man in Fanglin County. She is not inferior to a man. No one can say what realm she can grow to in the , you think I'm an idiot? "

At this moment, a burst of applause suddenly came.

"That's right, kill people to kill hearts, cut grass and root out. Do things or do them absolutely, Fei Patriarch, if you still have this kind of consciousness in your next life, you will definitely be a person."

The people from the Cangtian League looked down and saw that more than a dozen warriors went up the mountain one after another. The weakest ones also had the True Pill Realm.

But Lin Yazi and Lin Fengwu were so excited that they were almost speechless when they saw the person coming.

Lin Fengwu said with a look of surprise: "Senior Chu!"

As Lu Sanjin walks in the Eastern Region, these small sects are naturally not qualified to know him, but although Chu Xiu didn't stay in Fanglin County for a long time, he has made a lot of fame. Everyone present heard a Chu Xiu. Word, then guessed who this person is in front of him.

Isn't he the county governor in Cangwu County, so why did he come to Fanglin County?

Xiahou Jiuxiao took a careful look at Chu Xiu, and when he found that although Chu Xiu's aura was still strong, but it had not yet reached the realm of heaven and earth, he couldn't help but snorted.

In the current situation in Fanglin County, it is useless even if there is a powerhouse in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm, let alone a Chu Xiu.

Fei Changli was just stunned for a moment and then said coldly: "Chu Xiu, I know you, you are a descendant of Gu Zun, and you are different from other people from Huangtian Pavilion.

Now that the Huangtian Pavilion has collapsed, you should honestly go back and be your descendant of Guzun, don't follow the Huangtian Pavilion to the end! "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "It makes sense, so you can die."

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, without the slightest sign, a blade of light has risen!


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