Meet The Leader

Chapter 1190: 7 limit

The Seven Great Limits of Swallowing Heaven and Destroying Earth is a powerful sword technique that has existed since ancient times. It is even said that no one who cultivates this sword technique will have a good end.

Of course, in Chu Xiu's view, this is pure bullshit. How can people not be stabbed in the rivers and lakes? There must be no easy-to-followers who practice this kind of swordsmanship. It's completely normal to be killed on the way.

In the past, the Seven Great Limits that Chu Xiu obtained from Xiaofan Tiantian was breaking the sea, which belonged to the relatively advanced form of the Seven Great Limits.

At this time, the seven major limits recorded in this iron sheet turned out to be the two strongest forms of the seven major limits, swallowing the sky and destroying the earth!

Because of the problem of power, Po Hai has been abandoned by Chu Xiu because of its properties, which are too similar to those of Po Hai, Sword Intent, and Misty Slash. The effect is not just as simple as the sharpness of the blade.

Chu Xiu carefully looked at the records in the iron sheet.

In fact, this iron sheet is not the carrier of the Seven Great Limits, but was written on this iron sheet by a senior of Huangtian Pavilion after he accidentally discovered it in a secret realm.

Although it was not written on it, it was clear that the senior should have been in an extremely dangerous state at the time. Otherwise, he would have taken away the original seven major limits, instead of copying a copy.

In the end, it was written that the warriors who want to practice this swordsmanship need to be cautious. Those who robbed this swordsmanship in the past have all died.

Chu Xiu pouted. In the situation when the treasure was captured, everyone was fighting with each other, and it was normal to die.

Moreover, Chu Xiu couldn't help but sigh that Huangtian Pavilion was really rich and powerful.

A sword technique at the level of the Seven Great Limits is considered a treasure wherever it is placed. Of course, it is also considered to be placed in the Huangtian Pavilion. Otherwise, the Huangtian Pavilion would not put it so cherished in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

But over the years, not many people have chosen to practice the Seven Great Limits.

One is that the legend of the Seven Great Limits has been circulating for a long time, and the senior who copied the Seven Great Limits issued a warning.

Also, there is no need to practice.

Huangtian Pavilion has developed for such a long time, whether it is its own exercises or the exercises taken from others, it can be said that there are almost countless exercises that can be practiced by the disciples, and there are too many choices.

Although the Seven Great Limits are strong, because of its legend and the warning of the senior, this practice has been cast a shadow over it. Other martial artists who want to practice this practice must carefully weigh it.

Is it really worth taking such a big risk for an alternative exercise? For many people, it shouldn't be worth it.

Therefore, even though the Seven Great Limits of Destruction has been placed in Huangtian Pavilion for tens of thousands of years, there are not many people who come to practice.

They had concerns, but Chu Xiu didn't.

Moreover, he has also practiced Po Hai before, which is equivalent to having already given the seven major limits to the entry. At this time, if he cultivates the destruction of the land, he will undoubtedly enter the realm faster.

After remembering the destruction of the land in his mind, Chu Xiu flipped through the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion again, and left directly after finding nothing of value.

Immediately after going out, a disciple of Huangtian Pavilion reported it to Lu Sanjin.

Lu Sanjin pulled Chu Xiu and said, "It just so happens that you have also left the customs. The old pavilion master still wants to see you."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, why should everyone see him? Wouldn't the old pavilion master also want to beat his own 'master' idea?

However, Chu Xiu doesn't feel like it. Compared with Li Wuxiang, the old pavilion master is undoubtedly much more sober.

After seeing the old pavilion master this time, Chu Xiu's only feeling was that the old pavilion owner was much older than the last time.

It is not the aging in appearance, but the aging in breath, like the sunset.

Seeing Chu Xiu coming, the first sentence of the old pavilion master was: "Wuxiang has been under too much pressure recently, so he is a little eager for success, don't take it offense.

I know Gu Zun's rules. If you can stay out of the mountains, try not to stay out of the mountains. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Thank you for your understanding. If I can help Huangtian Pavilion, I actually want to help as much as possible."

The old pavilion master sighed and shook his head: "It is said that the Huangtian Pavilion building will collapse, but I don't believe it.

Over the years, Huangtian Pavilion has not collapsed after many disasters. This time, I believe that Huangtian Pavilion will not collapse because of this.

Chu Xiu, you have done a good job in the Nanman land. Cangwu County has been completely stabilized, and the headquarters of the Emperor Tiange can also put more effort into other matters.

But I still have a question. I heard that Hanjiang City recruited you, why didn't you agree? You should be able to see that now, compared with Hanjiang City, our Huangtian Pavilion is indeed a bit waning. "

Of course, Chu Xiu couldn't say that he wanted to occupy the mountain as king in Nanman.

After pondering for a while, Chu Xiu said: "I am in this line of Taoism, Buddhism and Demons, so I believe in cause and effect.

After I came out of the Diluo Mountains, I came to Fanglin County, where Huangtian Pavilion belongs. After that, I met Brother Lu along the way, and helped Huangtian Pavilion perform martial arts, etc. My own cause and effect were already entangled with Huangtian Pavilion.

Since this is cause and effect, it cannot be rejected.

Red dust experience, the experience is a Dao heart.

Hanjiang City promises that I don't care about the power and wealth. In this case, joining Hanjiang City may go against my heart, why should I do it? "

After listening to what Chu Xiu said, the old pavilion owner nodded with satisfaction: "Among the entire Huangtian Pavilion youth generation, you and Sanjin are the only ones who can do it.

In the past, Meng Xinghe helped Ye Weikong build Hanjiang City. You, Chu Xiu, are no worse than Meng Xinghe.

I don't expect you to help Sanjin come this far. I just hope that it is enough for you to help him guard the Emperor's Pavilion.

Okay, old man, I've talked so much, you should all be bored, so let's go. "

After leaving, Lu Sanjin sighed and said, "In the entire Huangtian Pavilion, the old pavilion master is the one who is most worried.

Otherwise, at the age of the old pavilion owner, he can retire now and no longer care about any sect affairs. As a result, once something major happens in the Huangtian Pavilion, the old pavilion owner still needs to come forward to solve it. "

When he said this, Lu Sanjin also had some complaints about Li Wuxiang.

If it wasn't for Li Wuxiang's inability to hold up the entire Huangtian Pavilion over the years, the Huangtian Pavilion would not have been reduced to this state now.

Chu Xiu had no choice but to comfort him: "Don't worry, Huangtian Pavilion has been passed down for at least 10,000 years, and it will not collapse so easily."

After a few words of greeting, Chu Xiu took Lu Jianghe and others away.

Along the way, Lu Jianghe clicked his tongue and sighed: "That kid named Lu Sanjin is not bad, he has eyesight and can be a man.

But this Emperor Heaven Pavilion, I don't think it will last long.

After this Huangtian Pavilion has completely collapsed, you should also make some preparations, such as Cangwu County becoming independent. "

"Oh? How can you be sure that the Emperor's Pavilion will collapse soon?"

Lu Jianghe curled his lips in disdain and said, "What have you never seen before? In fact, the strength or decline of a sect is related to the current strength of the sect, but it is also related to the spirit of a sect, and it is also very important. "

When he said this, Lu Jianghe's eyes were full of deep meaning: "The hearts of Huangtian Pavilion are scattered, everyone is thinking about sweeping the snow in front of their own doors, it is strange that such a sect can go to the end, look, Now as long as there is an opportunity, maybe the Emperor's Pavilion will face a big change."

Chu Xiu nodded thoughtfully.

Although Lu Jianghe is not very reliable most of the time, he does have the qualifications to say this.

As the former hall master of the Gorefiend Hall, Lu Jianghe had seen countless masters of the great faction that he personally killed, even if he had never experienced these things, he had seen them.

Of course, these have little to do with Chu Xiu, and the entire Cangwu County has been run by him like an iron barrel.

The rights of Xu Fengshan and others were gradually being emptied, and at the same time, all the key positions in the entire Cangwu County were also transferred to the hands of those confidants under Chu Xiu.

The most important thing is that even the land of the southern barbarians has been controlled by Chu Xiu, so the presence or absence of the Emperor's Pavilion will not have a big impact on Chu Xiu.

Huangtian Pavilion is here, he can pull the tiger skin of Huangtian Pavilion to be the banner. After all, Huangtian Pavilion is the oldest and top sect of Daluotian. Acting in the name of Huangtian Pavilion is better than establishing a sect by himself. Save a lot of trouble.

If Huangtian Pavilion is not there, Chu Xiu will directly be the king, and there will be no accident for the time being.

Even if he offended Hanjiang City, Hanjiang City would not touch him for the time being because he was worried about the 'Gu Zun' behind After returning to the land of the Southern Barbarians, Chu Xiu and others entered again. in closure.

Especially Chu Xiu, all the things he saw in the Emperor's Pavilion needed to be digested.

Chu Xiu has no shortage of experience in combat, what he lacks is only experience in the realm of martial arts and cultivation.

The recorders of those handwritten notes are all martial immortals who were born in Huangtian Pavilion of the past dynasties. Chu Xiu has not touched this realm for the time being, so even though the things he left are very valuable, they will inevitably be more mysterious, enough. Chu Xiu has been practicing for a while.

There is also the destruction of the land in the seven major limits, and this sword technique Chu Xiu will also master it in this retreat.

Although Chu Xiu had learned Pohai before and had some foundations, the power of destroying the earth and Pohai were completely different, and the artistic conception of the sword technique was also different, and it still needed to be mastered from scratch.

In this way, Chu Xiu has been closed for more than four months this time. Originally, he wanted to try again to attack the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan and condense the realm successfully. Who would have thought that at this time, Xu Fengshan would put him The door to the closed room was knocked open.

Opening the door, Chu Xiu frowned and said, "What happened?"

Chu Xiu had already instructed him before that his retreat this time was very important. If there was nothing in a hurry, then don't disturb him.

Xu Fengshan had better not bother him because of trivial matters.

At this time, the expression on Xu Fengshan's face was very complicated, ranging from grief, to disbelief, and a hint of bewilderment.

Seeing Chu Xiu, Xu Fengshan paused, and then said: "Sir, there is news from the Huangtian Pavilion headquarters that the old pavilion owner has passed away, and all the county governors must return to the Huangtian Pavilion to attend the funeral."


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