Meet The Leader

Chapter 1193: rebellion

Li Wuxiang found that he was a little miscalculated.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to resolve Chong Qiushui in an open and fair manner, but who would have thought that Chong Qiushui actually stepped into the realm of Martial Immortals, when did this happen?

At this moment, Li Wuxiang suddenly felt that Chong Qiushui was very strange.

In his memory, Chong Qiushui was extreme and hot-tempered, and always liked to use violence to solve problems.

Such people can be generals, but not handsome.

And now Chong Qiushui is even hiding the fact that he has stepped into the Martial Immortal Realm, which makes him feel that things are out of his control.

"You have stepped into the realm of Martial Immortals? Very good, you have been hiding this news all the time. After stepping into the realm of Martial Immortals, you don't think about relieving your worries for Huangtian Pavilion or resisting Hanjiang City, but here When you are planting, you start an infighting, and when you are planting autumn water, your wolf ambitions have finally been exposed!"

Chong Qiushui said with a sneer: "Don't say it so high-sounding, Li Wuxiang, I know you can't tolerate me, if I expose my cultivation level early, then there are only two ways to choose.

One is that you are forcibly sent to fight with Hanjiang City, and the other is that you are forced to leave Huangtian Pavilion.

Today you say that I am a wolf with ambition, or it is a long-planned plan, between the two of us, there should be a break! "

For the current Chong Qiushui, he no longer cares about his reputation, or the power he has accumulated over the years is enough to make him ignore these rumors.

As Chong Qiushui stood up, several elders and more than ten deacons who had always been on his side stood behind Chong Qiushui and expressed their attitude.

I have to say, Chong Qiushui still has a very good way of being a man.

No matter what method he used, at least now, a large number of the disciples of Emperor Tiange originally intended to rebel with him.

Li Wuxiang sneered: "It seems that over the years, you have been good at gathering people's hearts, but there are so many people who want to go to the dark with you.

But don't forget, I am still the pavilion owner of this Emperor's Pavilion! "

Speaking, Li Wu shouted angrily at the other warriors who did not stand up: "Do it!"

Lu Sanjin and Xie Yingzong were standing beside Chu Xiu. The two of them were still confused at this time, and they didn't know how things developed like this.

Over the years, in fact, they have always been the old pavilion owner, but the old pavilion owner has retired, so they naturally have to stand on the side of the pavilion owner Li Wuxiang.

At this time, when they heard Li Wuxiang say they were going to do something, they also wanted to stand up subconsciously, but they were stopped by Chu Xiu.

Xie Yingzong asked doubtfully, "Brother Chu, are you here?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Didn't Brother Xie say that he owed me a favor before? Now, it's time to repay this favor.

The crisis in Fanglin County was not solved by Huangtian Pavilion for you, and even without me, Huangtian Pavilion would have already given up on you! "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Xie Yingzong immediately understood that Chu Xiu had already taken refuge in Zhong Qiushui.

However, Xie Yingzong was not disgusted with Chu Xiu's choice.

Because he also had some complaints about Li Wuxiang, the pavilion owner, especially after the rebellion in Fanglin County.

At first, Xie Yingzong thought that he was playing away, but later he found out that it was Hanjiang City who instigated it.

Since this is the case, the headquarters of Emperor Tiange still does not send anyone to rescue him, which is obviously ready to give up on him.

If it wasn't for Lu Sanjin pulling to Chu Xiu, and Chu Xiu's strength is still extremely amazing, he would be bad if he cut the mess with a quick knife and solved the rebellion.

So hearing Chu Xiu say this at this time, he raised his head and glanced at Li Wuxiang and Chong Qiushui, Xie Yingzong paused, and did not go out.

Lu Sanjin looked at Chu Xiu in disbelief: "Brother Chu, you actually took refuge in Chong Qiushui?"

Over the years, Lu Sanjin has actually had a lot of conflict with Chong Qiushui.

He represents the old pavilion owner, and the old pavilion owner naturally supports Li Wuxiang, the pavilion owner, so he usually opposes Chong Qiushui a lot.

This time, he almost subconsciously wanted to stand on Li Wuxiang's side.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I didn't rely on Zhong Qiushui, I just felt that Li Wuxiang was not worthy of being the pavilion master!

Brother Lu, you know everything I did in Cangwu County, and what treatment I received, you also know, is such a person worthy of being the pavilion master? The future of the Emperor's Pavilion is in his hands, will there really be a future?

I admire the old pavilion master, but he, Li Wuxiang, is not qualified for my admiration!

Brother Lu, don't forget, you were never from Li Wuxiang, but from the old pavilion master! "

Chu Xiu's words resounded in Lu Sanjin's heart, causing him to be shocked.

In fact, Lu Sanjin's dissatisfaction with Li Wuxiang has always been there, except for Chu Xiu's two times, there have been several times before.

At that time, Lu Sanjin felt that Li Wuxiang did something wrong, so he made a suggestion, but Li Wuxiang rejected it.

Although Lu Sanjin was dissatisfied, the old pavilion owner said that Li Wuxiang is the pavilion owner, and the pavilion owner naturally has the majesty of the pavilion owner, and cannot be easily dismissed by his subordinates, so let him obey Li Wuxiang's order.

Chong Qiushui led a group of people to rebel, and Chu Xiu was unwilling to stand on Li Wuxiang's side, which made Lu Sanjin wonder in his heart, is he Li Wuxiang qualified to sit in this position?

"Chu Xiu! Damn you!"

Seeing this scene, Li Wuxiang couldn't help roaring.

In fact, it doesn't matter where Chu Xiu stands, because from the beginning, Li Wuxiang didn't see Chu Xiu as his own.

There are not one or two descendants of Gu Zun on the Jianghu. How many people can really stay on the Jianghu?

Anyway, in Li Wuxiang's view, it is meaningless for them to spend a lot of effort in cultivating Chu Xiu, because Chu Xiu is destined not to stay in their Huangtian Pavilion.

But Lu Sanjin is different. He walks in the Eastern Region and is the heir chosen by the old pavilion owner. His prestige in the entire Huangtian Pavilion is very high.

It doesn't matter if other people rebel, but Lu Sanjin's rebellion will cause a large number of Emperor Tiange warriors to defect.

"Lu Sanjin, don't listen to that Chu Xiu's nonsense, he is not from my Emperor's Pavilion, and what he does has bad intentions!

At this time, when my Huangtian Pavilion is in danger, and there is a strong pressure from Hanjiang City, can you bear to watch my Huangtian Pavilion be destroyed? "

Before Lu Sanjin spoke, Chu Xiu sneered: "Well, I'm not from the Emperor's Pavilion, I didn't expect that I've done so much, but in the eyes of the pavilion owner, I'm still an outsider.

The situation in Cangwu County was bad. It was the old pavilion master who spoke, and I went to Cangwu County.

How is the result? In one year, I have completely restored Cangwu County, and all the barbarians are under the control of my Emperor Tiange.

Over the years, my Huangtian Pavilion has been arbitrarily oppressed by Hanjiang City, how much cowardly has I suffered? It was I who killed Ye Tianqing and breathed a sigh of relief for my Emperor Heaven Pavilion.

There is also the rebellion in Fanglin County, which is a county under the control of my Huangtian Pavilion. As a result, Pavilion Master Li, you did not pay attention to it, and even had a faint meaning of giving up. It was me who helped Xie Yingzong solve the Fanglin County. rebellion.

I have done so many things, but in the eyes of Pavilion Master Li, I am still an outsider with ulterior motives, which is simply pathetic and ridiculous! "

The other neutral Emperor Tiange warriors present were shaken when they heard what Chu Xiu said.

It's true that Chu Xiu is an outsider, he is said to be Ke Qing, but isn't Ke Qing an outsider?

But most of the people in Huangtian Pavilion felt that they actually earned it from Lu Sanjin who brought Chu Xiu to be this guest minister.

Not to mention helping their Emperor Tiange win the High Heaven Sect on top of performing martial arts, what Chu Xiu did when he joined their Emperor Tiange was indeed obvious to all.

Now that Chu Xiu is openly rebelling, Li Wuxiang can say that Chu Xiu is a traitor, but to say that he is just an outsider is indeed a bit excessive, and it is also a bit chilling.

At this time, Chong Qiushui laughed even more: "Boy Lu, you have helped Li Wuxiang all these years, and you are indeed against me a lot.

You are against me, and I am against you as well, but so many times, have you ever seen me use a dirty trick against you?

You and I have different positions. In fact, you don't need to care about those things before.

You were selected and cultivated by the old pavilion master, and so am I, so you and I should actually be the same kind of people!

Today I am only for the old pavilion owner, just to breathe out a breath for I don't really want the position of this pavilion owner.

If you get rid of Li Wuxiang, you will be able to become the pavilion master in advance by walking in the Eastern Region!

You are also chosen by the old pavilion master, but I think you are more reliable than Li Wuxiang.

As long as you become the pavilion master, I will do my best to assist you, and I will no longer encroach on the pavilion master position for the rest of my life. If you violate this oath, I will be completely destroyed, and I will not die! "

As soon as Chong Qiushui's words came out, everyone was stunned, including Li Wuxiang.

Since he said this in front of everyone, there is no room for him to take it back. Otherwise, his reputation in the Emperor's Pavilion will be ruined, which will directly make his disciples detached.

No one would have imagined that Chong Qiushui had planned so much, and he was really not for the position of the pavilion master, but just to take a breath and pull Li Wuxiang off his horse.

Lu Sanjin was silent for a moment, then took a step back and said, "I am not qualified to inherit the position of pavilion master, nor do I want it.

But Li Wuxiang is the pavilion owner personally selected by the old pavilion owner. I will not oppose him, but today, I will not take action, just be a spectator. "

Although Lu Sanjin said that he would not take action, as soon as he said these words, it was already a sign of his attitude, and he was on the side of Chong Qiushui.

This time, all the people who had been neutral before seemed to have a backbone, standing behind Lu Sanjin.

For them, they don't want to participate in the dispute between the pavilion master and the deputy pavilion owner, so they just keep neutral now, no matter who wins in the end, they will be used.

However, with a large number of people choosing to be neutral, there are very few people who are willing to be loyal to Li Wuxiang, even fewer than those on the side of Zhong Qiushui.


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