Meet The Leader

Chapter 1195: the dust settles

Li Wuxiang brewed there for a long time, but only took out a sword hilt, which is indeed a bit funny.

But this kind of occasion is not the place to laugh. Li Wuxiang looked at the hilt of the sword and looked at Chong Qiushui in disbelief: "Did you drop the bag?"

Chong Qiushui stretched out his hand, holding an ancient bronze sword in his hand, with blood stains on it, exuding a powerful force that made people shudder.

Chong Qiushui sneered: "Li Wuxiang, you can't even keep the treasure of my Emperor Heaven Pavilion, what qualifications do you have to be the owner of this pavilion?

You can't even believe the people around you. You can't be sure. It seems that among the successive pavilion masters of Huangtian Pavilion, there is really no one who is weaker than you! "

Li Wuxiang's eyes flashed complex colors.

Perhaps until now, he couldn't believe that he had lost in the hands of Chong Qiushui.

In his mind, Chong Qiushui is extreme, impulsive and irritable. In short, he is a martial artist. Although his talent is good and his understanding is high, what can he compare to himself?

He just learned today that people can change, and before he knew it, Chong Qiushui had become unfamiliar, and he had become ignorant.

Just like this time, he didn't know when Chong Qiushui stepped into the Martial Immortal realm, nor when he started planning, nor when Chong Qiushui dropped the Emperor Heaven Sword. .

If he lost his strength, he also lost in other places. He lost completely and completely!

With a roar, Li Wuxiang's whole body burst into qi and blood, and the whole world turned into a boundless blood-colored field, and a dharma image was born from the boundless blood-colored field.

The law looks like it penetrates the sky and the earth, it has the body of a powerful devil, but it has a majestic face, like a **** general, the powerful fluctuation of power stirs the void, and in an instant, there are thunder clouds in the air!


Chu Xiu immediately felt that this was the taste of supernatural powers.

But this is not just magical powers, Li Wuxiang even integrated his other exercises into it to make it stronger.

The Heavenly King's Faxiang squeezed the power of the thunder of heaven and earth, turning it into two long spears and blasting it directly at Zhong Qiushui.

The power of the thunder was so dazzling that Chu Xiu had no choice but to close his eyes, so he could only sense all this with his spiritual sense.

The next moment, the whole body of Zhong Qiushui was like a layer of ripples.

As his fingers fell, ripples suddenly appeared wherever he passed, but whether it was the power between heaven and earth, or the terrifying power of thunder, after touching the ripples, it began to dissipate strangely. .

It is not the cancellation of power, but it directly becomes nothingness, as if this power does not exist in this world at all.

The thunder dissipated, the Heavenly King's law cracked, and the **** domain could no longer cover the sky.

Chong Qiushui's sword finger directly inserted into Li Wuxiang's chest, but strangely, not even a trace of blood flowed out, perhaps even the blood was dissipated by the power of this finger.

Li Wuxiang's complexion was as pale as paper. Looking at Zhong Qiushui, a smile appeared on his face.

"This is the magical power 'None' possessed by my second-generation ancestor of Huangtian Pavilion. When did you learn it?"

Chong Qiushui said with an expressionless face, "If I say that before I step into the Martial Immortal realm, I will, do you believe it?"

Li Wuxiang laughed and said: "I believe, of course I believe, sure enough, from the beginning, I was not as good as you!"

At this last moment, Li Wuxiang knew that in fact, he had always been jealous of planting Qiushui.

He was born in the direct line of Huangtian Pavilion, and Chong Qiushui was just picked up by the old pavilion master at will. Why should he compare himself with himself?

However, who would have thought that Chong Qiushui's cultivation speed would be so fast, even approaching the point where he was approaching him all the time, so Li Wuxiang could only cultivate more frantically, not wanting to be surpassed by him.

Day after day, year after year. The cultivation of the two is getting stronger and stronger, but no one could have imagined that the so-called Huangtian Pavilion duo, their strength has entered the realm so fast, just because one does not want to fall behind others and disappoints the old pavilion master, while the other is the source In jealousy, do not want to be surpassed.

When competing for the position of Pavilion Master, Li Wuxiang had no confidence.

He knew that Chong Qiushui's talent was higher than his own. At that time, there was almost no gap between the two sides. He didn't have the confidence to step into Martial Immortal before Chong Qiushui, so he slandered Chong Qiushui in the back.

Maybe from then on, Li Wuxiang really changed, he only thought about himself, he didn't want anyone to surpass him!

Between him and Chong Qiushui, there is no friendship for hundreds of years, not for decades, not even for a year.

From the very beginning, he was jealous of Zhong Qiushui, and there was no room for anyone in his heart.

Glancing at his chest, Li Wuxiang murmured, "I thought I had destroyed my inner demons long ago, but I didn't expect that my heart was always occupied by inner demons."

As Li Wuxiang's voice fell, the vitality of his body was quickly dissipated, and finally fell to the ground.

Chu Xiu wasn't surprised to see the powerhouse of the Martial Immortal realm, or the previous pavilion master of the Emperor Tian Pavilion dying in front of him, but he felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, Li Wuxiang didn't understand himself until the end.

He thought that his choice was just a demon, but he didn't expect that, in fact, it was his own real thought.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Cultivation techniques can be cultivated, and realm can be improved, but only the character of a person cannot be changed so easily. Those like Chong Qiushui are obviously a minority.

At this time, Chong Qiushui also stood there for a long time without saying a word, and he didn't know whether he was too exhausted by using a magical power, or because this friend and opponent who had been entangled with him for hundreds of years finally died at his hands.

At this time, the battle in the hall has also ended. Those confidants of Li Wuxiang have either died, then they will fall. The chaos of the entire Emperor Tiange has only lasted for less than an hour before it has been pacified.

Of course, it may have taken several years or even more than ten years to prepare for all this.

Turning to look at Lu Sanjin, Chong Qiushui said solemnly: "What I said before is still counted, the position of the pavilion master of Huangtian Pavilion is up to you.

In fact, Li Wuxiang was right at one point. I am indeed extreme in what I do, and I am easily influenced by others. As the head of a faction, it is not my fault to keep the success, but to be too radical.

You are the East Region Walk personally selected by the old pavilion master, the heir to the next generation pavilion master, and you can even be ranked among the young generation of Da Luotian. In this position, you can do better than me. Suitable. "

Lu Sanjin shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I can't sit.

The position of the pavilion master of Huangtian Pavilion is not only the core of Huangtian Pavilion, but also external.

I can only laugh and be generous when I sit in the position of the pavilion master with this strength.

The pavilion master of Huangtian Pavilion must be the strongest in the Martial Immortal Realm, or only in the Martial Immortal Realm. "

Who doesn't want the title of Pavilion Master of Huangtian Pavilion? Of course Lu Sanjin wanted it. Although he was walking in the Eastern Region, theoretically, he was the heir of the Emperor's Pavilion, but this was only theoretical. There were not a few people who did not become the pavilion owner of the Emperor's Pavilion in the past.

However, Lu Sanjin is also very self-aware.

The position of the pavilion master of Huangtian Pavilion is not for anyone who wants to sit. When Huangtian Pavilion is open to the outside world, other sects are all martial immortals. As a result, he is a martial artist who is in the realm of real fire. This is simply a joke.

Therefore, this position must also be seated by Zhong Qiushui.

Chong Qiushui said solemnly: "Since this is the case, then I will do my part.

I am not Li Wuxiang, and I will not regret what I say.

Lu Sanjin, you are still walking in the Eastern Region. No one can take away the position of the pavilion master. As long as you step into the martial immortal realm in the future, I will give up your seat immediately. I will keep this position for you for the time being.

As for the others, everyone still does what they should do. Although the pavilion owner of Huangtian Pavilion has changed, the sky has not changed. "

Zhong Qiushui and the impulsive, irritable, reckless and extreme Zhong Qiushui were already two people. At least what he arranged was justified and did not cause too much turmoil in Huangtian Pavilion.

The big change has already been encountered, so the best way to deal with it is to remain unchanged at this time.

The funeral of the old pavilion owner continued, but the place of burial also became the realm of the Yuan emperor.

In Li Wuxiang's view, it is not worth wasting an opportunity of Yuan Huang's vitality just to bury a dead person.

But in Chong Qiushui's opinion the old pavilion master is dead, this is what he deserves, and others have no power and no right to deprive them of it all.

However, in this way, everyone in Huangtian Pavilion was relieved a lot about Chong Qiushui.

This is a nostalgic person.

Even after so many years, the old pavilion owner's kindness to Chong Qiushui, even if the old pavilion owner's partiality to Li Wuxiang, has not changed, then presumably he will not liquidate them after the fact that they are not on his side .

After the funeral, Chu Xiu said goodbye to Chong Qiushui and prepared to go back to Cangwu County.

Chong Qiushui waved his hand and said, "Go back, I have already passed down the news from Cangwu County, the entire Cangwu County, including the Nanman land you have conquered, everything is dominated by you, and you want to report the news to the headquarters. , just report it to the headquarters, personnel appointment, you alone have the final say."

Lu Sanjin glanced at Chu Xiu in surprise, and then he realized that Chong Qiushui actually used this condition to get Chu Xiu to stand on his side, but what does Brother Chu want so much power for? Anyway, in the end, he had to go back to the deep mountains and old forest to practice, and he couldn't take it with him.

Chu Xiu said a little: "Then I would like to thank the pavilion master, but how is the pavilion owner going to block the people in Hanjiang City? I estimate that soon, Hanjiang City will receive news and may come to Huangtian Pavilion for trouble."

There was a cold look in Chong Qiushui's eyes and said: "How to stop it? If you can't stop it, you will fight hard! The old pavilion master is mainly stable, and that guy Li Wuxiang is also very cowardly.

I have inherited the Emperor's Pavilion for so many years, how can I not have any trump cards?

Ye Weikong is no match for me, but he really wants to destroy my Emperor Tiange in Hanjiang City, then even if I try to die, I will break his teeth and splatter his blood!

To know the Eastern Region, there is more than just my Emperor Heaven Pavilion! "


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