Meet The Leader

Chapter 1202: smell of gunpowder

Although Lu Sanjin disapproves of the style of Lingxiao City, he actually knows that, as the largest sect in the Eastern Region, the Lingxiao Sect is now stronger than their Huangtian Pavilion in terms of face and stature. However.

So Lu Sanjin also pulled Chu Xiu and the others into the city as soon as possible, so that Lu Jianghe would not express his emotions there. Those who lost were the people of his Huangtian Pavilion. After all, Lu Jianghe now also represents Huangtian Pavilion.

It's just that Lingxiao City is even more gorgeous and atmospheric, which makes Lu Jianghe a little confused.

At this moment, Lu Sanjin suddenly found something, he raised his hand and said, "Brother Yinlingzi, you traveled around Daluotian and came back?"

Not far from Chu Xiu and others, the silver spirit child in a silver-white Taoist robe stood here, with a natural Taoist aura emitting, and Lu Jianghe was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice: "This little Taoist priest , it's not easy."

Yin Lingzi came over and said hello, "So it's Brother Lu and Brother Chu, who are these two?"

Chu Xiu introduced: "This is Lu Fengxian, also a descendant of Gu Zun, and my friend. That is Lu Jianghe, who is my subordinate."

Lu Jianghe pouted, slightly dissatisfied.

Why is Lu Fengxian a descendant of Gu Zun, and he became a thug? It's true, but it doesn't sound good.

In the lower realm, he can still say that he is the head of the Gorefiend Hall, but in Da Luotian, he does not dare to talk nonsense.

It's better to be young, someone like Lu Fengxian can be a young hero whether in the lower realm or in Da Luotian.

Yin Lingzi greeted Lu Fengxian and Lu Jianghe with a gentle smile and said, "It turned out to be Brother Lu and Uncle Lu, Xiaodao Lingbao watches Yin Lingzi, so polite."

Lu Fengxian greeted him in return, but Lu Jianghe frowned. After such a short time, he became an uncle?

At this time, Lu Sanjin had already started chatting with Yin Lingzi.

It turned out that Yin Lingzi didn't come to Lingxiaozong because of the end of his tour of Da Luotian, but Lingbaoguan specially sent Yinlingzi to congratulate Lingxiaozong on the establishment of the sect.

Although Lingbaoguan is a sect of the Northern Territory, the two sides still had some friendship before. Yin Lingzi just happened to be in the Eastern Territory before and hadn't returned, so Lingbaoguan also sent him over.

At this moment, a joking and mocking voice suddenly came: "Hey, you Huangtian Pavilion sent someone here, I thought you would not come this time.

Your family is in a mess, and you still want to come to Lingxiao City to participate in the celebration? "

When Chu Xiu and the others looked back, they were the warriors of Hanjiang City led by Qi Wuhen.

There was another person beside Qi Wuhen, who was about thirty or forty years old, with a proud expression, wearing a green robe, and the scabbard hanging around his waist was also green.

Seeing this man, Lu Jianghe couldn't help but whispered, "Why doesn't this guy wear a green hat?"

"Bold! What did you say?"

The warrior in the green robe frowned, and suddenly looked at Lu Jianghe, the surrounding world froze, turning into boundless sharpness and rolling down towards Lu Jianghe!

This seemingly strangely dressed martial artist turned out to be a powerhouse in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm!

Lu Jianghe was taken aback. At this moment, Chu Xiu stepped out, and a world-annihilating fire bloomed in front of him, offsetting that sharp edge.

Lu Sanjin snorted coldly: "Qi Wuhen, did you Hanjiang City come here to demonstrate for us?

How dare you not destroy my Emperor's Pavilion in the first place? What's the point of just being tongue-in-cheek here? "

Qi Wuhen said indifferently, "Isn't it a honor to be destroyed by my Hanjiang City?

Since you Huangtian Pavilion want to destroy the family so much, don't worry, this day will not be too far away. "

Since the last time Ye Weikong personally went to Huangtian Pavilion to fight with Chong Qiushui, the two sides have basically completely turned their faces, so there is no need to worry at this time.

Qi Wuheng glanced at Chu Xiu again, shook his head, and said lightly, "Chu Xiu, your strength and talent are indeed strong, but unfortunately, you chose the wrong person and took the wrong path, so if you don't hurry up and get back to you, If you go to practice next to Master, you may not be able to leave.

Back in the day, I also invited you to join in Hanjiang City, but unfortunately you refused. Now I have the help of a descendant of Guzun in Hanjiang City. "

With that said, Qi Wuhen pointed at the green-robed warrior beside him and said, "This is Yu Wenfu, the disciple of the Ancient Zun Lingtian Jianzun. It's impossible for you to not know the name of Lingtian Jianzun, right?"

The expression on Lu Sanjin's face became solemn, and so did the expression on Chu Xiu's face, of course he was pretending.

Although he knew some detailed information about Daluotian, Gu Zun has always been mysterious. How could he know what this Lao Shizi Ling Tian Jian Zun is? So you can only pretend to be dignified.

Just as the two sides confronted each other and the atmosphere was extremely dignified, a majestic voice came coldly: "You two, this is not a place for you to settle personal grievances, can you give me Huangtian Pavilion a face, don't do it here?"

A middle-aged man wearing a silver brocade robe with a dignified face walked over, his aura was condensed and powerful, and he was a powerhouse at the peak of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm.

This person is an elder of Ling Xiaozong, with Ling Xiaozong intervening, they are not ignorant people, they all snorted coldly, then turned and left.

This time, there were more people in the celebration of the establishment of Emperor High Sect than the last time High Heaven Sect and Emperor Tiange performed martial arts. After all, the last time was not a good thing. It was a place where the two factions resolved their personal grievances, and the atmosphere was a little dignified.

This time, although the major factions in the Eastern Region are also fighting openly and secretly, the atmosphere is better than the last time.

Lu Sanjin said with a sad face: "I didn't expect Hanjiang City to bring in another descendant of Gu Zun, and it's Yu Wenfu. This is a bit difficult."

"This Yu Wenfu is difficult to deal with?" Lu Jianghe asked aside.

He was still holding a grudge when the guy in the green robe just shot him.

"They are all descendants of Gu Zun. Brother Chu should know him very well, right?" Lu Sanjin turned to look at Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu coughed, shook his head and said, "I really don't know much about this. You know, I spend most of my time cultivating, and I really don't care much about all these Jianghu news and gossip."

Lu Sanjin sighed: "Yu Wenfu has been in the arena for several years, much earlier than Brother Chu, but he spends most of his time hanging out in the Southern Territory. After all, he is the strongest in the world. The Sword Sect of the Sword Dao Sect is located in the Southern Region.

The warriors of Lingtian Jianzun's line have always been strong and arrogant, and the swordsmanship they practiced is also extremely strong. They always like to find masters and strong swordsmen to try their swords. Over the years, the number of swordsmen who have been defeated by Nanyu in his hands has been exhausted. Forget it.

It is said that Xinghe Loose Cultivator Meng Xinghe has a high prestige among the Ancient Zuns, and many descendants of the Ancient Zun will give Xinghe Loose Celebrities a face. It is not surprising that Hanjiang City can invite Dong Yuwen to come. "

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't worry, the Emperor Tiange already looks like this anyway. There is no difference between one more Yu Wenfu and one less Yu Wenfu."

Lu Sanjin looked at Chu Xiu with a strange expression. Although his tone was comforting, how could he hear the meaning of a broken pot?

A group of people stayed in the place arranged by the High Heaven Sect for five days. In order not to cause trouble, they did not go out for five days. It was not until five days later that the celebration of the establishment of the High Heaven Sect officially began.

The place where the Jianzong celebration was held was the same as the place where Ling Xiaozong and Huangtian Pavilion participated in the martial arts performance last time, except that there was a circle of seats around the terrace.

This time, at the establishment of the sect, the three martial immortals of the Lingxiao sect have already appeared.

In addition to Qin Baiyuan, the suzerain of the previous generation, and Linghu Xianshan, the 'Fighting God of War' who was responsible for guarding the Lingxiao Gate, and the suzerain of the current generation of the Lingxiao Sect, Fang Yinglong, the 'Jiulong God', finally appeared.

From the outside, Fang Yinglong looked like an elegant middle-aged man, like a teacher. Of course, this should ignore his silver brocade robe embroidered with nine dragons.

Chu Xiu knew about Fang Yinglong's information. This one is definitely a ruthless person. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the number one powerhouse in the Eastern Region.

Ye Weikong's strength is only suspected to have reached the seventh level of Wuxian, while Fang Yinglong is the strongest of the eighth level of Wuxian.

As long as Fang Yinglong is there for one day, High Heaven Sect can guarantee its current status.

As soon as the founding ceremony opened, the forces of the Western Regions, Southern Regions and Northern Regions would send congratulatory gifts even if they were not here.

Sects like Huangtian Pavilion and Hanjiang City that have had some frictions and conflicts with Ling Xiaozong on weekdays should also come to watch the ceremony honestly.

Glancing at Lu Chu Xiu shook his head slightly, the Emperor Tiange is indeed more dangerous now.

The Lingxiao sect has the strength, Qin Baiyuan is old, but Linghu Xianshan and Fang Yinglong are still in their prime, and before the stage of qi and blood decline, they can protect the first generation of the Lingxiao sect until the next generation of heirs is cultivated.

There is a strong person like Ye Weikong in Hanjiang City, and because of its small area, he has a strong style, dares to fight and dares to fight, and his disciples are not weak.

There is only Huangtian Pavilion, and only Chong Qiushui can do it now, not to mention Lu Sanjin and Chu Xiu, the deacons, elders and county guards of the entire Huangtian Pavilion, there are almost no strong people who can do it, relying entirely on The legacy of the past is holding on.

If this continues, once there is a slight accident in the Huangtian Pavilion, it will easily cause the collapse of the entire Huangtian Pavilion.

Chu Xiu was thinking wildly there, and the celebration of the establishment of Lingxiao Sect had already begun.

In fact, there is nothing too new. After so many years, there is a set of procedures.

It is nothing more than Fang Yinglong, as the sect master, stood up and said a few words, worshipped the ancestors, and held a cumbersome worship ceremony.

It was already evening when this set was finished. Lu Jianghe and Lu Sanjin were very hot topics. They pointed Jiangshan there and commented on which dancer looked and looked, but Chu Xiu was not in that mood.

It wasn't until everyone was almost finished that Qin Baiyuan laughed and said: "Today, there are so many talents from various factions, and I have nothing to prepare for, so it's better to stick to the old rules and fight with martial arts.

Regardless of whether you win or lose, all the warriors who participate, I, the High Heaven Sect, have prepared a congratulatory gift to ensure that you will not suffer any losses. "


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