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Chapter 1204: Fang Tian draws a halberd, Fang Tian draws a halberd

Seeing that Qin Baiyuan agreed so easily, Chu Xiu was also taken aback.

After all, the Lingxiao Realm was the place where Dugu and only me were sealed. He thought that Qin Baiyuan would definitely shirk it in every possible way. Even Chu Xiu was ready for the aggressive words, but he did not expect that the other party would agree.

But Chu Xiu thought about it carefully and probably guessed what was going on.

What is the strongest force in this world? It is not the domain supernatural power, nor the law of heaven and earth, but time.

No matter how strong the power is, it will be diluted by time.

The old pavilion master didn't even want to recall that battle because he had seen that battle with his own eyes, and the fear of Dugu and I had always been imprinted in his heart.

But now the entire High Heaven Sect, including the old Sect Master Qin Baiyuan, has never experienced that battle, and since he has never seen it, he can't imagine it, so they still attach great importance to Dugu's only me attitude, but they will not be like the old Pavilion Master. Pay attention to the level of fear.

Lu Sanjin on the side saw that everything had been finalized, he also gritted his teeth and stood up as well.

Lu Sanjin is not such an irresponsible person.

This time, he brought Chu Xiu here. Now that Chu Xiu has stood up, can he still object?

Moreover, this time, these people headed by Hanjiang City are obviously aimed at their Emperor Tiange. They have avoided this time and the next time.

Chu Xiu said to Lu Jianghe and Lu Fengxian, "Then I will deal with the descendants of Sword Sovereign Ling Tian, ​​and you can pick one of the rest."

When everyone present saw that Chu Xiu had such an attitude, they couldn't help shaking their heads.

Is this Chu Xiu really arrogant or fearless? Relying on two nameless people, do you want to challenge Yin Xue Li and Xuanyuan Wushuang?

Lu Jianghe moved his neck and said, "That guy from the Lao Shizi Blood River Sect, just teach me."

Lu Fengxian nodded and said, "The rest is mine."

Xuanyuan Wushuang frowned at this time and said, "Who wants to fight against a nameless person like you? I want to fight Chu Xiu again!"

Chu Xiu glanced at Yu Wenfu and said lightly, "This one is going to fight with me, and that one is going to fight with me too, is it possible that I will still be able to do the avatar technique?

Otherwise, the two of you will fight first, decide the winner and loser, and then do it with me? "

Yu Wenfu and Xuanyuan Wushuang snorted coldly at the same time, they are not idiots, how could they do such stupid things because of competing for their opponents.

Yu Wenfu laughed loudly and said, "Young Master Xuanyuan, don't worry, you have already played against Chu Xiu last time, this time it's my turn, don't worry, I will definitely make him lose this time and make you angry. of."

Yu Wenfu and Xuanyuan Wushuang, one is conceited and the other is arrogant.

On other occasions, Xuanyuan Wushuang would not necessarily let the other party.

But here is Ling Xiaozong, Xuanyuan Wushuang is a member of Ling Xiaozong, why should he save some face for Ling Xiaozong, it is not easy to fight with Yu Wenfu.

Chu Xiu glanced at Lu Sanjin and said, "Are you sure about dealing with Qi Wuhen?"

Lu Sanjin shook his head and said solemnly: "Of course I'm not sure, but if I'm not sure, I want to go up! This time they are targeting my Huangtian Pavilion. Brother Chu, you have already stopped so many people. Of course Qi Wuhen will hand it over to me. Now, this is my own business of the Emperor's Pavilion!"

Strictly speaking, Chu Xiu and the others are not members of Huangtian Pavilion.

But a few outsiders can take on the challenge as Huangtian Pavilion at this time, how could he back down as he walks in the Eastern Region of Huangtian Pavilion?

Xuanyuan Wushuang couldn't bear it at first, he stood up directly holding Fang Tianhuaji, pointed at Lu Fengxian and said, "That kid, don't waste your time, come out first, and finish this game quickly, if you are not here, Chu Xiu. Yu Wenfu's subordinate is injured, you and I will fight again!"

His goal is always Chu Xiu, even if Yu Wenfu wins Chu Xiu, it is not to vent his anger.

Lu Fengxian has a good temper, at least he won't be angry because of Xuanyuan Wushuang's arrogant attitude.

Hearing that, he also left his seat, took out his Fang Tianhua halberd, clasped his fists at Xuanyuan Wushuang and said, "Let's go to Lu..."

"I'm not interested in knowing your name!"

Xuanyuan Wushuang waved his hand directly, interrupting Lu Fengxian's words, and said coldly: "There are so many weak people in this world, if I remember their names one by one, wouldn't I be exhausted? You just need to know one thing, you used to be Xuanyuan Wushuang with me. Hands-on, that's enough.

You are also using Fang Tian Hua Ji? That's even better, today I'll teach you what a real Fangtian Huaji looks like, and who should be the one who really uses Fangtianhuaji! "

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of everyone present twitched.

I have heard for a long time that Xuanyuan Wushuang, the genius disciple of Ling Xiaozong, has a somewhat abnormal personality. Now it seems that this is not normal. It is simply arrogant to the sky.

Although they didn't think that a guy with little fame could beat Xuanyuan Wushuang, Xuanyuan Wushuang's attitude was simply speechless.

However, Lu Fengxian's self-cultivation made everyone watching the battle very favorable.

If it was them, they would probably have started scolding Xuanyuan Wushuang long ago, but Lu Fengxian still had a gentle smile on his face and said, "Really? Then I would like to learn from you."

"But unfortunately, you can't learn a few tricks!"

Xuanyuan Wushuang clenched the Lingxiao Zhen Dragon Halberd tightly in his hand, the golden qi light shot straight into the sky, and the sound of the dragon's roar suddenly came.

The powerful Astral Qi fluctuations almost overflowed the terrace of the martial arts, causing the expressions of everyone present to change.

It is said that Xuanyuan Wushuang's strength is astonishing, and today they have seen it.

What is the difference between this kind of powerful power and the powerhouse in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm? They couldn't help feeling some sympathy for Lu Fengxian.

Before they could sympathize for a long time, the powerful demonic energy around Lu Fengxian's body was already attached to him, and the demonic cloud rose into the sky, even affecting the changes in the sky, instantly covering the entire stand with dark clouds.

Fang Tianhuaji Wushuang exuded an incomparably fierce aura, and even Lu Fengxian's eyes burst into a violent scarlet color.

In terms of momentum alone, Lu Fengxian was actually no less than Xuanyuan Wushuang.

Looking at Lu Fengxian in front of him, Xuanyuan Wushuang raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "I have some skills, no wonder you dare to stand up to challenge me, but unfortunately, it is still useless!"

As Xuanyuan Wushuang's voice fell, he held the Fang Tianhua halberd and smashed it directly, the dazzling golden astral gas turned into nine dragons and coiled behind him, blessing him with the power of this halberd.

In an instant, as if the sky was collapsing, the powerful fluctuation of power even shook the entire space with a huge sonic boom.

The last time he fought against Chu Xiu, Xuanyuan Wushuang was not without any progress.

The only thing he has learned is that the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, even if he underestimates a person, he cannot underestimate the enemy!

So this time, he also used all his strength.

The golden body of Jiuxiao Refining Demon has been pushed to the extreme by Lu Fengxian, and there is even a faint shadow of a huge demon **** appearing behind him.

Divine Soldier Wushuang fell against Xuanyuan Wushuang's Lingxiao Town Dragon Halberd. The two square-shaped halberds collided. The golden astral energy and the pitch-black magic energy burst out suddenly. The qi storm began to spread out.

On the high platform of the martial arts field, the surrounding formations have been activated in an instant, digesting the huge power fluctuations generated by the two fights.

The explosion of the roar kept coming, and the moment Xuanyuan Wushuang was banging against each other, his complexion changed.

Power, mighty power!

The power that erupted from Lu Fengxian's body was too strong, so strong that even he couldn't bear it.

And that is not the power of Gang Qi, but the purest power of the flesh, which is simply incomprehensible!

At this time, Lu Fengxian's exposed skin was even coated with a layer of black and red magic patterns, which is a kind of beauty of Jiuxiao's alchemy golden body to the extreme.

For a period of time, because Chu Xiu often fought with others, his understanding of this practice was actually higher than that of Lu Fengxian.

But now it seems that Lu Fengxian, who specializes in such a practice, has already surpassed Chu Xiu in this regard.

Xuanyuan Wushuang could no longer bear this powerful physical strength, so he had to choose to withdraw.

But the next moment, Wushuang in Lu Fengxian's hands followed closely behind, smashing directly over, the violent momentum was like a turbulent agitation, and the surrounding qi instantly condensed into a storm.

The Demon God's Wushuang halberd was unleashed, and the halberd method was so majestic to the There was also a violent fighting spirit mixed in it.

The halberd smashed down one after another, and each blow was the ultimate strength. This halberd technique was originally a manifestation of the extreme strength of the body.

No need to waste time to mobilize infuriating energy, no need to think about any way to deal with martial arts, it is simply incomparable power to bang, and keep hitting until the opponent is completely useless.

At this time, Xuanyuan Wushuang felt this way.

He just chose to take a step back, and as a result, he fell into the opponent's series of violent attacks. He had never even seen such a style of play before, and was directly overwhelmed by a series of attacks.

"Get out of here!"

Xuanyuan Wushuang roared angrily, and the nine dragons above the dragon and halberd in Lingxiao Town united, and the power exploded to the extreme.

But once Lu Fengxian entered this state, the violent fighting spirit and even his own will would be affected.

The magic marks on his body became more dazzling and red, which made Chu Xiu's complexion change. Lu Fengxian wouldn't use that trick, would he?

Fortunately, Lu Fengxian was still somewhat rational. Before the magic marks on his body had exploded to the extreme, his halberd had already fallen.

Qin Baiyuan's expression changed, and he reached out to intercept it, but it was too late.

The speed at which this pure physical power broke out was too fast, to the point where he could not intercept even a powerhouse in the Martial Immortal Realm.

The powerful force was condensed on Wushuang, the ultimate physical strength exploded in an instant, Lingxiao Zhen Longji was directly swept away, the crescent blade on the halberd was completely cracked, Xuanyuan Wushuang was even more so by Lu Fengxian. One hit and flew out of the martial arts field, collided with the formation, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


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