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Chapter 1207: Lu 3 gold's hole card

This Yu Wenfu's strength is actually quite good in Chu Xiu's view, but it's just not bad.

Not long after he stepped into the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, his strength accumulation is not very deep. Although his martial arts of Lingtian Jianzun is indeed extraordinary, he does not seem to have much experience in fighting with others. Now, there is more than sharpness, but not enough murderousness.

To defeat such an opponent, Chu Xiu said that he was too conceited to be 100% sure, and 90% to 90%.

So in the end, Chu Xiu didn't even use his supernatural powers, Yu Wenfu was already defeated by Chu Xiu, and it could almost be said to be crushed.

There was a hint of fear in Qi Wuhen's eyes.

When he first fought against Chu Xiu, he felt that Chu Xiu was a great threat, and even in his opinion, it was bigger than the entire Huangtian Pavilion.

At that time, he tried his best to persuade Ye Weikong to attack Chu Xiu, but he was forced back by the 'Gu Zun' behind him.

Now it seems that his worries are not wrong. This Chu Xiu's growth rate is simply too fast. Although he did not use all his strength, Qi Wuhen still feels that the current Chu Xiu is better than when he fought against him in the past. Chu Xiu, stronger!

Chu Xiu went down, patted Lu Sanjin on the shoulder and said, "Whether I can enter the Lingxiao realm to cultivate, it depends on you."

In fact, Chu Xiu still trusts Lu Sanjin very much. He trusts him as well as the vision of the old pavilion master.

Lu Sanjin has always felt a little unreliable, feeling that this person is a bit glib.

But in fact, Lu Sanjin can walk in the Eastern Territory for so many years, and even let Xie Yingzong, an old-fashioned expert in the realm of Heaven, Earth, and Profound Realm, treat him politely. How could he be the same generation? At least for so long, Chu Xiu had never seen Lu Sanjin use his full strength.

Lu Sanjin's personality is very similar to Fang Qishao, but the difference is that Fang Qishao is really funny, and that's what his personality is.

Lu Sanjin, on the other hand, is not serious. In fact, he has more things on his shoulders than anyone else. Maybe he can only cover it up with such a hippie and smiling attitude.

Lu Sanjin nodded solemnly.

Brother Chu has helped them enough in Huangtian Pavilion. He has already won three games. If he loses even this last one, causing Chu Xiu to lose the qualification to enter the Lingxiao realm to cultivate, he himself feels sorry for Chu Xiu. .

And not counting Chu Xiu, this battle is also related to the face of the two factions of Huangtian Pavilion and Hanjiang City.

Qi Wuhen is the heir of Hanjiang City, and has long been a famous character in the Eastern Region.

And Lu Sanjin is also the heir of Huangtian Pavilion. Although he is less famous than Qi Wuhen when walking in the Eastern Region, he is also a person.

So in this battle, the loser loses the face of the entire sect!

Strictly speaking, Qi Wuhen was older than Lu Sanjin, and it was normal for his cultivation to be stronger, but most people in Jianghu would not think about you fairly.

At this time, Yin Lingzi, who was sitting beside Lu Sanjin, said suddenly, "Brother Lu, don't be too obsessive about some things."

Yin Lingzi is a member of Lingbaoguan, so he is not good at interfering in the disputes between the two factions, so he just watched the battle and never spoke.

At this time, he felt that Lu Sanjin had a life-threatening suffocation, and he seemed to have guessed Lu Sanjin's thoughts, and couldn't help persuading him.

Lu Sanjin shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Thank you, Brother Yinlingzi, but there are some things that I can't help but be obsessed with."

As Lu Sanjin's voice fell, he went straight out and stood on the martial arts field.

A look of surprise appeared in Qi Wuhen's eyes: "Lu Sanjin, I didn't expect you to dare to stand up today, you should know that you have no chance of winning a battle with me, the gap between a big realm, Not so good to make up for."

As a walking in the Eastern Region of Emperor Tiange, Qi Wuhen naturally knew that Lu Sanjin was very strong, but no matter how strong he was, he would still be able to rival the ordinary martial artist in the Heaven, Earth, and Profound Realm, and his Qi Wuhen was unusual!

Lu Sanjin said lightly: "No chance of winning doesn't mean I don't dare to fight!

It's like you came to Hanjiang City aggressively, don't you want to go back without success?

If you want to destroy my Emperor Tiange, Ye Weikong can't do it, neither can your generation! "

"You are quite confident."

There was a murderous intent in Qi Wuhen's eyes, it was the real murderous intent.

This is the celebration of the founding of Lingxiao Sect. Martial arts gambling is a traditional tradition. Everyone resolves some conflicts and at the same time shows the strength of their respective sects. Therefore, even if there are uncontrollable accidental injuries, they have never killed people.

And now that Hanjiang City has already torn apart its face with the Emperor Tiange, there is no need to worry so much. Qi Wuhen really wanted to kill Lu Sanjin.

The Huangtian Pavilion itself is already rotten. If the next heir dies here, then the Huangtian Pavilion is really hopeless.

Even if he is angry with Ling Xiaozong, as long as he can kill Lu Sanjin, it is still worth it. Anyway, the relationship between his Hanjiang City and Ling Xiaozong is not too good.

Qi Wuhen was still thinking about whether it was worth killing Lu Sanjin, but Lu Sanjin had already taken the shot.

He flicked his sleeves, and the four small swords slashed towards Qi Wuhen. The two small swords carried the power of yin and yang, and the two small swords carried the power of heaven and earth.

The combination of the four attributes is like a sword formation. A large formation is set up under the entire martial arts field. Between the small swords tumbling, the powerful aura slashes towards Qi Wuhen with a sword gang storm.

"Four-pole sword formation? Is that enough ability? Yin-yang world is infinitely close to the power of the source of rules, but unfortunately, it is still not enough! Your own power is not enough!"

Qi Wuhen opened the domain directly, and the wind and snow fell in an instant.

Every ray of the storm was stained with a layer of edge, which instantly swept the entire martial arts field.

There was a sound of gold and iron groaning, and Lu Sanjin felt that the power on his four small swords was getting weaker and weaker, and his complexion suddenly changed.

Before he could react, a huge frost dragon suddenly emerged from the boundless storm.

Qi Wuheng held the dragon's tail in his hand, and the dragon's body was straight, stabbing at Lu Sanjin like a big spear!

Lu Sanjin wanted to dodge, but the next moment, a chill filled his body, and he actually found that his whole body's qi and blood seemed to be frozen and stagnant, making him unable to move any further.

With a loud shout, Lu Sanjin's whole body shone with golden aura, and he squeezed the seal in his hand.

The big seal covered the sky, but at this time it was used to resist Qi Wuhen's Frost Dragon Spear.

There was a loud bang, the Emperor Tianbao seal shattered, and Lu Sanjin was directly blown away by the gun, and he couldn't help but have blood flowing out of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help shaking their heads.

The difference in strength is too great.

In the previous battles, Lu Fengxian fought against Xuanyuan Wushuang. Although his strength is not as good as Xuanyuan Wushuang, his physical strength is extremely amazing, which is enough to make up for his weakness in qi strength.

As for Lu Jianghe's battle with Yin and Blood, the opponent was just entering the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm for the first time, and his strength was not much stronger than that of Lu Jianghe, and his skills were completely restrained, so it was normal for him to lose.

As for Chu Xiu, he is not a normal person, and his strength is even stronger than Yu Wenfu, who has reached the realm of heaven and earth.

Now it has been replaced by Lu Sanjin. He is walking in the Eastern Region and the future heir of Emperor Tiange. Although his own strength is not bad, he is far worse than Qi Wuhen in terms of strength. pressure situation.

At this time, Qi Wuhen hit Lu Sanjin with a single shot. He waved his hand directly, and the endless ice storm in the field completely entangled the four small swords. Layers of ice appeared and smashed Lu Sanjin with a punch!

Another loud noise came, and Lu Sanjin was directly blown away.

The next step is basically a series of hanging beatings. In the face of absolute power, Lu Sanjin has no power to fight back.

Lu Jianghe shook his head and said, "Tsk tsk, it's too miserable, this kid is a little empty, so I can't stand it anymore."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't worry, it's still early, how could the successor of a top sect like Huangtian Pavilion not have any trump cards?"

At this time, Qi Wuhen's eyes had even revealed a murderous intent. He was considering whether would kill Lu Sanjin in public on this occasion.

But at this moment, an extremely powerful force emerged from the body of Lu Sanjin, who had been pressing and beating him all the time, and even dyed his eyes golden.

When Qi Wuhen felt something was wrong, Lu Sanjin's whole body had already swelled up in a circle, tearing the wide brocade robe on his body, revealing a part of the skin covered with golden yellow magic lines.

The divine light in Lu Sanjin's eyes flashed, and instantly penetrated into Qi Wuhen's mind, causing him to cry out in pain.

It was a pure damage to the primordial spirit, and Qi Wuhen didn't even have time to defend against it, and he didn't know that Lu Sanjin could even know the primordial mystery method.

At this time, Lu Sanjin rushed up directly, hugged Qi Wuhen, and slammed him down with punches. The powerful force was like a demon, causing the entire martial arts field to make a loud noise.

Qi Wuhen wanted to break free, but he was horrified to find that the golden-yellow magic lines on Lu Sanjin's body actually forbade his whole body.

And that thing was extremely hot, as if it was a brand, and it had to be branded from Lu Sanjin's body to him!

Under Qi Wuhen's astonishment, a blood mist appeared all over his body, and a part of the power of qi and blood erupted, and he broke free from Lu Sanjin's 'embracing'.

But the next moment, Lu Sanjin's magic pattern all over his body shone brightly to the extreme, and he punched Qi Wuhen directly out of the martial arts field, smashing the formation.

There was a hint of surprise in Yin Lingzi's eyes, and he murmured: "The Emperor's Treasure Body! Brother Lu is majoring in the Emperor's Treasure Body! He is really... bold!"


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