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Chapter 1210: Chuxiu's future

Heavenly Soul, or rather the voice of the great devil Dugu resounded in Chu Xiu's mind, causing his thoughts to fly for a while.

He is Chu Xiu, he was not Dugu but me in the past, and he will not be Dugu and me in the future!

It's just different from Tianhun's thought of repaying cause and effect, Chu Xiu is much more 'ruthless'.

He doesn't care who created his existence. He is Chu Xiu, and he is himself. In his mind, there is no memory of Dugu only me.

After Tianhun finished venting, Chu Xiu asked in a deep voice, "So now, what are you going to do?

For five hundred years, you have always known all this, but I only now know the truth, the plan, you should have it, right? "

Tianhun squinted his eyes and said: "Of course, you and I are differentiated from Dugu Yume. In fact, in a sense, although we have all given birth to our own consciousness and have our own personalities, In some respects, however, they are very similar.

I like to make a move, presumably you, should be the same, right? "

Chu Xiu nodded, in fact, the expression of Tianhun now is exactly the same as when he was about to count people.

It's just that after being in contact for such a short time, Chu Xiu can almost see what kind of character the soul of this day is.

If Chu Xiu's character is gloomy and calm, and he is rarely dominated by his own strange emotions, the soul of that day is wild and domineering, and he is full of personality, and some can't control his emotions.

He has been trapped for five hundred years, and he is still emotional when he mentions this matter, and although Chu Xiu has just learned the truth of the matter, although he is still emotional, he can control his emotions, at least he can do Don't let massive emotions come out.

What kind of person is Dugu only my true body, which is his life and soul?

Chu Xiu couldn't help but think of the figure sitting on the throne of white bones, stepping on countless evil spirits and ghosts in the sea of ​​blood, powerful! Incredibly powerful!

The only words that Chu Xiu could think of were even these poor words.

At this time, Tianhun said solemnly: "The three souls are separated, to be precise, in Dugu Wei's opinion, you and I should be betrayers, so when the time comes, when he breaks free from Huang Quantian, he will definitely come to us. Fusion.

Of course for him it was fusion, for us it was devouring.

He will leave all our memories, but his own consciousness will be completely obliterated.

So before he comes, we have to grow up enough to fight him!

By the way, you are in the lower realm, have you ever obtained the source of magic? "

Chu Xiu had a faint conjecture in his heart, but he still shook his head and said, "No, if you don't say it, I don't even know the existence of this kind of thing."

Tianhun nodded and said: "That's fine, as long as the source of the magic way is not obtained, Dugu and I will not touch you for the time being."

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "So now, are you going to let me let you go?"

Tianhun suddenly smiled and said: "I said, although you and I have each given birth to consciousness now, we are two people, but after all, you and I were of the same origin in the past, and in some ideas, they are still very consistent.

I can feel that you're still on guard against me, but it doesn't matter, it's normal.

If you don't even have this vigilance, even if there are those arrangements that Dugu Wei left for you to make your strength grow by leaps and bounds, you will not be able to live now, and you will not be able to come to Da Luotian.

Now you don't have to help me with anything, and you can't help me.

See those bronze pillars around me? It was built by gathering the power of nine top sects in the world, including Lingxiao Sect, Huangtian Pavilion, Xuantianjing, Sanqingdian, Tianluobaosha, Sanskrit, and Tianjianzong.

Moreover, five hundred years ago, the major factions used almost everything at the bottom of their press boxes as the energy for the formation to support its operation. Even after five hundred years, the formation did not fail in the slightest, and was still in its peak state. , and even its reserves of power can last another thousand years.

With your current strength, you can't break the formation at all, and you can't save me, even if it's a Martial Immortal below the seventh heaven, it's useless. "

Hearing Tianhun say this, Chu Xiu couldn't help but be speechless.

How many people did Dugu Wei and I kill five hundred years ago, so that Da Luotian's gang of warriors became so jealous that he could not wait to use the entire Da Luotian's power to ban him.

In fact, Dugu Yu's choice was not wrong. If he didn't choose to retire temporarily and use the soul as a bait to attract the attention of everyone in Daluotian, then Daluotian would probably use the power of a world to deal with him in the follow-up.

Dugu Soleil is an existence that surpasses the Nine Levels of Martial Immortals, but he is not yet a true **** and cannot fight the entire world by himself.

Tianhun continued: "So now you don't have to worry about me at all, if you and I want not to be swallowed by Dugu only me, the key point is actually in you.

Among the three souls of Heaven and Earth, the one where Dugu Yui’s true consciousness resides must be the strongest.

Five hundred years have passed, he is estimated to have repaired his body long ago, and won the origin of Huang Quantian's magic way, and also borrowed the power of Huang Quantian's entire world to cultivate, his strength even surpassed the battle against Da Luo Tianzhong five hundred years ago. The state of the strong.

Without you and me, the heavenly soul and the earthly soul, Dugu and I just lost a soul-splitting technique. In addition, he is not complete, so it will affect his detachment. In addition, for his strength Will not have the slightest impact.

And I, as you have seen, was banned here, I am a waste!

Moreover, even if I go out, repair my body, and cultivate to the peak again, at most I can only be at the level of Dugu only me five hundred years ago, and I will fail miserably in his hands.

And you, Earth Soul Chuxiu, you are different.

In the past, Dugu was the only one who did not find the origin of the magic way in the lower realm. He believed that it was a relationship of cause and effect, and karma was doomed that he could not get the origin of the magic way.

So he puts your spirit into the reincarnation of time and space, washes away the imprint of Dugu and only me, lets you grow, and lets you come to the source of magic.

In this way, you are the one who is least affected by Dugu and I. You are more like a brand new existence than me, and you have a more infinite future than me! "

Tianhun stared at Chu Xiu and said: "I have more than you, but Dugu only has my memory, and these memories are enough for me to help you grow faster and cross those bottlenecks more smoothly.

The rest is up to you. When you grow up to be comparable to Dugu and I, and walk out of a path completely different from him, you will let me out, and then you and I will kill Dugu and me together. !

Only when he is dead, you and I are truly independent existences, don't worry, when will they be swallowed up! "

Chu Xiu nodded, Tianhun really knew him very well, and he really couldn't let him release Tianhun now.

Chu Xiu has never trusted anyone, and he likes to bring everything under his control.

Now he feels that he can't control the heavenly soul, so he is unwilling to release it.

If he grows to the point where he can control everything in the future, then he will release the heavenly soul.

"But how do I contact you?

I belonged to another faction in Da Luotian, not the High Heaven Sect.

Therefore, I can only enter the Lingxiao Realm once, otherwise, except for me to directly destroy the Lingxiao Sect, otherwise, I have almost no chance to enter again. "

Tianhun said: "It's simple, although this formation has completely banned my physical strength, and even my primordial spirit has certain restrictions, but over the years, my primordial spirit has increased a bit, so I can communicate with the outside world through the secret method. ."

Saying that, Tianhun directly used Yuanshen Jinmang to conjure up a set of seals in the back of his head.

"Remember these seals, I need to find my time, and I can perceive them with the purest power of the primordial spirit.

But you have to pay attention to the time. This kind of seal method of communication between the primordial spirit consumes the power of the primordial spirit. "

After thoroughly remembering this set of seals, Chu Xiu said: "I can stay in the Lingxiao realm for seven days, and it happens that I am stuck in a bottleneck right now.

I myself have actually stepped into the realm of heaven and earth, but I have never been able to condense the realm, so I can't really step into the realm of heaven and earth perfectly. "

Since Tianhun has already said that the two sides are cooperating, then Chu Xiu doesn't need to be polite to Tianhun has all the memories of Dugu only me five hundred years ago, so his accomplishments above martial arts, It must be far more than Chu Xiu.

Therefore, this problem that has troubled Chu Xiu for a long time may not be difficult in the eyes of Tianhun.

"This is simple, you first talk about your own martial arts.

Although my primordial spirit can vaguely sense a lot of things in you, I can't feel the specific martial arts, etc. "

After Chu Xiu finished telling Tianhun about his martial arts, Tianhun pondered for a while and said: "It seems that you have used a lot of the arrangements left by me in the lower realm, but you still come out with one. different way.

What is the field? The realm is the first-level world that you build after you control the rules.

Someone has the ultimate understanding of fire, so his domain is fire.

Someone has reached the extreme for the field of ice, so his field is ice.

But you are different, you don't have to consider those mundane fields, you have learned a lot, but all kinds of martial arts have gathered to the extreme, nothing more than one point, fighting and killing!

Don't think about which power you choose, any power is yours.

In the realm, in the sky and the ground, I am the only one! This is where you should be in control! "

As the voice of Tianhun fell, his primordial spirit turned into a golden glow, showing various rule changes in mid-air.

This most intuitive thing is more useful than any guidance and words. No wonder Tianhun said that he can help Chu Xiu overcome these bottlenecks.

Chu Xiu sat cross-legged on the ground, all kinds of forces in his body began to merge, and the rich heaven and earth vitality in Lingxiao poured into Chu Xiu's body crazily, causing his power and momentum to skyrocket in an instant!


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