Meet The Leader

Chapter 1213: Raid

PS: Thanks to the leader for passing by and thank you for the reward of 50,000 starting coins.

After coming out of Ling Xiaozong, Xin Jialuo's originally masculine complexion was already gloomy at this time.

He was sure that Chu Xiu, there was definitely a problem!

Linghu Xianshan said that Chu Xiu learned the magic tricks of Mahalihe, which may have been passed on to him by Mahathir, which is absolutely impossible.

The practice of Sanskrit can never be spread out, and Maha's illusions have his extremely strong personal characteristics, and even other disciples of the Temple of Confusion have not learned it. In Maha's words, his core Illusions are only passed on to the disciples who he thinks are qualified to be his descendants.

And an outsider, no matter how good his talent is, is impossible to learn Maha's illusion.

Although Linghu Immortal Mountain is not sure, the illusion used by Chu Xiu belongs to Maha Liha, but according to him, there are 80% similarities.

But don't say 80%, even if it's only half, Xin Jialuo will come to check.

As for the identity of the other party's Emperor Tiange County Governor, Xin Jialuo has no scruples.

Although they are both the top factions of Da Luotian, the strength gap between the two sides is not that big.

With the strength of the Sanskrit religion, any temple can be sent to destroy the Huangtian Pavilion. Even if the Huangtian Pavilion is at its peak, they would not dare to challenge the Sanskrit religion.


At night, in the retreat room of Cangwu County, Chu Xiu was enveloped in a hazy mist. His breath followed his breathing, with a strange sense of rhythm, and his strength was growing rapidly.

Tianhun has all the memories of Dugu and I, and naturally he also has martial arts insights about him.

Although these martial arts insights were only 500 years ago, the Dugu Weiyi 500 years ago was already strong enough.

In addition, many of Chu Xiu's exercises are also related to Dugu Yume, so some of the cultivation methods taught by Tianhun can be inherited almost perfectly by Chu Xiu.

However, Tianhun also warned Chu Xiu that he can use the exercises belonging to Dugu and I, and he can even use them with confidence, but he cannot use them all.

Because the road he wants to walk out must be different from Dugu and I, so that it is possible to overcome Dugu and I.

Otherwise, if Chu Xiu is just following the old road of Dugu and I, even if he cultivates to the level of Dugu and I 500 years ago, and then releases his Heavenly Soul, it will only be two 'old antiques' from 500 years ago.

And what they have to face is that they have been recharged for five hundred years in Huangquantian, and they have won the origin of Huangquan Tianmodao. Only my old way, he and Tianhun are almost certain to lose.

Just when all of Chu Xiu's energy was cultivating, a golden light suddenly bloomed from the periphery of the county governor's mansion.

Chu Xiu's eyes suddenly opened, and someone broke into the county governor's mansion! And it has already broken into the interior!

The previous county governor had a formation, but it was only a county governor, so naturally he would not put a good formation.

So Chu Xiu asked Master Yuan Ji to set up a formation inherited from the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable in the innermost perimeter of the county governor's mansion when he was taking a break from his busy schedule.

At this time, as long as this formation responds, it proves that the opponent has broken through several formations silently, and it is not until he encounters this formation inherited from the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable that he completely stops the opponent. .

Chu Xiu's figure moved, and he directly broke the door of the closed room and appeared outside the county governor's house.

At this time, on the east side of the county governor's mansion, in mid-air, Xin Jialuo stood in the air, looking at the formation that lit up in front of him, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

To know that with his strength, he didn't pay attention to the formation of a county governor's mansion.

Who would have thought that there was such a sensitive formation in this county governor's mansion, and it was activated when he was just about to break the formation.

Chu Xiu frowned as he looked at the slightly strange monk in front of him.

Now that he has stepped into the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, he can naturally feel the strength of the opponent.

Strong, strong!

This level of power, Chu Xiu has only felt it in a warrior of the same level, that is Ye Shaonan.

The other party, I am afraid, is only one step away from Wuxian.

"Who are you to dare to trespass on the county governor's mansion in Cangwu County, Huangtian Pavilion?"

Singara didn't answer Chu Xiu, he just said coldly: "Where is Maha?"

The expression on Chu Xiu's face remained unchanged, but his heart tightened.

The other party is here for Maha!

In fact, Chu Xiu had already expected this day.

As a strong man in the realm of heaven and earth, and the palace lord of the Palace of Confusion, Mahathir has disappeared, and it is impossible for the Brahma religion to not respond at all.

And the Sanskrit religion has only come to the door now, and it is already too late.

The expression on Chu Xiu's face did not change in the slightest. He just snorted coldly: "What is Maha? I don't know who he is. Who are you?"

At the beginning, only Xu Fengshan and others saw Chu Xiu kill Ma Lihe, but now, although they are not Chu Xiu's confidants, they dare not challenge Chu Xiu, and they are not very talkative people, so for this matter, Outsiders are unaware.

Although Chu Xiu didn't know why Singara was able to come to the door, Chu Xiu was sure that the other party should not know that Ma Liha was dead, or even that Ma Liha had a battle with him.

Otherwise, the other party would not have asked where Chuxiu Mariha was, but would have killed him when he came up.

Sinhala said coldly, "I still don't admit it? You belong to my Sanskrit religion and belong to Maha's illusion. Where did it come from?"

The loophole is here!

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly, but he still refused to admit it: "You are from the Sanskrit religion? It's ridiculous! Why is the illusion technique all from your Sanskrit family?

As a descendant of Gu Zun, the exercises of my lineage are collected and researched by the ancestors of the past dynasties. Is it strange that I can do illusions?

Sanskrit monk, this is not your Western Region, but the Eastern Region, the Emperor's Pavilion, you have now crossed the border! "

Xin Jialuo sneered: "Take your master and the Emperor's Pavilion to press me?

The Ancient Venerable of the Martial Immortal Realm is indeed difficult to deal with, but no matter how tough he is, there is only one person. My Brahma Church is afraid of a Martial Immortal?

As for the Emperor's Pavilion, they are already half-dead, and you still use him to press me, it's ridiculous!

Since you don't want to admit it, then go back to Sanskrit with me and spit out everything you know! "

As the voice of Xin Jialuo fell, he grabbed Chu Xiu directly, and the golden qi condensed into a giant hand that covered the sky and the sun. At this moment, the entire county governor was alarmed.

This light is not ordinary Buddha light. At that moment, it was obviously night, but they seemed to see... the sun!

Chu Xiu didn't expect that the other party would take action when he said it. He was not arrogant, but confident, extremely confident.

Just like what he said, Huangtian Pavilion and an ancient Zun, he really did not pay attention.

Right now, Singara was just about to take over the position of the master of the Vishnu Temple, and he did not allow any mistakes in the tasks in his hands.

Even if Chu Xiuzhen has nothing to do with Maha, it will only be known after interrogation!

The giant hand with the power of the sun grabbed it towards Chu Xiu, and the next moment, a misty field spread out from Chu Xiu's body, shrouding the giant hand in it.

Seeing that Chu Xiu used the domain, Xin Jialuo couldn't help showing a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

At first glance, Chu Xiu is the kind of warrior who has just stepped into the realm of heaven and earth.

The old-fashioned Tianditongxuan realm martial artist has rich combat experience, but in fact, he has rarely used the field.

It's not that the domain is not strong enough, but that you have a domain and I have a domain when facing the same level of warriors. Both sides have an extremely understanding of the domain, and it is too easy to crack it.

But the next moment, Xin Jialuo's complexion suddenly changed.

I saw that in Chu Xiu's domain, everything was distorted.

That is not a distortion in space, but a distortion in the rules of heaven and earth.

The yin and yang are disordered, the five elements are reversed, and any power is distorted and differentiated in it, and then swallowed up. The only normal one is Chu Xiu, who is in the center of the domain.

Singara's power is indeed terrifying. The scorching giant held on to the realm for three breaths of time, until it was about to approach Chu Xiu's body, and it was completely distorted and annihilated~www.wuxiaspot. com~ what field is this? "

Although Xin Jialuo looks young, he is actually about the same age as Linghu Xianshan.

After so many years in Da Luotian, he has never seen such a strange field.

"The realm that can kill you!"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the broken moment in his hand was cut out, and the piercing edge cut across the sky, directly illuminating the entire county governor's mansion.

A Sanskrit rune appeared in front of Singara, and he easily blocked Chu Xiu's knife.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "What a sharp knife! But unfortunately..."

Before he finished speaking, Shang Tianliang had already punched out behind him, and the power of Kurong distorted the time of the four seasons, allowing the power to dissipate in the passage of time.

He actually heard such a big movement outside, but he was just preparing to attack at some time.

But unfortunately, Xin Jialuo's strength is very strong, even if Shang Tianliang was a sneak attack, he could not succeed.

The endless scorching sun behind him bloomed, making all offensives invisible, and the scorching power directly blasted Shang Tianliang out.

"Can affect time? What a strange power!"

Before Xin Jialuo could sigh, a pillar of fire shot up from the depths of the county governor's mansion and fell directly towards Xin Jialuo!

With a loud bang, the scorching sun flames around Xingaro's body were instantly suppressed to annihilation.

It was the real fire of heaven and earth, and Singara's sun flames were not really drawn from the sun.

He was directly swept away by the huge pillar of fire, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.


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